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  1. F

    Texans Like Their High School Football

    Lol at you trying to educate Dismal!
  2. F

    White Male Kicked off US $20 SJWs Win Spectacular Victory

    I can feel the butthurt all across the Atlantic.
  3. F

    How he gonna get his money?

    When did this forum turn into the illegitimate love child of Stormfront and the Red Pill?
  4. F

    Another Cop Throws A Student

    Do you have much experience with use of force? If I remember correctly you are a IT guy and a chicken hawk.
  5. F

    How he gonna get his money?

    This is coming from a habitual criminal like your self? Pot, kettle, "thug".
  6. F

    The feminazis have taken over and ruined Star Wars!

    No there is more, there is also wanking to videos of mentally ill women that carry mattresses.
  7. F

    The feminazis have taken over and ruined Star Wars!

    Or because women are 50% of the human race. Not everyone hates and fears women.
  8. F

    Another Cop Throws A Student

    You sure do love authority a lot for someone who claims to be libertarian.
  9. F

    Is Bernie Bro over the edge?

    That is a great idea.
  10. F

    Calorie intake among low, normal and obese people pretty much the same

    As I said she is running a small deficit.
  11. F

    Calorie intake among low, normal and obese people pretty much the same

    That of course is wrong, it´s very difficult but very possible at the same time.
  12. F

    Calorie intake among low, normal and obese people pretty much the same

    It´s not impossible to lose weight, it just takes a concerted effort for many many months. It is very hard and it does not help when people say just eat less and move more. If that message worked we could say to alcoholics, just don´t drink, gambling addicts just don´t gamble. There are mental...
  13. F

    Calorie intake among low, normal and obese people pretty much the same

    Try weighing everything she eats and counting her calories. I bet you 100 dollars that she is running a small deficit. It is literally the only explanation.
  14. F

    Calorie intake among low, normal and obese people pretty much the same

    The thing is most people get fat on a very low surplus of calories. 100 extra calories a day, one Egg, apple or Oreo cookie means about a pound of weight gain per month. That stacks on pretty slowly and people don´t notice. It´s not a question of people being pigs or lazy.
  15. F

    Why are "refugees" still having children?

    Wow they are right wing assholes that hate women. Your kind of people. Or is it only OK to hate women if you are Pasty white?
  16. F

    How are you celebrating Confederate Heritage month?

    What´s next Nazi heritage month in Germany?
  17. F

    White people need to stop saying 'namaste'.

    You are a huge fucking SJW.
  18. F

    If you hire somebody to do an illegal act ...

    So you are 80% sure you are not raping a child or a slave? - - - Updated - - - I did not say I agreed with the law but this is one of the rationales for laws like this. Also that prostitutes feel safer going to the police.
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