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"Coronavirus and the US" or "We are all going to die!!!!"

Add this to your country's list of issues when dealing with the virus:


A guy thought he might be infected, so he properly went to the hospital to get tested and is now stuck with a bill for thousands of dollars. This doesn't lend itself to people getting themselves tested and allowing proper identification of where and when outbreaks may be occuring.

Yeah, exactly. If I thought I was infected I'd just take my chances.
Add this to your country's list of issues when dealing with the virus:


A guy thought he might be infected, so he properly went to the hospital to get tested and is now stuck with a bill for thousands of dollars. This doesn't lend itself to people getting themselves tested and allowing proper identification of where and when outbreaks may be occuring.

Yeah, exactly. If I thought I was infected I'd just take my chances.

If you positively think you are infected, not so much. If you think you are not but that there is an off chance that you are, maybe. And if among 1000 probably-not-infected-individuals-but-who-can-be-sure, 10 are indeed infected, that's ten unreported, unquarantined carriers spreading the disease to maybe 50 or 100 more over the course of the next couple weeks.
Has anybody seen research or evidence regarding the impact of this virus on pregnant women and young children? I'm assuming it's basically equivalent to the flu, but a quick Google search isn't super helpful.
Has anybody seen research or evidence regarding the impact of this virus on pregnant women and young children? I'm assuming it's basically equivalent to the flu, but a quick Google search isn't super helpful.


A new study provides a first look at how the respiratory illness affects pregnancies.
The study evaluated nine pregnant women between the ages of 26 and 40 who were diagnosed with pneumonia caused by COVID-19.
The most notable finding was that the virus was not passed from the mother to the fetus in the womb.

There are numerous other articles that state pretty much the same thing. One said that a woman who was infected gave birth to a healthy child. I think that's good news for you and your family. :)

I also heard on the news today that the mortality rate is believed to be about 2%. This is the same as was thought weeks ago. Influenza mortality is about 1%, so the vast majority of us will survive if we become infected. It seems to impact men more than women, partly because there are more male smokers and secondly because females usually have better immune systems compared to men. I tend to think that some of the doctors and medical professional who died in China were properly exhausted from working so many hours and that had a negative impact on their overall immune system.

I guess some of the panic is due to the economic impact of having so many workers unable to work, etc. There have been predictions that a pandemic may trigger an economic recession. We shall see. The stock market sure is in turmoil over this as the supply chain from China has been interrupted.
Has anybody seen research or evidence regarding the impact of this virus on pregnant women and young children? I'm assuming it's basically equivalent to the flu, but a quick Google search isn't super helpful.


A new study provides a first look at how the respiratory illness affects pregnancies.
The study evaluated nine pregnant women between the ages of 26 and 40 who were diagnosed with pneumonia caused by COVID-19.
The most notable finding was that the virus was not passed from the mother to the fetus in the womb.

There are numerous other articles that state pretty much the same thing. One said that a woman who was infected gave birth to a healthy child. I think that's good news for you and your family. :)

I also heard on the news today that the mortality rate is believed to be about 2%. This is the same as was thought weeks ago. Influenza mortality is about 1%, so the vast majority of us will survive if we become infected. It seems to impact men more than women, partly because there are more male smokers and secondly because females usually have better immune systems compared to men. I tend to think that some of the doctors and medical professional who died in China were properly exhausted from working so many hours and that had a negative impact on their overall immune system.

I guess some of the panic is due to the economic impact of having so many workers unable to work, etc. There have been predictions that a pandemic may trigger an economic recession. We shall see. The stock market sure is in turmoil over this as the supply chain from China has been interrupted.

I saw that one too, I was also curious about infections in newborns but couldn't seem to find that information.
So Trump is going to have a news conference on the virus.


How much credibility has he washed away? 100%? Frankly for me everything he says will be suspect until independently verified. He has already flushed all of his credibility down the toilet and I don't even know what parts of government and how far down his corruption goes. I'd only trust what is said by career civil servants at this point.
So Trump is going to have a news conference on the virus.


How much credibility has he washed away? 100%? Frankly for me everything he says will be suspect until independently verified. He has already flushed all of his credibility down the toilet and I don't even know what parts of government and how far down his corruption goes. I'd only trust what is said by career civil servants at this point.

Trumpo's strategy has been to downplay any alarm and not react rationally because the stock market and the economy is most important. This is exactly how China fucked itself., not that Shithead in Chief is doing anything different with this problem.

That said, yeah, people are easily panicked, but that's never been Trumpo's game. His has always been to make himself richer, not think about public safety.

/political derail
An email to all employees at work.
"Take care of your health and your coworkers' health. If you're sick, stay home."


Health Alert Employee: i am sick.
Health Alert Boss: you should stay home.
HA Employee: i will stay home.
HA Boss: better safe than sorry.
HA Staff: yay, the health.
Real World Employee: i am the sick!
RW Boss: How sick?
Has anybody seen research or evidence regarding the impact of this virus on pregnant women and young children? I'm assuming it's basically equivalent to the flu, but a quick Google search isn't super helpful.

So far we have no deaths in the under-10 bracket.
Congress has been holding hearings on the Trump administration's inadequate response.

Carolyn B. Maloney on Twitter: "This is disgusting. We are facing a pandemic, and the administration is already threatening to deny patients a Coronavirus vaccine?!
Sec. Azar must immediately retract this statement, and reassure the American people that their health and safety come FIRST. #Coronavirus https://t.co/uexSXpsTkF" / Twitter
- A Rep: D-NY-12
Chuck Schumer on Twitter: "Any emergency Coronavirus funding supplemental Congress approves must include provisions ensuring:
1—Pres. Trump can't transfer the funds to anything other than Coronavirus
2—Vaccines are affordable & available to all who need it
3—State & local governments are reimbursed https://t.co/MPCis40bpq" / Twitter
- a Senator: D-NY
Michael McAuliff on Twitter: "‼️ Azar refuses to promise a coronavirus vaccine will be affordable for anyone:
"We would want to ensure that we work to make it affordable, but we can't control that price, because we need the private sector to invest.. Price controls won't get us there."" / Twitter

Michael McAuliff on Twitter: "Here's the clip of Azar not assuring Rep. Schakowsky a covid-19 vaccine will be affordable to all. https://t.co/Z8aNd4wLWj" / Twitter

Michael McAuliff on Twitter: "Another revealing bit. Schakowsky asked if we've funded all the R&D. Azar: "No, that's not accurate. For instance Gilead has a product Remdesivir that was originally NIH-funded basic research I think out of the University of Alabama, but they've carried forward with development."" / Twitter

Michael McAuliff on Twitter: "In case anyone's forgotten, Azar was the president of Eli Lilly, a member of the board of directors of a pharmaceutical lobby group, and ran a strategist/consultant firm to the biotech and healthcare industries. https://t.co/jgfHeDXlWu" / Twitter

Michael McAuliff on Twitter: "Sen. Patty Murray, top D on Senate Health Committee: "Let’s be clear, public health, not corporate profits, must be the number one focus of our coronavirus response. A vaccine that’s just for rich people won’t do much to protect public health.” https://t.co/pWYpFklvoQ" / Twitter

Michael McAuliff on Twitter: "Rep. Kennedy asks alex Azar if he agrees with Trump that the covid-19 will go away with the heat, but his time runs out. Chair Eshoo asks if Azar wants to answer anyway. He doesn't. "I didn't thinks so," she says. "You're doing a great job for the president, Mr. Secretary."" / Twitter

Michael McAuliff on Twitter: "Schakowsky asks Azar if Trump is right coronavirus is contained here.
"The virus in the United States has been in a contained situation to date, but that can change.. we expect more cases, and we expect that we'll see at least limited community transmission in the United States."" / Twitter
Ben Adler on Twitter: "Rosenstein, btw, is a lifelong Republican https://t.co/lMq6RSs9ys" / Twitter
Marshall Cohen on Twitter: "Rush Limbaugh and right-wing fringe sites are attacking Dr. Nancy Messonnier, a top CDC official handling the coronavirus response, because she is Rod Rosenstein's sister. They're spreading the lie that she's part of the deep state and trying to tank the markets to weaken Trump." / Twitter

Erica Werner on Twitter: "Total coronavirus cases in US now: 60. 3 from Wuhan, 42 Diamond Princess, 15 from other travelers, spouses. https://t.co/Tp7dvFzy93" / Twitter
The Diamond Princess is a cruise ship where some of the passengers caught the virus.

Michael McAuliff on Twitter: "Pelosi calls Trump’s Covid-19 response meager, anemic, too late. https://t.co/2CQne2hP6l" / Twitter

Michael McAuliff on Twitter: "Watch McConnell's reaction as he's asked if he has confidence the administration is all on the same page in dealing with coronavirus. (spoiler alert: he hands off to Sen. Blunt) https://t.co/MhF1cB10pU" / Twitter

Michael McAuliff on Twitter: "Sen. Kennedy asks Health Sec. Azar how long to create a coronavirus vaccine. Azar says could have one within a YEAR. Kennedy notes the DHS secretary just testified it would take a month and a half. "That's never happened in human history," says Azar." / Twitter
Michael McAuliff on Twitter: "Kennedy responds: "Maybe you ought to talk to the secretary of Homeland Security before he spreads that too far."" / Twitter
Michael McAuliff on Twitter: "If you prefer to see one cabinet secretary brutally rejecting the strange claims of another cabinet secretary on coronavirus. https://t.co/E13sTLhuI7" / Twitter

Michael McAuliff (@mmcauliff) / Twitter - Lots of other stuff from that reporter, and it's evident that the Trump Admin is in disarray about its response to the virus.
Pence to lead US response to coronavirus as Trump urges Americans to prepare - ABC News

ABC News on Twitter: "Vice President Mike Pence says in leading the White House response to the coronavirus, he will be “bringing together” all the members of the coronavirus task force and will provide President Trump with “the best options for action.” [url]https://t.co/pAUO2PN10Y https://t.co/wlenNW2Wh4" / Twitter[/url]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Mike Pence literally does not believe in science.
It is utterly irresponsible to put him in charge of US coronavirus response as the world sits on the cusp of a pandemic.
This decision could cost people their lives. Pence’s past decisions already have. https://t.co/NhMPOusOWm" / Twitter

Mike Pence, who enabled an HIV outbreak in Indiana, will lead US coronavirus response - The Verge
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "As governor, Pence’s science denial contributed to one of the worst HIV outbreaks in Indiana’s history.
He is not a medical doctor. He is not a health expert. He is not qualified nor positioned in any way to protect our public health. https://t.co/1jVY44p2HF" / Twitter

'Utterly Irresponsible' to Put Mike Pence in Charge of Coronavirus Response, Says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Human Rights Campaign rapid response press secretary Charlotte Clymer tweeted to her 280,000 followers, "Here's the kicker about Mike Pence enabling the worst HIV outbreak in the history of Indiana: it was all because he wanted to shut down Planned Parenthood, which were leading HIV testing centers in the state. Mike Pence's distrust of women led to an HIV outbreak. No joke."

U.S. senator for Hawaii Brian Schatz tweeted, "Mike Pence is for conversion therapy. Mike Pence said smoking didn't cause cancer," referring to an op-ed he wrote two decades ago unearthed by Buzzfeed. "Mike Pence doesn't believe climate science. Mike Pence questioned whether or not condoms worked. So."
Mike Pence claimed “smoking doesn’t kill” as late as 2000 - Vox
Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana and Donald Trump's running mate, is nobody’s idea of a moderate. This is, after all, the guy who signed a bill into law mandating funerals for aborted fetuses and who compared the Supreme Court’s ruling on Obamacare to the 9/11 attacks.
"Smoking Doesn't Kill" And Other Great Old Op-Eds From Mike Pence
Pence to lead US response to coronavirus as Trump urges Americans to prepare
The nation's thoughts and prayers are lined up and ready to fight the pandemic.
"Vice President Mike Pence says in leading the White House response to the coronavirus, he will be “bringing together” all the members of the coronavirus task force and will provide President Trump with “the best options for action
The president's thoughts and prayers are with the nation in this dark time.
This decision could cost people their lives. Pence’s past decisions already have.
Our thoughts and prayers to the survivors of the virus...
Ex-Obama health adviser calls Trump comments on coronavirus response 'incoherent' | TheHill

Hardball on Twitter: ""I found most of what he said incoherent."
-- Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel on Trump's press conference regarding the coronavirus. #Hardball https://t.co/HIHxYLS1E5" / Twitter

"I found most of what he said a little incoherent," Emanuel said, pointing to Trump's admission that he was shocked by the number of people who die from the common flu annually.

"You know, [Trump's] a guy that admitted that he’s surprised that 25,000 to 69,000 people each year die of the flu. That just tells you how little he actually knows about public health and about the health of the American public," he added. "He just revealed how ignorant he is about the situation. We don’t know how similar or dissimilar this is to the flu.

"We know one thing. It is actually more communicable than the flu. It passes between people very, very easily."
Good news Death Rate drops
Bad news they say this virus is going to stay now, it's 100-1000 times more contagious than common cold.
And apparently it's more contagious for people who are sick with something, something about sick people having some proteins in the system which promotes virus attachment.
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