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Another Cop Throws A Student

So not only is he a violent asshole, he's a fucking lying violent asshole.

So how are you cop supporters going to support him now?
Obviously this brave protector of liberty knew how his PC bosses and the public would react to his righteous application of justice upon this miscreant and submitted the report he felt he needed to submit in order to continue his vigilant protection of freedom because without him our civilization would fall to the armies of backtalking pre-teen girls gathering outside our walls at this very moment.

Or something like that.
Obviously this brave protector of liberty knew how his PC bosses and the public would react to his righteous application of justice upon this miscreant and submitted the report he felt he needed to submit in order to continue his vigilant protection of freedom because without him our civilization would fall to the armies of backtalking pre-teen girls gathering outside our walls at this very moment.

Or something like that.
Yes, for those who need to believe the forces of chaos are being kept in check by the police so anything they do must be justified somehow. Another tact will be the more resentment-inspired posts. There, the issue is the girl’s family are wily cheats out to get money they have not worked for and so represent a harm to all decent hardworking men/society, therefore the policeman’s failings are small-fry in comparison to that far worse thing.
At least the school district did the right thing and fired this person.

But what about the appropriate assault and battery charges? Not enough has been done. I think the school district wasn't doing the right thing because they apparently didn't screen him out in his pre employment interview.
Martinez said officers are required to report any use of force incident against a student immediately.

“That did not happen,” he said. “When the police officer did submit a report, it was not at all consistent with the video.”

Martinez said the report initially handed in by Kehm characterized the incident as an accidental fall.

After he accidentally picked her up and accidentally flipped her over his shoulder she accidentally fell to the floor despite the fact that his hands were clearly on her back trying to prevent her from accidentally falling on her face.

Clearly, gravity is at fault here...not this stalwart defender of public safety.

The child is Hispanic. I have lived in San Antonio for five years and although that was a long time ago, what shocked me most was the amount of prejudice and bigotry directed at Mexican Americans by non Hispanic white Americans. The racism was rarely disguised and very blatant. If there wasn't so much insane outrage about immigration these days, I'd be inclined to think that perhaps this ethnic hatred had subsided. I doubt that is the case.
Why do you assume it has anything to do with her ethnicity rather than her history of violence.
You could equally say that the cop was fired because the superintendent is a fellow hispanic.

I have no idea if ethnic hatred motivated the actions of this particular cop, he may just be an individual who has allowed his power to go to this head, motivating him to use unnecessary force.
Or maybe he tried to restrain her in good faith and misjudged the level of force.

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But what about the appropriate assault and battery charges?
I think those would only be warranted if he had no grounds to restrain her in the first place.
I'm saying I don't believe her version of events--things like that don't come out of the blue. Thus I am concluding she is lying--and why would she do that unless her actions gave him a reasonable reason to act as he did?

That has nothing to do with what i asked. Her being in the right or wrong doesn't matter. What matters is that he used unnecessary, excessive, and dangerous force.

If his force was truly out of line to what triggered it then why doesn't she say what triggered it?

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2 things I notice..
1) It appears as though she was repeatedly attempting to kick the police officer (we do not know why he was carrying her in the first place, though)
2) After the 'body slam', it sounds like the crowd around the scene "approved" of the action through the tone of their exclamations. Like you might expect to hear when a bully gets knocked out by someone (justified or not)...

also reported was that this girl had a history of physical altercations with other students.

.. more information is needed though to make an informed call on appropriateness...

Don't tell me that the cop didnt have a choice, or was unable to just keep holding on to her till she calmed down, and lost her strength.

If the cop simply holds her can he protect himself from injury if she tries to attack? No.

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2 things I notice..
1) It appears as though she was repeatedly attempting to kick the police officer (we do not know why he was carrying her in the first place, though)
2) After the 'body slam', it sounds like the crowd around the scene "approved" of the action through the tone of their exclamations. Like you might expect to hear when a bully gets knocked out by someone (justified or not)...

also reported was that this girl had a history of physical altercations with other students.

.. more information is needed though to make an informed call on appropriateness...

Short of her being armed with a lethal weapon, I don't think there was anything appropriate about that very violent body slam to the floor.

You need to learn something about the use of force!
Yes, I did forget to explicitly add brown people to those who cause you to feel intense fear. Although, actually, I thought her gender was sufficient for you.
Typical playing of race/ethnicity/gender card on your part.
Really? Because that's not how I'm reading posts, including yours. Just because it's not called assault by some posters, such as yourself, does not mean that the rest of us cannot see and recognize an assault by an adult upon a 12 year old child.
Then read better. Are we not allowed to disagree with you as to whether this constitutes assault?

Honestly: how was she resisting? She was not kicking, as others in this thread have repeatedly claimed, at least not shown in the video in the OP. I've looked around on the internet and every video I've run across is simply the same as the one in the OP.
I'd go to an optometrist. She is definitely thrashing as he tries to restrain her. The bystanders saw it too, telling her to "chill".

At least unless you desperately fear female persons and those with more pigmentation in their skin than is common in natives of Northern Europe and descendants of those nations.
No, but neither do I think they should be able to get away with things by playing the race/ethnicity/gender card.

Despite what you assume to be true, there is no evidence of the child initiating anything in the situation, at least not shown on the video from the OP nor any other video I have been able to find.
Since the video started when the cop already tried to restrain her that is hardly surprising.

Why do you believe that she initiated the incident? What do you see that I do not?
Reportedly she was fighting, or about to fight, another girl. A crowd of spectators gathered and everything.
I mean why do you think the cop tried to restrain her in the first place? Also, the girl has been in trouble for fighting before.

Despite what you want to believe, I neither hate nor fear police officers. I view them as having a difficult, not necessarily well paying job that is sometimes very dangerous. But they are people and are as likely as any other person on this planet to be an asshole. Or simply mistaken. What is different is that society has given police the authority--real and/or perceived--to use force as they deem fit. Even when it would not be acceptable by any other person. Even against children. Even against unarmed individuals. Even when the situation is minor ( perhaps an after school argument??).
Yet you predictably take the anti-police side in these things.

And here I disagree. I think that it is very rare that a shooting is justified.
Really? Vast majority of the >1000 police shootings are so cut and dried that not even #BLM are touching them with a 10' pole. And the majority of the cases they raise a stink about are still justified shootings like Michael Brown.

Then you obviously did not look at the entire video from the OP. It is easy to discern a bruise developing on the bone below her eyebrow. It would not be surprising if she had a concussion or other trauma from the incident.
Do you have a still showing said bruise?
I think there are a lot of boot licking authoritarians who happen to distrust females and people who are not white or male and who project their own primary motivations onto others.
10 bucks says they hire a shyster within two weeks. Unfortunately the district will likely settle for a large sum.
Again, this has nothing to do with ethnicity or gender but about what her mother was saying, trying to maximize the incident and minimize her daughter's involvement.

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Internal injuries may not show or manifest themselves immediately.
And you know she has "internal injuries" how?
So not only is he a violent asshole, he's a fucking lying violent asshole.

So how are you cop supporters going to support him now?

Apparently the answer to your question is "by any means possible."
If his force was truly out of line to what triggered it then why doesn't she say what triggered it?
Why would any sane person know what triggered his violence?
If the cop simply holds her can he protect himself from injury if she tries to attack? No.
Yes he can. He was doing it.

You need to learn something about the use of force!
No, you do. He deservedly lost his job over his reaction.
Typical playing of race/ethnicity/gender card on your part.

If you don't like people pointing out your biases, maybe you should reconsider whether your biases are fair or not. Or so obvious that they are impossible to miss.
Then read better. Are we not allowed to disagree with you as to whether this constitutes assault?

Sure. But don't expect me or other people with eyes to pretend we don't see how some posters claim that a black person putting her hand on the arm of a white person is assault but a cop lifting and body slamming a child to the ground is not assault. Or to point it out.

I'd go to an optometrist.

You definitely should. But an optometrist cannot remove the bigotry that colors everything you see.

She is definitely thrashing as he tries to restrain her. The bystanders saw it too, telling her to "chill".

He's flinging her about. She seems to be making no movements that could possibly be considered kicking at him or resisting him. At least you are no longer claiming she is kicking him. She's practically limp.

No, but neither do I think they should be able to get away with things by playing the race/ethnicity/gender card.

Get away with what? Breathing? Talking to another student?

Since the video started when the cop already tried to restrain her that is hardly surprising.

Uh huh. That's it: a massive conspiracy to video a cop assaulting a child, ignoring her doing nothing to warrant being thrown face first onto the ground by a grown ass adult.

Reportedly she was fighting, or about to fight, another girl. A crowd of spectators gathered and everything.
I mean why do you think the cop tried to restrain her in the first place? Also, the girl has been in trouble for fighting before.

Really? You mean a group of middle school students thought two students were about to fight....and that means they were about to fight? Or were fighting? Did you drop out of school in 5th grade?

I have no idea why the cop did what he did. The fact that he picked up a child and flung her around and slammed her face first into pavement does not mean that he was justified in doing so. In fact, those actions call into question his skill set entirely.

Yet you predictably take the anti-police side in these things.

No. The person who is anti police is the officer who cannot deal with a sixth grader except to physically pick her up and slam her face first into pavement. He hurts all police officers. He undermines the public's trust in all police officers by his lack of judgement and restrant. He injures public welfare and casts shame upon his entire profession.

Do you have a still showing said bruise?

It's in the video clip in the OP. Maybe ff through the parts that get you all excited and actually look at the close up image of her eye.
10 bucks says they hire a shyster within two weeks. Unfortunately the district will likely settle for a large sum.
Again, this has nothing to do with ethnicity or gender but about what her mother was saying, trying to maximize the incident and minimize her daughter's involvement.

I hope they do hire an attorney.

Seriously: WTF do you really expect a parent to see video of their child being assaulted and not stand up for their child? The mother is very restrained.

And you know she has "internal injuries" how?

You learned to read where, exactly? Same place you got your medical degree?
He has been fired.


Martinez said the report initially handed in by Kehm characterized the incident as an accidental fall.

I certainly don't believe her side of the story. Things like this don't just come out of nowhere like she's claiming. Thus she's covering up the actual trigger--which means she knows she was in the wrong.

Wonder if the same standard will be applied to the cop - he lied in his report, which means he knows he was in the wrong.

Will the same standard be applied? It wont. This is about defending a cop.
That has nothing to do with what i asked. Her being in the right or wrong doesn't matter. What matters is that he used unnecessary, excessive, and dangerous force.

If his force was truly out of line to what triggered it then why doesn't she say what triggered it?

If the cop simply holds her can he protect himself from injury if she tries to attack? No.

You simply don't get it do you? There are very few things that might make that body slam reasonable, for example her being a mortal danger to others (holding a knife, gun etc). A cop doesn't get to use the defense that she had kicked him before, so it was ok to body slam her.

Of course he can protect himself. He might get some scratch marks on his arm, and maybe a bruised shin from kicking, that in no way is reflects his use of force.
That has nothing to do with what i asked. Her being in the right or wrong doesn't matter. What matters is that he used unnecessary, excessive, and dangerous force.

If his force was truly out of line to what triggered it then why doesn't she say what triggered it?

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2 things I notice..
1) It appears as though she was repeatedly attempting to kick the police officer (we do not know why he was carrying her in the first place, though)
2) After the 'body slam', it sounds like the crowd around the scene "approved" of the action through the tone of their exclamations. Like you might expect to hear when a bully gets knocked out by someone (justified or not)...

also reported was that this girl had a history of physical altercations with other students.

.. more information is needed though to make an informed call on appropriateness...

Don't tell me that the cop didnt have a choice, or was unable to just keep holding on to her till she calmed down, and lost her strength.

If the cop simply holds her can he protect himself from injury if she tries to attack? No.

- - - Updated - - -

2 things I notice..
1) It appears as though she was repeatedly attempting to kick the police officer (we do not know why he was carrying her in the first place, though)
2) After the 'body slam', it sounds like the crowd around the scene "approved" of the action through the tone of their exclamations. Like you might expect to hear when a bully gets knocked out by someone (justified or not)...

also reported was that this girl had a history of physical altercations with other students.

.. more information is needed though to make an informed call on appropriateness...

Short of her being armed with a lethal weapon, I don't think there was anything appropriate about that very violent body slam to the floor.

You need to learn something about the use of force!

Do you have much experience with use of force?

If I remember correctly you are a IT guy and a chicken hawk.
2 things I notice..
1) It appears as though she was repeatedly attempting to kick the police officer (we do not know why he was carrying her in the first place, though)
2) After the 'body slam', it sounds like the crowd around the scene "approved" of the action through the tone of their exclamations. Like you might expect to hear when a bully gets knocked out by someone (justified or not)...

also reported was that this girl had a history of physical altercations with other students.

.. more information is needed though to make an informed call on appropriateness...

Don't tell me that the cop didnt have a choice, or was unable to just keep holding on to her till she calmed down, and lost her strength.

OK, I won't tell you that... tell me why he SHOULD have done that.
These kids cannot be allowed to grow up thinking that it is even a little ok to resist a cop in any way whatsoever. If a cop says so much as "hey!", you stop what you are doing and follow their instructions to the letter.. for FUCKS SAKE what is wrong with people!!!!!? she is fortunate that she wasn't tazed and that the officer was skilled enough to subdue her without causing any permanent damage. The little cunt was in all likelihood being a bully (again) and got what she deserved. Maybe she will behave like a member of society moving forward, instead of a menace to society.
2 things I notice..
1) It appears as though she was repeatedly attempting to kick the police officer (we do not know why he was carrying her in the first place, though)
2) After the 'body slam', it sounds like the crowd around the scene "approved" of the action through the tone of their exclamations. Like you might expect to hear when a bully gets knocked out by someone (justified or not)...

also reported was that this girl had a history of physical altercations with other students.

.. more information is needed though to make an informed call on appropriateness...

Short of her being armed with a lethal weapon, I don't think there was anything appropriate about that very violent body slam to the floor.

She was lifted up and she walked away under her own power, but with a far less cunty face on and without further struggle. Seems to me that the "body slam" worked perfectly and was precisely the right measure of force to end the incident.
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