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Covid-19 miscellany

I tried swimming for exercise. I have two fractured vertebrae in my back. Swimming was too painful for me.

That's terrible, Zipr, I'm sorry. How did you fracture two vertebrae?? Surgical options?
The older people swimming laps at our pool seem to most often be recvoring from some injury or condition that indicates zero impact exercise, and swimming or water exercising are among their few options. If you can't find a fairly pain-free way to exercise in water, that sounds pretty bleak.
I tried swimming for exercise. I have two fractured vertebrae in my back. Swimming was too painful for me.

That's terrible, Zipr, I'm sorry. How did you fracture two vertebrae?? Surgical options?
The older people swimming laps at our pool seem to most often be recvoring from some injury or condition that indicates zero impact exercise, and swimming or water exercising are among their few options. If you can't find a fairly pain-free way to exercise in water, that sounds pretty bleak.

osteoporosis. Last doctor took x-rays and declared me healed. Doesn't explain the pain in the area where the verts broke.

And I've never been prescribed an MRI.
I tried swimming for exercise. I have two fractured vertebrae in my back. Swimming was too painful for me.

That's terrible, Zipr, I'm sorry. How did you fracture two vertebrae?? Surgical options?
The older people swimming laps at our pool seem to most often be recvoring from some injury or condition that indicates zero impact exercise, and swimming or water exercising are among their few options. If you can't find a fairly pain-free way to exercise in water, that sounds pretty bleak.

osteoporosis. Last doctor took x-rays and declared me healed. Doesn't explain the pain in the area where the verts broke.

And I've never been prescribed an MRI.

Did they prescribe anything for the osteoporosis?
I tried swimming for exercise. I have two fractured vertebrae in my back. Swimming was too painful for me.

That's terrible, Zipr, I'm sorry. How did you fracture two vertebrae?? Surgical options?
The older people swimming laps at our pool seem to most often be recvoring from some injury or condition that indicates zero impact exercise, and swimming or water exercising are among their few options. If you can't find a fairly pain-free way to exercise in water, that sounds pretty bleak.

osteoporosis. Last doctor took x-rays and declared me healed. Doesn't explain the pain in the area where the verts broke.

And I've never been prescribed an MRI.

CT scans can see bone problems.

You have compression fractures?

There is only one treatment and long term there is no difference between getting a kyphoplasty and not getting one.

But you could request one.
I used to wear dust masks when cutting brush, moving dirt etc.
Now, thanks to the pandemic I have lots of KN95 masks and they work way better. No sinus irritation!

Yay, pandemic... :confused:

Yeah, dust masks aren't very effective, I can't see any real use for them. The medical masks or the respirators are the way to go. I've got a half-face version that is easier on the face and filters even better (although the medical masks are good enough to shield me from the weeds around here.)
I went to Harbor Freight yesterday to pick up some tools needed to fix my car. I wore my mask. I was the only one except for the cashier.

Well, duh! What do you expect from Harbor Freight? Most of the customers are as trashy as most of their products.
I read somewhere that Betadyne is the new Ivermectin?

If real, this can't be good....

Great! An iodine solution for cuts. What could be better in large quantities? Who remembers in the days before antibiotic ointments you put a dab of iodine on a cut?

ETA: The manufacturer has even had to put up a warning page DON"T USE THIS FOR COVID!

I think that this is lay people looking online and seeing REAL articles showing in some very limited ways that povidone-iodine can kill covid, which obviously it would be able to meet that very low bar.

What context to frame these papers is what is important.


Should dentists employ it, maybe it is a good idea for a short procedure. But that is NOT related to the general public using it all day long. What kind of damage would that lead to?


Yeah, I would be surprised if it didn't kill Covid. Iodine is one of the standard techniques us backcountry people use for water treatment.

The important thing is as it always is--what is the ratio between the treatment dose and the lethal dose. That's where all the QOP Covid "treatments" fall down--the treatment dose is way above the lethal dose.
osteoporosis. Last doctor took x-rays and declared me healed. Doesn't explain the pain in the area where the verts broke.

And I've never been prescribed an MRI.

Did they prescribe anything for the osteoporosis?

Yup, lots of vitamins which I now take religiously.


The only relevant vitamin I know of is D, along with calcium (a mineral, but many people lump the minerals with vitamins.) The standard treatment is Fosamax. If for some reason you can't use Fosamax (which is quite possible, it has fairly strict requirements on taking it) there are alternatives.
Some of the very "overweight" people are able to swim longer, faster and more consistently than I can, despite carrying a BMI that would appall the federal weight guideline police. I guess only time will tell who will live longer, or enjoy decent health and mobility late into life. I don't get the sense that those people would be more vulnerable to COVID sickness than I would be, given the same exposure. OTOH, there are some people who just hang out in the hot spring soaking pool who look very frail - thick or thin.
Bottom line - I'd rather be fat and fit than skinny and weak.
You can be skinny and fit. But yeah, with some obviously fat people I do notice that they move remarkably well. I think I would have been dead if I somehow got their weight. They clearly have more muscles to carry that fat around.
But naturally skinny people will look better when old (Arnold Schwarzenegger does not look good at all) and I think less likely to have problems with wear and tear regarding bones and joint.
Eh, granola and “health food” are not necessarily good for you. Read the label. If it’s ultra processed, high carb, has seed oils or soy, put it down. Or you’ll get the gut of metabolic syndrome. Which the corona just loves.

Lol. Human bodies are more sophisticated than that. Humans can get by on a variety of foods. The problem of the Chinese peasants and solders were that they ONLY ate wheat bread and wheat gruel. Occasionally they got other food. But as a rule all they ever got to eat was wheat. Completely lacking the aminoacid Lysine and vitamins like C. If they'd eaten beans with their wheat and some occasional carrots, they'd have been fine. They just didn't. Or didn't do it often enough. Ancient Egypt had chronic and widespread problems with scurvy. Which is ridiculous considering that they had no practical barriers to fixing this. They just never connected the dots.

An extreme high protein diet has it's own set of problems.

Humans can't win. Whatever extreme diet you eat you will get problems. Whatever diet you eat you will get problems. The best we can do is eat a varied diet. High protein diets gives you high blood pressure and puts a lot of strain on the heart and kidneys. AS long as you live you will be healthy. But you will NOT live as long.

When it comes to strengthening the immune system. We can't really do much. We can fuck it up in various ways, ie eating extreme diets. But if we manage to refrain from that, then we're good.

I am sure that the Mongols ate as much of the very healthy and truly grass fed animal fat as possible. And probably all the organ meats.

It's important to understand the differences in organization. The tribes of the Asian steppes were all herders. They had no permanent cities. Their entire wealth and source of sustenance where their cattle. Which, if I don't remember wrongly, was goats. This is why they were such a formidable fighting force. They didn't have to invest in fortifications or defensive structures. They could create an army that was 100% offensive, and concentrate their entire army into a single point.

Farmers, by contrast outnumbered the Mongols tens of thousands to one, or even hundreds of thousands to one. If not by more. If the farmers would have been able to assemble their entire fighting force into one place and met the Mongols there, they would have popped the Mongols like a zit in minutes. But they couldn't.

The Mongols could move around their entire army, picking the farmer cities off one by one. This is the entire secret to their success.

The Mongols ate the way they ate because it allowed their entire nation to be mobile. The farmers ate the way they ate because it allowed them to have lots of babies and huge families.

Neither diet is healthy. Both are extreme and lead to chronic problems. But they didn't eat like this for nutritional reasons. They did it out of necessity.
... Early on, I distinctly remember the prevailing thought from Trump's inner circle (notably, Jared Kushner) that as long as COVID-19 was predominantly erasing an inner-city, minority, largely Liberal demographic...uh, let's maybe tap the brakes on curing this thing--might not be the worst thing ever if this is allowed to run its course a bit longer, if you know what I mean.

Yes, I do know what they meant, and now I'll return the sentiment.

The Delta variant currently seems to be functioning primarily as a way to rid the country of its most passionately Trumpy mouthbreathers living at the intersection of Conservative and Stupid, and whether or not it's socially acceptable/polite/responsible to say it out loud, those fuckers can't die fast enough for me.
(To be fully compliant with TOU, you might include a disclaiming clause: "excepting of course any mouthbreathing fuckers who post at TFT.")

Wow. Anti-mask protester in Utah: "When George Floyd was saying 'I can't breathe,' and then he died, and now we're wearing a mask and w'e're saying 'I can't breathe,' but we're being forced to wear them."
Ironically, a majority of those mouthbreathing protestors probably had no objection to the suffocation of George Floyd.
Wow. Anti-mask protester in Utah: "When George Floyd was saying 'I can't breathe,' and then he died, and now we're wearing a mask and w'e're saying 'I can't breathe,' but we're being forced to wear them."
Difference being, you SAY that, but you keep going on and on and on and on and on about it...
I used to wear dust masks when cutting brush, moving dirt etc.
Now, thanks to the pandemic I have lots of KN95 masks and they work way better. No sinus irritation!

Yay, pandemic... :confused:

Yeah, dust masks aren't very effective, I can't see any real use for them.
What do you mean? N95 IS a dust mask.

And it is much better for COVID than a regular paper mask.

It isn't 100% that is all.
osteoporosis. Last doctor took x-rays and declared me healed. Doesn't explain the pain in the area where the verts broke.

And I've never been prescribed an MRI.

CT scans can see bone problems.

You have compression fractures?

There is only one treatment and long term there is no difference between getting a kyphoplasty and not getting one.

But you could request one.

Yup, I know exactly when it happened too. Trying to get a 12,000 btu window air conditioner up a flight of stairs. I was using a hand truck but area constraints required me to lift straight up on the top step.

And MRIs are definitely better for bone issues than CTs. And yes, fractured verts can heal. I just think they didn't heal properly. The vast majority of the time, it's not an issue though, just when I do certain things.
I went to Harbor Freight yesterday to pick up some tools needed to fix my car. I wore my mask. I was the only one except for the cashier.

Well, duh! What do you expect from Harbor Freight? Most of the customers are as trashy as most of their products.

That was actually one of the reason I decided to wear my mask too.

Yeah, I wouldn't buy a complex tool from HB but I needed metric allen wrenches and torx bits. Hard to screw those up.
Wow. Anti-mask protester in Utah: "When George Floyd was saying 'I can't breathe,' and then he died, and now we're wearing a mask and w'e're saying 'I can't breathe,' but we're being forced to wear them."
Difference being, you SAY that, but you keep going on and on and on and on and on about it...
Nearing 700,000 deaths from Covid-19 in America.
Still pegged at 0 deaths in America due to O2 deprivation from masks.
And George Floyd did die.

So more George Floyds died in America due to breathing problems than anti-maskers did.
Yup, lots of vitamins which I now take religiously.


The only relevant vitamin I know of is D, along with calcium (a mineral, but many people lump the minerals with vitamins.) The standard treatment is Fosamax. If for some reason you can't use Fosamax (which is quite possible, it has fairly strict requirements on taking it) there are alternatives.

Yup, I take calcium, D, magnesium, a multivitamin, iron, and B12. I should probably add C to that regimen too since I'm not big on eating fruits.
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