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Covid-19 miscellany

It's a lie; yet many here were so willing to believe it.


Great for NHS Sequoyah. I don't think Dr. McElyea mentioned that particular hospital system. I'm sure there are others. I think perhaps since the doctor had worked there in the past, NHS Sequoyah Legal was just putting it out there, and gunshot victims welcome.

Watching the KFOR news video, I didn't know they had apple flavor ivermectin. :thinking:

Great for NHS Sequoyah. I don't think Dr. McElyea mentioned that particular hospital system. I'm sure there are others. I think perhaps since the doctor had worked there in the past, NHS Sequoyah Legal was just putting it out there, and gunshot victims welcome.

Watching the KFOR news video, I didn't know they had apple flavor ivermectin. :thinking:

Yes he did.
He referred to" This week, Dr. Jason McElyea told KFOR the overdoses are causing backlogs in rural hospitals, leaving both beds and ambulance services scarce.".

Sequoyha is definitely one of the hospitals he was referring to. Or maybe he's doing that Trump thing, "Well, that's not exactly what I said!". "I never said anybody should go execute VP Pence. I just said that maybe patriots who support me should go hang the traitor."

I love that the existence of multiple gunshot victims is casually implied as a given.

It would be unusual to see one such case per month at my local hospital (which treats over 90,000 patents in their Emergency dept per annum), and that case would almost certainly be either an accident or a suicide attempt. Gunshot wounds simply aren't a common occurrence in the developed world.

OK, so you upside down people haven't discovered the joys of gun ownership yet. The time will come though. It's just a matter of making a few of your most malevolent citizens into billionaires who can afford to buy out your government.

We had plenty of gun ownership. Then some nutter shot up a tourist attraction, so our government said 'no more guns for you!', bought up all the non-essential ones, and crushed them into scrap.

And we haven't had a mass shooting since.
They are basically being asked to prove a negative. They know they can't, thus there's nothing to be gained from allowing an investigation. The only possible change is negative if someone fabricates evidence.
No they are not. Sometimes, Loren, I think you've gone off the deep end.

It's a scientific question and they are being asked to share the scientific information they have about the outbreak. The reason they are not doing that probably has no scientific rationale. They're playing a political game. If they had nothing to hide they'd fess up but who knows. This is government that runs over protestors with tanks, it's a police state of the first order.

How are they supposed to prove it didn't come from a lab?
But we have sensibly regulated gun ownership, and even knives are quite tightly controlled, so people largely settle their disputes with fists.

Note that this means right and wrong have little to do with it. In a society such as yours strong and weak is pretty apparent and the weak simply must submit.
OK, so you upside down people haven't discovered the joys of gun ownership yet. The time will come though. It's just a matter of making a few of your most malevolent citizens into billionaires who can afford to buy out your government.

We had plenty of gun ownership. Then some nutter shot up a tourist attraction, so our government said 'no more guns for you!', bought up all the non-essential ones, and crushed them into scrap.

And we haven't had a mass shooting since.

Heard about that. They should have sold them to their own military. That’d be the ‘Murkin thing to do.
Note that that's one hospital.

Maybe the people who are posting the story should have been more accurate?

Ziprhead repeated news that Rolling Stone repeated from McEalery. It was demonstrably false. It might have had a bit of truth, but it flat out wasn't an accurate account.

So, where do you draw the line in fake news? If Tucker Carlson said something as wrong this story, would you agree "It's not Tucker's fault he said false things. It's his source's fault for not fact checking the claims."
Note that that's one hospital.

Maybe the people who are posting the story should have been more accurate?

Ziprhead repeated news that Rolling Stone repeated from McEalery. It was demonstrably false. It might have had a bit of truth, but it flat out wasn't an accurate account.

So, where do you draw the line in fake news? If Tucker Carlson said something as wrong this story, would you agree "It's not Tucker's fault he said false things. It's his source's fault for not fact checking the claims."

No, I wouldn't agree. Unless one is clinically mentally impaired, ignorance is not a legal excuse.
Watch Now: 'This is not just COVID': Domino effect backs up Oklahoma hospitals, with no relief in sight

Oklahoma actually does have a problem with beds. Ignore Rolling Stone. Pay attention to Tulsa World.

A telling quote from the article:

“I’m trying to help people understand this is not just COVID,” said Clarke, a family practitioner based in Stillwater. “This is a domino effect to every other health condition that may need a hospital bed. Everything else. Period.

“COVID — yes — is taking up room, but COVID we can prevent (with vaccination). I can’t prevent someone tomorrow from having a heart attack.”
Ignore the Rolling Stone article. Read the Tulsa World article instead. Previous post...
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