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Why "Chinese Virus" is racist

First, you need to understand what a "wet market" is. It is not the source of the problem. It is just a market that typically sells fresh seafood, and the name derives from water being splashed around. If you've ever been to one (which I'm pretty sure you haven't), the floor is typically very wet. Then you need to understand what caused this problem--a virus transferred from wild animals sold in some of these markets in China to humans. Such transfers can and do occur between livestock and humans in rural areas, but this one just happened to take place in a wet market. So that is the location, but not the problem. China and other Asian nations are addressing the problem by cracking down on the sale of wildlife in such markets, not by shutting down fresh seafood markets that feed millions of people all over Asia. You might as well shut down Pike Place Market in Seattle, while you are at it.

The wet market in Wuhan was shut down to decontaminate it. It will open again, but without the wildlife traffic this time. There are a lot of questionable practices on farms in the US that ought to be shut down, too.

The Chinese are doing that now without the need for ignorant racist fearmongering in other countries to inspire them to do it. It turns out that they don't like pandemics any more than we do.

Maybe if the Chinese government were made to pay reparations they would close them down a bit quicker, like before they unleash another virus on the world.

This advice is sure to fall on deaf ears, but don't be an idiot! Sanctions on China aren't needed, because the pandemic itself was sufficient to trigger drastic action in China. It caused far more economic damage than any sanctions imposed by the US could, and the Chinese have been behaving far more responsibly than the US lately. We are looking at an exponential growth in the number of infections in the US while the President is strenuously resisting efforts to curtail its growth. His fear is that the economic damage will be worse than the damage (i.e. massive number of deaths) we are facing. So we are quickly going to become a huge remaining problem for the rest of the world, since they are not going to want much to do with a country that leads world exports in COVID-19 disease.

Not too different from the policy of withdrawing help from central american countries, then declaring an emergency over people fleeing the unrest that resulted. Or slapping more sanctions on Iran while they're down, after withdrawing from the agreement with which they were abiding. The only difference is that the bodies that will be piling up in a couple of weeks will be Americans in the world's biggest shithole country - America. Making it Great, finally.

You can blame ZOG for the Iran sanctions.
Good, then you agree with me that wet markets should not be closed if they don't sell wildlife.

Good, then you finally agree with me there was a problem at the Wuhan "wet market".

That's precisely what is happening in China--a crackdown on that practice.


That would be as stupid and pointless as calling COVID-19 the "Chinese virus" {snip}.

The Chinese government are culpable for this mess and they should pay for the damage caused. It's pretty straight forward.
The Chinese government are culpable for this mess

So is Trump, only more so since at least the Chinese government acted to contain it, whereas Trump is actively trying to spread it.

This is the Trump virus from now on, no way around it.
Good, then you finally agree with me there was a problem at the Wuhan "wet market"...

You aren't paying attention, but that doesn't surprise me. Try to read more carefully. What I've been saying is that the Chinese government will likely reopen that market with the problem corrected.
The Chinese government are culpable for this mess

So is Trump, only more so since at least the Chinese government acted to contain it, whereas Trump is actively trying to spread it.

This is the Trump virus from now on, no way around it.

Remember that the Chinese government locked everyone down because they are authoritarian. Trump did not lock everyone down because he is NOT an authoritarian.

Just thought I'd clear this up for the haters.
The Chinese government are culpable for this mess

So is Trump, only more so since at least the Chinese government acted to contain it, whereas Trump is actively trying to spread it.

This is the Trump virus from now on, no way around it.

Actually, the Chinese government did more or less exactly what you'd expect out of them. Denied it at first, then when it became serious implemented the sort of measures only a totalitarian regime can pull off...like completely shutting down a major city. Once they realized it was a real threat, they did a lot of things right. Draconian, but effective. Beijing used everything in their (genuinely frightening) toolkit to nip this in the bud, and as a result they've managed to make it past the worst.

Trump did more or less exactly what China did at first. "Nope, nothing to see here. Everything will be fine. Move along." Yet when the guano impacted the air conditioner, the Trump administration kept up with the denial, downplaying, and disseminating misinformation. Deliberately. Then Trump patted himself on the back for "handling" the outbreak. Gave himself a 10 out of 10.

As of a couple hours ago, the US is at 64,000 plus cases. A bit more than the zero Trump predicted at the beginning. In fact, we're currently ranking third behind Italy and China for the most confirmed cases. Or since the Summer Olympics have been postponed, we're on track for the bronze medal in the Covid 19 event.

Yet Trump wants to reopen the country by Easter. He's going for the gold.
The Chinese government are culpable for this mess

So is Trump, only more so since at least the Chinese government acted to contain it, whereas Trump is actively trying to spread it.

This is the Trump virus from now on, no way around it.

Actually, the Chinese government did more or less exactly what you'd expect out of them. Denied it at first, then when it became serious implemented the sort of measures only a totalitarian regime can pull off...like completely shutting down a major city. Once they realized it was a real threat, they did a lot of things right. Draconian, but effective. Beijing used everything in their (genuinely frightening) toolkit to nip this in the bud, and as a result they've managed to make it past the worst.

Trump did more or less exactly what China did at first. "Nope, nothing to see here. Everything will be fine. Move along." Yet when the guano impacted the air conditioner, the Trump administration kept up with the denial, downplaying, and disseminating misinformation. Deliberately. Then Trump patted himself on the back for "handling" the outbreak. Gave himself a 10 out of 10.

As of a couple hours ago, the US is at 64,000 plus cases. A bit more than the zero Trump predicted at the beginning. In fact, we're currently ranking third behind Italy and China for the most confirmed cases. Or since the Summer Olympics have been postponed, we're on track for the bronze medal in the Covid 19 event.

Yet Trump wants to reopen the country by Easter. He's going for the gold.

We live in a free country. If Trump ends the lockdown, then all those who do not want to take a chance can remain at home. If you decide to go out and take a chance, that's your personal freedom of choice.
The Chinese government are culpable for this mess

So is Trump, only more so since at least the Chinese government acted to contain it, whereas Trump is actively trying to spread it.

This is the Trump virus from now on, no way around it.

Actually, the Chinese government did more or less exactly what you'd expect out of them. Denied it at first, then when it became serious implemented the sort of measures only a totalitarian regime can pull off...like completely shutting down a major city. Once they realized it was a real threat, they did a lot of things right. Draconian, but effective. Beijing used everything in their (genuinely frightening) toolkit to nip this in the bud, and as a result they've managed to make it past the worst.

Trump did more or less exactly what China did at first. "Nope, nothing to see here. Everything will be fine. Move along." Yet when the guano impacted the air conditioner, the Trump administration kept up with the denial, downplaying, and disseminating misinformation. Deliberately. Then Trump patted himself on the back for "handling" the outbreak. Gave himself a 10 out of 10.

As of a couple hours ago, the US is at 64,000 plus cases. A bit more than the zero Trump predicted at the beginning. In fact, we're currently ranking third behind Italy and China for the most confirmed cases. Or since the Summer Olympics have been postponed, we're on track for the bronze medal in the Covid 19 event.

Yet Trump wants to reopen the country by Easter. He's going for the gold.

You are already first in active cases - most of China's end enough if Italy's cases have either deceased or recovered to yield that honor to the USA. USA #1, Trump is a born leader, his handling is just unbelievable, etc.
Actually, the Chinese government did more or less exactly what you'd expect out of them. Denied it at first, then when it became serious implemented the sort of measures only a totalitarian regime can pull off...like completely shutting down a major city. Once they realized it was a real threat, they did a lot of things right. Draconian, but effective. Beijing used everything in their (genuinely frightening) toolkit to nip this in the bud, and as a result they've managed to make it past the worst.

Trump did more or less exactly what China did at first. "Nope, nothing to see here. Everything will be fine. Move along." Yet when the guano impacted the air conditioner, the Trump administration kept up with the denial, downplaying, and disseminating misinformation. Deliberately. Then Trump patted himself on the back for "handling" the outbreak. Gave himself a 10 out of 10.

As of a couple hours ago, the US is at 64,000 plus cases. A bit more than the zero Trump predicted at the beginning. In fact, we're currently ranking third behind Italy and China for the most confirmed cases. Or since the Summer Olympics have been postponed, we're on track for the bronze medal in the Covid 19 event.

Yet Trump wants to reopen the country by Easter. He's going for the gold.

We live in a free country. If Trump ends the lockdown, then all those who do not want to take a chance can remain at home. If you decide to go out and take a chance, that's your personal freedom of choice.

Doing so at this point is actually like driving without brakes - while you are more likely to harm yourself than anyone else, collateral damage is likely enough to justify banning the practice not only for your good but every one else's too.
Actually, the Chinese government did more or less exactly what you'd expect out of them. Denied it at first, then when it became serious implemented the sort of measures only a totalitarian regime can pull off...like completely shutting down a major city. Once they realized it was a real threat, they did a lot of things right. Draconian, but effective. Beijing used everything in their (genuinely frightening) toolkit to nip this in the bud, and as a result they've managed to make it past the worst.

Trump did more or less exactly what China did at first. "Nope, nothing to see here. Everything will be fine. Move along." Yet when the guano impacted the air conditioner, the Trump administration kept up with the denial, downplaying, and disseminating misinformation. Deliberately. Then Trump patted himself on the back for "handling" the outbreak. Gave himself a 10 out of 10.

As of a couple hours ago, the US is at 64,000 plus cases. A bit more than the zero Trump predicted at the beginning. In fact, we're currently ranking third behind Italy and China for the most confirmed cases. Or since the Summer Olympics have been postponed, we're on track for the bronze medal in the Covid 19 event.

Yet Trump wants to reopen the country by Easter. He's going for the gold.

We live in a free country. If Trump ends the lockdown, then all those who do not want to take a chance can remain at home. If you decide to go out and take a chance, that's your personal freedom of choice.

Doing so at this point is actually like driving without brakes - while you are more likely to harm yourself than anyone else, collateral damage is likely enough to justify banning the practice not only for your good but every one else's too.

Or driving drunk. Something I know a little about. Late 2016, I was involved in an accident caused by a drunk driver. This guy was traveling in his Cadillac pickup as only a "we live in a free country" person can. Ninety miles an hour in the commuter lane. When traffic slowed, he figured he could just drive on the shoulder. Being inebriated, he lost control, hit the wall, and bounced into the other lanes of traffic. As a result of him deciding to "go out and take a chance," he plowed into multiple vehicles. Physics (and unintended consequences) is a helluva thing. I wound up spinning around and flying off the freeway backwards, and landed in a row of bushes. The first car he hit exploded, and the fire jumped to his truck, which had turned completely around due to the force of impact. There was a total of 7 cars involved. Almost all of them (mine included) were totaled, and thanks to the gods of automotive engineering and some quick thinking bystanders, no one was killed. Eventually the guy who decided to "go out and take a chance" had his "personal freedom of choice" and his freedom in general taken away while he sat in prison for 9 months.

But hey, we live in a free country, right?
What I've been saying is that the Chinese government will likely reopen that market with the problem corrected.

I understood and acknowledged that but you are determined to repeat yourself.

OK, I'll spell it out for you, since your reading skills seem to be dysfunctional lately. If I said that the market would reopen with the problem corrected, that means I was saying that the market had a problem. Nobody has ever disputed that, but you decided to turn it into a straw man argument. I certainly never denied it had a problem. Hence, I could not "finally agree" with you, since I never disagreed in the first place. Again, you simply are not paying attention.
We live in a free country. If Trump ends the lockdown, then all those who do not want to take a chance can remain at home. If you decide to go out and take a chance, that's your personal freedom of choice.

Absolutely correct. However, when a pandemic occurs I'm inclined to defer to the wisdom of experienced medical personnel and not an egotistical man child who is so incompetent he couldn't even make money running a casino. You disagree and your actions put other people at risk. You appear to be fine with that, which is why I lack the vocabulary to properly articulate how comfortable I am living literally on the other side of the planet from you.
What I've been saying is that the Chinese government will likely reopen that market with the problem corrected.

I understood and acknowledged that but you are determined to repeat yourself.

OK, I'll spell it out for you, since your reading skills seem to be dysfunctional lately. If I said that the market would reopen with the problem corrected, that means I was saying that the market had a problem. Nobody has ever disputed that, but you decided to turn it into a straw man argument. I certainly never denied it had a problem. Hence, I could not "finally agree" with you, since I never disagreed in the first place. Again, you simply are not paying attention.

Is there an echo in here ?
The Chinese government are culpable for this mess

So is Trump, only more so since at least the Chinese government acted to contain it, whereas Trump is actively trying to spread it.

This is the Trump virus from now on, no way around it.

Yeah, it's not like the Chi-Coms would lie.

This seems to be the real issue. Discussing the Chinese origin of the virus takes away from how horrible White people are. Stay Woke, my friends.

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