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"Coronavirus and the US" or "We are all going to die!!!!"

Good news Death Rate drops
Bad news they say this virus is going to stay now, it's 100-1000 times more contagious than common cold.
And apparently it's more contagious for people who are sick with something, something about sick people having some proteins in the system which promotes virus attachment.
More like being weakened.

Rebecca Watson on Twitter: "This is a dystopia. https://t.co/nwSAsPhel4" / Twitter
ABC News on Twitter: "Speaker Nancy Pelosi says any coronavirus vaccine should be "affordable."
"This would be a vaccine that is developed with taxpayer dollars...We think that should be available to everyone—not dependent on 'Big Pharma.'" [url]https://t.co/fdYqaaGK4E
https://t.co/V68xNk3MfT" / Twitter[/url]
Even though right-wingers will scream "SOCIALISM!!!"

But that's how military and police forces are run.

With this cute followup:
Rebecca Watson on Twitter: "It’s 30 million years from now. Dolphins have evolved thumbs and can now conduct archaeological research. “New study finds humans died out because they invented vaccines but they also invented ‘money’ and then didn’t have enough ‘money’ to pay for the vaccines”" / Twitter
Coronavirus has 'pandemic potential,' WHO warns as US ramps up testing - ABC News

Trump says coronavirus will 'disappear' eventually - CNNPolitics

The 31 wildest lines from Donald Trump's self-congratulatory coronavirus press conference - CNNPolitics
Trump delivered an opening statement and then took questions for almost an hour. And, as he does, the President veered into a wide variety of topics even while stretching the truth to the breaking point.
I went through the full transcript; the lines you need to see are below.

1. "We have, through some very good early decisions, decisions that were ridiculed at the beginning, we closed up our borders to flights coming in from certain areas, areas that were hit by the coronavirus and hit pretty hard."

2. "A lot of people thought we shouldn't have done it that early, and we did, and it turned out to be a very good thing."

31. "So far we've done a great job."
What self-congratulatory nonsense. Trump is worthless as a leader.

Trump frustrated by CDC's coronavirus severity warning - YouTube
Opinion | When a Pandemic Meets a Personality Cult - The New York Times - "The Trump team confirms all of our worst fears."
So, here’s the response of the Trump team and its allies to the coronavirus, at least so far: It’s actually good for America. Also, it’s a hoax perpetrated by the news media and the Democrats. Besides, it’s no big deal, and people should buy stocks. Anyway, we’ll get it all under control under the leadership of a man who doesn’t believe in science.

From the day Donald Trump was elected, some of us worried how his administration would deal with a crisis not of its own making.
For the last three years, all the crises that this admin has had to deal with are self-created ones. Until now.
But the coronavirus is looking as if it might be the test we’ve been fearing.

And the results aren’t looking good.
Some years back, the Trump admin ordered the cutting of a lot of funds for disease surveillance. Despite experts warning of dangerous microbes spreading unchecked.
But the Trump administration has a preconceived notion about where national security threats come from — basically, scary brown people — and is hostile to science in general. So we entered the current crisis in an already weakened condition.
Weakened condition? In analogy with a big risk factor for getting very sick with coronavirus.

The Trumpers, as Paul Krugman called them, first considered the virus a Chinese problem - a problem that would be good for the US. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said that it would “accelerate the return of jobs to North America.”

As the virus spread, Rush Limbaugh said about it: “It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump. Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. … The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.”

But financial-market participants didn't agree that the virus was a hoax. The Dow Jones average dropped 3,000 points over a week. That seems to bother the admin much more than the prospect of people dying, so the admin's top economist, Larry Kudlow, declared it "contained". Contrary to the CDC's assessment.

When the admin recognized that it needed to do something more, it proposed paying for a response by cutting low-income heating subsidies.

Trump held a news conference with much of it devoted to incoherent jabs at Democrats and the media, but he also announced his pick to lead the fight against the virus: Mike Pence. Lots and lots of groans. "And now, according to The Times, government scientists will need to get Pence’s approval before making public statements about the coronavirus."
So the Trumpian response to crisis is completely self-centered, entirely focused on making Trump look good rather than protecting America. If the facts don’t make Trump look good, he and his allies attack the messengers, blaming the news media and the Democrats — while trying to prevent scientists from keeping us informed. And in choosing people to deal with a real crisis, Trump prizes loyalty rather than competence.

Maybe Trump — and America — will be lucky, and this won’t be as bad as it might be. But anyone feeling confident right now isn’t paying attention.
I think that the big question at this point is what Republican politicians will do about that. Will they choose safety from the virus at the risk of antagonizing Trump? Or will they stand by Trump at the cost of their constituents health -- and lives?
This virus is now spreading in Iran. It will spread in the Middle East eventually. I wonder if some bearded ISIL Jihadist leader will try to get his Jihadist soldiers to get self infected and spread the disease widely as an act of Jihadist war. Targets Baghdad, Cairo, Istanbul....
This virus is now spreading in Iran. It will spread in the Middle East eventually. I wonder if some bearded ISIL Jihadist leader will try to get his Jihadist soldiers to get self infected and spread the disease widely as an act of Jihadist war. Targets Baghdad, Cairo, Istanbul....

Much more likely, given that Iran it's shi'ite, the city if Qom, one of the outbreak's hotbed, is a major site of pilgrimage for Shiites, and many if the initial cases in neighbouring countries will thus likely be returning Shi'ite pilgrims, they will declare it God's punishment for apostasy.
China is very serious about social stability, and much of the role the CCP plays in censoring or controlling media is to prevent unfounded rumors from spreading, or suppress anything that would cause a panic. The details of this case are tragic, but as usual, show the hyperexaggerated version of events the Western media pushes is not accurate.

Utter rubbish, and you ought to know better than to believe it. China suppresses and controls information for precisely the same reason that every other authoritarian and totalitarian regime on the planet does--to maintain power. Falling from power is considered "social instability" only from the perspective of the ruling class. But, in the context of a mass epidemic or other widespread disaster, suppression of information is extremely dangerous, because the regime has built up a reputation for hiding information. So people create a "black market" of information that consists almost entirely of spreading rumors. Disinformation and misinformation become rampant, especially with modern social media to spread the clickbait nonsense around. A government that reports bad news quickly and allows news outlets free reign to criticize tends to be taken as more trustworthy by the public.

We see that clearly in the US, where agencies have a tendency to report the truth, even when the head of state puts out blatant lies on social media. The effect of Trump's constant lying on Twitter is that he has earned zero credibility, even with people who support him in kneejerk fashion for political reasons. People are more likely to believe reports coming out of federal agencies, even as Trump attacks them. He is slowly undermining the credibility of government agencies by firing competent administrators and replacing them with incompetent loyalists, who will repeat his false narratives.
Trump says Democrats are blaming him for coronavirus - POLITICO - "The president also suggested Democratic lawmakers had been “wasting time” on other legislative priorities."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "So, the Coronavirus, which started in China and spread to various countries throughout the world, but very slowly in the U.S. because President Trump closed our border, and ended flights, VERY EARLY, is now being blamed, by the Do Nothing Democrats, to be the fault of “Trump”." / Twitter

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus. Dems called it VERY wrong!" / Twitter

What a weenie.

Trump seeks a 'miracle' as virus fears mount - CNNPolitics
"It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear," Trump said at the White House Thursday as the virus marched across Asia and Europe after US officials said the US should brace for severe disruption to everyday life.

The President also warned that things could "get worse before it gets better," but he added it could "maybe go away. We'll see what happens. Nobody really knows."
All this as the stock market slumps and someone getting coronavirus here in the US.

It’s the incompetence that may bring Trump down - The Washington Post
The Dow Jones continued its fall, dropping 1,100 points or 4.4% on Thursday.
Trump’s forte has never been actually solving problem or providing quality; he excels at spin, exaggeration and shameless lying. Naturally, then, his response to a burgeoning health crisis and an economic earthquake is to muzzle those who might undercut his happy talk.

Trump has become so adept at bullying science-based government agencies and departments (e.g., the Environmental Protection Agency strips its website of climate change information, Trump’s Sharpie mark-up creates havoc at the National Weather Service) that the media and public do not know whom to believe. We used to be able to rely on the world-class Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the most accurate information. With Pence in charge of the effort, do we have that same sense of confidence?

On the Senate floor, Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) practically pleaded with Trump: “The president must stop trying to minimize the nature of the coronavirus threat. His attempts at spinning the facts are just not credible, and they are harmful to the federal response.” He continued, “In order to prevent overreaction by the public, it is essential that the federal officials, especially the president and vice president, level with the American people. Telling the American people the truth — and then coming up with solutions to solve it — is the way to calm people down. … So let’s let the science and the facts guide us. The American people do not need or want uninformed opinions or spin from its leaders. They want the truth.”
Coronavirus updates: HHS whistleblower, Pope, Diamond Princess death
  • Stocks continue to get pounded. How bad can it get?
  • Retail: Medical mask prices surge on Amazon after CDC's coronavirus comments
  • CDC confirms first 'unknown' coronavirus case in California that could raise concerns about the threat of the virus
  • Travel plans? Here’s what travel insurance will cover and NOT cover

Federal workers did not have the necessary protective gear or training when they were sent to help quarantined Americans who were evacuated from China during the coronavirus outbreak, according to a government whistleblower complaint.

The complaint alleges employees with the Department of Health and Human Services were sent to Travis and March Air Force bases in California without full protective gear and training on how to protect themselves in a viral hot zone.
Like wearing protective clothing but without respirator masks.

Quarantines Won’t Save Us From Coronavirus | FiveThirtyEight
That it has arrived also means that the virus slipped past China’s efforts to contain it — which included some of the most extreme quarantines in modern history. And that comes as no surprise to public health experts.

“There are reasons to be skeptical of the efficacy of quarantine, for respiratory diseases [like coronavirus] in particular,” said Wendy Parmet, director of the Center for Health Policy and Law at Northeastern University Law School. Quarantine is one of the oldest defenses societies have had against disease, but it’s not a sure-fire way to stop a disease from spreading and shouldn’t be any government’s knee-jerk response. In fact, in some circumstances, a quarantine could actually make things worse.
Isolating known disease carriers works. Quarantining possible disease carriers doesn't work as well.
I've been wondering lately if this virus is persistent on surfaces. It seems to spread quite easily. How many days is it viable if transmitted to a doorknob or even a parcel? If it's quite robust this way it won't matter how we quarantine because the virus will find a way out.
Do we really believe there has not been a new case in USA in a week?
Do we really believe there has not been a new case in USA in a week?
You know those race movies? Where halfway through the race, the character realizes he's in second place, or third, and just DECIDES, by sheer force of will, to simply go faster?

That's what happened. All those officials that were bumbling around, violating quarantine, exposing everyone willy nilly? The political actors with the entire nation's medical proxy? They all just DECIDED to become medically competent by sheer force of will, and good old American Stick-To-It-iveness, and all the virus cases were instantly identified and isolated and properly dealt with.
Do we really believe there has not been a new case in USA in a week?
You know those race movies? Where halfway through the race, the character realizes he's in second place, or third, and just DECIDES, by sheer force of will, to simply go faster?

That's what happened. All those officials that were bumbling around, violating quarantine, exposing everyone willy nilly? The political actors with the entire nation's medical proxy? They all just DECIDED to become medically competent by sheer force of will, and good old American Stick-To-It-iveness, and all the virus cases were instantly identified and isolated and properly dealt with.
You may have something there.
Do we really believe there has not been a new case in USA in a week?
You know those race movies? Where halfway through the race, the character realizes he's in second place, or third, and just DECIDES, by sheer force of will, to simply go faster?

That's what happened. All those officials that were bumbling around, violating quarantine, exposing everyone willy nilly? The political actors with the entire nation's medical proxy? They all just DECIDED to become medically competent by sheer force of will, and good old American Stick-To-It-iveness, and all the virus cases were instantly identified and isolated and properly dealt with.
You may have something there.
It is how the documentary of the virus will go, if Trump gets acsecond term.
The movie will just have everyone competent the first time thru.
And the musical will give the virus a Democratic bias. The Virus/Pelosi duet will be catchy, though it'll be Trump's Fire The Doctors Tango running thru everyone's head for months...
Santa Clara county announces a new coronavirus case case from someone who has not been outside the US.


Welp. It's been nice knowing ya'll.
Of course, it could be noted that the death rate is something well under 2% when all non-symptomatic cases are included.

The problem I believe with these latest California cases is it could be linked to the Trump Administration's completely fucked up understanding of disease communication. Look up Travis AIr Force Base, Santa Clara and Vacaville and notice the proximity. Thousands of Americans will likely die because the Trump Administration consists of the dumbest fucks to ever inhabit DC.
Santa Clara county announces a new coronavirus case case from someone who has not been outside the US.


Welp. It's been nice knowing ya'll.
Of course, it could be noted that the death rate is something well under 2% when all non-symptomatic cases are included.

The problem I believe with these latest California cases is it could be linked to the Trump Administration's completely fucked up understanding of disease communication. Look up Travis AIr Force Base, Santa Clara and Vacaville and notice the proximity. Thousands of Americans will likely die because the Trump Administration consists of the dumbest fucks to ever inhabit DC.

Well shit, I already emptied my retirement account and booked a bunch of hookers. Oh well.
Good news Death Rate drops
Bad news they say this virus is going to stay now, it's 100-1000 times more contagious than common cold.
And apparently it's more contagious for people who are sick with something, something about sick people having some proteins in the system which promotes virus attachment.
More like being weakened.
No, not just weak. Sick people not only more likely to die once they got infected, they are also more likely to get infected in the first place and the reason being that sick people in general have some protein receptors to which virus likes to attach. So smaller amount of virus is needed to infect sick people.
I've been wondering lately if this virus is persistent on surfaces. It seems to spread quite easily. How many days is it viable if transmitted to a doorknob or even a parcel? If it's quite robust this way it won't matter how we quarantine because the virus will find a way out.
They say it can linger for a week (common cold is one day I think they said)
At this time,I think it's a given that this shit will stay with us like flu or common cold. The point of quarantine is to buy time before some kind of remedy is developed.
Trump hits Democrats over coronavirus criticism: 'This is their new hoax' | TheHill
He vacillated between remaining on script to project confidence in the government's ability to contain the coronavirus domestically and veering off-script to slam the news media and Democrats over the issue.

"The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus," he told the crowd in North Charleston.

"One of my people came up to me and said, 'Mr. President they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn't work out too well," Trump said. "They tried the impeachment hoax."

"This is their new hoax," he said, apparently referring to Democrats' criticism of the official coronavirus response.

Trump, who opened the rally by declaring the "fake news just doesn't get it," accused the press of being "in hysteria mode" in its coverage of the virus.
Seems very petty and spiteful. He deserves the 25th Amendment.
Santa Clara county announces a new coronavirus case case from someone who has not been outside the US.


Welp. It's been nice knowing ya'll.

Probably because of this:

They sent people in without adequate biosafety gear.

Of course we aren't going to get the details:

All the government departments that should be providing information are gagged, Pence's approval is needed to say anything.

Is this a GOP suicide plot? If everyone gets it we will see millions of deaths amongst the 65+ crowd.
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