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  1. D

    2020 Election Results

    Yes, same with me!
  2. D

    2020 Election Results

    Are pre-ballots mixed in or are they released at the end of Florida's count?
  3. D

    2020 Election Results

    Here we go! Dixville Notch Best wishes to all of our American friends on talk freethought. Stay safe and vote!
  4. D

    2020 Election Predictions

    Can we call it now?
  5. D

    2020 Election Predictions

    And when asked about what states he couldn’t answer. Maybe to do with his method but it seemed totally incompetent! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. D

    2020 Election Predictions

    This is farcical.....
  7. D

    2020 Election Predictions

    Here is mine. I’m going out on a limb with Texas as the polls do show trump slightly in front but I keep hearing there’s a generation change that’s been building there over the last 5-10 years. I do think that Florida will be known on the night so Pennsylvania will become irrelevant...
  8. D

    The World-O-Meter Thread

    Now over 100k ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. D

    The World-O-Meter Thread

    And it was during our winter as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. D

    Two Weeks Until Election Day

    To be honest I'm concerned and worried about the next few months in the US looking from afar. It's almost every day something happens that I just shake my head at.
  11. D

    Republicans with COVID from Trump's Super Spreader Event

    I haven't seen names either. From here
  12. D

    Republicans with COVID from Trump's Super Spreader Event

    Here's a nice tableau dashboard someone has set up to track this as well
  13. D

    Red and dead

    Here's some other interesting correlations http://tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations
  14. D

    The World-O-Meter Thread

    Over 70,000 daily case count now for the US. Any thoughts on what this will peak at? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. D

    Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

    LOL that went over my head :-)
  16. D

    Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

    I read the transcript but the other parts of the speech (missing bits?) don't change my view. Can you elaborate?
  17. D

    Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

    What a complete dumbass he is.
  18. D

    Barr tries to force Berman to resign. Berman refuses. Trump responds

    According to this view if Trump's not involved they probably can't force him out.
  19. D

    The World-O-Meter Thread

    Good position to be in. We've just had another 3 cases announced today. All interstate and international travel related.
  20. D

    Senate Passes on Investigating Obama, Trump Believes that he Committed the "Biggest Political Crime in American history"

    Looking from afar my sense is it's a desire for change from the past that Trump tapped into. When Trump goes I think there are still problems that need addressing - like in any society. It wont be all fixed when he goes.
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