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Why are "refugees" still having children?

I just had an intersting few minutes trying to find the source of your 3rd picture there. Seems no one has it apart from some weird winger sites. That's odd. I wonder why.

I looked at all the varieties of the images that appear to be from the same event. It looks like about 12-15 people.
Like the size of a Westboro Baptist Church protest.

Think of them as the Nielsen Family! There may only be 15 but they represent MILLIONS hiding in your closet.

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NOOOOOOOO!!!! Society is collapsing!
Much cheaper than what they had to pay the coyotees smugglers in the first place. And there are drugstores in Greece. But even if they do not have any of their own money left, there are plenty of activists who are there that could distribute condoms for free.

Are there?

Not necessarily. You can have sex not intending to have kids and still have kids result.

Then you are stupid. Especially if it happens five times and you still don't grok the connection.

Not stupid, just desperate during times of extreme stress and upheaval for small bits (phrasing!) of human connection.

Is that the case with this couple?
Well it's their 5th. Their fourth is only a year old.

So what? You haven't demonstrated that they were trying to have another child or that she even got pregnant while in the refugee camp.

Actually I'm just not accepting your presupposition that their behavior was irresponsible.
How is it not irresponsible?

I'm not doing your homework for you.

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Ugh, finally.
I already said what the difference is. Having 5+ children in a overcrowded situation is very different than having any children when most of humanity has been wiped out.

You are assigning arbitrary values to people and things and using that as a basis of comparison. I already asked you some questions in regard to that, but you're just repeating yourself without any kind of real analysis.

Derec said:
Make no mistake about it, Islamists want to make Europe islamic.

That's a bit tautological but ignores the questions I had asked about subjective value and adds more assumptions.
They could use condoms. Those people also have access to medical care, and thus access to other contraceptives.
Not necessarily. And they could not be refugees or they could die.
Of course, having as many children as possible is the weapon in the demographic war against the West.
This OP is evidence that it is working by making the US population more hysterical.
Sad to say, I have to side with Derec.

Refugees shouldn't be having kids.

They can still have sex, but no entry in the front door please.

Why? Because you're a fucking refugee. You never know when you might have to suddenly move, fast. Either on foot or in a boat. Not the best time to be dragging along an infant or being 9 months preggers.

You have poor food, poor healthcare, poor prospects. The last thing you need is another mouth to feed and to put yourself in a position where you will eventually NEED medical attention.

Doesn't matter if it's 9 months or 5 years. Short-sightedness is short-sightedness.


People are stupid.

Some men of some cultures consider any idea that they should modify or restrict to their sex acts is unthinkable. Their women seldom have a choice in the matter.
Sad to say, I have to side with Derec.

Refugees shouldn't be having kids.

They can still have sex, but no entry in the front door please.

Why? Because you're a fucking refugee. You never know when you might have to suddenly move, fast. Either on foot or in a boat. Not the best time to be dragging along an infant or being 9 months preggers.

You have poor food, poor healthcare, poor prospects. The last thing you need is another mouth to feed and to put yourself in a position where you will eventually NEED medical attention.

Doesn't matter if it's 9 months or 5 years. Short-sightedness is short-sightedness.


People are stupid.

Some men of some cultures consider any idea that they should modify or restrict to their sex acts is unthinkable. Their women seldom have a choice in the matter.
Has it occurred to you that perhaps life is safer and better for these refugees now then when they were home? More importantly, in the real world, we deal with what people do, not what they should or shouldn't have done.
Sad to say, I have to side with Derec.

Refugees shouldn't be having kids.

They can still have sex, but no entry in the front door please.

Why? Because you're a fucking refugee. You never know when you might have to suddenly move, fast. Either on foot or in a boat. Not the best time to be dragging along an infant or being 9 months preggers.

You have poor food, poor healthcare, poor prospects. The last thing you need is another mouth to feed and to put yourself in a position where you will eventually NEED medical attention.

Doesn't matter if it's 9 months or 5 years. Short-sightedness is short-sightedness.


People are stupid.

Some men of some cultures consider any idea that they should modify or restrict to their sex acts is unthinkable. Their women seldom have a choice in the matter.
Has it occurred to you that perhaps life is safer and better for these refugees now then when they were home? More importantly, in the real world, we deal with what people do, not what they should or shouldn't have done.

I'm safer in a lifeboat than a sinking ship to be sure, but I'm not about to put down roots in one.

Yes, we deal with stupid people and the stupid decisions they make every day. It's a shame when they're the ones who cause themselves the problems they then need help with.
Sad to say, I have to side with Derec.

Refugees shouldn't be having kids.

They can still have sex, but no entry in the front door please.

Why? Because you're a fucking refugee. You never know when you might have to suddenly move, fast. Either on foot or in a boat. Not the best time to be dragging along an infant or being 9 months preggers.

You have poor food, poor healthcare, poor prospects. The last thing you need is another mouth to feed and to put yourself in a position where you will eventually NEED medical attention.

Doesn't matter if it's 9 months or 5 years. Short-sightedness is short-sightedness.


People are stupid.

Some men of some cultures consider any idea that they should modify or restrict to their sex acts is unthinkable. Their women seldom have a choice in the matter.


Think about the situation you are bringing a kid into.
Everything is relative and what we safe Americans may perceive as a lifeboat or a sinking ship someone else may perceive as their best place in their lifetime. Things get normalized. Not trying to Godwin the thread but after Jews left concentration camps and they had gone off to Israel while at war, they weren't "safe" but were safer. They'd think it was pretty safe and they were having kids. I'd like to hear some pro-Israel people like Loren and Derec say they shouldn't have been having kids. The threshold of safe to not safe enough for kids is a bit arbitrary and I do think Jews could have had kids in post-WWII Israel myself.
Has it occurred to you that perhaps life is safer and better for these refugees now then when they were home? More importantly, in the real world, we deal with what people do, not what they should or shouldn't have done.

I'm safer in a lifeboat than a sinking ship to be sure, but I'm not about to put down roots in one.
And this is relevant because having children is the same as putting down roots?
This has been observed by sociologists for almost a century. In situations where social norms break down there's a bunch of transgressive behaviours that starts to emerge. People become less trustworthy. People who have been friends for decades start stabbing each other in the back. All crime goes up. People have more sex. Not just with partners. Infidelity goes up. People have more babies. It suddenly becomes a hell of a lot urgent for women to have babies. These types of behaviours are standard for any nation at war. In the years immediately following WW1 and WW2 all participating countries had a lot more babies than they usually would have. It's interesting. What that teaches us is that we don't have as much conscious decision of these things as we'd like to think we do. I don't think it's so much that refugees lack self control. They're just doing what humans do in their situation. And we're doing what humans do in our situation. People who feel safe have a lot fewer babies. Which is counter-intuitive. But the numbers add upp.
And why is the solution to import all those people into Europe?

As soon as things stabilise around them and they feel safe again the behaviours go away. So they're no more unsafe to take in than any other person. These aren't permanent traits. They're traits that appear in people under tremendous stress who live in very insecure surroundings.
How have "Western Nations" caused genocide? Most of the outside military involvement has come from Russia.

Your statement is correct as these are people having hard times and now being condemned for being poor and homeless.
They are being condemned because they do things (have more children) than only serve to make them more poor and miserable.

The 'western nations' are constantly invading Muslim countries and have murdered tens of thousands to get control of their oil. If the robbers manage to get their victims to die, who are they going to steal from?
The 'western nations' are constantly invading Muslim countries and have murdered tens of thousands to get control of their oil.
That is a mantra that doesn't really bear out. Negotiation and trade is much more practical than war for that purpose. US did not invade Saudi Arabia for example, but negotiated concessions to develop oil.
If the robbers manage to get their victims to die, who are they going to steal from?
Huh? Is this like that Jesus parable about first binding the strong man and then robbing a place?
Wow they are right wing assholes that hate women.
Which is why it's so amazing that the left (which is also ostensibly feminist) is so far on the side of Muslims.
Your kind of people.
Or is it only OK to hate women if you are Pasty white?
I do not have women. I dislike certain kinds of feminism, sure, and also have no ability attracting women in a romantic/sexual way, but that doesn't mean I hate women.
I certainly have no problems shaking their hands, or having them as a boss etc.
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