You see this as a scheduling error? No. This is the same thing the VA was caught doing to make their statistics look better--slipping schedules so it didn't look like patients were waiting as long as they really were.Another unsubstantiated claim.The two systems have different types of failure. It's not a case of one being categorically better.Ir maybe we are seeing one outlier that is only consisered typical by people who desperately want UHC to be a disaster in order to avoud having to review their prejudices against it.Of course it does. We are seeing the fundamental failure of UHC: lowering standards instead of meeting them.You think it has anything at all to do with UHC??You think them basically playing Russian Roulette with her life is a reasonable approach??
When things go wrong in exactly similar ways in the US system, does that indicate that that system too is fundamentally a failure?
And what is the difference between a scheduling error under UHC and a scheduling error under retail insurance based systems?
You are making this about her--she's saying the system isn't working. She's using herself to show what's happening, not to single herself out as having been failed by the system.So you're trying to claim that something she is NOT complaining about is proof of your OP??? Do you realize how daft that sounds?But why should we think she is an outlier? Look around at her blog--she isn't doing it to present tales of woe. And she doesn't see herself as an outlier.One case is not a "huge backlog".So under capacity that there's a huge backlog on something that should be resolved quite promptly.
I definitely agree, but I don't see how that's relevant. The reality is that an underfunded system produces less objection from the voters than a properly funded system. Thus you get underfunded systems. The fox guarding the henhouse.You do realize that there are a crapton of right wingers in power in both Canada and England that want to destroy the universal systems and are doing everything in their power to do so.Obviously false, as Canada certainly is dicking around. I've heard similar things out of England.No, and nor do any developed workd UHC systems, as a rule.You don't dick around when a cancer screening test comes back with an issue!
I wish we could make it work, but looking at what happens that doesn't seem to be possible.