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Why "Chinese Virus" is racist

Comfy Collapse Chronicles on Twitter: "What did he just say? https://t.co/gozO3W6AFo" / Twitter - that the coronavirus is for non-Jews.

On the other side,
Right Wing Watch on Twitter: "Rick Wiles says that God is spreading the coronavirus in synagogues because he is "dealing with those who oppose his son, Jesus Christ." [url]https://t.co/2oNuRyqaqC https://t.co/mTt3YdEuRs" / Twitter[/url] - that God is punishing Jews with the coronavirus.

I think that those two ought to be introduced to each other.
Yes, and they will stable out soon just like it did with China. People were saying, "OH NO CHINA'S SKYROCKETING!!!! IT'S NEVER GONNA STOP!!!" It stopped.

China did things to stop it. Other countries have too, to greater or lesser effect. The USA's response has been weaker than any other advanced industrial economy.

With the possible exception of Sweden.
Yes, and they will stable out soon just like it did with China. People were saying, "OH NO CHINA'S SKYROCKETING!!!! IT'S NEVER GONNA STOP!!!" It stopped.

China did things to stop it. Other countries have too, to greater or lesser effect. The USA's response has been weaker than any other advanced industrial economy.

With the possible exception of Sweden.

Ironically, US and Sweden might come out of the economic slump faster than other western nations.
Mid May? Some jackass around here promised we'd be laughing by April. I bet they're really embarrassed now.

It can't be any less embarrassing than realizing they are less sensible than ISIS with regards to this pandemic. Seriously, how fucking stupid do you have to be if ISIS is giving better advice?

Pretty fucking stupid. But we still have five days to start laughing - only 17,224 new cases in the US yesterday and just 268 people dead. Hell - you can't even fill one 777 Dreamliner with that many dead people. Guess it's really slowing down.
On the downside, only 258 cases per million population means it will at least quadruple before leveling out. On the upside, it was only half that rate four days ago.
Also on the upside, USA is now #1 !!!! MAGAMAGAMAGA! Almost 90,000 cases, leaving China, Spain and Italy in our dust!! Halfie should be delighted.

My prediction is that by April we will be laughing going,
"Remember how everyone panicked over the coronavirus
because the media started fear mongering?"

Uh-oh. Maybe we're NOT really #1 :(
Seems that China could be cheating:

Spain, Europe's worst-hit country after Italy, says coronavirus tests it bought from China are failing to detect positive cases

Spain is saying their Made in China tests only detect 30% of positives.
I bet this upsets Halfie, since he has hung his hat on the promise that infections in China are thing of the past...
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Not just raycsism we have to worry about.

Asian Americans report over 650 racist acts over last week, new data says - NBC News

On the bright side, our racist-in-chief has started to tone down his rhetoric, as can happen on the sociopath's whim schedule.

On the flipside, Dr. Fauci praised Trump's travel ban to help stop the spread. Biden and Cuomo called the travel ban "xenophobic." Can you imagine if Biden was President during this? He wouldn't have enacted a travel ban. Neither would Cuomo. The spread would be far more deadly.

As Trausti pointed out in post #247, Mexicans are closing the border to Americans. How come the media isn't screaming their heads off about Mexico being xenophobic racist bigots???
Wrong thread, Halfie.

Wrong universe, really
How can a person be so illiterate?
Asian Americans report over 650 racist acts over last week, new data says - NBC News

On the bright side, our racist-in-chief has started to tone down his rhetoric, as can happen on the sociopath's whim schedule.

On the flipside, Dr. Fauci praised Trump's travel ban to help stop the spread. Biden and Cuomo called the travel ban "xenophobic." Can you imagine if Biden was President during this? He wouldn't have enacted a travel ban. Neither would Cuomo. The spread would be far more deadly.

Damn, you've really got to stop listening to fox news.

Speaking of his restriction on travel from China, “I had (Joe) Biden calling me xenophobic. … He called me a racist, because of the fact that he felt it was a racist thing to stop people from China coming in.”



You really need to start checking these thing before you repeat them.
This rabbi says that corona is for the "goyim" (direct quote - translated to non jews)


We have religious figures from all the Judaeo-Christian religions who are denying the threat of the virus.

While this guy is obviously a nutter he's actually closer to right than any of the others--Israel implemented a quarantine very early on, I do not believe they have community spread and they might manage to avoid it.
Wrong thread, Halfie.

Wrong universe, really

How are facts wrong?

Facts are never wrong. You should try using them sometime.

No, you don't understand! Racism against Asians isn't bad because Joe Biden said something! :rolleyes:

Today I was in a training class at work with a very young new employee who - when the topic of the virus came up - kept referring to "the Asians." She wasn't being racist, just uninformed. It was all I could do not to turn to her and explain that "Asian" covers and incredibly diverse range of people and to lump them all together was wrong, but I didn't because I realized she was coming from a place of ignorance rather than malice. She just didn't know any better.

Trump is coming from a place of malice. When he crosses out the word "Corona" with a Sharpie and replaces it with "China," he knows better. His supporters pick up on the dog whistle, and perpetrate attacks on Asians in general because they don't see any difference between Chinese people and Japanese or Vietnamese or Koreans or Mongolians or etc. etc. etc. When you say "China virus" you have to know that racists are going to use that to lash out at anyone who looks "Asian."

"Joe Biden said the travel ban was xenophobic" does not in any way excuse the racism of the above-mentioned attacks. That violence is still racist regardless of what anyone else said or did.
The blacks in the internet videos and in news stories attacking asians are Trump supporters?

This is an interesting take about a South African who lived in China for a while. The Chinese do not like blacks at all.

For every time a black attacks a Chinese immigrant, tourist with friends and family back in China, they will not do what white liberals do in the West and have white guilt about it. They will identify the actual attackers.
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I remain at an utter loss to how someone can be so wrong so often and claim it is accidental. It boggles the mind. My statistical nature cannot even compute odds that low.

On the flipside, Dr. Fauci praised Trump's travel ban to help stop the spread. Biden and Cuomo called the travel ban "xenophobic."
They didn’t. Whoever told ou this lied to you. Oh, wait it was Trump who claimed this. Now you know who lied to you.

Politifact said:
Biden has not directly said that the restrictions were xenophobic.

Around the time the Trump administration announced the travel restriction, Biden said that Trump had a “record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering.”

Biden used the phrase “xenophobic” in reply to a Trump tweet about limiting entry to travelers from China and in which Trump described the coronavirus as the “Chinese virus.” Biden did not spell out which part of Trump’s tweet was xenophobic.
And now that you know it was a lie, will you keep repeating this lie? What will that make you?
I grow tired of lies. I’m surprised that you never seem to. You seem to love them and repeat them lovingly.

Can you imagine if Biden was President during this? He wouldn't have enacted a travel ban. Neither would Cuomo.

This one is wrong and also stupid.

You don’t even have to imagine. Biden has already publicly talked about his plan. Cuomo has already done more in NY than Trump has done even within the white house. But you look at those obvious facts, and you IMAGINE that they wouldn’t happen.

My dear, that is an untruth that you just tried to sell us.

The spread would be far more deadly.
And your math is also bad.

As Trausti pointed out in post #247, Mexicans are closing the border to Americans. How come the media isn't screaming their heads off about Mexico being xenophobic racist bigots???

Because they didn’t cross off “Corona” wiith a Sharpie and replace it with “United States”.

Do try to keep up with the facts.

Your derails and passing on of things proven to be wrong earn you a reputation as someone who has nothing to contribute to discussions. A lot of people are saying you’re not capable of a real conversation.
The blacks in the internet videos and in news stories attacking asians are Trump supporters?

Yeah, that's never said. Like the antisemitic attacks in New York City. Never mention the demographics of the attackers because that'd kill the narrative.
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