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Return of Kings: Supporters of website touting 'legalising rape' to meet across Australia

So should rapists. Why some posters here are against rapists being responsible for raping people is beyond any morality I know.
Rapists do take responsibility for their own safety. They strive to isolate their victims. So they won't be interrupted or caught. That's why rapists don't snatch women and drag them to the lobby of a police station to rape them.

The morality you know is one of irresponsibility towards ones own safety. If you're about to drive through an intersection with a green light and you see a another car barreling through running the red, would you stop? After all the other driver is in the wrong and its their legal responsibility to yield. If you care more about being dead right then do what ever you want that's legal. Walk through some ghetto at night nude, stumbling drunk and waving wads of cash. Morally you would be in the clear. We could even put "it wasn't my fault" on your tombstone.

If this were a common rape scenario, you might have a point, but what you describe has never actually happened in real life.

A more common rape scenario is not the moral failure of risking one's safety. A more common scenario is putting trust in another person. Suppose our rape victim has had to much to drink and decides not to drive her car. She asks an acquaintance for a ride. She is now alone with him and he rapes her. How much of this crime is her responsibility?
It started with Bronzeage's belittling and making fun of men who can't attract women.
This is just another bunch of insecure men who fear their personal qualities are not sufficient to interest a woman. They follow the familiar pattern of believing it is their right to have sex with a woman, and the real problem is an inherent defect in women.
This is not a particularly popular sentiment among men, but it's common enough to draw a crowd and the numbers are easily exaggerated. Most men who have seen a woman naked find this sort of thing to be pathetic.
I do not agree with these people, but I disagree even more with your (and many more share it, including on this forum) attitude of belittling and making fun of everybody who has difficulty attracting women.
Especially when many women have an appalling taste in men (see Jamar Clark).

Well yeah. They are pretty funny.

Actually, there is a world of difference between men who have difficulty attracting women and those who actively strive to repel them by treating the opposite sex as a game animal.

Uh, yeah, I would have to agree with that.

The crux of this matter is really quite simple. The only way the for this idea to seem rational and not a sociopathic fantasy, one has to accept two ideas. First, that sexual intercourse is vital to a man's health, in the same way as food and water. Second, a woman is property and an unprotected woman is lost or abandoned woman.

Every society however primitive, recognizes that all creatures take whatever steps possible to insure their own survival. If sex is vital to one's health of life, any measure to obtain sex can be justified. There is nothing in nature to indicate this is true, in any sense. In fact, in the insect world, for quite a few species, sexual intercourse means the end of life, as if that was the only reason the creature existed in the first place.

Humans aren't that fortunate. We have to live at least a decade plus a few years, before it's possible and a few more before it's likely.

Those decade plus years are really why human sexuality is so complicated. We have the longest childhood and adolescence of any creature on the planet. This means sexual intercourse for humans is a huge investment. This is why sex is so much fun. It's the interest paid while we wait for the investment to mature.

Sex is used to cement pair bonds in humans. We have even managed to take that strong parent-child bonding instinct, which is found in almost all higher animals, and twist it into a romance instinct to create a protective and caring relationship with other adults. This romantic relationship is especially strong if formed in young adulthood and reinforced with sexual contact. If a person forms such a relationship in late adolescence, it's likely they will always desire to be in one. This is human nature and the natural order in human beings.

What this means in the starkest terms is, our Returning Kings are advocating a form of sex as unnatural as bestiality and have presented themselves as a danger to public order. If this were a more primitive time, this bachelor tribe would have to either be exterminated, or driven off into the wilderness, where they would no longer be a threat.
A more common scenario is putting trust in another person. Suppose our rape victim has had to much to drink and decides not to drive her car. She asks an acquaintance for a ride. She is now alone with him and he rapes her. How much of this crime is her responsibility?
First let me be clear a victim has no legal responsibility for crimes against them and a victim's actions shouldn't mitigate a criminals culpability. But potential victims do have responsibility for their self-preservation. If they wish to abdicate that responsibility then its not a moral question of right or wrong. Its simply a matter of how much harm they're willing to risk.

So to directly answer your question, anyone that drinks too much is putting themselves at risk for all manner of problems. And they should reevaluate their life choices regarding alcohol consumption.
A more common scenario is putting trust in another person. Suppose our rape victim has had to much to drink and decides not to drive her car. She asks an acquaintance for a ride. She is now alone with him and he rapes her. How much of this crime is her responsibility?
First let me be clear a victim has no legal responsibility for crimes against them and a victim's actions shouldn't mitigate a criminals culpability. But potential victims do have responsibility for their self-preservation. If they wish to abdicate that responsibility then its not a moral question of right or wrong. Its simply a matter of how much harm they're willing to risk.

So to directly answer your question, anyone that drinks too much is putting themselves at risk for all manner of problems. And they should reevaluate their life choices regarding alcohol consumption.


According to you
First let me be clear a victim has no legal responsibility for crimes against them and a victim's actions shouldn't mitigate a criminals culpability.

That pretty much shuts down the need for after the fact recriminations of what a VICTIM shoulda, woulda, coulda done.

It is the assumption that women needlessly and recklessly put themselves in harm's way that ALWAYS comes up in these discussions that can lead readers of say the quote above to believe the poster to be less than sincere in his or her declaration of the guilt of rapists.
That pretty much shuts down the need for after the fact recriminations of what a VICTIM shoulda, woulda, coulda done.
I wouldn't suggest that rape survivor counselors tell victims everything they did wrong right after an attack. But we should have this discussion about prevention for any future victims so they can lower their odds of tragedy.

It is the assumption that women needlessly and recklessly put themselves in harm's way that ALWAYS comes up in these discussions that can lead readers of say the quote above to believe the poster to be less than sincere in his or her declaration of the guilt of rapists.
Since I'm not a detective or mind reader I don't generally declare anyone guilty or innocent of rape. So my sincerity need not be in question on that front.
I wouldn't suggest that rape survivor counselors tell victims everything they did wrong right after an attack. But we should have this discussion about prevention for any future victims so they can lower their odds of tragedy.
Why? Because women need you to tell them to teach and learn prevention techniques because we are too stupid to know to do this already?

Rape prevention is a multi million dollar a year industry in this country alone. Rape prevention classes, rape prevention trainers and speakers, sales of mace, guns, and assorted weaponry; rape crisis centers, rape crisis hotlines, all offer and have women take advantage of all kinds of advice and training to ensure that the rape stats go down. And still one in three women can expect to be in some way sexually assaulted in her lifetime.

We talk to women, and have been talking to women for decades, centuries even. What we don't do is talk to men and since the vast majority of rapists of men and women are men, maybe, just maybe we need to put some effort there. Or do you think that would be too much to ask?
It is the assumption that women needlessly and recklessly put themselves in harm's way that ALWAYS comes up in these discussions that can lead readers of say the quote above to believe the poster to be less than sincere in his or her declaration of the guilt of rapists.
Since I'm not a detective or mind reader I don't generally declare anyone guilty or innocent of rape. So my sincerity need not be in question on that front.
Why make an assumption that you or someone else needs to tell women that they need to protect themselves when that is already happening and has been happening ever since the first parent taught the first daughter how to kick a men in the balls?
Why? Because women need you to tell them to teach and learn prevention techniques because we are too stupid to know to do this already?

Rape prevention is a multi million dollar a year industry in this country alone. Rape prevention classes, rape prevention trainers and speakers, sales of mace, guns, and assorted weaponry; rape crisis centers, rape crisis hotlines, all offer and have women take advantage of all kinds of advice and training to ensure that the rape stats go down. And still one in three women can expect to be in some way sexually assaulted in her lifetime.

We talk to women, and have been talking to women for decades, centuries even. What we don't do is talk to men and since the vast majority of rapists of men and women are men, maybe, just maybe we need to put some effort there. Or do you think that would be too much to ask?
It is the assumption that women needlessly and recklessly put themselves in harm's way that ALWAYS comes up in these discussions that can lead readers of say the quote above to believe the poster to be less than sincere in his or her declaration of the guilt of rapists.
Since I'm not a detective or mind reader I don't generally declare anyone guilty or innocent of rape. So my sincerity need not be in question on that front.
Why make an assumption that you or someone else needs to tell women that they need to protect themselves when that is already happening and has been happening ever since the first parent taught the first daughter how to kick a men in the balls?


When I was in high school, I had a friend who was very sweet and shy and who dressed mostly out of the discount bin at Salvation Army and her grandmother's cast offs. Her hair was unstyled, and usually greasey; she wore thick unattractive, unfashionable eye glasses. I don't think a dentist was in her family's budget and she had a chronic sinus infection, the combination of which made her breath....something one would avoid. But she was sweet and kind. She spent summers with her grandmother in another town. The summer we were 15 or 16, someone broke into her 80 something year old grandmother's home in the middle of the night, beat the grandmother and raped her.

The investigating police blamed my friend for her grandmother's rape. Apparently, she was too much an attractive nuisance for the rapist to resist and he broke into the wrong bedroom, missing his chance with my friend. For some people, rape is always the woman's fault. Even if it's someone else's rape.
So should rapists. Why some posters here are against rapists being responsible for raping people is beyond any morality I know.
Rapists do take responsibility for their own safety. They strive to isolate their victims. So they won't be interrupted or caught. That's why rapists don't snatch women and drag them to the lobby of a police station to rape them.

The morality you know is one of irresponsibility towards ones own safety. ...
Nexus, is that the sort of thing that you say to people who have been stolen from? That they have been too lazy about securing their property and thus that they fully deserve being stolen from?
Why? Because women need you to tell them to teach and learn prevention techniques because we are too stupid to know to do this already?

Rape prevention is a multi million dollar a year industry in this country alone. Rape prevention classes, rape prevention trainers and speakers, sales of mace, guns, and assorted weaponry; rape crisis centers, rape crisis hotlines, all offer and have women take advantage of all kinds of advice and training to ensure that the rape stats go down. And still one in three women can expect to be in some way sexually assaulted in her lifetime.

We talk to women, and have been talking to women for decades, centuries even. What we don't do is talk to men and since the vast majority of rapists of men and women are men, maybe, just maybe we need to put some effort there. Or do you think that would be too much to ask?

Why make an assumption that you or someone else needs to tell women that they need to protect themselves when that is already happening and has been happening ever since the first parent taught the first daughter how to kick a men in the balls?
They need to learn to protect themselves intelligently. Telling a girl to kick a rapist in the balls is not a wise training regimen. There are a lot of charlatans in the self defense industries and besides that most women don't even seek out self defense training. Look at the tens of thousands of ballet and dance schools in the country and contrast that with training available for women with rape prevention and self defense in mind. If sexual assault is as high as the claimed 33%, women sure don't prioritize prevention of that and training like they do other hobbies such as yoga, aerobics, dance etc.

Nexus, is that the sort of thing that you say to people who have been stolen from? That they have been too lazy about securing their property and thus that they fully deserve being stolen from?
As the late great William Munny from the film Unforgiven once said.
Deserve's got noting to do with it.
If you want to spare someone's precious feelings and shield their fragile ego then no you shouldn't say anything to them. However if you want to help them, offering advise about ways they can improve their chances and take responsibility for their own well being, then yes show them how they've been lazy and incompetent protecting themselves and their property.
They need to learn to protect themselves intelligently. Telling a girl to kick a rapist in the balls is not a wise training regimen. There are a lot of charlatans in the self defense industries and besides that most women don't even seek out self defense training. Look at the tens of thousands of ballet and dance schools in the country and contrast that with training available for women with rape prevention and self defense in mind. If sexual assault is as high as the claimed 33%, women sure don't prioritize prevention of that and training like they do other hobbies such as yoga, aerobics, dance etc.

Nexus, is that the sort of thing that you say to people who have been stolen from? That they have been too lazy about securing their property and thus that they fully deserve being stolen from?
As the late great William Munny from the film Unforgiven once said.
Deserve's got noting to do with it.
If you want to spare someone's precious feelings and shield their fragile ego then no you shouldn't say anything to them. However if you want to help them, offering advise about ways they can improve their chances and take responsibility for their own well being, then yes show them how they've been lazy and incompetent protecting themselves and their property.

So the responsibility for reducing/stopping rape rests soley with the potential victims? Mostly women? What about children? Should we teach them not to dress slutty? Dress them in burquas? Because that doesn't really help Muslim women much.

Is it really too much to ask to expect men to learn to treat women with respect instead of like objects upon which they can foist their wills?
They need to learn to protect themselves intelligently. Telling a girl to kick a rapist in the balls is not a wise training regimen. There are a lot of charlatans in the self defense industries and besides that most women don't even seek out self defense training. Look at the tens of thousands of ballet and dance schools in the country and contrast that with training available for women with rape prevention and self defense in mind. If sexual assault is as high as the claimed 33%, women sure don't prioritize prevention of that and training like they do other hobbies such as yoga, aerobics, dance etc.

As the late great William Munny from the film Unforgiven once said.
Deserve's got noting to do with it.
If you want to spare someone's precious feelings and shield their fragile ego then no you shouldn't say anything to them. However if you want to help them, offering advise about ways they can improve their chances and take responsibility for their own well being, then yes show them how they've been lazy and incompetent protecting themselves and their property.

So the responsibility for reducing/stopping rape rests soley with the potential victims? Mostly women? What about children? Should we teach them not to dress slutty? Dress them in burquas? Because that doesn't really help Muslim women much.

Is it really too much to ask to expect men to learn to treat women with respect instead of like objects upon which they can foist their wills?

The return of king huh? What in the hell do they mean "return?" That is the silliest thing I have heard. The Aussies have a Queen for a king. I don't think their queen wants any part in a rape scenario. They voted to keep the old bitty! They should free themselves from British Aristrocracy altogether and also put their peckers back in their pants. This return of kings shit is pure bullshit and about as current as burquas.:rolleyes:
So should rapists. Why some posters here are against rapists being responsible for raping people is beyond any morality I know.
Rapists do take responsibility for their own safety. They strive to isolate their victims. So they won't be interrupted or caught. That's why rapists don't snatch women and drag them to the lobby of a police station to rape them.
so adding kidnapping, assault and battery, and murder to the crime of rape helps your case how? Besides you are now, whether you realize it or not, you are arguing for the virtue of the rapist.
The morality you know is one of irresponsibility towards ones own safety. If you're about to drive through an intersection with a green light and you see a another car barreling through running the red, would you stop? After all the other driver is in the wrong and its their legal responsibility to yield. If you care more about being dead right then do what ever you want that's legal. Walk through some ghetto at night nude, stumbling drunk and waving wads of cash. Morally you would be in the clear. We could even put "it wasn't my fault" on your tombstone.
except, as I have already pointed out, everything you are calling for is already being done. If you think that women bring rape upon themselves, then just say so. once you say that, rape is no longer the crime of the rapist but the stupidity of the victim. is that what you think?

And remember you have already argued for the virtue of the rapist in this very post.
Rapists do take responsibility for their own safety. They strive to isolate their victims. So they won't be interrupted or caught. That's why rapists don't snatch women and drag them to the lobby of a police station to rape them.
so adding kidnapping, assault and battery, and murder to the crime of rape helps your case how? Besides you are now, whether you realize it or not, you are arguing for the virtue of the rapist.
The morality you know is one of irresponsibility towards ones own safety. If you're about to drive through an intersection with a green light and you see a another car barreling through running the red, would you stop? After all the other driver is in the wrong and its their legal responsibility to yield. If you care more about being dead right then do what ever you want that's legal. Walk through some ghetto at night nude, stumbling drunk and waving wads of cash. Morally you would be in the clear. We could even put "it wasn't my fault" on your tombstone.
except, as I have already pointed out, everything you are calling for is already being done. If you think that women bring rape upon themselves, then just say so. once you say that, rape is no longer the crime of the rapist but the stupidity of the victim. is that what you think?

And remember you have already argued for the virtue of the rapist in this very post.

I think there are some movements that only deserve one thing....BEING DISCREDITED. This Return of Kings thing is like that. There really is no sensible argument for rape or tolerance of rape.:rolleyes:
They need to learn to protect themselves intelligently.
men need to stop forcing themselves on women.
Telling a girl to kick a rapist in the balls is not a wise training regimen.
Got me out of a what would have been a gang rape when I was 12. So no, II do not agree. But i can see why men would want women to believe your point of view.
There are a lot of charlatans in the self defense industries and besides that most women don't even seek out self defense training.
Hold up, so there are a lot of charlatans, which means there is a lot of demand, and yet women aren't taking the classes? Those two things don't go together.
Look at the tens of thousands of ballet and dance schools in the country and contrast that with training available for women with rape prevention and self defense in mind.
That comparison makes no sense.
If sexual assault is as high as the claimed 33%, women sure don't prioritize prevention of that and training like they do other hobbies such as yoga, aerobics, dance etc.
men behaving like bastards are decisions made BY MEN! What is so scary to you about that?

Most rape is between familiars and is a betrayal of trust. Should women not trust men? Ever? Or just every third man? Or maybe not trust any man on any third encounter?
Nexus, is that the sort of thing that you say to people who have been stolen from? That they have been too lazy about securing their property and thus that they fully deserve being stolen from?
As the late great William Munny from the film Unforgiven once said.
Deserve's got noting to do with it.
If you want to spare someone's precious feelings and shield their fragile ego then no you shouldn't say anything to them. However if you want to help them, offering advise about ways they can improve their chances and take responsibility for their own well being, then yes show them how they've been lazy and incompetent protecting themselves and their property.

Says the poster who points out the virtues of rapists.
If you want to spare someone's precious feelings and shield their fragile ego then no you shouldn't say anything to them. However if you want to help them, offering advise about ways they can improve their chances and take responsibility for their own well being, then yes show them how they've been lazy and incompetent protecting themselves and their property.

Indeed, there are some people who wish to be absolved of all responsibility for their wreck less actions, consequences be damned.
And remember you have already argued for the virtue of the rapist in this very post.
No that's just your abysmally poor reading comprehension at best or at worst its an attempt at libel because you refuse to address my points.

Got me out of a what would have been a gang rape when I was 12. So no, I do not agree. But i can see why men would want women to believe your point of view.
Reminds my of the Churchill quote "Anecdotes are like assholes everybody has one." It still doesn't make that advice good in general.

Hold up, so there are a lot of charlatans, which means there is a lot of demand, and yet women aren't taking the classes? Those two things don't go together.
No the charlatans offer their services to a wider audience than just women seeking empowerment.

Nexus said:
Look at the tens of thousands of ballet and dance schools in the country and contrast that with training available for women with rape prevention and self defense in mind.

If sexual assault is as high as the claimed 33%, women sure don't prioritize prevention of that and training like they do other hobbies such as yoga, aerobics, dance etc.
AthenaAwakened said:
That comparison makes no sense.
Its quite obvious far more women value being able to do pirouettes or shake their booty to the beat or put themselves into flexible poses than they value preventing themselves from being raped. What women spend their time and money on is what they value. If there were a 33% chance something horrific was going to happen to me I would devote most of my free time studying the causes and prevention of that tragedy. But I would prefer taking personal responsibility for my safety rather than console myself with exalted victim hood status after the fact.

Toni said:
Is it really too much to ask to expect men to learn to treat women with respect instead of like objects upon which they can foist their wills?
Its not too much to ask men, but it is too much to ask rapists. They know rape is wrong. You won't be telling them anything they don't already know.
Ssshhhhhh. Don't let Derek know about these people.

Hell, I'd buy him a plane ticket. Maybe he'll leave and decide not to come back.

So they all get together and rape each other (presumably on private property)?

There probably won't be any penetration. Just whole lot of circling up and jerking off.

How did a thread about legalizing rape (satire or not) end up by being about Derec's (non)love-life?

Do you really need me to connect the dots? I kind of thought it was obvious.
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