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January 6 Hearings Live

There is abundant evidence of oops putting themselves at risk to keep them out.
As is their job. But they were severely under-supported by their government, and undercut by the complicity that often exists between cops and Proud Boys; the latter have come to expect special treatment from the former, and became enraged when the Capitol police "turned on them" during Wednesday's riot. This disaster has been slowly building for six years.
MSNBC is now showing video of one of the cops being dragged out of the building and beaten. Unknown if this was the cop that died from his injuries at this time.

Maybe it has to do with this from Wapo.

Inside the Capitol siege: How barricaded lawmakers and aides sounded urgent pleas for help as police lost control - The Washington Post

Outside on the west side of the building, a handful of Capitol police officers had been backed into a corner, under the scaffolding holding up the inaugural stage. One was pulled down a set of stairs and then beaten and kicked while he tried to cover his head, according to footage of the incident.

Atop the stairs, another had his helmet ripped off as he tried to hold up the last remaining metal barrier before the crowd could flood into the building. A person in the mob sprayed something at an officer. Another lifted a hammer above his head as if preparing to throw it, and then instead began striking at the barrier, where officers were holding it with their hands.

While not looking at the link yet, that sounds exactly like the the one shown.
Nina Turner on Twitter: ".⁦@RonnieADunn⁩ making it plain

“Race is a factor. Let's just be candid about it. This is the epitome of white privilege or white supremacy — the notion that they have the right or dominion to go into the Capitol &overthrow the results....” ⁦ https://t.co/ndVIKyqqrw" / Twitter

Capitol Police response to rioters draws claims of racist double standards -- "No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesters yesterday that they wouldn't have been treated very differently," Joe Biden said.
There were many such observations Wednesday as law enforcement officers appeared to treat pro-Trump rioters with restraint — even as they broke through barricades, windows and doors, strolled through the halls of the Capitol and posed in Senate chambers — that was not afforded to peaceful demonstrators during the protests in Washington, D.C., and elsewhere over the summer following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

By contrast, police used pepper spray, tear gas and what appeared to be rubber bullets against people protesting unprovoked police violence against African Americans near the White House in May. In one encounter, police with support from the National Guard stormed into a peaceful protest outside the White House so Trump could walk across the street, where the protesters had been assembled, to pose for photos holding a Bible in front of a church.

The deferential treatment to the white rioters came even after Trump warned Black Lives Matter protesters in June that they would face a minimum of 10 years in prison for vandalizing or damaging federal buildings.

Shomari Stone on Twitter: "JUST IN: The New York City Fire Department has turned over information to the FBI on multiple members who were allegedly at the U.S. Capitol when pro Trump rioters charged the building: @NBCNewYork. https://t.co/QHtd8RP0m0" / Twitter
FDNY Gives FBI Info on Members Who Attended US Capitol Riot – NBC New York - "A spokesperson for the FDNY confirmed reports that a number of its members had been alleged to be at Wednesday's riot"

Ben Siegel on Twitter: ".@AOC on @ThisWeekABC: “If another foreign head of state ordered an attack ... would we not prosecute?”" / Twitter
Melanie D'Arrigo on Twitter: "An “anonymous,” GOP Senator expresses regret...
They are such cowards.
It’s not that they object to his actions, it’s that there’s no benefit to them to continue to support Trump politically. https://t.co/2pUbgbpkni" / Twitter

Republican senators now regret not doing more to contain Trump | TheHill
One Republican senator who requested anonymity to discuss his conversations with GOP colleagues acknowledged GOP lawmakers should have served as a stronger check on the president over the past four years.

“We should have done more to push back, both against his rhetoric and some of the things he did legislatively,” said the lawmaker. “The mistake we made is that we always thought he was going to get better. We thought that once he got the nomination and then once he got a Cabinet, he was going to get better, he was going to be more presidential.”

Congressman Ken Buck on Twitter: "In the spirit of healing and fidelity to our Constitution, I am asking that @JoeBiden formally request that Speaker Pelosi discontinue her efforts to impeach President Trump a second time. https://t.co/BpCouEPxiW" / Twitter
with some pix of a letter that was signed by Ken Buck, Chip Roy, Thomas Massie, Kelly Armstrong, Tom McClintock, Mike Gallagher, Nancy Mace

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "You should be ashamed of yourself.

United States Constitution is quite clear that we protect the US from both foreign and domestic enemies.

You’ll have made a mockery of yourselves, our country and Constitution. Resign." / Twitter
Another cop died at the hands of those self-proclaimed cop lovers.

Jake Sherman on Twitter: "more details on this shortly
“[USCP] is deeply saddened by the off-duty death of Officer Howard Liebengood, age 51. He was assigned to the Senate Division, and has been with the Department since April 2005. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends, and colleagues”" / Twitter

Ryan Goodman on Twitter: "A second United States Capitol Police Officer has died." / Twitter
Zina Spezakis, CFA ✊🏼🌈🌹🌎 on Twitter: "So the #BlueLivesMatter crowd killed two cops and the #GOPSeditiousTraitors believe Trump shouldn’t be held accountable.

Imagine if this happens at a #BLM protest? What would be the response?

#WhiteSupremacy #entitlement #GOPBetrayedAmerica" / Twitter

Another story about that WV state legislator.
The Associated Press on Twitter: "A West Virginia state lawmaker has resigned after being charged with entering a restricted area of the U.S. Capitol when he livestreamed himself with rioters. Republican Del. Derrick Evans notified Gov. Jim Justice he was immediately stepping down. https://t.co/JgZm1iYpfg" / Twitter
State lawmaker charged with entering Capitol in riot resigns

Cori Bush on Twitter: "Many have said that what transpired on Wednesday was not America. They are wrong. This is the America that Black people know.

My latest op-ed: (link)" / Twitter

Opinion | Cori Bush: This is the America that Black people know - The Washington Post by Rep. CB

She described the sort of nasty police response that she got as a Black Lives Matter activist.
There was no way to avoid the comparison or to duck the obvious answer: Would this have happened if the rioters were there to fight for Black lives rather than white supremacy? We’ve been tear-gassed for much less, beaten for much less and shot at for much less. We’ve been assaulted by law enforcement for much less.
Like the cops having no dogs when up against the Capitol attackers.
Many have said that what transpired on Wednesday was not America. They are wrong. This is the America that Black people know. To declare that this is not America is to deny the reality that Republican members of the U.S. House and Senate incited this coup by treasonously working to overturn the results of the presidential election.
untitled - Rep. Bush_Resolution Condemning Republican Efforts to Overturn Election_2.pdf
Zina Spezakis, CFA ✊🏼🌈🌹🌎 on Twitter: ".@SarahHuckabee seems to be more concerned about her Twitter followers than an armed attack on our Capitol.

Tells you all you need to know." / Twitter

Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Twitter: "I’ve lost 50k+ followers this week. The radical left and their big tech allies cannot marginalize, censor, or silence the American people. This is not China, this is United States of America, and we are a free country." / Twitter

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "I will officially introduce two articles of impeachment against Donald J. Trump tomorrow.

1) Abuse of power for attempting to overturn the election results in Georgia.
2) Incitement of violence for orchestrating an attempted coup against our country." / Twitter

CNN on Twitter: "News outlets are publishing more videos, photos and testimonials from the pro-Trump riot on Capitol Hill. And it's becoming clear that as heinous as the attack looked in real time, on live TV and in our social feeds, it was even worse than we knew then. https://t.co/nt8H3HUuK6" / Twitter
Kellyanne Conway on Twitter: ""Only later did it become clear that lawmakers feared for their lives; that some of the attackers were hunting for congressional leaders; that there could have been a massacre."

Don't avert your eyes & don't excuse this. The more we see & learn, the worse it is." / Twitter

Marco Rubio on Twitter: "Biden has a historic opportunity to unify America behind the sentiment that our political divisions have gone too far

But instead he decided to promote the left’s efforts to use this terrible national tragedy to try and crush conservatives or anyone not anti-Trump enough" / Twitter

Molly Jong-Fast🏡 on Twitter: "Little Marco is trying to have it both ways." / Twitter

Yet another self-described conservative who whines about being held responsible for his actions.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal on Twitter: "Anyone who is calling for us to just move on must understand that this domestic terrorist attack was incited and fueled by Donald Trump with the intent of overtaking the Capitol, overturning the election, and undermining our democracy.

This president has to go. We must impeach. (video link)" / Twitter

I'm coming to suspect that the lack of preparation for the attacks was deliberate. Consider the lack of approval for the National Guard.

Lindsay Beyerstein on Twitter: "Notice that "coup" and "putsch" ..." / Twitter
Notice that "coup" and "putsch" are both derived from the word for blow in their respective languages.

Not ascribing this view to Walker, but I've seen some people argue that "putsch" is better than "coup"--but they're synonyms.

Maybe "putsch" is better because it connotes both Nazism and failure in English, thanks to the memory of Hitler's beer hall putsch.
I like "putsch" /putS/ - it's stronger sounding than "coup" /ku/ because of its final consonant..

Adam Bonin on Twitter: "This is what I had to walk past on my way into the Pennsylvania Convention Center to observe the Philadelphia vote canvass. https://t.co/HsymYu7mL0" / Twitter
Lindsay Beyerstein on Twitter: "Immediately after the 2020 election, we saw mobs of Republicans ..." / Twitter
Immediately after the 2020 election, we saw mobs of Republicans, egged on by Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump, besieging their local boards of electors in PA, AZ and other swing states. Luckily officials anticipated that kind of intimidation and hardened the targets.

That should say "boards of elections," above but the Republicans also sent mobs to stat Capitols to intimidate the slates of electors as they were being chosen after the results were certified. Trying to stop the same process they attacked at the US Capitol.

Stopping the count is a time-honored tactic in Republican politics. We saw it play out in multiple states in at least TWO prior phases of the 2020 election before the attack on the US Capitol.

The thing the GOP most wants us to forget is that this was an integrated whole. It was a conspiracy that involved the White House, GOP members of Congress, and the brownshirts and the streets.

The president, the traitors in Congress, and the mob all had one objective: Stopping the count. Setting aside the results of a free and fair election. Keeping Trump in power against the will of the people.

Like any large group of people involved in a massive undertaking, there was a range of opinions about how exactly this was going to be accomplished. It ranged from "Day of the Rope" executions to intimidating Congress into auditing the election.

But the bottom line is, they all wanted to overturn the election one way or another and thereby keep Trump in power. That's what made this a coup. Or a putsch, if you prefer.
They wanted to count all the votes when they were behind, and to stop the count when they were ahead. Very convenient.
Republicans largely silent about consequences of deadly attack and Trump?s role in inciting it - The Washington Post
Relatively few Republicans have publicly disavowed Trump, who was received enthusiastically during a phone-in appearance at a members-only gathering during the Republican National Committee meeting the morning after the mob attack.

Former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley, for example, criticized the president’s actions since the election during a speech at the RNC. But she also embraced much of his presidency and praised his work in office, including his record on judicial appointments and the economy.
Yet another Trump critic who became a Trumpie. She said that Trump is what we warn people not to act like in kindergarten. Just like Ted Cruz calling him a pathological liar then becoming a big Trumpie.
Trump remained out of sight Saturday, and unnaturally silent. Twitter had permanently revoked his account Friday evening, removing his accustomed direct broadcast system to nearly 90 million followers.

Party officials remain torn over what to do about Trump in the final days — with many ready to cut ties but wary because the party’s grass-roots activists and supporters are still largely with him.

“If you can replicate his draw amongst rural, working-class voters without the insanity, you have a permanent governing majority,” said Josh Holmes, a top adviser to McConnell.
Rex Chapman🏇🏼 on Twitter: "This video shows Donald Trump supporters dragging a police officer down the steps and savagely beating him.

Dozens of people appear to be involved. Horrifying.

Trump, Cruz, Hawley, Don Jr, and Rudy need to be arrested.

This is Donald Trump’s America. (video link)" / Twitter

Remember that these people claim to be on the side of the cops, and that some of them are themselves cops.

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "My heart breaks for those who lost their lives to this violent mob.

I don’t want to imagine what would have happened if they got their hands on Members of Congress.

It’s truly frightening." / Twitter

A mass lynching, I suspect.

Monica Lewinsky (she/her) on Twitter: "to ALL the people who keep saying this won’t happen again... (and who probably said he’d never “really” incite violence. 🖕🏻" / Twitter
Jennifer Jacobs on Twitter: "LATEST: Trump, confident VP and cabinet won’t attempt to remove him under 25th Amendment, is planning defiant final days in office—more pardons, trip to Alamo, possible action on Big Tech companies.

Story by @MarioDParker @josh_wingrove and me (link)" / Twitter

Pence and the Cabinet ought to prove him wrong.

Melanie D'Arrigo on Twitter: "Reminder: Republicans are only distancing themselves because the coup failed." / Twitter
Aaron Rupar on Twitter: "Marco Rubio claims that rioters who were chanting "we want Trump!" and adorned head to toe with MAGA attire are not actually conservatives (video link)" / Twitter
Melissa (she/her) on Twitter: "In regards to the #CapitolCoup, I’m in a unique position. I monitored forums ahead of time and then was present for the coup itself.

These are my observations based on what I saw and the evidence that’s been collected so far. I reserve the right to adjust my analysis as needed." / Twitter

It wasn't a single organization, it wasn't no organization, but instead several small ones that didn't coordinate with each other very much. There were also "joyriders", those who considered the attack a fun outing.

Trump gave hints in his tweets, and his followers eagerly interpreted them.

They had not one, but several competing plans. Like besieging the Capitol building, storming it, provoking Civil War II, and citizen's arrest / hanging.

"Interestingly, some of the other Trump supporters in these forums noticed the shoddy planning."

They turned anti-cop, talking about killing cops if they had to.
Reviewing the footage from that day, it seems clear to me that this attempted coup should never have succeeded as much as it did.

It was botched from the beginning and only the repeated failures of the Capitol Police saved it.
Not nearly as many rally attendees as expected. 20K instead of 50K - 100K or even 1000K.

Then the failures of the Capitol police.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The elected officials who amplified & repeated known lies about our elections served as drum corps to insurrectionists.

The drum major in the House was @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy.

Rep. McCarthy bears unique, elevated responsibility in all this chaos. He must resign." / Twitter

Mike Pompeo on Twitter: "This is how you create an echo chamber... https://t.co/aPDA37qKS0" / Twitter
Change in number of Twitter followers:
  • Chuck Schumer +10.1K
  • Nancy Pelosi +28.8K
  • Kamala Harris +95.8K
  • Joe Biden +61.1K
  • Secretary Pompeo -36.2K
  • Kevin McCarthy -41.3K
  • Tom Cotton -15.6K
  • Mike Pompeo -19.5K
What a big baby about an "echo chamber".

Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Twitter: "I’ve lost 50k+ followers this week. The radical left and their big tech allies cannot marginalize, censor, or silence the American people. This is not China, this is United States of America, and we are a free country." / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Free advice - if you are losing tens of thousands of followers the moment Twitter starts taking down Neo-Nazis and violent insurrectionists, maybe don’t advertise that!

Also maybe people are unfollowing you out disgust for your support of a coupist bc they care about our country" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Five people died and we just learned another officer lost his life.

Yet GOP’s central focus right now are their Twitter counts. I bet many don’t even follow their community’s COVID numbers as closely.

This narcissism and nihilism succinctly captures the “leadership” they offer." / Twitter
Right-wingers turning anti-capitalist after attacking people for being anti-capitalist, that's such a fun sight to see.

These are the same jokers who desperately wanted to protect big Companies from liability a couple of weeks ago.
Now they are complaining about big Companies protecting themselves from liability for Republican stupidity.
Right-wingers turning anti-capitalist after attacking people for being anti-capitalist, that's such a fun sight to see.

These are the same jokers who desperately wanted to protect big Companies from liability a couple of weeks ago.
Now they are complaining about big Companies protecting themselves from Republican stupidity.

I for one am enjoying what's unfolding as people who fight tooth and nail for bigot bakeries to have the right to deny a cake to a gay couple see it all go down like this. Now it seems like every business and industry Trump needs are all one by one telling him to fuck off. Even the PGA tour has announced they will no longer use his stupid golf courses. I expect a cascade of such announcements and rebuffs, possibly including banks, hopefully to the point where Trump has nothing left and when they go to arrest him, he'll be found on the couch in the filthy Alabama man cave of one of his redneck supporters. :)
Feeling the consequences

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