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6/27/24 presidential debate

But to perform so well shows the fears he's gone feeble and demented are false. And anyway, if he gets elected then dies then Harris takes over, that's good too (especially if she's prone to progressive's manipulations like some suggest (y)).
Jesus, if only...

But of course, that would just mean she was constantly at odds with the houses of Congress... It's funny how conservatives genuinely believe that one of the most painfully impotent factions in the Legislative branch is secretly ruling it, just because politicians occasionally make campaign promises they have no intention of following up on. And Biden isn't even really playing that game this time. He's promised disadvantaged Americans next to nothing, except a continuation of the status quo and a solemn vow that he won't be named Donald Trump. Can our worryworts point to a single line of this debate that promises anything at all to the progressive wing of the party?
The talk in this thread of wanting to replace Biden with another candidate is nonsense. Why don't people just wait to make a judgment call?

Biden showed he's as capable as his IIDB fans have said he is in his North Carolina speech today:

I don't understand how he performed so poorly (and looked like hell) last night but looks and acts healthy and fully capable today. Over-prepped to the point of exhaustion combined with a cold last night, but a totally different person today? Not on enough drugs last night? (And, about the accusation of drugs... if drugs do this for anyone then 1) I want some! and 2) I want him to stay on these drugs because effective medication is, obviously-as-fucking-hell, a very good thing!)

But to perform so well shows the fears he's gone feeble and demented are false. And anyway, if he gets elected then dies then Harris takes over, that's good too (especially if she's prone to progressive's manipulations like some suggest (y) ).

Next week the Supreme Court will steal attention away from this debate and we'll be back to being outraged at them again instead of worrying about Biden's health.

I heard this morning he had a pretty heavy cold last night. Considering how his voice sounded I think it's true. And maybe some potent cold medicine in the mix.

I'd find that explanation more convincing if we'd heard it before he started fumbling.
Remind us again how your system allowed two obviously unfit (in their own unique ways) candidates to be up on that stage.
The system is designed to exclude alternatives. That's why for the entire 21st century thus far we've had to choose between a turd sandwich and a giant douche.

No Biden, no KKK, no Fascist USA

If you like socialism and hate fascism you are inconsistent.

Was Obama the turd sandwich or the giant douche?

Does it matter?

How far must you go back to find a President or major candidate who was not a turd sandwich or major douche?

Goldwater was a good candidate.
Remind us again how your system allowed two obviously unfit (in their own unique ways) candidates to be up on that stage.
The system is designed to exclude alternatives. That's why for the entire 21st century thus far we've had to choose between a turd sandwich and a giant douche.

No Biden, no KKK, no Fascist USA

If you like socialism and hate fascism you are inconsistent.

Was Obama the turd sandwich or the giant douche?

Does it matter?

How far must you go back to find a President or major candidate who was not a turd sandwich or major douche?

Goldwater was a good candidate.
Goldwater was too far right even for my father who thought that Nixon did nothing wrong and who loved Rush Limbaugh.
Goldwater recanted his opposition to the civil rights act and before his death basically repudiated the entire Republican Party, coming out in favor of full gay rights and condemning the takeover of the party by the religious right. I do realize those latter two positions are consistent with libertarianism, at any rate.
This will be a problem as long as the electoral college exists, as long as we don't have ranked choice voting, and as long as we don't have education funding. Bitch all you want about performance though.
The talk in this thread of wanting to replace Biden with another candidate is nonsense. Why don't people just wait to make a judgment call?

Biden showed he's as capable as his IIDB fans have said he is in his North Caroline speech today:

I don't understand how he performed so poorly (and looked like hell) last night but looks and acts healthy and fully capable today. Over-prepped to the point of exhaustion combined with a cold last night, but a totally different person today? Not on enough drugs last night? (And, about the accusation of drugs... if drugs do this for anyone then 1) I want some! and 2) I want him to stay on these drugs because effective medication is, obviously-as-fucking-hell, a very good thing!)

But to perform so well shows the fears he's gone feeble and demented are false. And anyway, if he gets elected then dies then Harris takes over, that's good too (especially if she's prone to progressive's manipulations like some suggest (y) ).

Next week the Supreme Court will steal attention away from this debate and we'll be back to being outraged at them again instead of worrying over Biden's health.

Look, all the Supreme Court did was push the immunity ruling back until "maybe they'll get to it sometime," essentially threw out the cases of hundreds of Capitol rioters, and then promptly dismantled the entire regulatory apparatus so that we can get back to the good old days of rivers catching fire, contaminated baby formula, and your boss laughing off safety regulations at your job working around dangerous heavy machinery, but hey...they stuck it to the Sackler family by ruling that they shouldn't be protected from liability by saying "whoops, we're bankrupt!"

(Yeah, I got a bad feeling they're going to rule that Trump is actually immune on most counts)
(Yeah, I got a bad feeling they're going to rule that Trump is actually immune on most counts)
Orangey is interested only in money. He'll lick Putin's balls if it means he can build in Russia. Considering how republicans across the country are taking bribes to support their campaigns, making promises about legislation if elected, I wouldn't doubt some of SCOTUS are also in the bag.
The talk in this thread of wanting to replace Biden with another candidate is nonsense. Why don't people just wait to make a judgment call?

Biden showed he's as capable as his IIDB fans have said he is in his North Carolina speech today:

I don't understand how he performed so poorly (and looked like hell) last night but looks and acts healthy and fully capable today. Over-prepped to the point of exhaustion combined with a cold last night, but a totally different person today? Not on enough drugs last night? (And, about the accusation of drugs... if drugs do this for anyone then 1) I want some! and 2) I want him to stay on these drugs because effective medication is, obviously-as-fucking-hell, a very good thing!)

But to perform so well shows the fears he's gone feeble and demented are false. And anyway, if he gets elected then dies then Harris takes over, that's good too (especially if she's prone to progressive's manipulations like some suggest (y) ).

Next week the Supreme Court will steal attention away from this debate and we'll be back to being outraged at them again instead of worrying about Biden's health.

I heard this morning he had a pretty heavy cold last night. Considering how his voice sounded I think it's true. And maybe some potent cold medicine in the mix.

I'd find that explanation more convincing if we'd heard it before he started fumbling.

I think the sound of his voice last night was significantly differant than usual. He sounded like someone who had a severe cold or the flu.
One is worse than the other.
Yep. But you being you aren't going to say who or why aren't you?

I'll go first - Trump is worse because he is openly campaigning for Stalinship. He wants statues and military parades just for him. And he want revenge against his enemies window and polonium style. Biden wants none of that.

But you are willing to suck Trump's cock because of something in Paris. He is your dear leader.
Goldwater was a good candidate.
You do realize that Goldwater later recanted some of his positions, including his opposition to the 1964 civil rights act?

By the way, do YOU support the 1964 civil rights act?
I support the 1957 civil rights act and the 1960 civil rights act. There's a reason many people who supported the 1957 act and the 1960 act opposed the 1964 act, and many people who opposed the 1957 act and the 1960 act supported the 1964 act. You did know there were other civil rights acts? I am on the side of those who favor a color-blind government, which puts me in opposition to the 1964 act. Before you respond to that, remember that I am a minority saying that.

Goldwater helped found the NAACP's Arizona chapter. He saw to it that the Arizona Air National Guard was racially integrated from its inception in 1946, two years before President Truman ordered the military as a whole be integrated (a process that was not completed until 1954). Goldwater worked with Phoenix civil rights leaders to successfully integrate public schools a year prior to Brown v. Board of Education. . He supported the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960 and the 24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution but opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, disagreeing with Title II and Title VII. After leaving the Senate, Goldwater became supportive of homosexuals serving openly in the military, environmental protection, gay rights, abortion rights, adoption rights for same-sex couples, and the legalization of medicinal marijuana.

Toni's dad thinks Goldwater is a right-wing extremist for those positions.
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Toni's dad thinks Goldwater is a right-wing extremist for those positions.
You have no idea why Toni's dad thinks anything and to assume that you do is disgusting and rude.
Have you read post #126?

No, of course not.

Toni posted what Toni's dad thinks. You think referencing that post is "disgusting and rude".
Does not that make him great politician? I mean that's how it works, right?
It's adorable that you think you are an expert on how democracy works. The short answer is , "kind of", but you would interpret that as, " See! Putin and window makes workings so better much!"
Toni's dad thinks Goldwater is a right-wing extremist for those positions.
You have no idea why Toni's dad thinks anything and to assume that you do is disgusting and rude.
I did read it. There is nothing there that explains why Toni's father thought Goldwater was too far right. He wanted to mainstream the use of nuclear weapons and to use them in Vietnam, for god's sake.
The talk in this thread of wanting to replace Biden with another candidate is nonsense. Why don't people just wait to make a judgment call?

Biden showed he's as capable as his IIDB fans have said he is in his North Carolina speech today:

I don't understand how he performed so poorly (and looked like hell) last night but looks and acts healthy and fully capable today. Over-prepped to the point of exhaustion combined with a cold last night, but a totally different person today? Not on enough drugs last night? (And, about the accusation of drugs... if drugs do this for anyone then 1) I want some! and 2) I want him to stay on these drugs because effective medication is, obviously-as-fucking-hell, a very good thing!)

But to perform so well shows the fears he's gone feeble and demented are false. And anyway, if he gets elected then dies then Harris takes over, that's good too (especially if she's prone to progressive's manipulations like some suggest (y) ).

Next week the Supreme Court will steal attention away from this debate and we'll be back to being outraged at them again instead of worrying about Biden's health.

I heard this morning he had a pretty heavy cold last night. Considering how his voice sounded I think it's true. And maybe some potent cold medicine in the mix.

I'd find that explanation more convincing if we'd heard it before he started fumbling.

I think the sound of his voice last night was significantly differant than usual. He sounded like someone who had a severe cold or the flu.

Yes, he had a cold.
Biden has made his share of incorrect and made up facts.

As has been widely commented on, Biden apears to have diminished capacity.

I can see wyt Netanyahu is getting his way with the USA, Biden is incapable of confronting an aggressive opponent.

Trump's lies are one thing, Biden's inability to aggressively respond with control and forthrightness was scary as a president.

Arguing over golf swings in a presidential debate? Unbelievably ridiculous.
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