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1st presidential debate 2016

Ah, the OT tap dancing superpowerz have returned. Truth doesn't matter; protect the fake PR image at all costs. Familiar pattern.

It's simply not true that there is anything at all preventing Trump from releasing his tax returns. The "If we pretend hard enough, our delusions will come true" only works on cult followers and Trump supporters.

Until he does (eventually) we can only speculate. Maybe there are some skeletons in the cupboard, but we don't know at this point. The media speculated a lot about Obama's birth certificate but it was released there wasn't much to discuss after that.

Until it's cleared up that he didn't snort coke before the debate, we can only speculate about his drug abuse and mental instability. Until he releases his tax returns, we can only speculate as to what he's hiding.
And the purpose of that is to confuse and demonize, and to distort the truth of one's own actions. In other words, Donald Trump is a great scientologist. No wonder cultists love him so much. He also values appearances over honesty, and fears exposure.

He looked unhinged, sniffling, uncomfortable, unprepared, loud, unprofessional, amateurish, interrupting, bullying, unpresidential, rambling...

She looked poised, healthy, comfortable, prepared, appropriate, professional, clear, and very Presidential...


Looks may be deceiving especially if rehearsed, though political debates do have an entertainment value. Too bad about Libya where the fall out is still going on.


Are you saying that Trump rehearsed to look unhinged, sniffling, uncomfortable, unprepared, loud, unprofessional, amateurish, interrupting, bullying, unpresidential, rambling...? :shrug: I don't think so...

I'm sure that Hillary rehearsed to be poised, healthy, comfortable, prepared, appropriate, professional, clear, and very Presidential...like I expect someone running for the presidency to be.

Looks to me like she won this one...
And the purpose of that is to confuse and demonize, and to distort the truth of one's own actions. In other words, Donald Trump is a great scientologist. No wonder cultists love him so much. He also values appearances over honesty, and fears exposure.

He looked unhinged, sniffling, uncomfortable, unprepared, loud, unprofessional, amateurish, interrupting, bullying, unpresidential, rambling...

She looked poised, healthy, comfortable, prepared, appropriate, professional, clear, and very Presidential...


Looks may be deceiving especially if rehearsed, though political debates do have an entertainment value. Too bad about Libya where the fall out is still going on.


Are you saying that Trump rehearsed to look unhinged, sniffling, uncomfortable, unprepared, loud, unprofessional, amateurish, interrupting, bullying, unpresidential, rambling...? :shrug: I don't think so...

I'm sure that Hillary rehearsed to be poised, healthy, comfortable, prepared, appropriate, professional, clear, and very Presidential...like I expect someone running for the presidency to be.

Looks to me like she won this one...

Definitely. But that doesn't stop the unaware wind sock and his like-minded supporters from pushing a clearly false image.
Until he does (eventually) we can only speculate. Maybe there are some skeletons in the cupboard, but we don't know at this point. The media speculated a lot about Obama's birth certificate but it was released there wasn't much to discuss after that.

Until it's cleared up that he didn't snort coke before the debate, we can only speculate about his drug abuse and mental instability. Until he releases his tax returns, we can only speculate as to what he's hiding.

That's true as well.
How long will it take for the effects of the debate to show up in the polls?...12 to 48 hours?

Well, that's the prediction on the side of my bottle of stool softeners, 12 to 48 hours...

I only place micro-bets at Predictit, but did VERY well yesterday buying right before the debate and selling at the end of it. The bets were regarding the number of POF (Pants on Fire) ratings that Politifact would give Trump in September. I bought the highest number (7+), it went up about 60%, then fell after people cooled off. That told me that Trump was regarded as lying his face off the entire time, but that his phrasings were such that the Politifact ratings would almost all be "false" rather than POF.
So apparently, Trump successfully skated the line between being wrong and being an outright liar - though the Politifact verdict is far from in yet.
The biggest takeaway, that even his tone-deaf admirers cannot completely ignore, is that Trump came in like a lion and went out like a beaten puppy. This, according to his words, but more importantly, his body language. The guy devolved into an incoherent puddle of tired soundbytes, and looked anything but presidential.
Wow. That's the most unintentionally hypocritical answer in history. So, because Trump got years worth of political news about speculating over one thing we hadn't seen, we should therefore not speculate over this other thing we haven't seen.

But the thing is, we had seen his birth certificate in 2008, the official "short form" released by the State of Hawaii when they receive birth certificate requests which is perfectly valid proof of birth. The demand for the "long form" was ludicrous in the first place. There was no question at all for sane people after that.
There were an awful lot of new polls released over the weekend, so it stands to reason that there would be even more coming out which were done in the pre-debate period. Polls generally cover a period of a few days, so it will be the end of the week before the post-debate effect really shows up.

- - - Updated - - -

Wow. That's the most unintentionally hypocritical answer in history. So, because Trump got years worth of political news about speculating over one thing we hadn't seen, we should therefore not speculate over this other thing we haven't seen.

But the thing is, we had seen his birth certificate in 2008, the official "short form" released by the State of Hawaii when they receive birth certificate requests which is perfectly valid proof of birth. The demand for the "long form" was ludicrous in the first place. There was no question at all for sane people after that.

Oh ya, the birther issue was nothing but racist bullshit from start to finish. Don't take what I said as any kind of indication that there was any legitimacy to the matter at any point.
Until it's cleared up that he didn't snort coke before the debate, we can only speculate about his drug abuse and mental instability. Until he releases his tax returns, we can only speculate as to what he's hiding.

That's true as well.

He continued to show his true colors after the debate, obviously rattled by getting beaten up so thoroughly by a girl he tried to characterize as ugly and weak. http://www.gopocalypse.org/trumps-w...s-when-he-assaulted-a-woman-afterwards-video/

How deluded and confused people must be to support this low life wind sock.
Eugene Robinson , of the Washington Post said last night (on MSNBC), that Trump showing up in the Press Room, 10 minutes after the debate ending was a sign the he (Trump) thought he didn't do very well.

There were an awful lot of new polls released over the weekend, so it stands to reason that there would be even more coming out which were done in the pre-debate period. Polls generally cover a period of a few days, so it will be the end of the week before the post-debate effect really shows up.

And that is when we'll know who actually won.
There were an awful lot of new polls released over the weekend, so it stands to reason that there would be even more coming out which were done in the pre-debate period. Polls generally cover a period of a few days, so it will be the end of the week before the post-debate effect really shows up.

And that is when we'll know who actually won.

And it will be the same result as who actually won in the actual debate by showing how scattered, unaware, and weak Donald Trump actually is.
That's true as well.

He continued to show his true colors after the debate, obviously rattled by getting beaten up so thoroughly by a girl he tried to characterize as ugly and weak. http://www.gopocalypse.org/trumps-w...s-when-he-assaulted-a-woman-afterwards-video/

How deluded and confused people must be to support this low life wind sock.
I think it's more that they want to be "smart" too and not have to pay taxes either.
I think it's more that they want to be "smart" too and not have to pay taxes either.

Zackly. That would be SO smart.
Everyone who had income in excess of $600m last year should definitely vote for Herr Trumpf. Anyone else who votes for him should be sent to a federally subsidized Home For The Exceptionally Stupid. Especially if they think voting for cheeto-face is going to put them into the $600m income bracket with no taxes.
I think it's more that they want to be "smart" too and not have to pay taxes either.

Zackly. That would be SO smart.
Everyone who had income in excess of $600m last year should definitely vote for Herr Trumpf. Anyone else who votes for him should be sent to a federally subsidized Home For The Exceptionally Stupid. Especially if they think voting for cheeto-face is going to put them into the $600m income bracket with no taxes.
Trump likely is unaware that he's pretty good at being Huey Long, everyman a king and all that, filling people's heads with bullshit they want to hear, acres and acres of diamonds that the liberal democrats and crooked Hillary are squandering. But I don't think it will work for the majority of voters.

And the countdown is on as to how we'll hear that Holt rigged it for Hillary.
Zackly. That would be SO smart.
Everyone who had income in excess of $600m last year should definitely vote for Herr Trumpf. Anyone else who votes for him should be sent to a federally subsidized Home For The Exceptionally Stupid. Especially if they think voting for cheeto-face is going to put them into the $600m income bracket with no taxes.
Trump likely is unaware that he's pretty good at being Huey Long, everyman a king and all that, filling people's heads with bullshit they want to hear, acres and acres of diamonds that the liberal democrats and crooked Hillary are squandering. But I don't think it will work for the majority of voters.

And the countdown is on as to how we'll hear that Holt rigged it for Hillary.

I'm flabbergasted that nobody has remarked about how Lester allowed Trump to walk all over him. Holt came off like a sniveling weakling IMHO.
There were an awful lot of new polls released over the weekend, so it stands to reason that there would be even more coming out which were done in the pre-debate period. Polls generally cover a period of a few days, so it will be the end of the week before the post-debate effect really shows up.

And that is when we'll know who actually won.

Correct. If the American people saw something in Trump's performance which had them say "I was undecided but now I think that this guy should be President" then Hillary Clinton is fucked. There was apparently a huge audience for this debate and if the result of it is that Trump's poll numbers go up then there's really nothing that Clinton can do to win the election. It would mean that there is such an appetite for change - any type of change - that they are voting for the guy who is promising to break the system and they have absolutely no concern who it is that's doing that or how it's being done, so Trump's lies and missteps aren't a relevant factor in their decisions.

If Trump's poll numbers start to go down, I also don't think that there's much he can do to even them out again. It will mean that when they stood together side by side, he was found wanting. Further debates and campaign events aren't going to have the same impact as the first time that most people really started paying attention and judging them as the two potential options.

One way or another, this debate decided the election.
One way or another, this debate decided the election.

I agree. If a majority of voters could watch that and somehow find a way to not see Donald Trump's spectacular display, just the best display, of scatterbrained incompetence and staggering weakness, then it does not matter what Hillary does. It would mean she is irrelevant even if she were the perfect, most suitable, most superior candidate for POTUS ever, and the free unicorns guy might as well be in her place.
I think it's more that they want to be "smart" too and not have to pay taxes either.
Probably like the trial juries who seem to feel, "You know, if _I_ was ever in an accident that was within ten miles of a rich man, I'd hope I could sue him for a bazillion dollars.'
They're thinking, "If I was ever to suddenly become rich, I'd hope I could pay as few taxes as he does...'
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