I can only presume you are fairly well off financially, or your credit rating is absolutely wrecked. If you have credit card debt, are not rich, and are worried about your credit rating, you most definitely do not want to ignore your credit card bills. If you have more than one card with a balance, and want to pay down your debt without killing your credit rating, there is a good way to get started. After paying all of your bills, figure out how much a month you can afford to go towards paying down your Credit Cards, $100 would be a great start, but even if it is only half that, you can make headway. Pick the credit card with the lowest balance, and pay that extra money on it each month, while continuing to pay the minimum on the rest, also avoid using your credit cards if at all possible. Once you pay that card off, move on to the one with the next highest balance, and begin paying the extra $100 + the amount you were initially paying on the other card (or whatever else you can afford now that the initial card is payed off), and do the same with it. Lather, rinse, repeat with each card, and you are well on your way. It will likely take years, but each card you pay off will put you in better shape. At some point, you will likely have good enough credit to take out a lower interest debt-consolidation loan to pay off the remaining balances. The toughest part of the whole deal is usually avoiding the use of those credits cards while you are paying them down.