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  1. marc

    Homeland Security Admits It Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump

    The report shows Homeland Security tried to find financial links between protestors in Portland in order to conflate that into an antifa 'terrorist organization' https://gizmodo.com/donald-trump-homeland-security-report-antifa-portland-1849718673
  2. marc

    Riots in the UK

    Haven't seem much mention of this in US news. Not long ago a teenager using a knife attacked a dance studio, killing three kids and injuring many more. The right wing has latched onto the story, claiming it was an undocumented muslim immigrant. It wasn't. The boy's parents are from Rwanda I...
  3. marc

    More celebrities passing

    Today Richard Simons - health guru died at 76 Dr Ruth - sex guru died at 96 …. Think she had the better health regimen
  4. marc

    Next up in movie propaganda films: Reagan

    In theaters in August, another attempt to whitewash history, and try to make republicans look like great politicians. (just forget about Bush, W, and Trump) With Dennis Quaid as Reagan, and Jon Voight Wonder if this film will include how he told the Iranians to hold onto the hostages until...
  5. marc

    Star Wars - 50’s style

    I’d watch this!
  6. marc

    The promise of Christian Nationalism

    In case there was any doubt, a Christian Nationalist discusses one change he wants made (Warning to any ladies with high blood pressure, take your meds before watching)
  7. marc

    Good video on the 'Gone Woke' nonsense that has been popping up

    This week X-Men 97 comes out, a continuation of the 90's animated X-Men series. Over the past couple weeks there have been posts and videos complaining about X-Men 'going woke', which makes about as much sense as similar complaints about Star Trek. This video has an interesting discussion of...
  8. marc

    This year's CPAC crazyness

    They have a Jan 6 themed pinball machine
  9. marc

    Republican Jesus being canonized by the Right

    Most of us have probably seen the jokes about Republican Jesus. You know, the one that expects a co-pay for healing the sick, and tells the poor to get a job. Well it looks like the right Is making that their Jesus officially. A new book called “Woke Jesus: The False Messiah” warning people...
  10. marc

    Pee-Wee Herman died

    Liked his movie and stand up act. Never really got into his kids tv show, but still enjoyed his work. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pee-wee-herman-paul-reubens-dead_n_64c7e85ce4b0fd06594cba16
  11. marc

    Pat Robertson has passed

    And the day just got a little brighter. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/televangelist-pat-robertson-dead_n_599b501ce4b04c532f43c01a
  12. marc

    And now the totally expected Trans Bathroom laws result

    Saw this coming from the very start of this BS. In Ohio, a Trans-man was camping. He went to the public bathroom, and used the women's room since he had been advised to use the bathroom of their birth gender. The result? 3 guys beat him up for using the women's room...
  13. marc

    FOX guest hits peak sell-out

    FOX has A long history of using sell-out guests. Bringing on a black guy to blame issues on ‘black culture’, a woman to speak against women’s rights, a ‘liberal’ to denounce liberal policies, etc.. well this takes the cake. Bruce Jenner, and yes, I’m calling him Bruce because I feel he has...
  14. marc

    Florida politician apparently wants to be a villain in the next X-Men movie

    On a hearing about trans rights, this guy brought up X-Men, comparing mutants in the comics to trans people. A rather accurate comparison as the X-Men has always used mutants as a stand in for the target of any kind of bigotry. But then he called them aliens, demons, and imps?!? Yup, the...
  15. marc

    Al Jaffee has died

    😢 he was 102!!! And only retired 3 years ago, having worked at Mad Magazine for 65 years! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mad-magazine-al-jaffee-dead_n_643481fbe4b0859acb958780
  16. marc

    Clarence Thomas corruption

    ProPublica published an article about Clarence Thomas, and his billionaire buddy Harlan Crow, who has been giving Thomas luxury vacations, flights, and big donations to Gini Thomas' Tea Party group. None of which was reported. of course these are not political gifts, just friends hanging out...
  17. marc

    Anti-Hate message from Arnold

    All those 'alpha' males / incels / 'real men' should be listening to this. https://youtu.be/jsETTn7DehI
  18. marc

    CPAC - Crazy People Addressing Crickets

    Well CPAC has started again. Do they have this like every other month? Seems like it. Well the headlines of crazy stuff said there are swarming various news sources. But I like the pictures coming out
  19. marc

    Trump's Major Announcement.. OMFG!!!

    This... this is soo stupid!!! He is announcing.. um,.. trading cards... Not even real ones but NFTs. Even some of the freepers are thinking this has to be some kind of joke. Oh, and the 'cards' are only $99. How more pathetic is he going to get??
  20. marc

    Disillusioned Trump voter documentary

    For free on YouTube (can rent in other places if you don't want commercials) A bunch of segments talking to people who voted for Trump in '16, and what changed their minds.
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