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Covid-19 miscellany

People who take aspirin are using horse de-lamer.


Isn't aspirin a well understood drug? One that works one certain problems, in animals that have a certain kind of nervous system? With decades of study?

How is that relevant to the thread topic?
Should just tell them to wait outside the morgue. Could save time if they have to wait too long to be seen.

It's more an issue that you can't make that judgement ethically until after triage, and there are only so many triage nurses.

It would be all good and fine if we could just test people for bleach consumption, ivermectin, and Covid at the door, but all those tests would eat up vital lab time.
They could check vaccination status at the door and prioritize starting with that.
Should just tell them to wait outside the morgue. Could save time if they have to wait too long to be seen.

It's more an issue that you can't make that judgement ethically until after triage, and there are only so many triage nurses.

It would be all good and fine if we could just test people for bleach consumption, ivermectin, and Covid at the door, but all those tests would eat up vital lab time.
They could check vaccination status at the door and prioritize starting with that.

That's what I would do.

Start by looking for signs of vaccination. People who don't have any go to the back of the line.
Should just tell them to wait outside the morgue. Could save time if they have to wait too long to be seen.

It's more an issue that you can't make that judgement ethically until after triage, and there are only so many triage nurses.

It would be all good and fine if we could just test people for bleach consumption, ivermectin, and Covid at the door, but all those tests would eat up vital lab time.

Make it a verbal test.
What's your temp?
How's the breathing?
Are you vaccinated?
I wanted to, but my doctor advised me to wait...
Any nausea?
Oh, bad nausea.
Who won the election?
Okay, you go sit on the Group W bench. We'll call.
For fucks sake people, will you stop trying to decide for yourselves, and defer to the people you pay very handsomely to do the research you are incompetent to do, and to make the decisions you are incompetent to make.

Impossible, as there are conflicting messages.

What we can do is look at the various positions presented and see how well the evidence supports them. Any reasonable look will expose the garbage from the right.

Welcome to modern civilisation. You are NOT COMPETENT to make your own decisions in a modern technological civilisation, unless and except where that decision happens to fall into your specific area of expertise. You cannot learn enough in a decade of hard work dedicated to nothing else, to be competent to overrule expert consensus. You sure as crap can't learn enough in two years of watching YouTube videos and listening to podcasts about horse dewormer.

In matters which there is an expert consensus you are completely correct.

The only skill that every member of a modern society really needs, is the ability to identify the difference between an expert and a non-expert; And as that is a difficult and surprisingly uncommon skill, we even have expert bodies (institutions, professional organisations, government departments, etc) to whom we can outsource most of that work.

This I definitely agree on. Identify the experts, then examine their positions when they disagree--look for why they are coming to different answers.
When my husband was going through treatment for his abscess, there was a 40-50 minute wait just for triage. The whole emergency waiting room was standing room only.

There was a line for being seen, but even so, we were the first to be taken for triage, ahead of everyone else in the waiting room. What this tells me is either abscesses get huge priority, or literally everyone else showing up before and after us was there for Covid and they didn't give a shit about those folks.

I can't imagine though that every hospital was doing it right, or is still now. There are sure to be a lot of such situations across the country where some administrator has a bug in their ass that they can't just leave that Ivermectin/covidiots flapping in the wind. Even so, eventually they WILL be seen, even despite the fact that their line is mostly there for them to die waiting in. This still costs time and money and buries many folks with less visible but still serious conditions.

I suspect it's the other way around--standing plus Covid symptoms would basically say you're not in that bad shape. There's two levels to triage, it's not just deciding who needs the doc first, but also deciding who to even check first.
People who take aspirin are using horse de-lamer.


Isn't aspirin a well understood drug? One that works one certain problems, in animals that have a certain kind of nervous system? With decades of study?

How is that relevant to the thread topic?

No, you don't understand! Aspirin might cure and/or prevent COVID! Everyone should be taking massive doses of aspirin. It prevents heart attacks and everything!!!


I mean, you can't argue with that shit! Has anyone on this forum ever been given reason to doubt The Gleaner???
[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Woman starts following girl through a grocery store coughing on her. <a href="https://t.co/OV4U67a85t">pic.twitter.com/OV4U67a85t</a></p>— Dallas (@59dallas) <a href="https://twitter.com/59dallas/status/1435171334611423233?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]..
So I now have 2 sons back to school.

One just started as a freshman at UMASS Boston. He commutes from home - not doing the dorms. Vaccination is required. Masks indoors are required. Most sensible. I just bookmarked the University Covid dashboard to keep an eye on things.

My other son is back for senior year of high school. Masks are required indoors but there is no vaccine requirement of anyone even when they are eligible. When will Covid vaccine be required just like some dozen other vaccines are required???

My son reports that there are some students and staff who don't wear the masks correctly. The principal and superintendent will hear from me if he continues to report some level of poor masking.

Last year my son was remote but hybrid was an option. The school would email if there was a positive case but never provided any trending data. I'm sure they won't this year either. So I've started my own Excel to keep track. In the 3 days since classes started there are 2 cases in the high school so far. The high school probably has around 1100 students

But I sure am glad I don't live in one of the many dumbfuckistan states.
[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Woman starts following girl through a grocery store coughing on her. <a href="https://t.co/OV4U67a85t">pic.twitter.com/OV4U67a85t</a></p>— Dallas (@59dallas) <a href="https://twitter.com/59dallas/status/1435171334611423233?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]..

It will be nice when we read she had died of COVID like so many of her ilk.

I will not cry.
[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Woman starts following girl through a grocery store coughing on her. <a href="https://t.co/OV4U67a85t">pic.twitter.com/OV4U67a85t</a></p>— Dallas (@59dallas) <a href="https://twitter.com/59dallas/status/1435171334611423233?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]..

Being kind, she's a selfish ignorant piece of shit.
Push The Button
Anti-vax activists in London staged an event on Monday “against tyrrany [sic], genocide, vaccine passports [and] injecting children” by encouraging protesters to press every pedestrian crossing button in the capital simultaneously.

The 'plan' is that by pressing pedestrian buttons simultaneously, they'll bring London traffic to a gridlock.
"...organisers wanted to “bring London to a total standstill and remind this government that NOTHING moves or happens in this country unless the people agree to it.”

Except pedestrian buttons don't work that way. Most intersections, esp. in big cities, are automated SO THAT you don't have too much of an impact on the flow of traffic.

They're going to go to some effort to show that they have no power, no understanding of the world around them, and probably get a few people run over...
[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Woman starts following girl through a grocery store coughing on her. <a href="https://t.co/OV4U67a85t">pic.twitter.com/OV4U67a85t</a></p>— Dallas (@59dallas) <a href="https://twitter.com/59dallas/status/1435171334611423233?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]..
Again, crazy and woman. Speaking of which, this happened to me too. Not quite outrageous, though, Stupid teenage girl started fake coughing when I passed her.
[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Woman starts following girl through a grocery store coughing on her. <a href="https://t.co/OV4U67a85t">pic.twitter.com/OV4U67a85t</a></p>— Dallas (@59dallas) <a href="https://twitter.com/59dallas/status/1435171334611423233?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]..

Being kind, she's a selfish ignorant piece of shit.
Yeah, these people have picked a really odd hill to die on.
Denmark cancelled Covid last Friday. It's been going well. Now there's no limitations. We can party like there isn't even an apocalypse. Bars were full all weekend and people partied hard. Covid numbers have stayed stable. Which is why I waited with posting this.

And FYI Denmark is a country with few anti-vaxxers. We're an obedient lot who does what our government tells us. Lessons learned is that in the case of a pandemic slavishly following the recommendations of the CDC is a good thing. This is a country where we started using masks early. Hand alcohol could be found almost everywhere, often at government expense. Covid never really happened here. Our biggest peak was Christmas due to the government judging that it would be good to cancel Christmas, but all the old folks and children, needed Christmas.



Sweden, who chose another strategy (let's be kind and call it a strategy) still have restrictions. Suckers!!!

That said, bigger functions in Denmark still most often demand valid PCR tests, or quick tests, or both, even for vaccinated. People are doing this in spite of a lack of regulations. I think it's a good thing.
Push The Button
Anti-vax activists in London staged an event on Monday “against tyrrany [sic], genocide, vaccine passports [and] injecting children” by encouraging protesters to press every pedestrian crossing button in the capital simultaneously.

The 'plan' is that by pressing pedestrian buttons simultaneously, they'll bring London traffic to a gridlock.
"...organisers wanted to “bring London to a total standstill and remind this government that NOTHING moves or happens in this country unless the people agree to it.”

Except pedestrian buttons don't work that way. Most intersections, esp. in big cities, are automated SO THAT you don't have too much of an impact on the flow of traffic.

They're going to go to some effort to show that they have no power, no understanding of the world around them, and probably get a few people run over...

Anti-Mask Protests and Proud Boys Shut Down Three Schools in Vancouver - "Local members of the Proud Boys attempted to escort a student seeking an exemption from the mask requirement into the school."

That's in Vancouver WA, not Vancouver BC. It's across the Columbia River from Portland OR.

Triss Winters on Twitter: "There is an ongoing anti-mask right-wing protest going on in North Vancouver at Skyview High School, which started small and has now attracted open white supremacists who are encroaching school property. Video taken by a friend on scene, not my own. (vid link)" / Twitter

Proud Boys Are Teaming Up With Anti-Maskers to Threaten School Boards Over COVID Mandates - "As anti-maskers attack and even attempt to ‘overthrow’ school districts over COVID restrictions, the far-right paramilitary Proud Boys are taking up their cause."
Outside a school board meeting in Franklin, Tennessee on Tuesday night, a crowd gathered around masked meeting-goers as they exited the building. “You are child abusers!” one member of the crowd shouted. “There’s a bad place in hell and everybody’s taking notes, buddy!”

“We will find you and we know who you are!” another shouted through a mask-wearing man’s car window.

“You will never be allowed in public again!” an anti-mask man called.
Matt Masters on Twitter: "Anti-mask demonstrators heckle masked people (some of whom are Drs/nurses) leaving 08/10/21 #Williamsoncountytn #schoolboardmeeting following one man to his car and shouting “we will find you” & “we know who you are” @WilliamsonHmPg 1/2 (vid link)" / Twitter

Matt Masters on Twitter: "2/2 Williamson County Sheriff's Office Sgt. : "I am begging ya'll to be peaceful" -hundreds of protesters earlier-School board voted to require masks for elementary schools until 9/21/21. FPD also on site. #williamsoncountyschools #franklintn @WilliamsonHmPg (vid link)" / Twitter
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