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A day without stupid?

Donald Trump at 3:41 AM this morning said:
After a furious year of missile launches and Nuclear testing, a historic meeting between North and South Korea is now taking place. Good things are happening, but only time will tell!

Apparently time has told, about 15 minutes later... and in ALL CAPS too!
Donald Trump at 3:55 AM said:
KOREAN WAR TO END! The United States, and all of its GREAT people, should be very proud of what is now taking place in Korea!
Wahoo!!! Us GREAT people are the reason it ends! Wahoo! USA! USA! USA!

Also, tweeting at 3 in the morning?!

Of course, he isn't done. He is about to give President Xi Jinping the Nobel Peace Prize.
Donald Trump at 4:50 AM said:
Please do not forget the great help that my good friend, President Xi of China, has given to the United States, particularly at the Border of North Korea. Without him it would have been a much longer, tougher, process!
Yes, much longer, tougher *insert Oxford comma for some reason* process. Yeah, it could have taken longer than 65 years! Of course, nothing has actually been accomplished at this point.
I caught Seth Meyer's analysis of Trump on Fox and Friends. Whilst I thought it was hilarious, I couldn't help but think, "No way, this is too much, this has to be out of context." Then I saw the unedited interview.

I was wrong. I am staring to wonder why we don't have dolphin overlords because as a species we clearly can't be trusted to be left alone without supervision.
Of course, nothing has actually been accomplished at this point.

Huh? You librools never give credit where it's due.
Seen any mushroom clouds lately? No? Thank Trump.
Has California fallen into the ocean? No? Thank Trump.
Has the DJIA lost 3/4 of its value in the last 3 months? No? Thank Trump.

What a mess we'd be in if Hillary was President - she'd have been under investigation by the FBI from day one! The FB fucking I !!!
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Of course, nothing has actually been accomplished at this point.

Huh? You librools never give credit where it's due.
Seen any mushroom clouds lately? No? Thank Trump.
Has California fallen into the ocean? No? Thank Trump.
Has the DJIA lost 3/4 of its value in the last 3 months? No? Thank Trump.

What a mess we'd be in if Hillary was President - she'd have been under investigation by the FBI from day one! The FB fucking I !!!
All true, but this has been the deadliest year to fly in the US in nearly a decade!
I caught Seth Meyer's analysis of Trump on Fox and Friends. Whilst I thought it was hilarious, I couldn't help but think, "No way, this is too much, this has to be out of context." Then I saw the unedited interview.

I was wrong. I am staring to wonder why we don't have dolphin overlords because as a species we clearly can't be trusted to be left alone without supervision.
There are three ways to watch the interview. Firstly, is just listening. Trump is all over the place and clearly angry at points. Second is just to watch the reaction of the Fox & Friends hosts. They are giving all signs of physical language of "we need to go to commercial!" Then it is from where Trump is speaking. This guy is ranting and raving on the phone in the White House as if he is just talking to the Fox and Friends dolts, not to a national audience on the TV!
And for today's stupidity: The raid on Cohen recovered 16, 16 old cell phones! Ah Ah Ah Ah!

So now the FBI knows every number Cohen has ever called.
And for today's stupidity: The raid on Cohen recovered 16, 16 old cell phones! Ah Ah Ah Ah!

So now the FBI knows every number Cohen has ever called.
And Cohen & father-in-law loaned $26 million to Ukrainian cab moguls.
Meanwhile Trump Tweets about US bid for World Cup (that’d be joint US Canada Mexico bid) against FIFA ethics rules. Yes FIFA and ethics is pot and kettle stuff, but Jebus! Shut the fuck up!

This year, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders will attend the April 28 dinner and represent the administration at the head table. Cabinet members and staffers are also free to attend, a message that was welcomed by West Wing aides who were forced to sit out the celebrations last year.

As far as consolation prizes go, humiliating Huckabee Sanders is a pretty decent one. But the one thing I take issue here is the reason Cabinet members and staffers are free to attend this year and not last last year is because we are talking about two completely different groups of people. This ones attending this year didn't even work at the White House this time last year/month/week, so of course they weren't invited last year.

But wouldn't it be awesome if everyone's plus one at the dinner was a former Trump staffer? Logistically it's very doable, there is a large sample space.


I don't find Michelle Wolf funny, she reminds me of Kathy Griffin sans cocaine. However, she made quite a few hits at the WC dinner. My favourite being, "Of course, Trump isn't here, if you haven't noticed. And I know, I would drag him here myself, but it turns out the President is the one pussy you can't grab."
In, "Hey, That's Not What You Said" news...


WASHINGTON, Michigan (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday threatened to shut down the federal government in September if Congress did not provide more funding to build a wall on the border with Mexico.

"That wall has started, we have 1.6 billion (dollars)," Trump said at a campaign rally in Washington, Michigan.

"We come up again on September 28th and if we don't get border security we will have no choice, we will close down the country because we need border security.

IOW, Trump is going to "close down the country" if it doesn't provide spending for the wall he said Mexico was gonna pay for.

This is once again the part where Trump voters should be abounding him in their tens of millions for bullshitting them into the ground. But they won't.

This year, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders will attend the April 28 dinner and represent the administration at the head table. Cabinet members and staffers are also free to attend, a message that was welcomed by West Wing aides who were forced to sit out the celebrations last year.

As far as consolation prizes go, humiliating Huckabee Sanders is a pretty decent one. But the one thing I take issue here is the reason Cabinet members and staffers are free to attend this year and not last last year is because we are talking about two completely different groups of people. This ones attending this year didn't even work at the White House this time last year/month/week, so of course they weren't invited last year.

But wouldn't it be awesome if everyone's plus one at the dinner was a former Trump staffer? Logistically it's very doable, there is a large sample space.


I don't find Michelle Wolf funny, she reminds me of Kathy Griffin sans cocaine.
I caught her once on tv and thought she was pretty funny.
However, she made quite a few hits at the WC dinner. My favourite being, "Of course, Trump isn't here, if you haven't noticed. And I know, I would drag him here myself, but it turns out the President is the one pussy you can't grab."
One thing I am sick and tired of are right-wingers always whining about the left being snowflakes, and the second any of their gods get roughed verbally, the gnashing of teeth is unbearable.
One thing I am sick and tired of are right-wingers always whining about the left being snowflakes, and the second any of their gods get roughed verbally, the gnashing of teeth is unbearable.

Calling people losers, accusing them of criminal acts without evidence, mocking the disabled, demeaning women, making up childish nicknames for people; hey, he's just telling it like it is. But point out that he was afraid to show up to a dinner, and that he was caught on tape bragging about sexual assault? Someone grab a fainting couch, stat!
Mike Huckabee, April 28th:

If you lack sense of humor, get “offended” by slights you create, or just can’t bring yourself to tolerate those you disagree with the DO NOT watch my show 2nite! You will be triggered and will need a pony, popsicle, and Playdough to cope!

Mike Huckabee, April 29th:

Those who think that the tasteless classless bullying at the WHCD was an example of the 1st Amendment should never condemn bullying,bigoted comments, racist bile or hate speech. People should be free to speak but held accountable for it.
Mike Huckabee, April 28th:

If you lack sense of humor, get “offended” by slights you create, or just can’t bring yourself to tolerate those you disagree with the DO NOT watch my show 2nite! You will be triggered and will need a pony, popsicle, and Playdough to cope!

Mike Huckabee, April 29th:

Those who think that the tasteless classless bullying at the WHCD was an example of the 1st Amendment should never condemn bullying,bigoted comments, racist bile or hate speech. People should be free to speak but held accountable for it.

Sarah Huckleberry, every fucking day:

SHS said:
LOOK! The President has been very clear about this and I have nothing more to add at this time!
Wednesday 5/2/18 will NOT be a day without Stupid. (Please suppress your surprise).
Trump's former personal Doctor (Bornstein) tells how the letter (that we all knew he didn't write), was dictated by DJT. And then Cheato's thugs raided his office and seized all Trump's medical records. You can bet that they didn't do that to hide Cheato's Propecia problem... and you can bet that Doctor Ronnie's dumbass speech about Cheato's genes/health came straight from the dumbass' mouth as well.
Simply astonishing.
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