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6/27/24 presidential debate

Hillary had slain Trump in that 2016 debate. One memorable moment was the "No Puppet" portion of the debate. SHE WON. But I was hardly watching; I was half asleep during that 2016 debate. HOW did I know what had happened? Well, I kept waking up to Trump's snorts. WHY? Because I used to have a coke habit. Or, cocaine addiction, if you prefer. I recalled it on Facebook on December 22, 2023. I only posted the story because I had not planned to be around for the year-end holidays of 2023, or for 2024 at all. anyway,

puppet puppet Putin Trump 2016 debate meme.jpg
Here's my post:
I remember the moment!

It is one of the few moments I remember, because, I was kind of dozing through that debate.

Except, my former coke-addicted self woke up every time Trump sniffed, because, I could be passed out, but still recognize the sound of The Person Who Has Some Stuff. I was waking up, like, "who has the lines?" And then see Trump hulking out over Hillary, as he sniffed.

I know that sound. My husband made fun of me for waking up for that sound. I sheepishly tried to stay awake for the debate, but it was so ridiculous.

Later on, buried in one of a million news stories about Trump, rumors circulated that Trump liked to crush and snort Adderall.

I don't think it works better that way, but, I do know why addicts try it, and why the dumb ones snort stuff that was designed for oral ingestion. Lord, I used to know young people who snorted Xanax. I told them that it didn't work that way, but, they still did it.

Ritalin, incidentally, does work better that way, or, maybe it just felt like it at the time.

Anyway, God is punishing me now for my past drug use by making sure I spent 2023 suffering. But not sniffing!

Side note, but important subplot, is that a decade after I had quit coke, and by quit I mean became poor, suddenly... Anyway, shit happened. I became a widow.

Two years later, I met a man who made a lot of promises and who was not quite who or what he said he was. On the first night I introduced him to "my Philly friends," we were at a bar.

Now, I did not know that my new older boyfriend was a liar and misanthrope and an abuser. He said he was a friendly person.

I also did not know that even though ten years had passed since my last line, and, I was a different person, in a different situation, that when one person offered me "one free line," that accepting the free line meant that ten years was erased, and there I was again, following the sound of those sniffs.

Coke always gave me a case of the Mores. "More, more, more." I have hoovered up Charlie Sheen quantities of cocaine. I know the sound.

I also know that I can't ever ever ever touch one tiny bit of that shit ever again under any circumstance, no matter what, when, where, or why.
uhhhhh TAGS f it
Sorry to throw this TMI into the 2024 Trump/Biden debate thread. It's a reminder of Trump that I can't forget, but also yeah this is what happened to me. Maybe I should repost it? idc
The part that concerns me is that Biden apparently practiced dutifully for the debate for a full week prior, including mock debates with someone playing Trump, coaches drilling him on body language and non-verbal cues, and well-rehearsed and crafted answers to obvious questions he’d be asked—including the “age” one he completely whiffed on.
I get having a stutter, I get having a cold, I get the difficulty of trying to sort out Trump’s fire hose of lies in real time.

But I certainly don’t get a seasoned candidate screwing the pooch THAT horrifically, AFTER rehearsing for a week.
The part that concerns me is that Biden apparently practiced dutifully for the debate for a full week prior, including mock debates with someone playing Trump, coaches drilling him on body language and non-verbal cues, and well-rehearsed and crafted answers to obvious questions he’d be asked—including the “age” one he completely whiffed on.
I get having a stutter, I get having a cold, I get the difficulty of trying to sort out Trump’s fire hose of lies in real time.

But I certainly don’t get a seasoned candidate screwing the pooch THAT horrifically, AFTER rehearsing for a week.
He's just tired, is my assumption here. Biden has to be exhausted. I did ONE public debate for which I prepared out the butt, and it was exhausting. I won, but I lost. ah well.
The system is designed to exclude alternatives. That's why for the entire 21st century thus far we've had to choose between a turd sandwich and a giant douche.
Was Obama the turd sandwich or the giant douche? How far must you go back to find a President or major candidate who was not a turd sandwich or major douche?
Does it matter?
A whole bunch of people who serve and served in your military think so. Just off the top of my head.
It matters to those who served is Obama is the Giant Douche or the Turd Sandwhich?

I think the sound of his voice last night was significantly differant than usual. He sounded like someone who had a severe cold or the flu.
Yes, he had a cold.
That is what is being said. Just as he suddenly developed a life-long stutter when he ran in 2020, he developed a pre-debate cold after people heard how well he was speaking in the debate.

Goldwater was a good candidate.
You do realize that Goldwater later recanted some of his positions, including his opposition to the 1964 civil rights act?

By the way, do YOU support the 1964 civil rights act?
I support the 1957 civil rights act and the 1960 civil rights act. There's a reason many people who supported the 1957 act and the 1960 act opposed the 1964 act, and many people who opposed the 1957 act and the 1960 act supported the 1964 act. You did know there were other civil rights acts?

Why, Yes I do. :rolleyes: They were toothless.

You actually oppose this. Just to get it straight.

The upshot of course is that the act of 1964 provides for the very color-blind society you claim to support, but obviously do not really support.

You find it odd that an act that is supposed to benefit me but doesn't is an act I have problems with.

No, the prior acts were not toothless. The problem was that it didn't pave the way for racial quotas, which you think is the way to a colorblind society. The prior acts made the government unable to discriminate. This act made the government regulate private businesses. If Title II and Title VII were removed then I would think it a great bill.

It may boggle the mind that I think mandatory private sector non-discrimination legislation is a bad thing, especially when I'm one of the people it alleges to help, but those two sections did more harm than good.

Now not everything Goldwater did was good, and he had some positions I oppose, but he is far better than every 21st Century candidate to have made it through the primary process.
12:43 a.m. EDT, June 28, 2024

CNN Flash Poll: About 8 in 10 debate watchers say night had no effect on their choice for president​

From CNN's Ariel Edwards-Levy
Roughly 8 in 10 registered voters who watched the debate (81%) say it had no effect on their choice for president, according to a CNN poll of debate watchers conducted by SSRS. Another 14% said that it made them reconsider but didn’t change their mind, while 5% said it changed their minds about whom to vote for.
Roughly equal shares of Joe Biden and Donald Trump supporters said the debate had changed their mind.
Debate watchers’ views of Biden did dip slightly following the debate: Just 31% viewed him favorably, compared with 37% in a survey of the same voters taken prior to the debate. By contrast, 43% of debate watchers viewed Trump favorably, similar to the 40% with positive views of him prior to Thursday’s event.
Just as he suddenly developed a life-long stutter when he ran in 2020

Are you suggesting he made that up? Lmao. More bullshit assumptions.

It isn't assumptions but rather propaganda from conservative and libertarian sources. The alleged Democrat conspiracy is easily disproved by reviewing old newspaper articles. His stutter has been mentioned for decades prior to 2020.
Just as he suddenly developed a life-long stutter when he ran in 2020

Are you suggesting he made that up? Lmao. More bullshit assumptions.

It isn't assumptions but rather propaganda from conservative and libertarian sources. The alleged Democrat conspiracy is easily disproved by reviewing old newspaper articles. His stutter has been mentioned for decades prior to 2020.
I seem to remember it being talked about here during the 2016 run.
Americans need a collective reality check. Because one "half" thinks Trump is an acceptable person to be President and another "half" thinks that Biden is not senile.
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Americans need a collective reality check. Because one "|half" thinks Trump is an acceptable person to be President and another "half" thinks that Biden is not senile.
Agree on Trump. Disagree on Biden. He is not senile, just old and tired.

Russia needs a collective reality check. That they are a nation of ignorant, cowardly sheeple who have allowed themselves for centuries to be ruled by czars, then Communists, then Nazi Putinistas.
Agree on Trump. Disagree on Biden. He is not senile, just old and tired.
It's a matter of where you are putting threshold.
He is senile. People often confuse "senile" with "old"
Biden does not run anything in US government. He is a broken record incapable of any independent thought/anlysis with occasional memory farts from the past. Which is, to be fair, a lot of very and not very old people are.
As long as they don't require constant watch we call them normal/not senile, but they are not normal. They have prefrontal cortex failing. And that's not a good thing if you run a country and have to select and judge people around you.
Russia needs a collective reality check. That they are a nation of ignorant, cowardly sheeple who have allowed themselves for centuries to be ruled by czars, then Communists, then Nazi Putinistas.
No, we don't need that. Putin is still sane, fairly competent himself, and has very competent team around him. I think we are good. We like our system, it's not perfect but certainly better than what is happening in US now. If you fix the shit you have, then we will consider.
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Russia needs a collective reality check. That they are a nation of ignorant, cowardly sheeple who have allowed themselves for centuries to be ruled by czars, then Communists, then Nazi Putinistas.
No, we don't need that. Putin is still sane, fairly competent himself, and has very competent team around him. I think we are good. We like our system, it's not perfect but certainly better than what is happening in US now. If you fix the shit you have, then we will consider.

Take it from our own true  vatnik. He knows his "benevolent tsar" Putin.
Russia needs a collective reality check. That they are a nation of ignorant, cowardly sheeple who have allowed themselves for centuries to be ruled by czars, then Communists, then Nazi Putinistas.
No, we don't need that. Putin is still sane, fairly competent himself, and has very competent team around him. I think we are good. We like our system, it's not perfect but certainly better than what is happening in US now. If you fix the shit you have, then we will consider.

Take it from our own true  vatnik. He knows his "benevolent tsar" Putin.
Nothing is more comforting than having a benevolent, genocidal dictator on your side! 😜
Just as he suddenly developed a life-long stutter when he ran in 2020

Are you suggesting he made that up? Lmao. More bullshit assumptions.

It isn't assumptions but rather propaganda from conservative and libertarian sources. The alleged Democrat conspiracy is easily disproved by reviewing old newspaper articles. His stutter has been mentioned for decades prior to 2020.
I seem to remember it being talked about here during the 2016 run.
I don't know but it's been talked about off and on for decades. I filtered newspaper searches further and found some from 2016 specifically. So at least some in the general public were discussing at that time.
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