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Trump falls!! Hurt too

I’ve seen Obama and Trump come through CLE about half a dozen times. AF1 parks near the tower and departs up Postal road to the highway. To my knowledge there have only ever been snipers stationed atop the tower itself. No where else. There are a number of buildings along Postal road. The road is lined with city and county cops. But any building tops are the responsibility of the snipers on the tower.
I keep hearing these theories, but I’m not inclined to consider anything more complicated than a lone gunman with a personal mental issue. It’s just too difficult to make complicated, multi-person, multi-step plans work in a case like this. And there’s no way anyone could or would plan to “just shoot an ear”. If you shoot towards a head, you’d better be ready for that bullet to kill a person. I’m open to new information, but none of the existing information suggests it, to me.

Despite it being bizarre that the USSS didn’t stop him from getting on that roof, that the police didn’t listen to people, I’m inclined to think of those as failure more readily than assume it was a complicated plot that went off as planned.

And assassination is just so wrong on all levels and bad for society, I’m glad it did not succeed.

Meanwhile, are we just not going to talk about how incredibly weird it was that Trump was hhaving a rally in some nowhere barnyard? That is what’s the weirdest, to me.
So, it's feeling less and less like a conspiracy theory and more and more like the truth that this was set up.

Police did little, the gun nut didn't actually shoot at Trump (shot someone in the crowd), was allowed by police and those at the event to be there for no reason, police did nothing about the shooter, the shooter is associated with the Republicans...

Missing from 200 meters with an AR-15 is... Anyone with more than a day's worth of target practice, with a target that big, is either ridiculously unskilled or wasn't shooting at that target.

It looks like the sort of wound Trump could conveniently give himself with a box cutter or piece of glass, and any distress is easily explained by the fact that this was the first time Trump even was made to feel pain beyond the pain associated with his body being a piece of shit. Most people aren't prepared for the shock of how much certain things can hurt.

This, combined with the "all hell breaks loose" email, and it's pretty disappointingly clear.

"There's still a chance this wasn't staged", yes, it could be "real" but we are dealing with someone who needed a turn-around.

FFS this whole thing feels like the plot to an episode of "The Boys", mostly because it's almost the plot to an actual episode of The Boys.

While it doesn't matter much whether it was "real" in the end this whole powderkeg just ignited. I have some worry that there's an attempt on the works to play out revelation so that some specific church group can step in as presenting "Jesus, returned".
The account I read is that attendees saw someone on the roof, told police who sent an officer to check it out. Officer sees shooter abd shooter’s gun and…goes back down ladder. Shooter gets off a few shots, likely missing his target because he was surprised/panicked.

Am seeing a lot of conspiracy stuff on Twitter ( I refuse to call it anything else) that shows purportedly inducted images of Trump appearing to grab his ear and toss something in the lecture and a small silvery square on the outer rim of Trump’s ear.

I predict we will never know the truth.
I was sent this link in which it says that Biden told donors "I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,”

Is this correct? Not the best language to use.
Meanwhile, are we just not going to talk about how incredibly weird it was that Trump was hhaving a rally in some nowhere barnyard? That is what’s the weirdest, to me.
I guess he can hold rallies wherever he wishes. Biden has held them in churches, restaurants and halls IIRC. Based upon news reports I see in Australia.,
Of course, this was a different situation. There's apparently a video where you can hear several audience members shouting "He's got a gun!" when the shooter had climbed upon the roof, but how did no one notice that he had it before he managed to get up there?
Looking from the land down under I am not surprised that the chap was able to to the top of the building with a gun.
You have so many people wandering around with guns all the time. It would have looked normal.

On an unrelated issue - why do you yanks hate each other so much?
Short answer - Rush Limbaugh.
So one man caused all the hatred? He must have had magical powers. Good job he is dead then.
Yes, no and yes respectively. The guy literally invented the format for US AM radio in such a way that would make Alan Jones self combust with envy.

And despite the fact it's good the cunt is dead, he left behind enough disciples that his legacy lives on magnified. Head on over to the states and listen to their AM stations - it's basically what the Taliban would sound like if they grew up in Hollywood. And it's not an exaggeration to trace it back to Limbaugh.
So before Rush Limbaugh this undercurrent of hatred did not exist?
What do you have with your Weet-bix in the mornings?
I was sent this link in which it says that Biden told donors "I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,”

Is this correct? Not the best language to use.
These are the same people who saifd, “she didn’t mean nuthin by it” when Palin put and actual shooting target icon (not a bullseye, as is used in DARTS and ARCHERY) but the shooting target like they use for GUNS.

So you can dismiss them as performative assholes, I think.
Meanwhile, are we just not going to talk about how incredibly weird it was that Trump was hhaving a rally in some nowhere barnyard? That is what’s the weirdest, to me.
I guess he can hold rallies wherever he wishes. Biden has held them in churches, restaurants and halls IIRC. Based upon news reports I see in Australia.,
Of course he can. You’ve answered a question I did not ask.

But it’s a WEIRD place to be, and deserves a discussion, or at least gossip.
Meanwhile, are we just not going to talk about how incredibly weird it was that Trump was hhaving a rally in some nowhere barnyard? That is what’s the weirdest, to me.
I guess he can hold rallies wherever he wishes. Biden has held them in churches, restaurants and halls IIRC. Based upon news reports I see in Australia.,
Of course he can. You’ve answered a question I did not ask.

But it’s a WEIRD place to be, and deserves a discussion, or at least gossip.
If you wish to talk to farmers a barnyard is probably a good place to be. Targeted audience and all that.
Of course, this was a different situation. There's apparently a video where you can hear several audience members shouting "He's got a gun!" when the shooter had climbed upon the roof, but how did no one notice that he had it before he managed to get up there?
Looking from the land down under I am not surprised that the chap was able to to the top of the building with a gun.
You have so many people wandering around with guns all the time. It would have looked normal.

On an unrelated issue - why do you yanks hate each other so much?
Short answer - Rush Limbaugh.
So one man caused all the hatred? He must have had magical powers. Good job he is dead then.
Yes, no and yes respectively. The guy literally invented the format for US AM radio in such a way that would make Alan Jones self combust with envy.

And despite the fact it's good the cunt is dead, he left behind enough disciples that his legacy lives on magnified. Head on over to the states and listen to their AM stations - it's basically what the Taliban would sound like if they grew up in Hollywood. And it's not an exaggeration to trace it back to Limbaugh.
So before Rush Limbaugh this undercurrent of hatred did not exist?
What do you have with your Weet-bix in the mornings?
*shrugs* You don't have to take my word for it. But you did ask where the startling divisive political divide came from in contemporary US discourse. I stand by what I said.
On an unrelated issue - why do you yanks hate each other so much?
Short answer - Rush Limbaugh.
So one man caused all the hatred? He must have had magical powers. Good job he is dead then.
Yes, no and yes respectively. The guy literally invented the format for US AM radio in such a way that would make Alan Jones self combust with envy.

And despite the fact it's good the cunt is dead, he left behind enough disciples that his legacy lives on magnified. Head on over to the states and listen to their AM stations - it's basically what the Taliban would sound like if they grew up in Hollywood. And it's not an exaggeration to trace it back to Limbaugh.
So before Rush Limbaugh this undercurrent of hatred did not exist?
What do you have with your Weet-bix in the mornings?

Correct. Before Rush Limbaugh this was not widespread and exacerbated daily.
Meanwhile, are we just not going to talk about how incredibly weird it was that Trump was hhaving a rally in some nowhere barnyard? That is what’s the weirdest, to me.
I guess he can hold rallies wherever he wishes. Biden has held them in churches, restaurants and halls IIRC. Based upon news reports I see in Australia.,
Of course he can. You’ve answered a question I did not ask.

But it’s a WEIRD place to be, and deserves a discussion, or at least gossip.
If you wish to talk to farmers a barnyard is probably a good place to be. Targeted audience and all that.
If you wish to talk to a very small number of people, it’s a good place to be.

I guess more importantly for Trump, it’s a cheap place to be.
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I predict we will never know the truth.
I predict that we do know the truth, but with a sufficiently concerted effort from the Trump campaign, and from his most vociferous opponents, tomorrow we won't.
If this runs true to pattern, it will be found the shooter was a young white man with mental issues.
Missing from 200 meters with an AR-15 is... Anyone with more than a day's worth of target practice, with a target that big, is either ridiculously unskilled or wasn't shooting at that target.
Are you speaking from experience with that weapon at that distance? My experience with anything bigger than a .22 was one evening with some friends who were sighting in their hunting rifles. Only one of the five was able to hit a target that size at that distance with any reliability.

I would estimate with training should be able to hit the target half the time. But there were probably factors like his glasses, not military grade eyeware, just Trump's upper portion in view, bad angle of his position to avoid counter sniper, small window of time, etc...who knows really.
Yes, I’d say there are more than enough unknowns to refute a claim that someone who missed him must have been aiming elsewhere.
On a day without rain in my aperture, with ironsights, at a range of 200 meters, I could hit a popup target as well exposed from that angle at better than 85% of the time after a three days of shooting practice, 90+ if prone.

With a well dialed scope, practicing shooting every day, I could hit that target 99+% at that distance without windage flags with a M16, especially if the scope had a range finder that I could practice with. 500 meters is where it would get really iffy.

I have had standard military marksmanship training. The last time I had an AR-15 style rifle (an actual m16-a2) in my hands was in 2010, and the last time I handled a weapon was in 2013 or 2014? I went shooting at a range with my hillbilly friend (he identifies as such; he's literally from the Carolina countryside, from a family of moonshiners), but that was handguns and a rifle, not ironsights.

The shooter had a ammosexual YouTube channel, shot every day, and counted himself a gun afficionado.

Assuming the gun nut knew to teach himself how to shoot and where to shoot, he should not have missed. That was a pretty close shot for that rifle, unless he was using ironsights, which I doubt.
Professional golfers miss 5 ft putts.
I saw one of the best golfers in the world literally whiff a tap-in, costing him a chance to win the British Open. A kid doing something that must have known would probably cost him his life was probably ill-equipped to handle the situation in a way that would give him a decent chance to succeed.
Yeah, the kid got in like, two shots before Trump even started moving.

This kid was a regular shooter with a YouTube channel about guns.

Whatever illness possessed him to climb up in full view of a crowd, holding a rifle, to mount a shooting position that should have already had secret service and law enforcement posted, there was no reason to believe in a failure of preparedness to actually shoot the shot.

The unbelievable miracle here is that he wasn't taken out long before the shot was taken.

Combine this with the SS clearing out press behind the president just prior to the shoot, and things start to look really suspicious.

Add in that Trump has a history of involvement with the WWE franchise, and that during his participation there, there was a phenomena known as "blading" happening, and it seems even more suspect. The man is a known liar and would likely have practice with such a maneuver and tactic.

There are two folks dead over this, and the whole situation is a shit show, but it's also serious and tragic.

It seems that one of these heads of that which is the opposite of Christ did take a wound to the head which will heal, and the whole world as it were will fall enamored with him and give him great power, and I worry just as much about whatever displaces this fucked up evil just as much as I worry about the people who worship Trump.

Regardless of what happens here, regardless of the truth of these events, I am cynical here insofar as whatever more cynical faux-religious organizations are likely arranging a "second coming" once their manufactured Antichrist "falls". I feel like we're in for the Arrakis Special ("this prophecy is how they enslave us") no matter what way you slice it.

And given the sheer ridiculousness, of I wanted to think it wasn't staged, I would have to ask myself the question "is this actually the fulfillment of prophecy by something spookier than a setup"? It's starting to get in my "too close to Revelation" zone, as if the Blasphemy at the Church wasn't already getting me into spooky territory...
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