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Why Trump Will Win the GOP Nomination

Yes, it's a Catch-22 for them. They need to appeal to the base in order to be electable. However, appealing to the base makes them unelectable.

Given that I don't want Republican candidates elected, I like it that they have this problem and I like it that there isn't any apparent solution to this problem.

There are problems with Hillary Clinton as well.

She and Jeb Bush can't help but give people nothing but visions of the past.

Bernie will have the people who hate "Socialists" against him, but they are Republicans anyway.

There is that great unwashed independent category which actually elects presidents. Are they put off by Hillary or are they put off more by Trump?

I'm betting Trump nominated by a racist party is worse than spotty liberal who stood by her man just as I bet and won that a black Obama was superior to racist nominated McCain and Romney.
Yes, it's a Catch-22 for them. They need to appeal to the base in order to be electable. However, appealing to the base makes them unelectable.

Given that I don't want Republican candidates elected, I like it that they have this problem and I like it that there isn't any apparent solution to this problem.

There are problems with Hillary Clinton as well.

She and Jeb Bush can't help but give people nothing but visions of the past.

Bernie will have the people who hate "Socialists" against him, but they are Republicans anyway.

Ya, there are deep problems with Clinton. None of those problems, however, are serious enough to cost her either the primary or the general election. She doesn't have any viable competition in either, so both are a cakewalk.

Nobody's altogether thrilled about the idea of her presidency, but that doesn't affect the inevitability of it.
There are problems with Hillary Clinton as well.

She and Jeb Bush can't help but give people nothing but visions of the past.

Bernie will have the people who hate "Socialists" against him, but they are Republicans anyway.

Ya, there are deep problems with Clinton. None of those problems, however, are serious enough to cost her either the primary or the general election. She doesn't have any viable competition in either, so both are a cakewalk.

Nobody's altogether thrilled about the idea of her presidency, but that doesn't affect the inevitability of it.

Once these things get rolling things change.

If Bernie can win something early then that can snowball.
Yes, Hillary is a Their Turn candidate, and usually those end up losing (Gore, McCain, Romney) because the opposing candidate just has to show a pulse. And while Hillary's opposition certainly has a pulse, it's more like Frankenstein's monster with throbbing, popping veins and arteries spraying blood all over anyone who gets near it.

All Hill-dog has to do is not fuck it up. She just needs to be her boring, overbearing aunt who is quite clear that you're not being raised the right way self and she'll win.
Ya, there are deep problems with Clinton. None of those problems, however, are serious enough to cost her either the primary or the general election. She doesn't have any viable competition in either, so both are a cakewalk.

Nobody's altogether thrilled about the idea of her presidency, but that doesn't affect the inevitability of it.

Once these things get rolling things change.

If Bernie can win something early then that can snowball.

And if my aunt got a sex change, she'd be my uncle. Neither seems likely to actually happen, though.

While it would be funny to see Sanders guys go all Ron Paul, even they realize he's a second place finisher.
Once these things get rolling things change.

If Bernie can win something early then that can snowball.

And if my aunt got a sex change, she'd be my uncle. Neither seems likely to actually happen, though.

While it would be funny to see Sanders guys go all Ron Paul, even they realize he's a second place finisher.

What do you mean?

New Hampshire is close. Sanders could win.

Then people might know who he is.
Ya, there are deep problems with Clinton. None of those problems, however, are serious enough to cost her either the primary or the general election. She doesn't have any viable competition in either, so both are a cakewalk.

Nobody's altogether thrilled about the idea of her presidency, but that doesn't affect the inevitability of it.

Once these things get rolling things change.

If Bernie can win something early then that can snowball.
The Republicans inaugurated Clinton with that last testimony in front of Congress. Sanders doesn't have a chance in the general. He is not gaining support among the minorities, which is what is needed in the southern primaries.

What Bernie is fighting for at this point is a voice at the Convention to give us liberals at least some sense of hope that maybe people will vote in favor of the things they give a fuck about, instead of voting against their own self interests.

I think we'll start seeing parallel campaigns. Clinton will be speaking to the broader electorate while Sanders will be speaking to the Liberal wing of the party. No attacks against each other, more campaigning about the future (changing DC? :D). Did you hear Clinton is an outsider because a woman hasn't been President before?
Once these things get rolling things change.

If Bernie can win something early then that can snowball.
The Republicans inaugurated Clinton with that last testimony in front of Congress. Sanders doesn't have a chance in the general. He is not gaining support among the minorities, which is what is needed in the southern primaries.

What Bernie is fighting for at this point is a voice at the Convention to give us liberals at least some sense of hope that maybe people will vote in favor of the things they give a fuck about, instead of voting against their own self interests.

I think we'll start seeing parallel campaigns. Clinton will be speaking to the broader electorate while Sanders will be speaking to the Liberal wing of the party. No attacks against each other, more campaigning about the future (changing DC? :D). Did you hear Clinton is an outsider because a woman hasn't been President before?

As said, I think polls in places like Florida have a lot to do with name recognition.

Things could change with a win in New Hampshire.
There are problems with Hillary Clinton as well.

She and Jeb Bush can't help but give people nothing but visions of the past.

Bernie will have the people who hate "Socialists" against him, but they are Republicans anyway.

There is that great unwashed independent category which actually elects presidents. Are they put off by Hillary or are they put off more by Trump?

I'm betting Trump nominated by a racist party is worse than spotty liberal who stood by her man just as I bet and won that a black Obama was superior to racist nominated McCain and Romney.
The whole first woman being President can not be overlooked. If that turns just 1 in 20 female voters to Clinton who may have otherwise not voted or voted Republican, it'll be another several million (8 to 10 million?) vote victory. Dems could again fight for Montana and Indiana, and probably again, sweep the Battleground States, which is about as big a sweep you can get these days.
The Republicans inaugurated Clinton with that last testimony in front of Congress. Sanders doesn't have a chance in the general. He is not gaining support among the minorities, which is what is needed in the southern primaries.

What Bernie is fighting for at this point is a voice at the Convention to give us liberals at least some sense of hope that maybe people will vote in favor of the things they give a fuck about, instead of voting against their own self interests.

I think we'll start seeing parallel campaigns. Clinton will be speaking to the broader electorate while Sanders will be speaking to the Liberal wing of the party. No attacks against each other, more campaigning about the future (changing DC? :D). Did you hear Clinton is an outsider because a woman hasn't been President before?

As said, I think polls in places like Florida have a lot to do with name recognition.

Things could change with a win in New Hampshire.
Let's get a couple things straight. Sanders would make a great candidate and President in theory, not in application. He would not have the required support of the House which has to defend their seats every two years and who have to run for office about 23 months.

Second Sanders is older than Clinton, and she is high up there. I know, I know, the Republicans like to giggle about old Democrats running, it is just the Dems have prospects like Cory Booker and Julian Castro coming up in the ranks. But what else do you expect from Republicans, who have won the plurality of the vote once since 1992.

Third, Sanders recognition is only going to carry so far. Clinton is a brand name, Sanders is a new old guy socialist. The fact he has gotten as far as he has is actually quite amazing. He is tapping a big source of energy. Heck, maybe Clinton will put him in her cabinet, perhaps make him a Socialist Czar (pun intended).
As said, I think polls in places like Florida have a lot to do with name recognition.

Things could change with a win in New Hampshire.
Let's get a couple things straight. Sanders would make a great candidate and President in theory, not in application. He would not have the required support of the House which has to defend their seats every two years and who have to run for office about 23 months.

Second Sanders is older than Clinton, and she is high up there. I know, I know, the Republicans like to giggle about old Democrats running, it is just the Dems have prospects like Cory Booker and Julian Castro coming up in the ranks. But what else do you expect from Republicans, who have won the plurality of the vote once since 1992.

Third, Sanders recognition is only going to carry so far. Clinton is a brand name, Sanders is a new old guy socialist. The fact he has gotten as far as he has is actually quite amazing. He is tapping a big source of energy. Heck, maybe Clinton will put him in her cabinet, perhaps make him a Socialist Czar (pun intended).

You sound like Clinton supporters in 2007.
Let's get a couple things straight. Sanders would make a great candidate and President in theory, not in application. He would not have the required support of the House which has to defend their seats every two years and who have to run for office about 23 months.

Second Sanders is older than Clinton, and she is high up there. I know, I know, the Republicans like to giggle about old Democrats running, it is just the Dems have prospects like Cory Booker and Julian Castro coming up in the ranks. But what else do you expect from Republicans, who have won the plurality of the vote once since 1992.

Third, Sanders recognition is only going to carry so far. Clinton is a brand name, Sanders is a new old guy socialist. The fact he has gotten as far as he has is actually quite amazing. He is tapping a big source of energy. Heck, maybe Clinton will put him in her cabinet, perhaps make him a Socialist Czar (pun intended).

You sound like Clinton supporters in 2007.
You can feel free and look around the archives of FRDB and see that I wasn't. I wasn't an Obama fanboy either though. At this point, my money was on Bill Richardson. As you can tell, I'm sharp as a tack!

What I can tell you accurately though (I also said the Republican team in '16 would be Bush / Kasich), Obama was being groomed for the slot starting in '04. Obama was a rising star and it was obvious. Sanders, his star is descending, but maybe the brightest it has ever been, but it is still descending. Obama's campaign was run with Clinton-esque efficiency, where as Sanders is running just on small money.
And if my aunt got a sex change, she'd be my uncle. Neither seems likely to actually happen, though.

While it would be funny to see Sanders guys go all Ron Paul, even they realize he's a second place finisher.

What do you mean?

New Hampshire is close. Sanders could win.

Then people might know who he is.

Yes, that's what I mean. It's like a couple elections ago when Ron Paul was running and all his supporters were going on about how every minuscule little outside chance was the indication that he was about to break out and defy all the odds and all his true believers whom the pundits weren't factoring into their polls would turn out in droves and he'd surge into a historic victory.

Hence "go all Ron Paul".
People can say whatever they want about Trump. But the election turnouts have been pitiful here because the Republicans run McCain/Romney establishment types and the Dems are going to put Lying Sack of Shit Clinton up for their candidate after 8 years of Hopey, Changey same old W shit Obama. The differences between the parties and candidates are negligible for most people, since they both run on wedge issues and feed their big money backers later.

So don't underestimate the power of a personality running when neither parties registered voters represent more than 25% of the population. A personality running as a third party could theoretically gain more votes than either party even if they had to band together to try and defeat them.
Trump gave the Hispanics the middle finger, which pretty much makes it near impossible for him to win. He can't lose the Hispanic vote worse than Romney and hope that enough angry white dumbfucks go out an vote to make up the difference.

I don't care for Trump. I won't vote for the Clinton political machine. I've voted Democrat in many races in the past. Didn't get much for it. Clinton will not get my vote. Authoritarian, banking candidate.
You sound like Clinton supporters in 2007.
You can feel free and look around the archives of FRDB and see that I wasn't. I wasn't an Obama fanboy either though. At this point, my money was on Bill Richardson. As you can tell, I'm sharp as a tack!

I didn't say you were a supporter then.

But all the reasons she can't lose sounds like a familiar refrain.

She voted in support of the invasion of Iraq. That's a hurdle against Sanders in my book.
Ya, that's Crazily Excited Woman #42. She's at all the political rallies which are worth being at.

Also known as "Crazy Edna." My little syster :tomato:

Yup; Xenophobia and insane ranting about 'security' and border protection is always an effective way to gain popularity for an otherwise distasteful political platform. This was well understood back in the 19th century, and was applied very effectively in the 1920s and '30s in Europe - particularly, but far from exclusively - in Spain, Italy and Germany.

It's despicable; but yes, it does work.
If there were to be another islamic terrorist attack in the States any time soon, it's almost guaranteed that Trump would triumph.

In the primaries, certainly.

The problem is, Trump has no restraint in the crazy shit he says. His supporters eat it up, and he thinks it's gaining him national popularity when it's really just galvanizing him to the lowest of the low of the Republican party. Outside of that very small group of people, most of Trump's rhetoric leaves people appalled and disgusted.

He would, in other words, completely sweep to victory in the primaries and then get crushed in the national election. It would be hilarious and epic, but it would NOT be close.
Which means more of the same under Hilary. Wishy washy policies, and America going further down the gurgler of appeasement to Islam and hundreds of thousands of migrants, which there will be hundreds if not thousands of radicals to cause havoc in the next decades.
Which means more of the same under Hilary. Wishy washy policies, and America going further down the gurgler of appeasement to Islam and hundreds of thousands of migrants, which there will be hundreds if not thousands of radicals to cause havoc in the next decades.

If that's what Hillary wants then that's what you'll get. She'll be in charge a year from now and can crush freedom and goodness as she sees fit.
Trump gave the Hispanics the middle finger, which pretty much makes it near impossible for him to win. He can't lose the Hispanic vote worse than Romney and hope that enough angry white dumbfucks go out an vote to make up the difference.

I don't care for Trump. I won't vote for the Clinton political machine. I've voted Democrat in many races in the past. Didn't get much for it. Clinton will not get my vote. Authoritarian, banking candidate.
The only thing we get is fewer Scalia's on the bench. And that is reason enough. *sigh*

- - - Updated - - -

You can feel free and look around the archives of FRDB and see that I wasn't. I wasn't an Obama fanboy either though. At this point, my money was on Bill Richardson. As you can tell, I'm sharp as a tack!

I didn't say you were a supporter then.

But all the reasons she can't lose sounds like a familiar refrain.

She voted in support of the invasion of Iraq. That's a hurdle against Sanders in my book.
Bad news, no one cares that she voted for it. It isn't going to hurt her.

- - - Updated - - -

Also known as "Crazy Edna." My little syster :tomato:

Yup; Xenophobia and insane ranting about 'security' and border protection is always an effective way to gain popularity for an otherwise distasteful political platform. This was well understood back in the 19th century, and was applied very effectively in the 1920s and '30s in Europe - particularly, but far from exclusively - in Spain, Italy and Germany.

It's despicable; but yes, it does work.
If there were to be another islamic terrorist attack in the States any time soon, it's almost guaranteed that Trump would triumph.

In the primaries, certainly.

The problem is, Trump has no restraint in the crazy shit he says. His supporters eat it up, and he thinks it's gaining him national popularity when it's really just galvanizing him to the lowest of the low of the Republican party. Outside of that very small group of people, most of Trump's rhetoric leaves people appalled and disgusted.

He would, in other words, completely sweep to victory in the primaries and then get crushed in the national election. It would be hilarious and epic, but it would NOT be close.
Which means more of the same under Hilary. Wishy washy policies, and America going further down the gurgler of appeasement to Islam and hundreds of thousands of migrants, which there will be hundreds if not thousands of radicals to cause havoc in the next decades.
You mean 3,500 over the next couple of years?
She voted in support of the invasion of Iraq...

Bad news, no one cares that she voted for it. It isn't going to hurt her.

There is an onslaught of advertising that goes on before these primaries.

We will know when it is clear to people that one candidate supported the invasion and the other opposed it.

Your wishful thinking is no better than a, gasp, Rand Paul supporter.
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