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Are we headed to WW3?

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
There's some talk that we're headed to WW3. I mean, if you compare to at least some of the previous world wars, there's a few things in common: such as strong alliances, possible smaller triggering events with different sides allied to bigger entities.

It seems like Musk's commentary is that we're "sleepwalking" into WW3 in that our proxy conflict with Russia is creating all kinds of factors that could trigger such an event. It's a bit of a strong statement. The author of the op-ed piece (second link) is not stating that WW3 is inevitable from the current conditions but instead that the actions in the Middle East along with other factors can plausibly escalate into something far bigger that we might call a WW3. The second author says it is not inevitable and he intends not to be an alarmist.

It's the latter less intense view that I wonder if it is worth considering. To put another way--what would be the minimum, viable path to WW3 from the current conditions of current conflicts, interests, tensions, and alliances? So, for example, many Muslim countries are very much on edge and anxious right now. For the most part, they want the conflict in Israel-Gaza to stop and see the continued deaths of civilians as a cause for something or at least their populations might. Turkey has ended nice diplomacy with Israel. What would it take for Turkey to leave an alliance with NATO and pursue better relations with Russia instead? What that be a factor? With the US potentially very distracted in the Middle East if things get hotter, would Russia and/or China use this as an opportunity for military occupations beyond what they are currently doing? Suppose that Iran sent a nuke at Israel seriously destroying Israel's impressive troop numbers. Would that trigger a cascade of events leading multiple countries on both sides into war?

To me, right now, it seems like both Russia and China might surreptitiously be involved in future instability in the Middle East, were it to start expanding in scope. However, I don't see larger scale than that. So, I am saying, there could be some triggering events to make this into a bigger Middle East war. (IMHO). Not inevitably, but plausibly. But I am not easily visualizing anything transforming the scope into a global phenomenon like a WW3. Perhaps I am wrong though. It's not like I am an expert.

So, if there were viable trigger events to grow this conflict into a broader Middle East conflict, what would those be? [My view is that I could see Iran getting more involved and perhaps some viable triggering events for conflict and "regime change" with Iran. BUT people in surrounding areas are far too factionalized to group together well beyond some populations in Syria, Yemen, mostly associated with Houthi people. Other Muslims may look on and be seriously disturbed by the events but not take action and so the scope might not become too large. There'd have to be something else triggering there, not sure what?] But then, after that, what would be other viable events that could increase the scope to global what would they be? [My view again is that I see China and Russia as keeping a bit of a low profile. So what would trigger them into more involvement?]
Yeah WWIII might be just around the corner, but if MAGAts get their way, we won’t get involved in either diplomacy or “foreign wars”, we’ll just shoot each other right here at home.
Yeah WWIII might be just around the corner, but if MAGAts get their way, we won’t get involved in either diplomacy or “foreign wars”, we’ll just shoot each other right here at home.
I hope not. I'm too old to fight in a war either civil or foreign and to be honest if it comes to it this country isn't worth fighting in a civil war over anyway.
Funny how a player in a potential WWIII plot would be warning of it. The major difference between WWII and WWIII are three things, the UN, nuclear weapons, globalized trade. The UN provides a venue for talking and defusing, while nuclear weapons keep everyone honest on the battlefield, and global trade makes the US and China differences smaller than their reliance on each other.

On the other hand, we really do seem to be stuck in an early 20th Century reboot, including pandemic and Slavic region sourced war. The Fascist Right's power has grown in Europe and the US, to the point where religiously held discrimination is now legit... again. And Russia has a leader desperate to not make his legacy look like two plus decades of nothing. If nothing else, Ukraine is showing how unlikely WWIII is. I think we'd more likely see a nuclear Armageddon scorched Earth before a WWIII.

Major threats are social media manipulation, climate change impacting life and well being, and rising right-wing fascism.
It's interesting that in the last vote in UNSC US had only one (!!!) ally to vote with them.
Only US and GB voted against russian resolution on Israel-palestine mess. Most of the US "allies" decided to abstain.
I agree with Musk. This US administration is sleepwalking into WW3 in Ukraine and in ME, and don't forget Taiwan.
My hope that Deep State donors will come to their senses and stop neocons and their schemes.
But it's a very small hope.
Adam Tooze had a good write up recently on US-China relations. They're definitely in heavy competition, but both trying to avoid direct conflict as they know it'd be a disaster. The world's definitely becoming more fractious, but I'd think WWI and WWII being so recent will give leaders more room for pause. But don't elect Trump.

The larger global issue is climate change and the inevitable population flows that it's going to cause. The global south is fucked.
I’m certain that there are those who are hoping for WWIII. Why not end democracy and officially move to universal dictatorships? ( obviously NOT my opinion). My husband used to say that the increase in overt vocal racism in the US was the far right’s dying gasp. I had not realized until recently how much this had spread world wide.
It's interesting that in the last vote in UNSC US had only one (!!!) ally to vote with them.
Only US and GB voted against russian resolution on Israel-palestine mess.

What was the resolution?
Does it really matter? What matters that only two countries voted against - US and GB.

Out of how many voting countries? Argumentum ad populum. What was the content? The content matters more than the count.
It's interesting that in the last vote in UNSC US had only one (!!!) ally to vote with them.
Only US and GB voted against russian resolution on Israel-palestine mess.

What was the resolution?
Does it really matter? What matters that only two countries voted against - US and GB.

Out of how many voting countries? Argumentum ad populum. What was the content? The content matters more than the count.
USSC has 15 members.
Content does not matter.

It's interesting that in the last vote in UNSC US had only one (!!!) ally to vote with them.
Only US and GB voted against russian resolution on Israel-palestine mess.

What was the resolution?
Does it really matter? What matters that only two countries voted against - US and GB.

Out of how many voting countries? Argumentum ad populum. What was the content? The content matters more than the count.
USSC has 15 members.
Content does not matter.

Content matters. Neither of the resolutions seems completely unreasonable.
China will certainly take advantage of uncertainties to escalate its challenges to American power, especially in the South China Sea.

Russia is especially happy to see the U.S. become over-extended and confused. For this reason, a Russia-China axis is increasingly strong and overt. Iran and Syria are members of this Axis. To the extent that Trump is a Putin asset, and GOP is happy to see Ukraine fail if bad outcomes can be blamed on Biden, the U.S. House of Reps, and indeed the QOPAnon-Trump Party in general, are implicitly allied with this Russia-China-Iran axis.

I don't think Iran has nuclear weapons, and most nuclear powers are opposed to their own first strike. Exceptions include North Korea obviously but also Putin if he feels badly threatened. Also important is that U.S. is losing support all over the world, especially with NATO's (secular but majority) Muslim member.
The Russian resolution, which was then put to a vote, would have called for an immediate “humanitarian cease-fire” and unequivocally condemned Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks in Israel and “indiscriminate attacks” on civilians and civilian objects in Gaza.

In that vote, four countries voted in favor – Russia, China, United Arab Emirates and Gabon. The United States and United Kingdom voted against, and nine countries abstained. The resolution wasn’t adopted because it failed to get the minimum nine “yes” votes.

However these problems are long-term. Assuming the question is about the near-term result of the Gaza near-genocide, it may depend on the actual death count. (Ranges shown are wild-ass and pulled-out-of-butt.)

7000 - 10,000 Palestinian deaths -- this small number will obtain only with an urgent cease-fire.
10,000 - 25,000 -- hatred for Israel and the U.S. will grow
25,000 - 45,000 -- retaliations by Iran or its surrogates become likely. But Putin has his own problems, so this will be local non-nuclear war.
45,000 - 95,000 -- hatred for Israel and the U.S. overflows. Travel advisories are issued for U.S. nationals. Anti-Netanyahu protestors in American cities are attacked by neo-Nazis and other QOPAnon-Trump factions.
95,000+ -- i leave this for discussion, reluctant to guess the result of such a genocide.

What this suggests to me is that current events are bad for world peace in the long term, but a more pressing immediate concern is U.S. Civil War.
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