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A Strong Rebuke To Those Calling For Northam To Resign

I disagree. He should go. This wasn't him as some 13 year old kid who was trying to look good for the older boys in high school, he was a 25 year old adult who not only made a conscious choice to dress up in black face and/or KKK costumes, but was impressed enough with his activities to include a photo of it on his yearbook page as one of his top memories of his time there. It's over the line and adults should be held accountable for adult actions. His nickname in university was, after all, "Coonman", and his fatuous claims that he didn't know why people called him that fall pretty flat.

Even if it was the case that people should get over it, from a political point of view, they won't. This now defines his political career, regardless of whether or not it's fair that it should do so. There's nothing this guy adds to the Democratic Party which wouldn't be served equally well by his Lieutenant Governor and his remaining in office actively harms any goals or initiatives that he's in favour of. The dude just needs to wander off to go fuck himself.

I partly agree with Tom, but also note that it IS a "current day issue". Yes, the specific incident happened when he was 25, but he had to know that photo existed. He chose public life knowing it was always a possibility of it coming out. In my opinion, he should have confronted its existence head-on when he entered public life. Something along the lines of "So many of us were raised with this sort of casual racism. At the time, even at 25 years old, my privileged background blinded me to the wrongness of my action, and the hurt it caused then - to the too few minorities at my University - and ever since to anyone of conscience who sees the photo. But in the years since, I have grown; and here is how... I apologise, and vow to continue the pursuit of policies for equality in public office."

Might it have dearil his career before it started? Maybe. But as noted constantly, people tend to be forgiving when they see genuine contrition and change of heart. I suspect that he would have continued his political career without this hanging over his head.

Instead, he waited until a right-wing rag published the photo, THEN asked for forgiveness... THEN took it back and claimed it wasn't him while still acknowledging he donned blackface in college. Then showed clearly that he still doesn't think it that big of a deal with his cracks about moonwalking, etc. All of this is current behavior, not in the past.
Also in the news today is Liam Neeson's confession that the rape of someone close to him led to racist thought and behavior on his part. He came at it from a different perspective, though. He recounted what happened in the context of "this was a long time ago, it was wrong, and I'm not proud of it."

At least that was my takeaway...
Even beyond that, he realized how wrong and destructive it was in real time, and got himself counseling to address it at that time.

THIS is how a politician does an apology for a stupid racist action taken almost 40 years ago:

"In 1980, when I was a 19-year-old undergraduate in college, some friends suggested we attend a party dressed like rappers we listened to at the time, like Kurtis Blow, and perform a song," AG Mark Herring said in a statement. "It sounds ridiculous even now writing it. But because of our ignorance and glib attitudes — and because we did not have an appreciation for the experiences and perspectives of others — we dressed up and put on wigs and brown makeup."

Herring called it "a onetime occurrence" and said, "I accept full responsibility for my conduct." He said "the shame of that moment has haunted me for decades."

"That conduct clearly shows that, as a young man, I had a callous and inexcusable lack of awareness and insensitivity to the pain my behavior could inflict on others. It was really a minimization of both people of color, and a minimization of a horrific history I knew well even then," the statement said.

"This conduct is in no way reflective of the man I have become in the nearly 40 years since."

He brought it up BEFORE jackasses outed him to their political advantage, and his ownership & apology are thorough.
At least this time there will be a full investigation.
You mean even fuller than the Congressional grilling of Kavenaugh?
And Kamala Harris, one of the Kavenaugh inquisitors, called on Northam to resign. I have not seen her say anything about Fairfax. Gillibrand (you know the one who invited a false rape accuser to SOTU and pressured Franken to resign) is also conspicuously silent.

He was also caught calling her a bitch. Not looking good for him.
When did he do that? If she is indeed lying and is a false rape accuser, I can understand him having a few choice words for her...
The main question to ask is whether or not there's anybody in the Virginia Democratic Party who hasn't sexually assaulted people or had documented instances of severe racism in their past? It's starting to look like the answer to that is "No, there isn't". They may need to have a disabled black lady from Vermont come in as a carpet bagger and rent an apartment in ... whatever a city name in Virginia is - I don't feel like googling that right now - so that she can take over.

Regardless of how fair or unfair it is to the three individuals involved, the Dems have lost the narrative on this issue and need to close it off so that the party can move forward with other things. A discussion of how to properly handle things like this needs to be done, but the place for that discussion is in a historical review, not while the national Democratic agenda is sidelined by these dolts. The first thing which needs to happen is that the Lt Governor needs to discover a deep and pressing need to spend more time with his family. Then the Governor needs to appoint the blandest motherfucker imaginable imaginable as the interim Lt Governor. Before that appointment, the Democratic leadership in the state needs to ask the new guy if there are any awkward skeletons in his or her closet which right wing trolls can find. They need to make clear that if he says no and then a news story about one pops up, they will walk into his office and shoot him in the fucking face. After that, the Governor resigns, new guy becomes new Governor and appoints new Lt and then AG dude resigns.
These things just keep piling up for the democrats:

Elizabeth Warren Admits To Wearing Paleface At College Costume Party
February 6th, 2019
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Senator Elizabeth Warren is embroiled in controversy once again, this time after she admitted to wearing racially offensive "paleface" at a costume party back in her college days.


I'd suggest going over to her house and beating her to death, but that would be an egregious case of cultural appropriation of the Irish identity.
Pretty sure the "Babylon Bee" is a worse news source than The Onion. Check your sources.

Oh wait, it was dismal that posted it. It agrees with his biases, so it's fine.....
This whole thing reminds me of this year's Oscars. Kevin Hart was tapped to do it, but he made some gay jokes in the past on Twitter. He's publicaly apologized about 71 times for it and says he's a different person now, but that's (obviously) not enough for the SJW outrage culture. Now there seems to be no one pure enough for the task, and/or no one wants to step in to have their past scrutinized. As if there ratings weren't sucky enough in the past few years...
Pretty sure the "Babylon Bee" is a worse news source than The Onion. Check your sources.

Oh wait, it was dismal that posted it. It agrees with his biases, so it's fine.....

It seems credible. I can believe she went to college parties in paleface.
The main question to ask is whether or not there's anybody in the Virginia Democratic Party who hasn't sexually assaulted people or had documented instances of severe racism in their past? It's starting to look like the answer to that is "No, there isn't". They may need to have a disabled black lady from Vermont come in as a carpet bagger and rent an apartment in ... whatever a city name in Virginia is - I don't feel like googling that right now - so that she can take over.

Regardless of how fair or unfair it is to the three individuals involved, the Dems have lost the narrative on this issue and need to close it off so that the party can move forward with other things. A discussion of how to properly handle things like this needs to be done, but the place for that discussion is in a historical review, not while the national Democratic agenda is sidelined by these dolts. The first thing which needs to happen is that the Lt Governor needs to discover a deep and pressing need to spend more time with his family. Then the Governor needs to appoint the blandest motherfucker imaginable imaginable as the interim Lt Governor. Before that appointment, the Democratic leadership in the state needs to ask the new guy if there are any awkward skeletons in his or her closet which right wing trolls can find. They need to make clear that if he says no and then a news story about one pops up, they will walk into his office and shoot him in the fucking face. After that, the Governor resigns, new guy becomes new Governor and appoints new Lt and then AG dude resigns.

The main question to ask is whether or not there's anybody in the Virginia Democratic Party who hasn't...had documented instances of severe racism in their past.

Yes. The attorney general’s conduct doesn’t constitute as “severe racism” and neither does Northam’s. Indeed, neither conduct appears to be based on “racism” necessarily, although certainly the actions are racially insensitive.

The first thing which needs to happen

Is for some Dems, maybe the Democratic Party, to descend from its sanctimonious high horse, cease charading as Maximilien Robespierre and sending its politicians to the political guillotine for apparently all prior mistakes of this type, and understand not every transgression of this kind, committed in the past, needs to result in demand for the politicians heads!

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Is for some Dems, maybe the Democratic Party, to descend from its sanctimonious high horse, cease charading as Maximilien Robespierre and sending its politicians to the political guillotine for apparently all prior mistakes of this type, and understand not every transgression of this kind, committed in the past, needs to result in demand for the politicians heads!

Correct. This current situation isn't the one to do it in, though. They didn't take the time to have the conversation about how to deal with these things beforehand, so they lost the narrative and the Virginia Democractic Party is now nothing more than a sad joke as a result and, regardless of how this conversation goes, it's not going to stop being anything other than a sad joke with the current leadership still around. That sucks for three people, but it's not an excuse to derail the entire national Democratic agenda because these people remain as prominent members of the party. You can't campaign on a platform of "Vote for us to get rid of the incompetent idiots" if you're on the stage with a group of incompetent idiots. They need to cut their losses with these dolts and then actually have this conversation.
The main question to ask is whether or not there's anybody in the Virginia Democratic Party who hasn't sexually assaulted people or had documented instances of severe racism in their past? It's starting to look like the answer to that is "No, there isn't". They may need to have a disabled black lady from Vermont come in as a carpet bagger and rent an apartment in ... whatever a city name in Virginia is - I don't feel like googling that right now - so that she can take over.

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