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2020 Election Results

There Wasn’t That Much Split-Ticket Voting In 2020 | FiveThirtyEight
Nearly all votes for President and Senator were within 5%, with roughly half within 2%, but there were a few exceptions, like Susan Collins (R-ME) getting 10% more than expected from Joe Biden's winning the state.

How Trump’s erratic behavior and failure on coronavirus doomed his reelection - Washington Post
As Biden worked his way toward eventual victory, the mask would become a symbol of his entire campaign — a durable cloth representation of Biden’s caution and deliberation, his steady leadership style, his adherence to science and facts, his reassuring vanilla decency.

The story of Biden’s victory is as much the story of Trump’s defeat — a devastating coda for a leader who has long feared weakness and losing above almost all else, but who became the first one-term president in nearly 30 years.

Trump was the most unpopular president of modern times: Divisive and alienating, he rarely sought to reach out to the middle and his erratic behavior and harder-edged policies were strongly opposed by most Americans. Even before this year, his reelection would have been difficult.

But the president finally lost, aides and allies said, because of how he mismanaged the virus.
Like saying that the virus will soon go away, and that the issue is "the Democrats' new hoax".
The same impulses that helped lift him to victory in 2016 — the outsider ethos; the angry, burn-it-all-down cri de coeur; the fiery and controversial rants; the false reality forged through untruths and deception — contributed to his undoing just four years later.

From the beginning, Trump and Biden made wildly different bets on the path to victory in 2020, taking divergent routes on nearly everything: from tone and message, to how to run their respective campaigns — and whether to wear a mask.

Throughout his first term, Trump was a leader who governed as he had first campaigned — freewheeling, chaotic, and as an outsider — despite now being the incumbent. He was controversial, profane and used racist rhetoric, offering up grievance-filled tirades that portrayed himself as the victim.

Biden, who said his decision to run came in the aftermath of the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, instead viewed the race as “a battle for the soul of the nation,” as he put it, and tried not to deviate from the singular message that Trump was unfit to lead the country.
Victim? Conservatives say that one should not consider oneself a victim. But they gave Trump a pass on that.
This is the funniest election humor I've seen so far, and that's saying a lot given that Trump and all his morons have been parodying themselves superbly on their own.

Hawaii's 4 electors have cast their votes for Joe Biden. The Electoral-College vote is complete. Biden got 306, Trump 232, with no faithless electors on either side.

Opinion | There’s a Way to Halt Trump’s Baseless Election Fraud Cases - POLITICO
The defeats are piling up so fast—the Supreme Court summarily rejected two lawsuits inside of four days—and the judges’ rebukes have been so withering that many people outside the legal profession wonder why trained lawyers are being allowed to persist in this doomed effort to overturn the results of an election that has been described by the president’s own elections officials as the “most secure in American history.” Isn’t there some kind of rule against this?

There is. In federal court (where 11 of the cases have been brought) it’s called Rule 11. And courts have used it many times to discourage the very kinds of legally insufficient and bad faith claims that have been advanced by Rudy Giuliani and his so-called elite strike force of attorneys.
Trump's campaign lawyers have lost nearly all of their cases -- cases often just plain tossed out by judges. There is very little of supporting facts in many of them, and very little of supporting law.

If the facts are on your side, pound on the facts. If the law is on your side. pound on the law. If neither is on your side, pound on the table.

Pounding the table? Rudy Giuliani with Melissa Carone?

Making far-reaching claims about voter fraud then backtracking on those claims in court? That seems like conceding that one does not have much of a case.
Hawaii's 4 electors have cast their votes for Joe Biden. The Electoral-College vote is complete. Biden got 306, Trump 232, with no faithless electors on either side.

Opinion | There’s a Way to Halt Trump’s Baseless Election Fraud Cases - POLITICO
The defeats are piling up so fast—the Supreme Court summarily rejected two lawsuits inside of four days—and the judges’ rebukes have been so withering that many people outside the legal profession wonder why trained lawyers are being allowed to persist in this doomed effort to overturn the results of an election that has been described by the president’s own elections officials as the “most secure in American history.” Isn’t there some kind of rule against this?

There is. In federal court (where 11 of the cases have been brought) it’s called Rule 11. And courts have used it many times to discourage the very kinds of legally insufficient and bad faith claims that have been advanced by Rudy Giuliani and his so-called elite strike force of attorneys.
Trump's campaign lawyers have lost nearly all of their cases -- cases often just plain tossed out by judges. There is very little of supporting facts in many of them, and very little of supporting law.

If the facts are on your side, pound on the facts. If the law is on your side. pound on the law. If neither is on your side, pound on the table.

Pounding the table? Rudy Giuliani with Melissa Carone?

Making far-reaching claims about voter fraud then backtracking on those claims in court? That seems like conceding that one does not have much of a case.
Great, now you put the image of Giuliani and Carone pounding on the table in my head.

I'm a little bit surprised to see that there were zero faithless electors. I figured that among 538 people there are bound to be some self-aggrandizing morons who'd take the opportunity to make a scene.
Lamar Alexander: Trump needs to 'put the country first' and accept election results - POLITICO

Trump unleashes an army of sore losers - POLITICO - "GOP candidates for House, legislative and gubernatorial races in more than half a dozen states are claiming voter fraud and still refusing to acknowledge defeat."

Texas electors vote to call on battleground states to appoint Trump electors | TheHill - "The electors voted 34-4 on a resolution, which will have no legal authority, requesting the legislatures of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin appoint their own electors in support of Trump, despite Biden winning their states."

Do they want a rerun of the dueling elector slates of 1876?

Top GOP senators acknowledge Biden as president-elect after Electoral College vote | TheHill

John Thune (R-SD): JB was President-Elect “as soon as he crosses the 270 vote threshold.”

Roy Blunt (R-MO): "We've now gone through the constitutional process and the electors have voted so there's a president-elect." In a separate statement, he said that he would "work with president-elect Biden and his presidential inaugural committee to plan for the swearing-in ceremony."

Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV): about JB as Pres-Elect, "it certainly looks that way."

Rob Portman (R-OH): the "Electoral College vote today makes clear that Joe Biden is now President-Elect.”

Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has not said anything in public, however.

Lindsey Graham (R-SC) now accepts that JB is President-Elect, and he says that the two have talked.

But some of them were less direct.

Chuck Grassley (R-IA): "I don’t have to, the Constitution does." Then, "I follow the Constitution."

John Barrasso (R-WY): question about JB's status is a "gotcha question."

“It’s what every senator is being asked. Three weeks ago the transition occurred in terms of the president said: access to the briefings and access to the money. That all occurred three weeks ago. So nothing changed,” he said. “This is the Constitution, and I believe in the Constitution.”

But some of them claimed that unsettled litigation continues to make JB's election unsettled.

Thom Tillis (R-NC): "They go through the Electoral College — yes — subject to any pending lawsuits that could change it. But we’re going through the standard process, and at that point in time, but then again you’ve got a couple more court cases that I expect to be settled, so pending that, yes."

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas): JB is Pres-Elect "subject to whatever additional litigation is ongoing."

"I would say subject to any other litigation that could occur between now and January 20 the answer is yes," he said.
Senate GOP leaders seek to put an end to election disputes | TheHill
Senate Republican leaders want to avoid a messy debate and vote on the legitimacy of the election results when Congress meets Jan. 6 to count the votes of the Electoral College, which on Monday elected Joe Biden as president.

Senate GOP leaders have downplayed the chances of objecting to the vote by electors, but several House Republicans led by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) will move ahead with objections to state results. If just one GOP senator joins Brooks, each chamber will then meet separately to consider those objections.
4 Takeaways From Biden’s Electoral College Victory - The New York Times
Some electors received police escorts. Some cast their votes in an undisclosed location. Some drew a nationwide audience for what is usually a procedural and obscure constitutional undertaking. Most wore masks and adhered to social distancing rules in deference to the coronavirus pandemic that has defined this long campaign.
Four takeaways:
  1. Biden wins. Again.
  2. Democracy prevailed, but at a great price.
  3. Who knew? These are what Electoral College meetings look like.
  4. Republicans are (still) resisting reality.
With Selfies, Emojis and Little Disruption, the Electoral College Makes It Official - The New York Times
Well, at least we're not in the middle of a major crisis and that these Republicans were, say, ignoring their sworn duty to keep the country safe while they mulled over these political obsessions. At least there's that.
Well, at least we're not in the middle of a major crisis and that these Republicans were, say, ignoring their sworn duty to keep the country safe while they mulled over these political obsessions. At least there's that.
Republicans have long proven that they have too much integrity to let that happen.
Michigan Republican Rep. Paul Mitchell's letter resigning from the Republican Party."

December 14, 2020
Ms. Ronna McDaniel
Republican National Committee
310 First St, SE
Washington, DC 20003

Mr. Kevin McCarthy
Republican Leader
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Chairwoman McDaniel and Leader McCarthy:
The weeks since the 2020 General Election have been traumatic for many in our nation, both voters and those of us who took an oath to serve this nation.
As you well know, my voting record in Congress over the past two terms has been in line with President Trump and the administration's policies more than 95 percent of the time. Further, I voted for President Trump in the 2020 General Election despite some reservations about four more years under his leadership. I felt that many policies achieved during the Trump administration had been positive for our nation, whereas the policies espoused by the Democratic Party were too radical and did not reflect my principles.
I have also worked hard to support each of you and your efforts. Ronna, you may recall that I spoke with you several times as you considered undertaking the role of RNC Chair. It was my strong belief that you could help lead our party and support its core principles, and I encouraged you to undertake the position. Kevin, I worked diligently with you as part of the Republican Leadership Team for both the 115th and 116th Congresses. I fervently whipped votes for our policies during both terms on some tough issues.
As an active supporter of the national GOP, the state GOP, the NRCC and individual candidates, I raised almost $800k in just 2 1/2 years for the NRCC to support Republican candidates supported by leadership. I have contributed personal funds, not simply PAC funds, to innumerable candidates at the Federal and state levels.
I agree that there have been some disconcerting aspects to this election. With more than 155 million people voting, both administrative errors and even some fraudulent voting likely occurred. Steps must be taken, by each state, to audit election results, validate ballots and process and report findings to ensure that every legal vote counts. Michigan clearly needs to do that, not just Wayne County. However, the president and his legal team have failed to provide substantive evidence of fraud or administrative failure on a scale large enough to impact the outcome of the election.
Ronna, you know Michigan politics well. President Trump did not lose Michigan because of Wayne County, but rather he lost because of dwindling support in areas including Kent and Oakland County, both previous Republican strongholds. In the 2020 election, President Trump lost Michigan by 154,000 votes, compared to 2016 when his margin of victory was slightly more than 10,700 votes.
I have stated publicly numerous times that when entering the political arena, a person must be willing to accept winning and losing with grace and maturity. Having personally experienced both winning and losing, the latter can be brutal.
Any candidate, including the president, is entitled to request recounts and pursue legal challenges they believe are appropriate if they possess evidence of wrongdoing. President Trump has undertaken or supported both of these options. Recounts have failed to significantly alter the vote outcome in any state and dozens of court cases have been summarily dismissed in both state and Federal courts across our nation.
It is unacceptable for political candidates to treat our election system as though we are a third- world nation and incite distrust of something so basic as the sanctity of our vote. Further, it is unacceptable for the president to attack the Supreme Court of the United States because its judges, both liberal and conservative, did not rule with his side or that "the Court failed him." It was our Founding Fathers' objective to insulate the Supreme Court from such blatant political motivations.
If Republican leaders collectively sit back and tolerate unfounded conspiracy theories and "stop the steal" rallies without speaking out for our electoral process, which the Department of Homeland Security said was "the most secure in American history," our nation will be damaged. I have spoken out clearly and forcefully in opposition to these messages. However, with the leadership of the Republican Party and our Republican Conference in the House actively participating in at least some of those efforts, I fear long-term harm to our democracy.
The stability and strength of our democracy has been an ongoing concern for me. I expressed strong concerns about the president's response to Charlottesville, the anti-immigrant "send them back" rhetoric, and even the racist comments of my own colleagues in the House.
I believe that raw political considerations, not constitutional or voting integrity concerns, motivate many in party leadership to support the "stop the steal" efforts, which is extremely disappointing to me. As elected members of Congress, we take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States," not to preserve and protect the political interests of any individual, be it the president or anyone else, to the detriment of our cherished nation.
As a result, I am writing to advise you both that I am withdrawing from my engagement and association with the Republican Party at both the national and state level. I will support,
contribute to, and fundraise for individual candidates who reflect the principles I hold dear. Further, by copy of this letter I am also advising Ms. Laura Cox, Chair of the Michigan GOP of this decision.
I am also requesting that the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives change my party affiliation to Independent for the remainder of my term in office. While admittedly symbolic, we all know that symbols matter.
Paul Mitchell
Member of Congress

CC Laura Cox, Chair, Michigan Republican Party
Cheryl L. Johnson, Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives

Sorry the spacing got messed up in the c/p.
Michigan Republican Rep. Paul Mitchell's letter resigning from the Republican Party."

Snipped a bunch of cowardly, self serving bullshit.

Sorry the spacing got messed up in the c/p.
Fuck this guy with a rusty train spike.

He's not running for re-election, he's out of office in a month anyway, and he voted for and with trump's fucking agenda the whole time. Cowardly, taint licking shit weasel cunt waffle can go off and suck on a covid ventilator for all the shit he's actually done.
Michigan Republican Rep. Paul Mitchell's letter resigning from the Republican Party."

Snipped a bunch of cowardly, self serving bullshit.

Sorry the spacing got messed up in the c/p.
Fuck this guy with a rusty train spike.

He's not running for re-election, he's out of office in a month anyway, and he voted for and with trump's fucking agenda the whole time. Cowardly, taint licking shit weasel cunt waffle can go off and suck on a covid ventilator for all the shit he's actually done.

Pretty much this.
I don't know anything about Mitchell other than what I've read here, and I don't care enough to research him.

But this sure looks like "Now that the shitstorm that is Trump's governing style has started blowing back on me, I'm forced to stop being a solid TeaParty Trumpista."

A rat leaving a sinking ship is still a rat.
Republican officials playing make believe as official electors.

GOP leader McConnell finally acknowledges Biden won election
“I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden,” McConnell said.

“Many of us had hoped the presidential election would yield a different result,” he said. “But our system of government has the processes to determine who will be sworn in on Jan. 20. The Electoral College has spoken.”

McConnell called Biden someone “who has devoted himself to public service for many years.” He also congratulated Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, saying “all Americans can take pride that our nation has a female vice president-elect for the very first time.”
At least he's a good loser.
McConnell prefaced his remarks with sweeping praise for what he characterized as Trump’s “endless” accomplishments during four years in office. He said Trump delivered on a promise to “shake up Washington,” and cited president’s nomination and Senate confirmation of three Supreme Court justices, among other accomplishments. The leader said Trump and Vice President Mike Pence “deserve our thanks.”
Thanks but no thanks. Trump doesn't deserve that sycophancy.

For his part, he recently tweeted about "voter fraud". He still has not acknowledged defeat. Is he claiming that the EC voted the way it did because fraudulent votes gave false vote counts?
Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said now that McConnell has spoken, “enough is enough.”

Trump should “end his term with a modicum of grace and dignity,” Schumer said.
Vladimir Putin congratulates Joe Biden on US election victory - CNN
While many world leaders congratulated President-elect Biden within days of the election, the Kremlin said at the time that it deemed it "correct" to wait for the official results before Putin congratulated the winner.
How convenient. Did they really think that the Trump campaigners' litigation had any chance of succeeding?

Fake electoral votes for Trump? The Arizona GOP has completely lost it
Fake Arizona electors vote for Trump and real Arizona legislators ask Congress to accept them

OPINION: A group of Republican legislators want Congress to accept 'alternate' electoral votes for Trump. They have completely lost their grip on reality.
More Republican sore losers.
That's where cry-baby wants to go, but not by train.

I read on the 'Net that in one final poke-in-the-eye, Trump plans to be aboard Air Force One as Biden is sworn in.

The tradition that the ex-President gets the use of AF1 for an extra day is a tradition, not a Constitutional requirement. I'd like to see Biden order AF1 back immediately after he says "So help me God." He might as well learn right away whom the aircrew of AF1 is loyal to.

Would such a move by Biden seem inappropriate to the Fools? Who cares! They're bombarded with so many lies as is, this news needle would be lost in the haystack anyway.
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