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Breakdown In Civil Order

The fact is, until those who demand that we "do something" discuss what "thing" they want "done", as long as that silence is pregnant, it's a silence pregnant with something dark.

It doesn't matter that it wasn't said, except for the fact that NOTHING has been said about what to do beyond "make space in society for the down and out" or "do something". Since "something" clearly doesn't involve making space in society for them, the alternatives seem rather bleak.
Smells faintly like gas chambers.
:unsure: Widely held opinion: There are a whole lot of homeless people here, it's a serious problem. It's unsafe, unclean, and we need to do something about it. Just ignoring it all and letting people camp wherever they want isn't a viable solution.

:eek: Elixir & Jarhyn & Politesse: OMG, you want to murderfy the poor homeless people, you horrible evil nazi, you want to stuff them into gas chambers!!!111!111eleventyone!!!
I didn't actually say that. It's pretty obvious that the Republican "solution" to homelessness is mass incarceration, not execution.
Slavery isn't any better than execution... And let's be real, when Nazi Germany ran out of slave labor positions, they started shoveling everyone else into the gas chambers.

I'm not seeing much difference in the long run, especially since the path to the smokestacks often runs through a work camp or two.
WTH is wrong with you? Nobody has suggested slavery for the homeless either. Please stop pulling made up bullshit out of your ass.
Indeed, this "nobody" seems extremely keen to avoid substantively explaining any plans whatsoever.
The fact is, until those who demand that we "do something" discuss what "thing" they want "done", as long as that silence is pregnant, it's a silence pregnant with something dark.
No it isn't. Just because your imagination can only imagine horrors and terrors doesn't limit the rest of us.
It doesn't matter that it wasn't said, except for the fact that NOTHING has been said about what to do beyond "make space in society for the down and out" or "do something". Since "something" clearly doesn't involve making space in society for them, the alternatives seem rather bleak.
Suggestions HAVE been made. But you and your fellow travellers keep pretending they don't exist.

If you didn't seem to have such an incredibly abysmal opinion of anyone who doesn't adopt your bespoke worldview as absolute truth, perhaps you wouldn't end up in such a bleak headspace.
Nobody has suggested slavery for the homeless either.
By “nobody” do you mean Donald Trump?

You’d be well served to read up on some of the shit he has promised.

The fact is, until those who demand that we "do something" discuss what "thing" they want "done", as long as that silence is pregnant, it's a silence pregnant with something dark.

It would be foolish to expect something humane like a social safety net to be promised - or even hinted at - by the dehumanization Party.
Darkness and fear are their promise, their product and their purpose. Only by causing public panic over their phantom monsters can they hope to fool the American people into giving them power.

Suggestions HAVE been made.
Yeah. “Get rid of “them”.”
Anything else?

C’mon Emily - I really want a reason to apologize, and to see the humanity in the Republican platform.
Smells faintly like gas chambers.
:unsure: Widely held opinion: There are a whole lot of homeless people here, it's a serious problem. It's unsafe, unclean, and we need to do something about it. Just ignoring it all and letting people camp wherever they want isn't a viable solution.

:eek: Elixir & Jarhyn & Politesse: OMG, you want to murderfy the poor homeless people, you horrible evil nazi, you want to stuff them into gas chambers!!!111!111eleventyone!!!
I didn't actually say that. It's pretty obvious that the Republican "solution" to homelessness is mass incarceration, not execution.
Slavery isn't any better than execution... And let's be real, when Nazi Germany ran out of slave labor positions, they started shoveling everyone else into the gas chambers.

I'm not seeing much difference in the long run, especially since the path to the smokestacks often runs through a work camp or two.
WTH is wrong with you? Nobody has suggested slavery for the homeless either. Please stop pulling made up bullshit out of your ass.
Indeed, this "nobody" seems extremely keen to avoid substantively explaining any plans whatsoever.
You seem to have an expectation that anyone who disagrees with just letting homeless people pop a squat and pop a tent wherever they feel like while being exempted from laws regarding public use of alcohol or drugs, expectations of sanitation, etc. should only be allowed to hold those positions if they provide you with an itemized outline of exactly how to fix everything. You also seem to be laboring under the belief that a failure of those people to provide you with a report of their plan (documented in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public enquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters) must therefore want to execute all homeless people in gas chambers.
Nobody has suggested slavery for the homeless either.
By “nobody” do you mean Donald Trump?

You’d be well served to read up on some of the shit he has promised.

The fact is, until those who demand that we "do something" discuss what "thing" they want "done", as long as that silence is pregnant, it's a silence pregnant with something dark.

It would be foolish to expect something humane like a social safety net to be promised - or even hinted at - by the dehumanization Party.
Darkness and fear are their promise, their product and their purpose. Only by causing public panic over their phantom monsters can they hope to fool the American people into giving them power.

Suggestions HAVE been made.
Yeah. “Get rid of “them”.”
Anything else?

C’mon Emily - I really want a reason to apologize, and to see the humanity in the Republican platform.
Dude, you can hate on the republican platform all you want. I don't need any apology for you hating the republican platform.

I would, however, very much like you to stop assuming that I am a republican, and I would like you to stop insinuating the views that you believe republicans hold are held by me.

I think you're wrong about the beliefs and motivations of most republicans. I don't think you know your enemy at all. But aside from that, you have a very nasty habit of assuming that disagreement with any progressive - not liberal, but progressive - policy means that the person you're interacting with is completely in love with every single fucking thing Trump has ever said.

Like this above - We are having a discussion, on a discussion forum, on the internet. You're interacting with actual people. You have taken it upon yourself to imply some extremely horrible beliefs to your fellow IIDB members, without cause, without justification, and without support. And when you're challenged about that, and it's pointed out that your malicious assumptions are wrong and misplaced... you fall back to some inane claim about Trump. Well, guess what? I'm not Trump, TSwizzle isn't Trump, not a single fucking poster here on IIDB is Trump. So if you want to criticize TRUMP then be fucking explicit about it, and stop aiming your ejaculated hatred at other posters.
You seem to have an expectation that anyone who disagrees with just letting homeless people pop a squat and pop a tent wherever they feel like while being exempted from laws regarding public use of alcohol or drugs, expectations of sanitation, etc. should only be allowed to hold those positions if they provide you with an itemized outline of exactly how to fix everything
So, nobody is buying “get rid of them” as a sufficient plan.🤷
Nor does saying “other suggestions have been made” fix anything (especially when you’re unable to iterate said suggestions).
So we are left with “get rid of them” if we rely on you.
I really like the “while being exempted from laws” part, from a partisan who PRESUMABLY* would elect a career criminal who has been convicted of 34 felonies, has 88 open indictments against him and has never spent a night in jail.

* based on constant criticism of the Enemies of Apricot, plus complete and utter lack of expressed concern about his intent to end democracy.
You seem to have an expectation that anyone who disagrees with just letting homeless people pop a squat and pop a tent wherever they feel like while being exempted from laws regarding public use of alcohol or drugs, expectations of sanitation, etc. should only be allowed to hold those positions if they provide you with an itemized outline of exactly how to fix everything
So, nobody is buying “get rid of them” as a sufficient plan.🤷
Nor does saying “other suggestions have been made” fix anything (especially when you’re unable to iterate said suggestions).
So we are left with “get rid of them” if we rely on you.
I really like the “while being exempted from laws” part, from a partisan who PRESUMABLY* would elect a career criminal who has been convicted of 34 felonies, has 88 open indictments against him and has never spent a night in jail.

* based on constant criticism of the Enemies of Apricot, plus complete and utter lack of expressed concern about his intent to end democracy.
This post is an excellent example of exactly what Emily is talking about.
Adding "PRESUMABLY" doesn't really change much.
Insufferable prick Gavin Newsom freaks out that voters in California will vote in favor of Prop 36;

Prop 36 will roll back much of the "Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act" Prop 47 which was enacted 10 years ago and got us to where we are now, massive retail theft and "homeless" junkies shitting in the streets etc.

Newsom HATES democracy. He did his best to stop the initiative getting on the ballot. Prick.

Incidentally, current VP and presidential candidate dopey Kamala Harris was involved in writing the disastrous Prop47. No surprise she has yet to comment on it's potential repeal when asked.
Smells faintly like gas chambers.
:unsure: Widely held opinion: There are a whole lot of homeless people here, it's a serious problem. It's unsafe, unclean, and we need to do something about it. Just ignoring it all and letting people camp wherever they want isn't a viable solution.

:eek: Elixir & Jarhyn & Politesse: OMG, you want to murderfy the poor homeless people, you horrible evil nazi, you want to stuff them into gas chambers!!!111!111eleventyone!!!
I didn't actually say that. It's pretty obvious that the Republican "solution" to homelessness is mass incarceration, not execution.
Slavery isn't any better than execution... And let's be real, when Nazi Germany ran out of slave labor positions, they started shoveling everyone else into the gas chambers.

I'm not seeing much difference in the long run, especially since the path to the smokestacks often runs through a work camp or two.
WTH is wrong with you? Nobody has suggested slavery for the homeless either. Please stop pulling made up bullshit out of your ass.
Indeed, this "nobody" seems extremely keen to avoid substantively explaining any plans whatsoever.
You seem to have an expectation that anyone who disagrees with just letting homeless people pop a squat and pop a tent wherever they feel like while being exempted from laws regarding public use of alcohol or drugs, expectations of sanitation, etc. should only be allowed to hold those positions if they provide you with an itemized outline of exactly how to fix everything. You also seem to be laboring under the belief that a failure of those people to provide you with a report of their plan (documented in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public enquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters) must therefore want to execute all homeless people in gas chambers.
Triplicate? It would only take a simple sentence or two clarify what you mean (and one more demonstrate that the Republicans whose honor you're defending agree with you). All this mock offense theater of yours does nothing but waste everyone's time.
Smells faintly like gas chambers.
:unsure: Widely held opinion: There are a whole lot of homeless people here, it's a serious problem. It's unsafe, unclean, and we need to do something about it. Just ignoring it all and letting people camp wherever they want isn't a viable solution.

:eek: Elixir & Jarhyn & Politesse: OMG, you want to murderfy the poor homeless people, you horrible evil nazi, you want to stuff them into gas chambers!!!111!111eleventyone!!!
I didn't actually say that. It's pretty obvious that the Republican "solution" to homelessness is mass incarceration, not execution.
Slavery isn't any better than execution... And let's be real, when Nazi Germany ran out of slave labor positions, they started shoveling everyone else into the gas chambers.

I'm not seeing much difference in the long run, especially since the path to the smokestacks often runs through a work camp or two.
WTH is wrong with you? Nobody has suggested slavery for the homeless either. Please stop pulling made up bullshit out of your ass.
Indeed, this "nobody" seems extremely keen to avoid substantively explaining any plans whatsoever.
You seem to have an expectation that anyone who disagrees with just letting homeless people pop a squat and pop a tent wherever they feel like while being exempted from laws regarding public use of alcohol or drugs, expectations of sanitation, etc. should only be allowed to hold those positions if they provide you with an itemized outline of exactly how to fix everything. You also seem to be laboring under the belief that a failure of those people to provide you with a report of their plan (documented in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public enquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters) must therefore want to execute all homeless people in gas chambers.
Wow. Strawman much?
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