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Elizabeth II has died

Well it's not all bad news; We get a day off work - or, with luck, get two and a half days pay for one days work.

Well it's not all bad news; We get a day off work - or, with luck, get two and a half days pay for one days work.

And you want a republic!
AS a republic we could appoint a series of nonagenerian presidents and get one of these holidays every few years.

After King Congestive Heart Failure pops his clogs, Willy will probably be around for a few decades.
Well it's not all bad news; We get a day off work - or, with luck, get two and a half days pay for one days work.

Well it's not all bad news; We get a day off work - or, with luck, get two and a half days pay for one days work.

And you want a republic!
I want a republic with lots of Public Holidays. Monarchs don't die often enough to be particularly useful on that front; An Independence Day holiday has the potential to occur every single year.
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The monarchy might not last much longer if this is indicative of Charles' style.

That's been exactly their style for 956 years; It doesn't seem to be likely to bring the end any time soon.

I find it more than a little surprising that anyone would find this either surprising or remarkable behaviour for any aristocrat, much less a king.

His mum would have done the same, though with ninety six years for her staff to get used to her exact requirements, she probably wouldn't have had to.

I presume that the king has inherited his mum's servants, and that they will need a short adjustment period to doing things to his, rather than her, preference.
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The monarchy might not last much longer if this is indicative of Charles' style.

That's been exactly their style for 956 years; It doesn't seem to be likely to bring the end any time soon.

I find it more than a little surprising that anyone would find this either surprising or remarkable behaviour for any aristocrat, much less a king.

His mum would have done the same, though with ninety six years for her staff to get used to her exact requirements, she probably wouldn't have had to.

I presume that the king has inherited his mum's servants, and that they will need a short adjustment period to doing things to his, rather than her, preference.

Exactly. The video though doesn’t have sound. What’s he saying? “Can you please take all this away?” he’s in the process of sitting down, if the desk is small someone would have to take it away. I don’t think it’s fair to judge him on such a video. of course, he is supposed to be a snob. He’s king after all.
Of course she is wrong. Your opinions about the British Empire aside (not the topic of this thread anyway)

Wtf? How is the British empire off topic on a Queen Elizabeth thread? I bet if you walked up to her and said "the British Empire has nothing to do with you." she'd have slap the hell out of you with her glove.
I want a republic with lots of Public Holidays. Monarchs don't die often enough to be particularly useful on that front; An Independence Day holiday has the potential to occur every single year.
The best argument I can think of against Australia being a Republic is that I fucking well know we will just Brexit it up.
Charles sounds like the stereotypical idle rich. A bit addled and goofy.

Putter around in the garden in the morning. Have lunch and rest up form the exertion. Have tea in the afternoon and spend a few hours dressig for dinner.
The British Empire did more to free and modernize the World than any political entity before or since. It’s not popular history, but the Brits used the force of their Empire to end slavery. Can’t think of any other empire which chose to risk treasure and lives to help outgroups.
After having slavery in it for some centuries.
Yanks should be careful when criticising other nations about their attitudes to slavery.
The succession is going to cost a fucking fortune. The size of every coin and banknote will have to be increased in order to accommodate the size of the new King's ears. Then the slots of all ATMs and other vending machines will have to be modified to accept the new money.
Is body shaming the best you have?
The British Empire did more to free and modernize the World than any political entity before or since. It’s not popular history, but the Brits used the force of their Empire to end slavery. Can’t think of any other empire which chose to risk treasure and lives to help outgroups.
After having slavery in it for some centuries.
Yanks should be careful when criticising other nations about their attitudes to slavery.
We fought a civil war and since then have continually addressed the consequences of slavery.

Let me know when any commonwealth or UK state will entertain a biracial leader with a Nigerian father.
The succession is going to cost a fucking fortune. The size of every coin and banknote will have to be increased in order to accommodate the size of the new King's ears. Then the slots of all ATMs and other vending machines will have to be modified to accept the new money.
Is body shaming the best you have?
There is no shame in having big ears. I was complaining about the cost of the succession.
The monarchy might not last much longer if this is indicative of Charles' style.

That's been exactly their style for 956 years; It doesn't seem to be likely to bring the end any time soon.

I find it more than a little surprising that anyone would find this either surprising or remarkable behaviour for any aristocrat, much less a king.

His mum would have done the same, though with ninety six years for her staff to get used to her exact requirements, she probably wouldn't have had to.

I presume that the king has inherited his mum's servants, and that they will need a short adjustment period to doing things to his, rather than her, preference.

Exactly. The video though doesn’t have sound. What’s he saying? “Can you please take all this away?” he’s in the process of sitting down, if the desk is small someone would have to take it away. I don’t think it’s fair to judge him on such a video. of course, he is supposed to be a snob. He’s king after all.

Whatever the case, Camilla suddenly looked a bit awkward when his hand waving movement started.
The British Empire did more to free and modernize the World than any political entity before or since. It’s not popular history, but the Brits used the force of their Empire to end slavery. Can’t think of any other empire which chose to risk treasure and lives to help outgroups.
After having slavery in it for some centuries.
Yanks should be careful when criticising other nations about their attitudes to slavery.
It's not a competition. All of the slave owning nations should be ashamed of that legacy.
The succession is going to cost a fucking fortune. The size of every coin and banknote will have to be increased in order to accommodate the size of the new King's ears. Then the slots of all ATMs and other vending machines will have to be modified to accept the new money.
Is body shaming the best you have?
There is no shame in having big ears. I was complaining about the cost of the succession.
Since the new coins, banknotes will stay the same size as the existing ones that is not a problem.
Existing coins, notes will not be withdraw from service until unusable and the new ones issued. The Royal Australian Mint has already remarked on this issue https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-10/australian-coins-will-soon-feature-king-charles-iii/14049678

But you knew that anyway. Hence my comment about body shaming.
The British Empire did more to free and modernize the World than any political entity before or since. It’s not popular history, but the Brits used the force of their Empire to end slavery. Can’t think of any other empire which chose to risk treasure and lives to help outgroups.
After having slavery in it for some centuries.
Yanks should be careful when criticising other nations about their attitudes to slavery.
We fought a civil war and since then have continually addressed the consequences of slavery.
UK did not need a costly civil war to abolish slavery. The last payment to former slave owners in UK was done in 2015 https://taxjustice.net/2020/06/09/slavery-compensation-uk-questions/#:~:text=It's%20hard%20to%20believe%20but,of%20the%20abolition%20of%20slavery.

Though i do wonder why so much money was given to slavers in the first place?
Let me know when any commonwealth or UK state will entertain a biracial leader with a Nigerian father.
Since Nigeria is a member of the Commonwealth that issue is moot.
The British Empire did more to free and modernize the World than any political entity before or since. It’s not popular history, but the Brits used the force of their Empire to end slavery. Can’t think of any other empire which chose to risk treasure and lives to help outgroups.
After having slavery in it for some centuries.
Yanks should be careful when criticising other nations about their attitudes to slavery.
It's not a competition. All of the slave owning nations should be ashamed of that legacy.
Agreed. just responding to Ipetrich's post no. 251
The British Empire did more to free and modernize the World than any political entity before or since. It’s not popular history, but the Brits used the force of their Empire to end slavery. Can’t think of any other empire which chose to risk treasure and lives to help outgroups.
After having slavery in it for some centuries.
Yanks should be careful when criticising other nations about their attitudes to slavery.
It's not a competition. All of the slave owning nations should be ashamed of that legacy.
Agreed. just responding to Ipetrich's post no. 251
And if you want some context to what Ipetrich was replying to, Oleg was quoting Tucker Carlson pretty much verbatim.

The monarchy might not last much longer if this is indicative of Charles' style.
The idea that the monarch's style, or his impact on public opinion, is of any importance whatsoever to the institutions of government in the places where he is recognised as king, represents a deep and fundamental misunderstanding of what monarchy is, and how it operates.

The tabloid press, who are used to using the blunt tool of public opinion to force changes that they like (and to block those that they don't), are trying to give the impression that public opinion matters here. They are mistaken.

The people, lulled into a false sense of egalitarianism by seventy years in which changes in government have been largely subject to democratic process, and always beholden to at least some degree to public opinion, are apparently expecting that their opinions will, at least to some tiny degree, be taken into account. They, likewise, are mistaken.

It's a monarchy. The king does as he pleases, and everyone else says "How high, your majesty?"

I suspect that the reason that republicanism is not more popular, is that most crown subjects genuinely don't grasp that they aren't living under it already.

The king will not be overthrown because he's rude to his staff. That's not how it works. It's not even close to being how it works.

All that talk of "Charles isn't as popular as his mother, so he may never be king", and "When the queen dies, maybe we will become a republic", was only ever hot air; Public opinion isn't relevant to monarchies.

And King Charles III is the best of the Kings Charles* so far, by a long chalk. Though that's a very low bar.

*I think the plural of "King Charles" ought to be "Kings Charles"; cf. "Governors General". No appeal to facts on this matter will be considered.
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