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Car plows into counter-protesters at Unite The Right rally

Trump's initial comments drew praise from the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, which wrote: "Trump comments were good. He didn't attack us. He just said the nation should come together. Nothing specific against us. ... No condemnation at all." The website had been promoting the Charlottesville demonstration as part of its "Summer of Hate" edition.


But today,

Twitler said:
"Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,"

The cuck-in-chief has made a lot of pepes very sad.

But today,

Twitler said:
"Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,"

The cuck-in-chief has made a lot of pepes very sad.

Even this is tepid for him, shows his heart isn't in it if the delayed response wasn't evidence enough.
Sure, some pepes will never turn on their god emperor.

Trump made two statements on Charlottesville. Here's how white nationalists heard them. - CNNPolitics

"He said EVERYONE INVOLVED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. that includes Antifa and BLM," one Reddit user posted on the site's pro-Trump subreddit.

"He left the door open and clearly said we are all equal under the law," added another.

His addition of "other hate groups" led some white nationalist supporters to believe he was intentionally implicating Black Lives Matter or anti-fascist protesters, groups that alt-righters see as equivalent to Nazis in terms of violence and hate.

"I think (and hope) by 'other hate groups,' he means the real hate groups in America, the Anti-White ones," wrote one denizen of Stormfront, the infamous white supremacist community.

This type of secret messaging, some of these supporters said, was a way for Trump to signal his continued support without playing into "MSM (mainstream) media" narratives.

But for others, they've lost that loving-hate feeling.

"I'm sick of defending Trump. Now that he is anti white pride but doesn't say anything about BLM of Antifa it's clear he's just another [expletive]," one 4chan user wrote.

David Duke, a former leader of the KKK, whom Trump denounced by name, was also not happy about the statement.

"It appears the First Amendment doesn't apply to White Americans just like racial discrimination laws don't protect White Americans," he wrote after Trump's statement.

Stormfront boards on the subject were littered with calls of "turncoat" and worse.
Very tepid... at best.

And very likely only because his daughter (whom he lusts after) reminded him that these racist fuckwads would roast her and Trump's favorite son, Jared, right along with the rest of the Jews if they got the chance.

But if I see even one news reporter comment on "this is where he turned presidential" I will bloody well barf.

Here's your phony equivalency:

James Fields Jr., 20, was arrested and charged with 2nd degree murder over the crash. Fields was in Charlottesville attending the “Unite the Right” rally and was photographed with a shield bearing a white supremacist emblem hours before the attack.

“I think he’s still very young, and I’m sorry he believed that hate could fix problems. Hate only brings more hate,” Bro said. “Heather was not about hate, Heather was about stopping hatred. Heather was about bringing an end to injustice.

She began to cry as she added, “I don’t want her death to be a focus for more hatred, I want her death to be a rallying cry for justice and equality and fairness and compassion. I’m very sorry that [Fields] chose that path because he has now ruined his life as well as robbed a great many of us of someone we love very much.”

“No mother wants to lose a child, but I’m proud of her,” she said. “I’m proud of what she did.”


You didn't realize I was channeling His Flatulence?
Are we really going to start argueing about the value of bullshit now?

Are we really going to start argueing about the value of bullshit now?

Bullshit has 0 value, therefore bs squared still has 0 value.

And yes, this derail is pointless, and of no value, but it is at least more amusing than trying to have a discussion with some people
Well, I am not playing either game. Trump, like Obama, has to be perceived as the president representing all people; so that will of course not sit well with various sides.
Trump has no intention of being a president for all people
I do realize this, and that is why I said that he needs, for popularity sake, to be perceived as the president representing all people.
so why should anyone (including neo-nazis) perceive him as such?
They honestly shouldn't. He ought to actually earn this distinction, which he obviously hasn't, and rationally can't.
Correct, except just about every concerned party is going to claim the upper hand in this regard.

Nazis do not have the benefit of having the upper hand and should never have the upper hand.
It is merely a claim; not necessarily a reality.
That's what is being discussed her--American Nazis. There is no need for a Moore-Coulter or to discuss "sides" a la Trump. We're talking about Nazis. They don't share my values and I hope they don't share yours.
Of course just about any group is going to share some of my values and not. Each of a camp's values has to be listed individually, then we can all check off where we agree.
I thought Nazis were all about the "upper hand". :tonguea:

Of course not. But neither do other extremist groups. Nazi ideology is not a singularity, it's not qualitatively different from other extremist movements.

You perceive groups at the ends as extremists, even if it's a group about equality and justice.
And so, you comparing such groups to genocidal maniac groups makes no sense.
If you watch movies like Downfall, the Nazis truly believed that their cause was completely just for the world's betterment, but as I have said above, it is only a hollow claim.
Well, I am not playing either game. Trump, like Obama, has to be perceived as the president representing all people; so that will of course not sit well with various sides.
Obama was President during neither event. Did you have a point, other than to brag you apparently like fences?
The point is obvious in that the president, of any one party, normally wants to be popular for another elected term. And I am about as far off of a political fence as is possible; that is why pretty much any party does not work personally for me.
"I'm sick of defending Trump. Now that he is anti white pride but doesn't say anything about BLM of Antifa it's clear he's just another [expletive]," one 4chan user wrote.

David Duke, a former leader of the KKK, whom Trump denounced by name, was also not happy about the statement.

"It appears the First Amendment doesn't apply to White Americans just like racial discrimination laws don't protect White Americans," he wrote after Trump's statement.

Stormfront boards on the subject were littered with calls of "turncoat" and worse.
Ha, maybe these idiots have finally gotten the message to keep their grimy hands off of the king's velvet coat, only in public view.
Ha, maybe these idiots have finally gotten the message to keep their grimy hands off of the king's velvet coat, only in public view.

So, he alienated the rest of the country by not denouncing the racists and then alienated the racists by finally getting around to denouncing them. I wonder if he's tired of winning yet?
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