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"Coronavirus and the US" or "We are all going to die!!!!"

It is not a problem with the Chinese, it is a problem with the source of material. The New York Post is a Murdoch newspaper. Any Murdoch newspaper is not a very reliable source.

While it's the first I heard of a guy busted for selling the animals I have heard of other leaks from biolabs due to atrocious biosafety. Furthermore, there's an extreme culture of get away with whatever you can. While neither proves the alleged crime it's quite consistent with what else we have seen from China.
Selling lab monkeys for food is not that bigger deal compared to tainted (with poison) baby milk. These guys were executed if I remember correctly. Lab monkeys were probably not even infected with anything dangerous, that's why the guy decided to make some money selling them.
In the news reports of scams based on the virus. Fake emails appearing to be from the CDC asking to open a link and fill out a profile. Fake cures and preventatives.

A case in Afghanistan of all places. Carried from Iran across the border.
It is not a problem with the Chinese, it is a problem with the source of material. The New York Post is a Murdoch newspaper. Any Murdoch newspaper is not a very reliable source.

While it's the first I heard of a guy busted for selling the animals I have heard of other leaks from biolabs due to atrocious biosafety. Furthermore, there's an extreme culture of get away with whatever you can. While neither proves the alleged crime it's quite consistent with what else we have seen from China.
Selling lab monkeys for food is not that bigger deal compared to tainted (with poison) baby milk. These guys were executed if I remember correctly. Lab monkeys were probably not even infected with anything dangerous, that's why the guy decided to make some money selling them.

I am thinking the wet market theory is not inconsistent with the lab error theory. What if a researcher sold animals to the wet market?
Selling lab monkeys for food is not that bigger deal compared to tainted (with poison) baby milk. These guys were executed if I remember correctly. Lab monkeys were probably not even infected with anything dangerous, that's why the guy decided to make some money selling them.

I am thinking the wet market theory is not inconsistent with the lab error theory. What if a researcher sold animals to the wet market?

This is a theory your link implied, so yeah, it's possible

Dead 2,701
Infected 80,153

Why some people who "recovered" got reinfected again?
Is this something like herpes when you can't really get rid of it? If so we are so fucked.
Selling lab monkeys for food is not that bigger deal compared to tainted (with poison) baby milk. These guys were executed if I remember correctly. Lab monkeys were probably not even infected with anything dangerous, that's why the guy decided to make some money selling them.

I am thinking the wet market theory is not inconsistent with the lab error theory. What if a researcher sold animals to the wet market?

This is a theory your link implied, so yeah, it's possible

Dead 2,701
Infected 80,153

Why some people who "recovered" got reinfected again?
Is this something like herpes when you can't really get rid of it? If so we are so fucked.

How so? Do you have details about those recovered and reinfected cases? Off the top of my head this could be cases where it was misdiagnosed the first time, or three second time could be more benign.
This is a theory your link implied, so yeah, it's possible

Dead 2,701
Infected 80,153

Why some people who "recovered" got reinfected again?
Is this something like herpes when you can't really get rid of it? If so we are so fucked.

How so? Do you have details about those recovered and reinfected cases? Off the top of my head this could be cases where it was misdiagnosed the first time, or three second time could be more benign.

I'd seen something rather alarming about reinfection:


But, it seems like mostly rumors.
If people can get reinfected, wouldn't that mean that a vaccine, when one is developed, would be useless?

It may be more of a problem to develop a vaccine for this virus than influenza, but even flu shots have limited effectiveness because of the fact that viruses mutate and adapt easily. Sometimes flu vaccines are largely ineffective, because they targetted the wrong strain of flu.
This is a theory your link implied, so yeah, it's possible

Dead 2,701
Infected 80,153

Why some people who "recovered" got reinfected again?
Is this something like herpes when you can't really get rid of it? If so we are so fucked.

How so? Do you have details about those recovered and reinfected cases? Off the top of my head this could be cases where it was misdiagnosed the first time, or three second time could be more benign.

I'd seen something rather alarming about reinfection:


But, it seems like mostly rumors.
Rumors, NY Post?! No way!
The Korean President is threatening to quarantine the province I live in now. President Moon will "mobilize the military and police to enforce quarantine efforts."


My employer still wants me to come in every day even though there isn't any work to do, but there aren't any restaurants open for lunch anymore.
CDC says pandemic here likely. Trump says everything under control.
It looks like the coronavirus can no longer be contained by these quarantine efforts, but mass hysteria is even more contagious. People now have a strong incentive to deny and hide any symptoms that they feel, because they are instantly seen as plague carriers. The quaratines can be an effective means of helping the illness to spread more rapidly and more widely.
It looks like the coronavirus can no longer be contained by these quarantine efforts, but mass hysteria is even more contagious. People now have a strong incentive to deny and hide any symptoms that they feel, because they are instantly seen as plague carriers. The quaratines can be an effective means of helping the illness to spread more rapidly and more widely.
That is exactly what an infected person would say to deflect suspicion that they were infected. *suspicious look*
It is the time to stock up on canned food, water, and propane for my camp stove.

And a shotgun with a lot of ammunition.

The old scifi movie Omega Man comes t mind. Or the more recent Legend.

As a nation we sadly have no capacity to plan for large scale emergencies. Short term power blackouts lead to breakdowns and chaos, looting.

It was bound to happen sooner or later, widespread contagion with no vaccine.
San Francisco declares state of emergency over coronavirus | TheHill - effective immediately for the next 7 days. The SF Board of Supervisors will vote on it March 3.

Santa Clara County, where San Jose is, issued a similar declaration earlier this month.

Lawmakers raise alarms over Trump coronavirus response | TheHill
Lawmakers from both parties, like Senators Richard Shelby (R-AL), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Mitt Romney (R-UT), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Patty Murray (D-WA), and John Kennedy (R-LA) all criticized the Trump Administration's inadequate response. Different officials gave different assessments, suggesting an admin in disarray.
I just wanted to set the record straight on something that has been repeated in this thread a number of times, so I'll start by referring you all (or whoever is interested in being informed) to this article:

According to the mainstream narrative, a brave whistleblower in Wuhan was silenced/arrested by the Chinese government when he tried to warn the public about the new coronavirus. The doctor, Li Wenliang, also just died from the virus. While his death is tragic, how truthful is the media’s narrative? Here are the facts:

He was an eye doctor: Dr. Li Wenliang was an ophthalmologist, not a virologist. He was not an expert on virus; and he didn’t have any tangible scientific evidence when he raised the alarm.

He was wrong about the virus: He claimed that the virus was SARS, and he was wrong about that.

He didn’t warn the public: A whistle blower, by definition, tries to warn the public. In this case, he sent his opinion to seven of his colleagues in a private chat group. But someone took a screenshot of his messages and posted it in a public forum.

The timeline of events shows he wasn’t the first doctor to warn about the virus and he wasn’t ahead of the government: On the evening of Dec 30, Li Wenliang raised the alarm about the virus. However, what’s not mentioned in the US media is that earlier on the same day, the Chinese CDC (Center for Disease Control) made a public announcement about the new virus and declared a Level 2 emergency response. More importantly, other Wuhan doctors — Zhang Jixian, in particular — had already noticed warning signs in CT scans of patients on Dec 26 and had escalated the issue to Beijing. Thus, it’s likely that he read the government publication, perhaps talked to other doctors, and concluded that SARS had returned. Here’s the timeline picture from a paper published by the renowned New England Journal of Medicine:

Here is the paper cited.

Early Transmission Dynamics in Wuhan, China, of Novel Coronavirus–Infected Pneumonia


The government didn’t hide anything: The government followed scientific procedures. It couldn’t say anything concrete about the virus until a full genomic sequence was concluded, which was published on Jan 10. It takes some time to figure out what the virus is, how it behaves, how dangerous it is, where it came from, whether it can jump from humans to humans etc. Originally, the understanding was it came from the Wuhan wet market where wild life was sold. Thus, on Dec 31, the government shut down that so-called sea food market.

He was not arrested: While some media makes sensational claims, he was only reprimanded and made to sign a document saying that he wouldn’t spread rumors. This is a very strange thing in China, for sure. The police could have simply asked his boss to warn him.

China is very serious about social stability, and much of the role the CCP plays in censoring or controlling media is to prevent unfounded rumors from spreading, or suppress anything that would cause a panic. The details of this case are tragic, but as usual, show the hyperexaggerated version of events the Western media pushes is not accurate.
China is very serious about social stability, and much of the role the CCP plays in censoring or controlling media is to prevent unfounded rumors from spreading, or suppress anything that would cause a panic. The details of this case are tragic, but as usual, show the hyperexaggerated version of events the Western media pushes is not accurate.

Nice work. President Xi will release your brother first thing in the morning.
China is very serious about social stability, and much of the role the CCP plays in censoring or controlling media is to prevent unfounded rumors from spreading, or suppress anything that would cause a panic. The details of this case are tragic, but as usual, show the hyperexaggerated version of events the Western media pushes is not accurate.

Nice work. President Xi will release your brother first thing in the morning.

Do you not hear how unhinged and immature that sounds, as a reply to a post full of sourced claims about why Chinese response to the outbreak is ridiculously distorted by the Western press?
China - stability through enforced conformity and suppression of free speech.

The West - Stability by diversity of thought and ideas along with cooperation to make the economy go. A general voluntary cooperation, no coercion needed.

The USA is probably more in line with what Marx thought than China. Starting with the founding it has been a continuos revolution of ideas and change. Opposing forces creating a new synthesis, which I believe is a dialectic.

I heard I said recently that in the long run America will dominate. This is because China can only draw on itself, America draws on the world. The USA continuously reinvents itself and stays fresh. China stagnates in a an old ideology and paradigm that does not work,.
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