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1st presidential debate 2016

Best image of tonight!

View attachment 8207

They should have replaced Hillary with something funny too. Like
In what regard?

Large companies are perpetually being sued and accusations of racial discrimination are a regular part of working in the housing/real estate business. It really says nothing about him that his company was involved in such a thing or that it settled.

yeah, the little "c" on applications for "colored people" didn't mean anything at all
The key takeaways from tonight's debate:

  • "That's good business". Yeah, good one. Trump so badly wants to look smart, he doesn't know when to shut up.
  • "That means I'm smart." Trump pretty much admitted not paying incomes taxes (likely through good use of the code). Did this seem like a good idea to say?
  • Trump was overly aggressive, interrupted a lot. I think that'll cost him with the overnight polling on the debate.
  • Overall Trump did a great job convincing his supporters to vote for him. However, he spoke to people who live in a bubble. He was supposed to convince mods / inds to vote for him, but they don't read the vile right-wing websites his followers love and get their info from.
  • Clinton did exactly what she needed. She poked and prodded, but generally stayed above the fray and managed to stay on topic. Trump went way off topic, and given to Clinton, she just put it back on the rails. She didn't sigh like Gore with Trump's idiocy. Clinton made fast work on the emails, which pissed Trump off. And Clinton stayed away from scandals of Trump, which was wise because he could fling back very easily. Clinton made me reassured. So much for her being on her death bed.

One thing of note, the format of this debate pretty much kept the conversation on-topic. It strayed, but overall, it was perhaps one of the most successful debates I've seen in years. Lester Holt did an incredible job. Clinton won by a long shot. Trump's performance was a "complete disaster". And I think the public in general will say Clinton looked professional, presidential, and the winner.

Now if you can excuse me, I need to barricade my home, apparently America is under siege.
Trump's strategy seemed essentially to be to paint America as a third world shit hole that only someone with his business experience/accomplishments could fix, everything that has happened has been terrible, and Hillary is to blame. That was about it.
Well, if you don't think that America is a "complete disaster", you must be a Democrat. Our airports... goats pull your luggage. Over 4,000 people in Chicago murdered since Obama took office, I own property there, that is somehow relevant. Rosie O'Donnell... need I say more? All Clinton's fault, she's been doing this for 30 years.

Though, he never mentioned Benghazi.
Debate grades:

Hillary: F

Trump: F

Primary voters: F

America: Doomed

My bourbon bottle: empty

Apocalypse: can't come soon enough
I was entertained by the reference he made at length about the nasty thing he wasn't going to say about her. I'm sure he'll let it out sooner or later...
I was entertained by the reference he made at length about the nasty thing he wasn't going to say about her. I'm sure he'll let it out sooner or later...

Yeah, I'm above you, just had to let you know I wanted to but I didn't, but you hurt my feelings with those negative ads.

Had Clinton said that, the right-wing would be calling her weak.
I was entertained by the reference he made at length about the nasty thing he wasn't going to say about her. I'm sure he'll let it out sooner or later...

How many times has he used that form of jr. high bait? Oh ya, Heidi Cruz, and more recently with Scarborough and Micha.

This guy is slime.
He just said that he can't release his tax returns because of an audit. Flat out lie. He refused to say why he wouldn't release them.

Holt just called him on that and he deflected again.

ETA: Now he said it is because of the emails.

It seems that politicians in the US tend to attack each other rather than debate the issues. However if he is having an audit then the returns cannot be released until the figures are finalised.
After all the interruptions and bluster and defensiveness, it's weird how quiet Trump was the whole time Hillary questioned his finances and refusal to release his tax returns.

If he is having his finances audited it means he cannot release the tax returns until that process is completed as I understand this is the process in the USA also for submitting a full set of accounts which has been checked by a certified accountant. The IRS I understand will also audit as small percentage of tax returns it receives. It's not clear if his accountant has these of the IRS does. I haven't seen the recording of the debate yet.

There is also nothing to prevent him releasing figures before such an audit is done, but it is common practice to wait until the tax authority has concluded its audit.

If there are old accounts going back a few years and unaffected he could release these which applies to many of his companies.
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He bullshitted a lot. But his supporters won't care. But the fact checkers will be very busy today. I had a hard time listening. Hillary should have hit hard about the many experts who had pointed out his economic plans would doom our economy. Name some names.
Where do you understand that from? The IRS and everyone except Trump are quite clear that there's no reason he can't release them.
After all the interruptions and bluster and defensiveness, it's weird how quiet Trump was the whole time Hillary questioned his finances and refusal to release his tax returns.

If he is having his finances audited it means he cannot release the tax returns until that process is completed as I understand this is the process in the USA also for submitting a full set of accounts which has been checked by a certified accountant. The IRS I understand will also audit as small percentage of tax returns it receives. It's not clear if his accountant has these of the IRS does. I haven't seen the recording of the debate yet.

There is also nothing to prevent him releasing figures before such an audit is done, but it is common practice to wait until the tax authority has concluded its audit.

If there are old accounts going back a few years and unaffected he could release these which applies to many of his companies.

No, being audited does not prevent Donald Trump from releasing his tax returns

Don't listen to Donald. Donald Lies.
Clinton started out really really bad. She sounded like a six year old reading a typed book report. But as the debate went on she did get better and at the end she sounded reasonable.

Trump did the opposite. He actually started out much stronger than I've seen him before or imagined he could be. He was soundly defeating Hillary in the early going. But as time went on he got weaker, and by the end he had deflated completely.

Had the debate been shorter, Trump would have come out the winner. Had the debate gone longer, Hillary would have come out the winner. As it was, it was a bout tied. I don't think anybody gained any real ground from where they were before the debate. And that is good for Hillary, since she's been ahead.
Where do you understand that from? The IRS and everyone except Trump are quite clear that there's no reason he can't release them.

Maybe there are ambiguous areas of the tax returns. So he'd want the IRS to say his tax payments are good first before publicizing them. That's not something the IRS cares about, but instead his lawyers care about it. And that's why he said several times that his lawyers don't want him to release them yet. People kept rebutting the IRS says it's okay, but what does that have to do with how he's releasing the documents?
Clear win for Trump, he crushed Hillary by refusing to melt down which would have been a tie

Is that a joke or were you watching a different debate? Seriously, Clinton may not have started out as strong as she ended but she easily slaughtered a man who frequently spoke in incoherent sentences, lied frequently, and looked warn out before the end. It was especially funny when he said that she didn't have stamina, when he was obviously the one who could barely stand up by the end of the night. But, Trump is known for projecting his own weaknesses on others, so I guess it was predicable that he'd claim she didn't have stamina.
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