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The feminazis have taken over and ruined Star Wars!

Who says the sex of the lead roles is based on anything related to feminism?
More accurately, determining leads based on "diversity points" and straight white cis-men score low on the diversity point scale.

In case you didn't notice, there were two lead roles in The Force Awakens, Rey, and Finn. Only one of the two was female. There was only one other major character who was female in the movie, Leia, who was the token female in the first 3 movies.
Leia was not a "token female". She was a major character and one of the only three human protagonists.

I can only assume, given the portion of you post I placed in boldface above, that you also have a problem with Finn being black. Is that a correct assumption on my part?
Actually I did not have a problem with either Finn or Rey as such. I am starting to wonder now whether it will be politically correct to have a straight white man lead a SW movie again.

As far as Luke being gay, I'm not sure there is much credence to that rumor. It stems from JJ Abrams saying that there will be a major character in the next main story line movie who is gay. Later, Mark Hamill was interviewed, and he said that Luke's sexuality is open for interpretation.
Seems like a pretty strong series of hints. In any case, I do not mind gay characters, but I do mind retconning established characters to further some PC point.
"Finding Nemo" anthropomorphized the family life of clownfish. These fish live in groups, all-male ones except for the biggest one, which is female. When the biggest one dies or departs, the next-biggest one gives himself a sex change and becomes the new female of the group. Thus, when Coral died, Marlin would have turned himself into Marla.

Some fish are the opposite, like wrasses, where the biggest ones are male and the others are female. So when the biggest one dies or departs, the next-biggest one gives herself a sex change and becomes the new male of the group.

This sex changing is called  Sequential hermaphroditism.

So the makers of Star Wars are just making certain that their wrasses are covered?
More accurately, determining leads based on "diversity points" and straight white cis-men score low on the diversity point scale.

In case you didn't notice, there were two lead roles in The Force Awakens, Rey, and Finn. Only one of the two was female. There was only one other major character who was female in the movie, Leia, who was the token female in the first 3 movies.
Leia was not a "token female". She was a major character and one of the only three human protagonists.

I can only assume, given the portion of you post I placed in boldface above, that you also have a problem with Finn being black. Is that a correct assumption on my part?
Actually I did not have a problem with either Finn or Rey as such. I am starting to wonder now whether it will be politically correct to have a straight white man lead a SW movie again.

As far as Luke being gay, I'm not sure there is much credence to that rumor. It stems from JJ Abrams saying that there will be a major character in the next main story line movie who is gay. Later, Mark Hamill was interviewed, and he said that Luke's sexuality is open for interpretation.
Seems like a pretty strong series of hints. In any case, I do not mind gay characters, but I do mind retconning established characters to further some PC point.

They are making a Han Solo prequel.
thebeave, what sort of female characters are acceptable to you? Seriously.
It's not about what characters are acceptable but about shoehorning female characters (both Episode VII and Rogue One have female protagonists) for the sake of political correctness.

Shoehorned? They can't just write a character as a female? That doesn't look like shoehorning to me.

I remember arguing with someone about the original Mission Impossible. Someone said that Barney Collier was a 'token black.' But Barney was a solid team member. He got all the cool gadgets. I wanted to BE Barney when i grew up. To me, a token character, or one shoehorned into a story, stands around and doesn't do much. Someone at the end, you're asking 'Why was he/she even there?'

Hard to believe that a character with the coolest fight scenes, the most lines and the most scenes was 'shoehorned' into the story.
Write good characters & stories; I'm speaking in general not just to Star Wars. If the stories & characters are good, it doesn't really matter their species, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
I don't think the issue is about not wanting another woman lead because people don't like women.

These are action adventure movies filled with men because those are the fantasies that men have. Men are the ones who want to go out and fight and risk their lives not women as a rule.

The constant pretending that women are "bad-assess" (which is also another male fantasy if not over used) that love to fight is so out of tune with reality both in real-life and the starwars world that it takes away from the story and will eventually make it look like ham-fisted political relic from our time.
Ellen Ripley. 'Nuff said.

And for Ghostbusters, They tried to re-assemble the original GBs but couldn't get Bill Murray on board. Then Harold Ramis passed away and all hope was lost. Without a new hook, female GBs, the project was doomed.
I don't think the issue is about not wanting another woman lead because people don't like women.

These are action adventure movies filled with men because those are the fantasies that men have. Men are the ones who want to go out and fight and risk their lives not women as a rule.

The constant pretending that women are "bad-assess" (which is also another male fantasy if not over used) that love to fight is so out of tune with reality both in real-life and the starwars world that it takes away from the story and will eventually make it look like ham-fisted political relic from our time.

The men who love to fight, don't really want to. They just fantasize about it. That's why they're in front of the movie screen and computer screen and not say, in the Sudan somewhere actually fighting. They're wanna-be, arm-chair gladiators. So this is a whole fantasy world for them, like gaming, or sports watching. So the existence of a woman in these movies who also is a fighter ruins that fantasy for them, because 1)they have to be just as good a fighter as she and 2) have to figure out something else that's going to impress her since she's already a fighter and doesn't need them to rescue her.

So they get annoyed that the woman is no longer an object to be won and is strong enough in various ways to still reject them.

Plus, in these movies, the characters don't want to fight, they're pushed to it.
thebeave, what sort of female characters are acceptable to you? Seriously.
It's not about what characters are acceptable but about shoehorning female characters (both Episode VII and Rogue One have female protagonists) for the sake of political correctness.

Or because women are 50% of the human race.

Not everyone hates and fears women.
IThe constant pretending that women are "bad-assess" (which is also another male fantasy if not over used) that love to fight is so out of tune with reality both in real-life and the starwars world that it takes away from the story and will eventually make it look like ham-fisted political relic from our time.

My life amongst strong, athletic women says otherwise.

I've known a few resistance fighters in my day as well.

The following should dispel the notion that women do not fight in resistance movements.








We should not base the sex of lead roles on feminist nonsense that gave us Paul Friig Ghostbusters. I guess it's not politically correct any more to have a straight, white male lead a SW movie because they have killed Han Solo off and are making Luke gay.

Who says the sex of the lead roles is based on anything related to feminism? In case you didn't notice, there were two lead roles in The Force Awakens, Rey, and Finn. Only one of the two was female. There was only one other major character who was female in the movie, Leia, who was the token female in the first 3 movies. I can only assume, given the portion of you post I placed in boldface above, that you also have a problem with Finn being black. Is that a correct assumption on my part?

Rogue One, from the trailer, appears to only have a single major female character, the lead role. There won't even be a token Leia in there to fill out the cast with one additional major female role. Of course there is Forrest Whitaker in a major role, is that a problem for you as well? Perhaps Donnie Yen in an apparent major role is offensive to you as well?

As far as Luke being gay, I'm not sure there is much credence to that rumor. It stems from JJ Abrams saying that there will be a major character in the next main story line movie who is gay. Later, Mark Hamill was interviewed, and he said that Luke's sexuality is open for interpretation. This does not mean that Luke is being made into a gay character. Don't look to the extended universe novels for answers, however, as the EU is no longer cannon. On the other hand, the Marvel Star Wars comics that have been published recently are cannon, so maybe fans can look there for clues. I have only read the first two Chewbacca comics, which are pretty good, but you wouldn't like them because there is a major female character included.

ETA: There is one other female character featured in the Rogue One trailer, but like Donnie Yen, I am not sure how large a role that character will have.

The lead is not a white male! This is proof that the social justice warriors are persecuting men!!!!!!! Political correctness!!!!
Ellen Ripley. 'Nuff said.

And for Ghostbusters, They tried to re-assemble the original GBs but couldn't get Bill Murray on board. Then Harold Ramis passed away and all hope was lost. Without a new hook, female GBs, the project was doomed.

Yes. The Alien movies are also an example of Social Justice Warriors persecuting men!!!!!!!

Also, your explanation for the Ghostbusters makes no sense. It is obviously nothing more than political correctness. There is no other possible explanation for someone wanting to put a woman on the big screen in any capacity other than eye candy for patriotic freedom-loving Real AmericansTM. [/satire]
So they get annoyed that the woman is no longer an object to be won and is strong enough in various ways to still reject them.
I dunno, there was a definite "gender swap" vibe in the contrast between Rey and Finn, and it seemed pretty deliberate. Throughout the entire movie Finn REPEATEDLY puts on his man-hat to try and rescue Rey from their enemies only to discover that 1) she DOESN'T need rescuing and can handle herself and 2) he DOES need rescuing and is totally in over his head.

It's both jarring and refreshing in a way: Finn keeps trying to be the Big Damn Hero for this girl he likes, and he keeps getting his ass kicked in the attempt. (I mean, well, he's a Stormtrooper, what'd you expect?) IMO that actually makes him a more realistic character than most protagonists in action movies; he's trying to be a badass, but he just ISN'T.
So they get annoyed that the woman is no longer an object to be won and is strong enough in various ways to still reject them.
I dunno, there was a definite "gender swap" vibe in the contrast between Rey and Finn, and it seemed pretty deliberate. Throughout the entire movie Finn REPEATEDLY puts on his man-hat to try and rescue Rey from their enemies only to discover that 1) she DOESN'T need rescuing and can handle herself and 2) he DOES need rescuing and is totally in over his head.

It's both jarring and refreshing in a way: Finn keeps trying to be the Big Damn Hero for this girl he likes, and he keeps getting his ass kicked in the attempt. (I mean, well, he's a Stormtrooper, what'd you expect?) IMO that actually makes him a more realistic character than most protagonists in action movies; he's trying to be a badass, but he just ISN'T.

Actually Finn made him appear less realistic to SW fans.

How did Finn pass stormtrooper school? He said he was a sanitation worker and then decided to try for the big leagues of field work? Even the guys assigned to the motor pool in the army have to pass basic.
I've known a few resistance fighters in my day as well.

The following should dispel the notion that women do not fight in resistance movements.


I just learned about Nancy Wake.

I don't know why this woman isn't one of the great heroes from WW2 that everyone knows about:

I dunno, there was a definite "gender swap" vibe in the contrast between Rey and Finn, and it seemed pretty deliberate. Throughout the entire movie Finn REPEATEDLY puts on his man-hat to try and rescue Rey from their enemies only to discover that 1) she DOESN'T need rescuing and can handle herself and 2) he DOES need rescuing and is totally in over his head.

It's both jarring and refreshing in a way: Finn keeps trying to be the Big Damn Hero for this girl he likes, and he keeps getting his ass kicked in the attempt. (I mean, well, he's a Stormtrooper, what'd you expect?) IMO that actually makes him a more realistic character than most protagonists in action movies; he's trying to be a badass, but he just ISN'T.

Actually Finn made him appear less realistic to SW fans.

How did Finn pass stormtrooper school?
He didn't. They kidnapped him when he was a baby and trained him from infancy for warfare. His general lack of combat prowess is probably how he ended up on sanitation duty in the first place; then again, sucking at combat is not and has never been a deal breaker for Stormtroopers.

Even the guys assigned to the motor pool in the army have to pass basic.

Child soldiers conscripted into civil wars don't. Which is essentially the First Order's entire ground force.
Actually Finn made him appear less realistic to SW fans.

How did Finn pass stormtrooper school?
He didn't. They kidnapped him when he was a baby and trained him from infancy for warfare. His general lack of combat prowess is probably how he ended up on sanitation duty in the first place; then again, sucking at combat is not and has never been a deal breaker for Stormtroopers.

True, but then again, it's all he knows. He could have stayed in sanitation. No one made him become a field agent.

Even the guys assigned to the motor pool in the army have to pass basic.

Child soldiers conscripted into civil wars don't. Which is essentially the First Order's entire ground force.

Except of course, Finn is no longer a child and since stormtroopers are no longer clones, they get paid. They're a professional army. Otherwise there is no way the First Order could keep an army in the field.
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