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Why "Chinese Virus" is racist

So, it appears even the Trump haters were saying it was no big deal in the beginning, just like Trump was.....
This is the sensationalist, fear-mongering media tgat downplayed the virus, is it? The media that exists only to foil Trump was agreeing with him, at the same time he was ignoring Federal Experts trying to warn him?

Do you listen to yourself, ever?
haffy said:
Even the baseball commissioner said the season should start by mid May.
Frankly, i'd rather the opinion of someone with a medical degree. You can bet your life on the MLB Commissioner's opinion, if you like, but please don't endanger everyone else around you.

Mid May? Some jackass around here promised we'd be laughing by April. I bet they're really embarrassed now.

WaPo said:
"The U.S. intelligence community issued multiple classified warnings throughout January and February about the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus from China to other countries, the Chinese government’s initial efforts to play down the severity of the looming crisis and the increasing likelihood it would reach America’s shores. Throughout this time, President Trump continued to play down the threat in public.

Trump’s apparent decision to ignore his own intelligence experts’ warnings in the early stages of this crisis — to say nothing of the warnings from other experts and organizations — has important implications for how we think about the relationship between policymaking and intelligence"

Like maybe people who indulge in policymaking should exhibit some fucking intelligence?
no. Thst would not be a logical conclusion.
We're saying thst Trump has made a lot of decisions in his handling of America's response to C-19 that show him to be a blithering idiot.

Hannity also mentioned how de blasio and cuomo of New York were lying to the people by claiming Trump is only sending them 4 billion when Trump is actually sending them 40 billion. Hannity also said NY built a failed center for 750 million dollars where no one showed up. None of that money was used to prevent a pandemic. He also pointed out all his scandals that cost taxpayers money. He also pointed out how so many places in NY are being turned into makeshift hospitals paid for by taxpayers and they are still whining and blaming Trump saying, "We need more!!!"

A lot of these governors were so unprepared that you can't blame it all on Trump.
Then by this logic, the cases in Italy are the fault of their Presidential leadership?
no. Thst would not be a logical conclusion.
We're saying thst Trump has made a lot of decisions in his handling of America's response to C-19 that show him to be a blithering idiot.
The numbers will stable out. Everyone who has it now will not have it in a few weeks.
Well, depends on your definition. If a million people die of C-19, would you say they don't have it anymore? Or would you say they'll never, ever be cured of it?

Remember we're talking about Jesus freaks here. "It's a miracle! A million people are now sitting at the feet of Jesus in Heaven! This is a good thing!"
So, it appears even the Trump haters were saying it was no big deal in the beginning, just like Trump was.....
This is the sensationalist, fear-mongering media tgat downplayed the virus, is it? The media that exists only to foil Trump was agreeing with him, at the same time he was ignoring Federal Experts trying to warn him?

Do you listen to yourself, ever?

I didn't write those articles. In the beginning, they all agreed with Trump that it was no big deal. NOW they are saying, "He did nothing from the beginning!!!"
Hannity was just showing on Fox News that back in early February the Washington Post (known Trump haters) ran an article that said, "Flu is more deadly than coronavirus." On February 5, the New York Times (also Trump haters) ran an article called, "Traveling to China is not dangerous. Travel ban is unjust."

So, it appears even the Trump haters were saying it was no big deal in the beginning, just like Trump was.....

Trump haters weren't privy to daily briefings or NIEs. Trump is. He has no excuse.
Italy underestimated the initial threat. Here in the UK we've not done much better. We're on an Italy-ish trajectory but without an initial spike. We'll be shut down for 3 months at least.
Maybe he's just too stupid to remember the term COVID-19 As an American, I feel disgraced to have such an incompetent, racist, mentally disturbed president represent my country.
It is a red herring, it is meant to have people asking why is Trump being racist, instead of why are we putting our health workers in great danger by suggesting they use masks more than they should... or not see to allowing them to have protection at all.

It is how Trump wins. Create the BS, defend it a bit, then move on to next BS point, all the while to keep things emotional and keep the media from asking about why the Federal Government is interfering with States acquiring equipment and materials, all the while not exactly providing it to the states. Or why hasn't the entire nation not been put on pause for three to four weeks.

It’s like the liar’s verbal version of check-kiting.
Actually, the Chinese government did more or less exactly what you'd expect out of them. Denied it at first, then when it became serious implemented the sort of measures only a totalitarian regime can pull off...like completely shutting down a major city. Once they realized it was a real threat, they did a lot of things right. Draconian, but effective. Beijing used everything in their (genuinely frightening) toolkit to nip this in the bud, and as a result they've managed to make it past the worst.


Trump did more or less exactly what China did at first. "Nope, nothing to see here. Everything will be fine. Move along." Yet when the guano impacted the air conditioner, the Trump administration kept up with the denial, downplaying, and disseminating misinformation. Deliberately. Then Trump patted himself on the back for "handling" the outbreak. Gave himself a 10 out of 10.

No. China legitimately thought it was nothing but a chicken little. As soon as they saw it wasn't they reversed course and have been pretty darn open about it. His Flatulence should have known it wasn't a chicken little.

As of a couple hours ago, the US is at 64,000 plus cases. A bit more than the zero Trump predicted at the beginning. In fact, we're currently ranking third behind Italy and China for the most confirmed cases. Or since the Summer Olympics have been postponed, we're on track for the bronze medal in the Covid 19 event.

Yet Trump wants to reopen the country by Easter. He's going for the gold.

As of now we are #1! MAGA!
So why is it so bad in Italy? Because of Trump, too?

They fucked it up also.

Face it, Trump has been trying to calm Americans for months by saying, "We have it under control." You guys screamed at him for doing this. Now you say he doesn't reassure the nation? Trump's speeches have been nothing but calming. He tried to sound confident and reassuring by saying, "Cases soon to be down to zero" and stuff like that and "we are doing a tremondous job."

What do you want him to say? "We don't know what's going on!! We're all gonna die!!! AHHHHHH!!! Be scared and afraid!!!!!!"

Telling people that it's under control was the wrong message. That made a lot of people not take it seriously. This is a situation that will be handled as much by personal behavior as by government action--and his message has constantly been to behave badly. Even now with his talk of a rapid end to shutdowns is encouraging irresponsible behavior.

Of course it goes along with the Republican theme to sacrifice grandma for the sake of the economy. Somehow I don't think they plan to hold an election come November as the optics on that will play horribly.
Maybe not lie?

If you don't have it under control, don't say "we have it under control". Don't downplay it, don't exaggerate. But what matters most is not what he says, thought that's important, but what he does. He's done close to fuck all.

On available figures the USA has overtaken both Italy and China on the number of confirmed cases and, looking at the graphs, your numbers are skyrocketing.

Yes, and they will stable out soon just like it did with China. People were saying, "OH NO CHINA'S SKYROCKETING!!!! IT'S NEVER GONNA STOP!!!" It stopped.

China stopped because of a lockdown far harder than any place in the US has done, and keeping it locked down for longer than His Flatulence wants. Now they are enforcing quarantine on all new arrivals.
So, it appears even the Trump haters were saying it was no big deal in the beginning, just like Trump was.....
This is the sensationalist, fear-mongering media tgat downplayed the virus, is it? The media that exists only to foil Trump was agreeing with him, at the same time he was ignoring Federal Experts trying to warn him?

Do you listen to yourself, ever?

I didn't write those articles. In the beginning, they all agreed with Trump that it was no big deal. NOW they are saying, "He did nothing from the beginning!!!"
All? They all agreed? Prove that. Citations desperately needed.
Dates, please.
Seeing as per usual you don't cite sources, I can only assume it is you who is lying.

I read his words as saying it stopped in China--a truthful statement. What he doesn't understand is why it stopped.
no. Thst would not be a logical conclusion.
We're saying thst Trump has made a lot of decisions in his handling of America's response to C-19 that show him to be a blithering idiot.

Hannity also mentioned how de blasio and cuomo of New York were lying to the people by claiming Trump is only sending them 4 billion when Trump is actually sending them 40 billion. Hannity also said NY built a failed center for 750 million dollars where no one showed up. None of that money was used to prevent a pandemic. He also pointed out all his scandals that cost taxpayers money. He also pointed out how so many places in NY are being turned into makeshift hospitals paid for by taxpayers and they are still whining and blaming Trump saying, "We need more!!!"

A lot of these governors were so unprepared that you can't blame it all on Trump.

Hannity is not a credible source.
Hannity also mentioned how de blasio and cuomo of New York were lying to the people by claiming Trump is only sending them 4 billion when Trump is actually sending them 40 billion.

It is unfortunate for you I am currently off work, because I have the time to point out how completely full of shit you are.

First off, as usual, you didn't cite sources and you also paraphrased what Hannity said. How do I know this? Because I am linking the video you are referring to right here.
Secondly, Hannity is a lying cunt. The part you are referring to starts at 4:45 in the clip. Cuomo did say New York was only getting $4 billion. That is true. The full quote is that New York State would only get $3.6 billion for hospitals and healthcare, and at the same time Sinclair news was reporting the exact same fucking thing. So Hannity took a quote out of context and used it to describe something else. If you call that providing an honest argument I have some news for you. You're dead fucking wrong. Also, the only source Hannity listed in his tirade (apart from taking quotes out of context of course) is this article written by Seth Barron, a right wing shill who works for a far right conservative think tank and on the payroll of FOX news. Talk about one hell of an echo chamber.

So, to summarize. You have a very well known Murdoch employee quoting out of context a Democrat politician, corroborated by evidence from another News limited outlet. This well known Murdoch employee then cites another News limited employee (the New York Post is also owned by Rupert Murdoch) in an editorial with no sources on alleged government spending that has fuck all to do with the current crisis. What a fucking pitiful argument. Your comment about baseball has more credibility.
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