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Where is Bernie Goetz when you need him?

Based on a review of a search, there are 43 returns on threads by Derec referencing "thugs".

40 - blacks
1 - Greenpeace
1 - Muslims
1 - Hispanics

One final comment, this wasn't to suggest racism or anything... just that Toni referred to Derec's post which mentioned "thugs" and presumed he meant "blacks". She was called on it, but I felt it wasn't an unreasonable leap on her part based on Derec's usage of the word here.

Congratulations--you've shown that he doesn't use "thug" only to describe blacks.
I wish you'd bother to read posts you respond to.
The problem is that most thugs (at least the ones that make the news) are black.
You mean the ones you take notice of.
When a gang of well armed white guys took over the Malheur refuge, did Derec use the term "thugs" once? Actually, he immediately derailed the thread about #BLM. In fact, he Derec goes on to equate the BLM occupation with protests by #BLM, yet still doesn't call the armed white guys thugs.

These are honest observations. I'm sorry if you can't see it. Derec uses the word thugs when describing blacks that he thinks have greatly wronged the world, whether the are families of criminals, peaceful protesters, criminals, victims of police violence.

"Armed" != "thugs".

There was basically no violence with the Y'all-queda takeover. Thus "thug" is not a proper term to refer to them.

Thugs lead a life of casual violence in the pursuit of their objectives.
Fuck me! I can't take this shit anymore.
When a gang of well armed white guys took over the Malheur refuge, did Derec use the term "thugs" once? Actually, he immediately derailed the thread about #BLM. In fact, he Derec goes on to equate the BLM occupation with protests by #BLM, yet still doesn't call the armed white guys thugs.

These are honest observations. I'm sorry if you can't see it. Derec uses the word thugs when describing blacks that he thinks have greatly wronged the world, whether the are families of criminals, peaceful protesters, criminals, victims of police violence.

"Armed" != "thugs".

There was basically no violence with the Y'all-queda takeover. Thus "thug" is not a proper term to refer to them.

Thugs lead a life of casual violence in the pursuit of their objectives.

Use of force to take what you want makes you a thug.

Having weapons in the case of those boys just points out they are cowards.

They took weapons like they were all tough but they had no toughness in them.

A bunch of posers.

Thug posers. Like a lot of so-called thugs.
Toni believed that Derec was talking about blacks when he used the term "thugs". The evidence presented indicates that it wasn't an unreasonable conclusion, even if it was mistaken.

People have wasted too much time to suggest otherwise.

If this was the first time we had this discussion you would be right.
Well, stealing a teacher's car would probably count as grand larceny and likely would have resulted in time in court, minimum, by today's standards.

That was one of the milder of the pranks.

I've heard of senior pranks that involve felonies but generally not in a harmful fashion.

Thus, for example, stealing the teacher's car and putting it in a ridiculous place, no intent of permanently taking the car.

- - - Updated - - -

Most thugs that make the news are black.

That doesn't mean that "thug" says anything about the person's race.


Actually, it does. We don't get to create our own definitions on a technicality. The common usage of "thug" describes a young black man. The word has had different usages in the past, but that doesn't change the present.

You're the one trying to redefine the word.

I do not deny that most thugs are young, black males. That does not mean that "thug" means "young, black male", though. Instead of attacking the word, try to solve whatever is wrong in the black community that makes them turn out so many thugs!
Except so far none of us know their race(s). You assumed racism with no evidence of it.

No, I assumed race--based upon Derec's posting history.

Except he has repeatedly stated that "thug" is not a racial term.

Note the hidden assumption in your posting: That criminals of unknown race are black.

Maybe he read this website, like I actually do when I want to find out if the non described assailants are black. "Bart" is not on it right now. As soon as the kids' race is known and if they are non-white it will be on it for sure.

Oh, I figure it would be ALL over media if they were not white.

Why? The news reports controversy. If they were black that unfortunately would be expected.
Actually, there is documented obsession of certain posters (you, Toni, Ford etc.) with discussing me, rather than discussing the actual subject of the thread.
I pointed out that
1) Bernard Goetz fits your definition of a thug, and
2) that your documented posting history makes it reasonable to conclude that when you refer to a "thug" that the person is black.

I'm not sure exactly what Derec's definition of a "thug" is. Goetz certainly doesn't fit mine--he used violence once, in self defense. That does not a thug make.
The problem is that most thugs (at least the ones that make the news) are black.

The problem is that most thugs (at least the ones that make the news) are black.

The problem is that most thugs (at least the ones that make the news) are black.

Do you actually have anything to say or are you just stuttering?

Just because you don't like a reality doesn't make it go away, nor is attempting to suppress any mention of it an appropriate answer.
No, I assumed race--based upon Derec's posting history.

Except he has repeatedly stated that "thug" is not a racial term.

The way he uses it is clearly racist. You and he both have a hard time applying the term to whites even when the whites meet your stated definition of 'thug'.

If you and Derec were in the habit of calling young blacks males 'buckos', you and he could claim that the word 'buckos' isn't racist and that would be true. But it wouldn't change the fact that the views you express when you're talking about buckos are racist. And if someone read a post written by you or Derec that was about buckos doing something criminal, it would be perfectly reasonable to suppose you were talking trash about blacks in general, as you and he so often do.
Oh, I figure it would be ALL over media if they were not white.

Why? The news reports controversy. If they were black that unfortunately would be expected.

^^and there we have it^^

Loren, most crime in the US is committed by white males. That's one point.

The other is that crimes by persons of color are reported very prominently, ( and in my local paper, with photos I f the suspect is black, Hispanic or Asian) precisely to reinforce the misperception that POCs are criminal and to be feared.
No, I assumed race--based upon Derec's posting history.

Except he has repeatedly stated that "thug" is not a racial term.
His usage denotes otherwise.
Note the hidden assumption in your posting: That criminals of unknown race are black.
When someone says "I thought the criminals were black because X uses the term thug to refer to blacks", there is no hidden assumption about criminals of unknown race.

I think we all agree that there is no hidden assumption of racism in the statement "I do not deny that most thugs are young, black males. "
The problem is that most thugs (at least the ones that make the news) are black.

The problem is that most thugs (at least the ones that make the news) are black.

The problem is that most thugs (at least the ones that make the news) are black.

Do you actually have anything to say or are you just stuttering?
Yes to the former, and no to the latter.
Just because you don't like a reality doesn't make it go away, nor is attempting to suppress any mention of it an appropriate answer.
How could any rational person equate the repetition of a remark 3 times with an attempt to suppress it?
when Derec used the word "thugs" he was referring to 'blacks that he has thought had harmed the world'

When Derec used the word "Thugs", he was referring to bad people he has thought had harmed the world.

YOUR (and others) observation that "bad people" tend to be black people is what may be considered racist. My issue with this has nothing to do with Derec (or anyone else) on a personal level, or even about their views. It is about labeling words as racist because the observer of usage is injecting their own racism (in this case, that the "bad people" are black '40 out of 43 times"). Would the use of the term thug, referring to the perpetrator of a crime, be "not racist" if 20 out of 40 times the thug was white?

How many white thugs does it take to unscrew this term?
when Derec used the word "thugs" he was referring to 'blacks that he has thought had harmed the world'

When Derec used the word "Thugs", he was referring to bad people he has thought had harmed the world.

YOUR (and others) observation that "bad people" tend to be black people is what may be considered racist. My issue with this has nothing to do with Derec (or anyone else) on a personal level, or even about their views. It is about labeling words as racist because the observer of usage is injecting their own racism (in this case, that the "bad people" are black '40 out of 43 times"). Would the use of the term thug, referring to the perpetrator of a crime, be "not racist" if 20 out of 40 times the thug was white?

How many white thugs does it take to unscrew this term?

Do you not know what a euphemism is?

What really agitates me is this air of bullshit innocence coming off of Derec and friends once they're called out. It makes sense though since people like Derec are typically cowards who can't stand by their dick-shittery the moment someone calls them to answer for it. They're the type of people who calls blacks feral apes on their facebook feeds but then back down and play dumb the moment a camera crew comes to their front door to ask about it.
Yeah, I was the one that pointed this out. Which is why we can be reasonably sure Derec didn't know their race, and those who assumed the criminals were black (e.g., you and Higgins) were acting based on their own biases and preconceptions.

Cough cough: you mean: based on Derec's posting history.

I'm not sure why it is so important to you to justify relying on your prejudices and being wrong. Just accept that that's exactly what you did and move on.
Returning to the situation in the OP, some of the suspects in the swarm attack have been identified http://kron4.com/2017/04/26/bart-identifies-multiple-suspects-in-mob-attack/):
BART officials have identified multiple suspects in the mob attack that happened over the weekend at Oakland’s Coliseum station.

Investigators were able to identify the suspects by using video surveillance from inside the train car, according to BART officials.

apparently, the video is very high quality and clearly identifies many of them. Because the suspects are all minors, the video will not be released to the public. We will have to wait for public arrest records (and mug shots, I guess) to continue the racist elements of discussion.
when Derec used the word "thugs" he was referring to 'blacks that he has thought had harmed the world'

When Derec used the word "Thugs", he was referring to bad people he has thought had harmed the world.

YOUR (and others) observation that "bad people" tend to be black people is what may be considered racist.
There is only one person in this thread who made that observation and it was not Jimmy.
My issue with this has nothing to do with Derec (or anyone else) on a personal level, or even about their views. It is about labeling words as racist because the observer of usage is injecting their own racism (in this case, that the "bad people" are black '40 out of 43 times"). Would the use of the term thug, referring to the perpetrator of a crime, be "not racist" if 20 out of 40 times the thug was white?
Your issue is only in your mind. Neither Jimmy nor most other people are claiming that the term "thug" is necessarily racist. The issue is that one poster uses that term to almost exclusively refer to black criminals while refraining from using it to describe white criminals.
When Derec used the word "Thugs", he was referring to bad people he has thought had harmed the world.

YOUR (and others) observation that "bad people" tend to be black people is what may be considered racist. My issue with this has nothing to do with Derec (or anyone else) on a personal level, or even about their views. It is about labeling words as racist because the observer of usage is injecting their own racism (in this case, that the "bad people" are black '40 out of 43 times"). Would the use of the term thug, referring to the perpetrator of a crime, be "not racist" if 20 out of 40 times the thug was white?

How many white thugs does it take to unscrew this term?

What really agitates me is this air of bullshit innocence coming off of Derec and friends once they're called out.

That is what I am finding *amusing* too. It is Derec's long long long history of using the word "thug" racist-sounding posts that have caused multiple people here to assume it was Derec making a racist-reference yet again. It is not at all anyone else being racist. It was/is everyone else assuming Derec was using the word "thug" in his usual manner - to mean "black men". Everyone here knows this, so anyone here claiming otherwise is simply trying to take this opportunity to malign the character of other posters.

As for Derec, this has certainly turned into a win-win for him :shrug: Everyone here, including him, knows damned well that Derec most likely assumed the train muggers are young black men, but he certainly has plausible deniability this time.

So now, if the train muggers turn out to be POC, Derec can feel justified in his racist assumptions. On the other hand, if they turn out to be white teenagers, he will forever be able to point to this thread as the one and only time Derec called white boys "thugs" :D
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