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2020 Election Results

Ossoff is being painted as an extreme socialist. :rolleyes: So far, Ossoff's ads have been positive. I haven't seen him attack his opponent yet. I'm not optimistic that either of these Dems will win, but maybe Stacey Abrams organization will be able to motivate lots of normally unreliable voters to vote on Jan. 5th. But, I'm off topic. Our run off election has happened yet.
Turnout, turnout, turnout. The ads don't turn out certain people, boots on the ground do. It is an uphill battle for certain as the Libertarians can't interfere this time, but in a special election, turnout is the most important aspect.
Ossoff is being painted as an extreme socialist. :rolleyes: So far, Ossoff's ads have been positive. I haven't seen him attack his opponent yet. I'm not optimistic that either of these Dems will win, but maybe Stacey Abrams organization will be able to motivate lots of normally unreliable voters to vote on Jan. 5th. But, I'm off topic. Our run off election has happened yet.
Turnout, turnout, turnout. The ads don't turn out certain people, boots on the ground do. It is an uphill battle for certain as the Libertarians can't interfere this time, but in a special election, turnout is the most important aspect.

Maybe this will help:

Watching the interviews with Mellissa Carone, I kept wondering who she reminded me of, and it just now hit me that it's Steve Buscemi's hooker in Fargo.
Reuter/Ipsos poll finds that about 50% of Republicans are out of their minds.

article said:
Fifty-two percent of Republicans said that Trump "rightfully won," while only 29% said that Biden had rightfully won.
So over half thought Trump won and 1 in 5 weren't sure or had no opinion. Only 3 in 10 can apparently handle the truth.
Mulvaney slams Giuliani leading Trump campaign legal efforts: 'This is not a television program' | Fox News - even though Trump once bragged that he will hire "all the best people"

Adam Kinzinger, a GOP congressman, says colleagues are 'waiting' on Trump to accept election results before recognizing Biden - CNNPolitics - so they are indulging the Spoiled-Brat-in-Chief?

McConnell: Transfer of presidential power won’t be delayed - POLITICO - "The Senate majority leader brushed off concerns, despite reports of the GSA blocking President-elect Joe Biden’s transition process."

Seems rather cavalier. Is he that desperate to avoid displeasing the Toddler-in-Chief?
Trump calls Georgia recount a 'joke' as certification date looms - MarketWatch
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "The Georgia recount is a joke and is being done UNDER PROTEST. Even though thousands of fraudulent votes have been found, the real number is in matching signatures. Governor must open up the unconstitutional Consent Decree and call in the Legislature!" / Twitter

Georgia election audit finds 3,039 more uncounted ballots in 2 counties | Fox News - "This is in addition to 2,600 uncounted ballots previously found in Floyd County"

Georgia recount: Minor counting errors corrected as recount nears end
The latest unofficial count puts Joe Biden 12,781 votes ahead of President Donald Trump, who gained over 1,000 votes this week that county election officials initially failed to count.

There’s no indication of broader problems beyond three counties that didn’t load all votes from memory cards and one county that didn’t rescan all ballots after an optical scanner was replaced because of a technical issue, said Gabriel Sterling, Georgia’s voting system manager.
The recounters are confident that they will be finished 11:59 PM today, presumably EST.
Another article on this: ‘This is not a television program’: Mulvaney slams Giuliani’s role on Trump campaign legal team - POLITICO

Georgia to finish election recount on Wednesday - state official | Reuters - today. Results should be announced in a press conference tomorrow

Opinion | A Simple Theory of Why Trump Did Well - The New York Times - "Elections are complicated, but the money the government sent to more than 150 million Americans didn’t hurt."

The pandemic stimulus checks.

There is no hard evidence that voters turned against Democratic congressional candidates because of “defund the police” and other radical slogans. It does not show up in the congressional generic ballot — there is no decline that corresponds with the unrest of the summer — and there’s little other data to support the idea of a direct causal relationship between the slogans and the performance of Democratic candidates.
The main "evidence" seems to be the grumbling of the likes of Rep. Abigail Spanberger.
he problem with the second narrative — Republicans have built a new working-class, multiracial coalition — is that it takes Trump out of the context of past election results. If preliminary exit polls are any indication — and they have real flaws as measurement tools — Trump did hardly any better with Black voters than George W. Bush in 2004 and quite a bit worse with Hispanic voters. Far from a seismic shift, Trump, with 32 percent support among Hispanics (a four-point upswing from his first run) is doing about as well as John McCain did in 2008.
In fact, I've crunched the numbers, and I found that supporting at least one of Medicare for All and the Green New Deal tends to give candidates a 2% edge over not supporting either. This is from finding candidates' performance as a function of their govtrack.us ideology score and their districts' Cook-Report Partisan Voting Index, so as to correct for both factors. This margin need not be a direct function of advocating M4A and GND, but at least in part from being more energetic in campaigning than non-advocates. The energetic-campaigning factor was proposed by AOC, Beto O'Rourke, and Doug Jones more generally.
Jamelle Bouie has a hypothesis:
It’s the money, stupid.

At the end of March, President Trump signed the Cares Act, which distributed more than half a trillion dollars in direct aid to more than 150 million Americans, from stimulus checks ($1,200 per adult and $500 per child for households below a certain income threshold) to $600 per week in additional unemployment benefits. These programs were not perfect — the supplement unemployment insurance, in particular, depended on ramshackle state systems, forcing many applicants to wait weeks or even months before they received assistance — but they made an impact regardless. Personal income went up and poverty went down, even as the United States reported its steepest ever quarterly drop in economic output.

Now, the reason this many Americans received as much assistance as they did is that Democrats fought for it over the opposition of Republicans who believed any help beyond the minimum would degrade the will to work for whatever wage employers were willing to pay.
Something argued by Sens. Rick Scott and Lindsey Graham IIRC.

Seems like that is why Mitch McConnell is opposing additional aid, especially aid that does not go into the pockets of Republican big donors.
The upshot of this, for the incoming Biden administration, is straightforward: Do not listen to the debt worriers and the deficit hawks. Ignore the calls for means-testing and complicated workarounds. Embrace, instead, the simplicity of cash. Take a page from the left and give as much direct help to as many people as possible.
In effect, universal basic income, "Welfare for All". That would avoid the problems of a lot of public assistance. Like welfare supposedly destroying families. Seems like that is a result from taking means testing to grotesque extremes.

Opinion | Leftists and Moderates, Stop Fighting. You Need One Another. - The New York Times
But most candidates who endorsed those initiatives were in safer districts than those who didn’t. When moderate Democrats like Conor Lamb and Abigail Spanberger say that left-wing slogans are poisonous in their communities, people who don’t live in those communities should take them seriously.
But I've corrected for that effect, and I found that M4A and GND are still associated with improved performance.

AOC said that she helped five swing candidates campaign, and all five of them won, though she did not name them.
Seen elsewhere: A person that normally cheats to win thinks the only way for someone else to win is to cheat.
How Democrats explain down-ballot losses in 2020 - YouTube - snips of interviews with several politicians, like AOC and Abigail Spanberger

Reverend Raphael Warnock on Twitter: "The only thing Kelly Loeffler has represented well is her stock portfolio." / Twitter

Yes, her COVID-19 insider trading.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "If you say “socialism” three times in a mirror, a corporate lobbyist-backed candidate grows their wings 👼" / Twitter

Dan Bongino leads the MAGA field in stolen-election messaging - POLITICO
He has been
pointing out “anomalies” in the election results and telling his listeners he’s “never been more fired up” in his life.

“You wanted us to quit? How about you go [bleep] yourself, I’m not going anywhere. You ain’t either,” Bongino said on his podcast.

“And ‘ain’t’ is a word — I just made it one,” Bongino added. He uploaded the clip to Facebook, where it received 17,000 “likes.”
‘I’m not a f---ing socialist’: Florida Democrats are having a postelection meltdown - POLITICO
This year, Florida Democrats had one of the worst performances of any state party in the country. They lost five seats in the state House after expecting to make gains. Three state Senate hopefuls were defeated, and incumbent U.S. Reps. Donna Shalala and Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, who represented districts in Miami, were unseated.

Many of the party’s failures over the years can be traced to unforced errors. When Democrat Andrew Gillum lost the governor’s race in 2018, he had $3.5 million still sitting in the bank. He then pledged to register and reengage 1 million Florida voters this cycle, but that evaporated after he left public life amid scandal.

Florida Democrats haven’t held the governor’s office for more than two decades, and they’ve been out of power in the Legislature for nearly a quarter-century. Since their last big win, when President Barack Obama won Florida in 2012, Democrats have won just a single statewide race — out of 12.
Continuing with the mistakes that the FL Dem party made this year.
Debbie Mucarsel-Powell on Twitter: "Many have commented on Democratic losses in South Florida and with Latinos across the country. ..." / Twitter
Many have commented on Democratic losses in South Florida and with Latinos across the country.

As the Congresswoman from #FL26 who lost her seat, and the first South American immigrant ever elected to Congress...

Let me set the record straight. (1/8)

My district voted for Clinton +16% and Trump +6% — that's a DRAMATIC 22 pt swing at the top of the ticket not easily explained by this false narrative of progressives versus moderates.

I won by 2% in 2018 and lost by 3% in 2020. (2/8)

Despite this swing, I was one of just a few Democrats nationally to outperform Biden. Here's why:
1. Focused on the economy
2. Knocked on 23k doors & had convos w 133k ppl via phone & text
3. Invested big in radio, mail, digital & TV
4. And did it all in English AND Spanish (3/8)

I was a leader in advocating for Venezuelan freedom — and as an immigrant, my story is the Miami story.

But it wasn't enough. Because South FL is extremely diverse. We are unique. And when others try to treat Latinos as a monolithic group, they miss the nuances. (4/8)

Yes, the fear of socialism is real and engrained for those of us who fled dangerous places in search of the American dream. My own father was murdered by a criminal with a gun in Ecuador.

But it's not why I lost and it's not the only reason South Florida went red. (5/8)

There were many factors: a targeted disinformation campaign to Latinos; an electorate desperate to re-open, wracked with fear over the economic consequences; a national party that thinks racial identity is how we vote.

It's not just about socialism. (6/8)

Florida & National Dems: Our brightest days are ahead. To get there, we must step back and deeply analyze how we're talking to Latinos and every voter. As the first South American immigrant elected to Congress, I stand with you as we do it. (7/8)

And to South Florida and the Keys: it has been the honor of my life to serve you. I love this community, from Key West, to the Upper Keys, to South Miami. I'll keep fighting to make sure no one messes with my people.

Please stay safe, wear a mask & enjoy the holidays. (8/8)
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