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Car plows into counter-protesters at Unite The Right rally

Obama was President during neither event. Did you have a point, other than to brag you apparently like fences?
The point is obvious in that the president, of any one party, normally wants to be popular for another elected term. And I am about as far off of a political fence as is possible; that is why pretty much any party does not work personally for me.
That is actually demonstrating my point for your fence approval.
Ha, maybe these idiots have finally gotten the message to keep their grimy hands off of the king's velvet coat, only in public view.

So, he alienated the rest of the country by not denouncing the racists and then alienated the racists by finally getting around to denouncing them. I wonder if he's tired of winning yet?
That is why I said that maybe these racists have finally gotten the idea that highly publicizing their connection with the president isn't a very good political move.
The point is obvious in that the president, of any one party, normally wants to be popular for another elected term. And I am about as far off of a political fence as is possible; that is why pretty much any party does not work personally for me.
That is actually demonstrating my point for your fence approval.
Then I guess I do not understand your view of the word "fence."
Ha, maybe these idiots have finally gotten the message to keep their grimy hands off of the king's velvet coat, only in public view.

So, he alienated the rest of the country by not denouncing the racists and then alienated the racists by finally getting around to denouncing them. I wonder if he's tired of winning yet?

Well, he apparently alienated anyone left over by spewing more verbal vomit this afternoon :rolleyes:

My new and only name for him: Loser

I can't think of anything else that would enrage him worse.
Taken from a post by "Brad" (rest of the name blurred out)

I've been weirded out by a lot of things this year, but "Anti-fascist" as a collective description is a new one.

"Anti-fascist" shouldn't be a movement or a group. It should be your default state. You're SUPPOSED to be anti-fascist.

It shouldn't be "Nazis clashed with anti-fascists". It should be "Nazis clashed with people, because people are supposed to fucking clash with Nazis".

They weren't "Alt-Right". They were literally holding Swastika flags and throwing Roman salutes. They're fucking Nazis.

You supposed to be anti fucking that.

I preserved the typos and all. Well said. This is the most absurd thing about the Trump era: we have a special term for people who oppose fascism.

I've been participating in a lot of poo-flinging on the Internet in the wake of the horror show in Charlottesville. Conservatives watched the same rally I did. They watched the same Nazi flags, they saw the same Nazi salutes, they heard the same Nazi chants, and they watched the same Nazi terrorist kill an American and maim a score of others.

After watching all of that, conservatives have decided that the thing that angers them most is the counter-protesters. They watched Nazis riot in an American city. They watched a Nazi terrorist kill, and the thing that angers them the most are the people who were protesting the Nazis.

Not the Nazis. They aren't complaining about the Nazis. Not the act of terror committed in the name of racist ideology, no the thing that made them angry enough to speak out were the people who were there to protest Nazis.

You know what? I no longer care what excuses you use.

You sided with Nazis.

End of story.

In a conflict between Nazis and anyone, it is not OK to side with the Nazis unless the Nazis happen to be fighting a race of aliens that plans to kill and eat all of humanity. Otherwise, if you get angry at people for opposing Nazis, then at best you are a Nazi sympathizer if not an actual Nazi yourself.

Opposing literal fucking Nazis should not be controversial. It should be the most uncontroversial thing imaginable. It was the one thing the West and the Soviet bloc nations agreed on during the Cold War. Fighting Nazis was America's (and the Soviets') claim to moral authority on the world stage.

Not anymore.

The president of the United Fucking States is using false equivalence arguments in defense of Nazis, while countless American conservatives on the Internet are yelling and crying and gnashing their teeth over how angry they are at people who opposed Nazis.

Fucking fuck fuckity fuck-fuck.
Antifa is what they call themselves. But their name is a misnomer since are very fascist in their tactics. No, they are not equivalent, but they need to go away and stay out of any protest against the right, they are not helping.
So, he alienated the rest of the country by not denouncing the racists and then alienated the racists by finally getting around to denouncing them. I wonder if he's tired of winning yet?
That is why I said that maybe these racists have finally gotten the idea that highly publicizing their connection with the president isn't a very good political move.

What connection is that?

I doubt if any of the Republicans wear pillow cases and sheets or goose step.
I doubt also that any Democrats go about singing the red flag.

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Antifa is what they call themselves. But their name is a misnomer since are very fascist in their tactics. No, they are not equivalent, but they need to go away and stay out of any protest against the right, they are not helping.

The Ultra-Left including Antifa and the Ultra right are essentially the same in mentality.
So, he alienated the rest of the country by not denouncing the racists and then alienated the racists by finally getting around to denouncing them. I wonder if he's tired of winning yet?

Well, he apparently alienated anyone left over by spewing more verbal vomit this afternoon :rolleyes:

My new and only name for him: Loser

I can't think of anything else that would enrage him worse.
Not even close to a year in, and Trump pretty much squandered the rest of his limited political capital defending Neo Nazis. Oh, I'm sorry, he didn't defend them... he just said people protesting against Neo Nazis and the Clan were just as bad. The Republican Party might be sitting around at this point asking why they didn't just take a dive in '16.

Meanwhile the Republicans may be waiting for Mueller to report Trump had a hang nail in '94 to impeach.

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That is actually demonstrating my point for your fence approval.
Then I guess I do not understand your view of the word "fence."
That was apparent.

Okay, okay, I sort of agree, but...

Different people oppose Nazis in different ways. So I mean there could be peaceful protests or your ideology may be to oppose them with stomping, like antifa or whatever they call themselves. Another opposition to the Nazis was the Greatest Generation. I think we should be bringing up that particular label more right now, like "if you want to make America great again, oppose Nazis again like the Greatest Generation," and so forth...but I think the point is taken that the "default" ought to be opposition to Nazis and labeling is more about the diverse ways to do so...not the general opposition itself.
Daily Stormer’ website sending Nazis to harass funeral of woman allegedly killed by white supremacist in Charlottesville
You know, I think that Nazis protesting my funeral would be a validation of just about every life choice I've ever made...
1) Choosing not to be a Nazi
2) Interracial marriage
3) Not choosing to be a Nazi
4) Embracing my gay son*
5) Atheism
6) military service to protect the freedom to be a Nazi
7) military service to protect the freedom to make fun of Nazis
8) and, oh, not ever being a Nazi...

*To be honest, the moaning of 'Daaaaaaaaaaaaaad! Not in front of the guys!' more than validated THAT choice...
That is why I said that maybe these racists have finally gotten the idea that highly publicizing their connection with the president isn't a very good political move.

What connection is that?

I doubt if any of the Republicans wear pillow cases and sheets or goose step.
I doubt also that any Democrats go about singing the red flag.

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Antifa is what they call themselves. But their name is a misnomer since are very fascist in their tactics. No, they are not equivalent, but they need to go away and stay out of any protest against the right, they are not helping.

The Ultra-Left including Antifa and the Ultra right are essentially the same in mentality.

Republicans at large have been perfectly happy to accept the alt right as the new wave of young republicanism up until a few days ago. The cynic in my thinks that they have ridden this horse as far as they could and not that they can't ride it any further, the only course of action left is to shoot it in the head and keep walking.

Also who is "The ultra-left?" Just anyone whichphilosophy decides? Kinda makes it useless terminology then. Also no, Antifa are nothing like the nazis. They do not pose an existential threat to people's lives the same way nazis do.
What connection is that?

I doubt if any of the Republicans wear pillow cases and sheets or goose step.
I doubt also that any Democrats go about singing the red flag.

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Antifa is what they call themselves. But their name is a misnomer since are very fascist in their tactics. No, they are not equivalent, but they need to go away and stay out of any protest against the right, they are not helping.

The Ultra-Left including Antifa and the Ultra right are essentially the same in mentality.

Republicans at large have been perfectly happy to accept the alt right as the new wave of young republicanism up until a few days ago. The cynic in my thinks that they have ridden this horse as far as they could and not that they can't ride it any further, the only course of action left is to shoot it in the head and keep walking.

Also who is "The ultra-left?" Just anyone whichphilosophy decides? Kinda makes it useless terminology then. Also no, Antifa are nothing like the nazis. They do not pose an existential threat to people's lives the same way nazis do.

I think what the alt-right was able to do successfully, that is - the actual alt-right, the white-supremacists who came up with the word - was convince a lot of people in the mainstream that it was simply an anti-establishment wing of the right. Essentially, anti-establishment sentiment was used as a Trojan Horse for white-nationalist thought.
What connection is that?

I doubt if any of the Republicans wear pillow cases and sheets or goose step.
I doubt also that any Democrats go about singing the red flag.

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Antifa is what they call themselves. But their name is a misnomer since are very fascist in their tactics. No, they are not equivalent, but they need to go away and stay out of any protest against the right, they are not helping.

The Ultra-Left including Antifa and the Ultra right are essentially the same in mentality.

Republicans at large have been perfectly happy to accept the alt right as the new wave of young republicanism up until a few days ago. The cynic in my thinks that they have ridden this horse as far as they could and not that they can't ride it any further, the only course of action left is to shoot it in the head and keep walking.

Also who is "The ultra-left?" Just anyone whichphilosophy decides? Kinda makes it useless terminology then. Also no, Antifa are nothing like the nazis. They do not pose an existential threat to people's lives the same way nazis do.

ANTIFA is also militant. They are not Nazi, just the flip side. They are often involved in violence, hence symbiotically they need the loony right to interact with.
What connection is that?

I doubt if any of the Republicans wear pillow cases and sheets or goose step.
I doubt also that any Democrats go about singing the red flag.

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Antifa is what they call themselves. But their name is a misnomer since are very fascist in their tactics. No, they are not equivalent, but they need to go away and stay out of any protest against the right, they are not helping.

The Ultra-Left including Antifa and the Ultra right are essentially the same in mentality.

Republicans at large have been perfectly happy to accept the alt right as the new wave of young republicanism up until a few days ago. The cynic in my thinks that they have ridden this horse as far as they could and not that they can't ride it any further, the only course of action left is to shoot it in the head and keep walking.

Also who is "The ultra-left?" Just anyone whichphilosophy decides? Kinda makes it useless terminology then. Also no, Antifa are nothing like the nazis. They do not pose an existential threat to people's lives the same way nazis do.

ANTIFA is also militant. They are not Nazi, just the flip side. They are often involved in violence, hence symbiotically they need the loony right to interact with.

Isn't this just another way of saying that the looney right is the cause of Antifa?
United States in WWII was also militant. They were not Nazi Germany, just the flip side and just as bad. They were often involved in violence, hence symbiotically they needed Nazi Germany to interact with.


It's not possible to repair something with something that does not relate.

You are comparing a battle between the USA and the Nazis as one between anarchists and revolutionary Marxists with Nazis. Both sides are equal in bigotry.

The communists fought the Nazis (Russia) and the Stalin killed more people than Hitler did, around 50 million, many also in death camps.

The Allies were not the flip side because the US was not a revolutionary Marxist state in but at war with the Nazi state.
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