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A day without stupid?

Trump hirers former prosecutor to Defense team.

Good ole Rudy. This really proves that Trump knows almost nothing outside his own personal bubble.

Oh hey, I remember Giuliani from back in season one. I'm glad the producers picked him up for a recurring role.
Was that Seasons One or the Pilot?

I think it was the pilot. Don't think it made it into the productions episodes

Yeah. The explanation that makes most sense to me is they're going to try and brand Comey as having leaked classified material.
Artemus said:
The security violation of using a personal cell phone is orders of magnitude worse than Hillary's private email server.
well, that depends on what he's talking about on that phone.

If he talks nation-stuff on the big phone, and lawyer-pardons on the cell, there's no security breach.

But, yeah, the fact that he's got contacts he's hiding from his own chief of staff, that's hilarious.
CNN says that Trump has been using his personal cell phone so that John Kelly won't know who he is talking to. Unbelievable, and not only because he can't allow his chief of staff to know what he is doing. The security violation of using a personal cell phone is orders of magnitude worse than Hillary's private email server.

It all comes back to his fundamental misunderstanding of what the job of the POTUS is. He thinks the POTUS is like the owner or CEO of a company - the guy in charge, to whom all must defer. It never crossed his mind (certainly not prior to the inauguration) that he has the arrow or responsibility pointing the wrong way - the job of POTUS is one of service to the nation, and to do the job effectively, one must sacrifice one's desires and wants to the demands of the office.

He applied for, and got, a job for which he is completely unsuited and incompetent. It's like he got a job as a home care nurse, and is now wondering why the patients under his "authority" are not making his bed and bringing him his morning covfefe.
Artemus said:
The security violation of using a personal cell phone is orders of magnitude worse than Hillary's private email server.
well, that depends on what he's talking about on that phone.

If he talks nation-stuff on the big phone, and lawyer-pardons on the cell, there's no security breach.

But, yeah, the fact that he's got contacts he's hiding from his own chief of staff, that's hilarious.

Given his track record I just assume that he is saying nation-stuff (good term!) on the cell.
FFvC to Macron: Here let me get that dandruff off your collar...only seen in Trumpworld.

FFvC to Macron: Here let me get that dandruff off your collar...only seen in Trumpworld.

Anything to try to assert "dominance" over a man who is his better in every possible way
You are correct about Don the Con. However, Macron certainly already knew the game before he arrived, after all he had already played the tough guy hand shaking game with him. It seems Macron came willingly to chum for his on political reasons, which may or may not work out. He may be better than FFvC, but that is hardly saying much...
Just another day in Trumpworld

So FFvC had 20 minutes to spare, calling into Fox & Friend, going on yet another disjointed series of rants about most everything. He even seem to acknowledged that Cohen was representing him relative to his affair with the porn star Stormy. It all seemed even a bit much for Fox, as they finally shut him down:
Even the cheery hosts of "Fox & Friends" turned grim-faced as Trump ranted, and it was left to Kilmeade to put a stop to the babbling.
"We could talk all day but looks like you have a million things to do," he said, as if to remind Trump that he is President of the United States. Trump took the hint and ended the performance, leaving the world to tremble at the madness.

Some of the choice (maybe Canner would be a better grade) batshit crazy moments can be viewed on this blog site article:
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