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1st presidential debate 2016

Ok, I've been planning on voting third party up till this point. As much as I don't want to say this, I think I'm leaning towards voting for Hillary now. She won hands down.
Trump's strategy seemed essentially to be to paint America as a third world shit hole that only someone with his business experience/accomplishments could fix, everything that has happened has been terrible, and Hillary is to blame. That was about it.
Trump's strategy seemed essentially to be to paint America as a third world shit hole that only someone with his business experience/accomplishments could fix, everything that has happened has been terrible, and Hillary is to blame. That was about it.

He also managed to name drop every place he owns property.
Trump did a tremendous job, especially the part about his 10 year-old son who has a computer and is very good at it. I have an 8 year-old son myself. When Trump double-changed the subject right after that, it totally made me forget what question he was answering.
Ok, I've been planning on voting third party up till this point. As much as I don't want to say this, I think I'm leaning towards voting for Hillary now. She won hands down.

Well, it's about stamina. Clinton could keep focus for a 90 minute debate and Trump fell off a cliff after about half an hour. I hated the fact that I was grudgingly impressed by his performance at the beginning but holy shit did he just become a rambling moron about half way through.
Ok, I've been planning on voting third party up till this point. As much as I don't want to say this, I think I'm leaning towards voting for Hillary now. She won hands down.

Well, it's about stamina. Clinton could keep focus for a 90 minute debate and Trump fell off a cliff after about half an hour. I hated the fact that I was grudgingly impressed by his performance at the beginning but holy shit did he just become a rambling moron about half way through.

Pretty much what that author who helped Trump write his book predicted. His attention span is just slightly above a 12 year old. He studied hard, but got bored.
Trump's strategy seemed essentially to be to paint America as a third world shit hole that only someone with his business experience/accomplishments could fix, everything that has happened has been terrible, and Hillary is to blame. That was about it.

Or to put it in terms his supporters can understand, "be afraid, only I can save you."
After all the interruptions and bluster and defensiveness, it's weird how quiet Trump was the whole time Hillary questioned his finances and refusal to release his tax returns.
Maybe he has some kind of an illness. Parkinson's, perhaps.


Damn straight! I bet you're even a doctor, right? A pediatrician?


I question his health, too. I'm not so sure he has the stamina to serve as president. I don't know. It could be something serious. Do we really want someone with, at best, a nervous tic to have access to nuclear codes? At worst, he could be snorting coke in the Oval Office. Just sayin'. A lot of people are asking about this. I think it's a huge question, a huge issue.
Trump leads with alternate reality!

Reality: Job growth for years.

Trump: They took our jobs!

Seriously though, the job growth is mostly in lower paying service and "gig economy" jobs (Uber driver and errand apps). It's not nearly as great as some of the numbers suggest devoid of context.
It's over she definitely should have some white on her, sold red was a little over the top
Maybe next time she'll color coordinate some pastels in the mix
And Donald, you lost. ..liar

I think she might have been hoping to "goad the bull" into a frustrated outburst. According to recent scientific color theory studies, red gives the instinctive subconscious impression that things are more dangerous and imposing.

Red was a good choice to help make sure she didn't seem to be wilting under Trump's bluster. Cool colors like blue or green might have given the impression she was meek or weak. This is one aspect that a female candidate can actually take advantage of. Trump might have looked ridiculous dressed in an all red suit, but Clinton can pull it off.
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Ok, I've been planning on voting third party up till this point. As much as I don't want to say this, I think I'm leaning towards voting for Hillary now. She won hands down.

Well, it's about stamina. Clinton could keep focus for a 90 minute debate and Trump fell off a cliff after about half an hour. I hated the fact that I was grudgingly impressed by his performance at the beginning but holy shit did he just become a rambling moron about half way through.

I thought he did poorly right from the beginning. Don't get me wrong. He did what he needed to do, namely attack Clinton. But even his attacks were disorganized. He can't seem to finish a sentence without interrupting himself.
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