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Covid-19 miscellany

We live in stupid times.


Really now?

1) I can't picture a cat tolerating that.

2) Look at the position of that mask--how is it being held in that position?!

3) We see a leash--but there's nothing on the cat to connect the leash to.

4) Look how straight that leash is. That would only happen if the cat were pulling on it--but it doesn't look like the cat is.

Conclusion: Photoshop.
I would imagine if eating the vaccine were as efficacious as getting an injection then that would be the preferred method of administering the vaccine.

Injection is used for things that won't survive the digestive tract, or things that need to act very fast. Most vaccines fall into the former category. A few don't, though--the one I had in mind was typhoid. It's not a usual US vaccine but it's a good idea for third world travel.
I think 100% of vaccines are injected. Injection allows precise control over amount. Inhaling does not allow that.

the polio vaccine was at first injected, then they developed an oral one as I recall from the long-ago years of my childhood.
It's real according to Fox News. It looks photoshopped around mask when zooming in. There's a hint of collar on neck where leash is going. Fox News says it's real. There are photos.

Cats are wearing coronavirus masks in China

Here's a related study:
The severe acute respiratory syndrome–coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic may have originated in bats, but how it made its way into humans is unknown. Because of its zoonotic origins, SARS-CoV-2 is unlikely to exclusively infect humans, so it would be valuable to have an animal model for drug and vaccine development. Shi et al. tested ferrets, as well as livestock and companion animals of humans, for their susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 (see the Perspective by Lakdawala and Menachery). The authors found that SARS-CoV-2 infects the upper respiratory tracts of ferrets but is poorly transmissible between individuals. In cats, the virus replicated in the nose and throat and caused inflammatory pathology deeper in the respiratory tract, and airborne transmission did occur between pairs of cats. Dogs appeared not to support viral replication well and had low susceptibility to the virus, and pigs, chickens, and ducks were not susceptible to SARS-CoV-2.
So much for picture and animal experts.

By the way, picture is from video, blur can be result of a number of things - video compression, cat moving, low light.
It's real according to Fox News. It looks photoshopped around mask when zooming in. There's a hint of collar on neck where leash is going. Fox News says it's real. There are photos.

Cats are wearing coronavirus masks in China

Well, if Fox News says it’s real, then it must be real.
Well, we have the same cat on few pictures with a mask which looks the same. That's a lot of photoshop work.
Way easier to put an actual mask on actual cat.
It's real according to Fox News. It looks photoshopped around mask when zooming in. There's a hint of collar on neck where leash is going. Fox News says it's real. There are photos.

Cats are wearing coronavirus masks in China

Well, if Fox News says it’s real, then it must be real.
Well, we have the same cat on few pictures with a mask which looks the same. That's a lot of photoshop work.
Way easier to put an actual mask on actual cat.
I’m not saying that Fox News can’t tell the truth, I just don’t trust them to do so.
Steps to own libs for the day:
Might not have been the motive...

Steps to pwn knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers irregardless of political affiliation:
1: Customize a mask for the cat.
2. Get cat to wear it.
3. Point out to otherwise competent people that EVEN THE GODDAMNED CAT can wear its mask OVER THE NOSE.
4. Feel the happy place chemicals.
Steps to own libs for the day:
Might not have been the motive...

Steps to pwn knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers irregardless of political affiliation:
1: Customize a mask for the cat.
2. Get cat to wear it.
3. Point out to otherwise competent people that EVEN THE GODDAMNED CAT can wear its mask OVER THE NOSE.
4. Feel the happy place chemicals.

I think it's also important to point out that China doesn't have the problems with simple measures like masks we do here. Especially in winter 2020, Chinese people were being extremely cautious because it's the sensible thing to do. (Notice you don't hear reports of massive hospital overload from China).
But also, that long ago, C19 was still very poorly understood. It had clearly jumped the species barrier at least once. Nobody had done much research on it's ability to infect cats.
Steps to own libs for the day:
Might not have been the motive...

Steps to pwn knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers irregardless of political affiliation:
1: Customize a mask for the cat.
2. Get cat to wear it.
3. Point out to otherwise competent people that EVEN THE GODDAMNED CAT can wear its mask OVER THE NOSE.
4. Feel the happy place chemicals.

I think it's also important to point out that China doesn't have the problems with simple measures like masks we do here. Especially in winter 2020, Chinese people were being extremely cautious because it's the sensible thing to do. (Notice you don't hear reports of massive hospital overload from China).
But also, that long ago, C19 was still very poorly understood. It had clearly jumped the species barrier at least once. Nobody had done much research on it's ability to infect cats.

The city dwelling people in China have experienced the worst air pollution in the world for decades... Look at imagest from the 80's and you will see what you see today.. EVERYBODY wearing masks regularly for decades. It's not an unusual thing.. When told to wear a mask, they are like, "duh, of course I wear a mask... I always wear a mask when I go out"...
Try to tell China they CAN'T go out with their cell phones anymore for their health... see how unitied they are then.

Telling the Chinese to wear a mask when they go out is like telling an American they have to bring their cell phone with them when they go out... um, ok, just try to get me NOT to.
Florida Republican calls for review of all vaccine mandates, including polio, mumps and rubella
Manny Diaz wants to 'review' existing non-COVID-19 vaccine mandates
Unlike some Republican colleagues, Diaz said he does not endorse blocking private employers from requiring vaccines.

It “gets more complicated,” Diaz said of striking a balance between individuals’ and employers’ rights.
That's remarkable honesty.
Diaz said it might be time to “review” those mandates, in place for such illnesses as mumps and measles. But he said there was a difference between long-tested vaccines and the new COVID-19 vaccine.

“I think there’s a distinction when you have something that is proven to work and doesn’t have any side effects,” Diaz said.
I think that we now have plenty of experience with COVID-19 vaccines.
“I think there’s a distinction when you have something that is proven to work and doesn’t have any side effects,” Diaz said.
I think that we now have plenty of experience with COVID-19 vaccines.
They are all worried about “long-term” side effects.

You know, the same people who feed their kids processed foods or let them play in the sun.
“I think there’s a distinction when you have something that is proven to work and doesn’t have any side effects,” Diaz said.
I think that we now have plenty of experience with COVID-19 vaccines.
They are all worried about “long-term” side effects.

You know, the same people who feed their kids processed foods or let them play in the sun.
Odd how long-term consequences of Pro-Life positions are never considered a problem.
They are all worried about “long-term” side effects.

You know, the same people who feed their kids processed foods or let them play in the sun.
Odd how long-term consequences of Pro-Life positions are never considered a problem.

Those things move too slowly for the common person to see.

I heard once that if instead of a person dying of lung cancer in the hospital from long term smoking, their heads randomly exploded at the same death rate, then the dangers of smoking would be a dramatic thing that people see every day... "Another head exploded on the train on the way to work this morning... what a day"... No one would smoke.
"Another head exploded on the train on the way to work this morning... what a day"... No one would smoke.
No one would smoke on the train...

But 14 year old boys, who know they are immortal, would be sneaking imported tobacco 'poppers' into the boy's room and dare each other to take a hit.

And word would go around that you should avoid the boy's room between Auto Shop and the Gym...real slippery in there today.
Hospital staff must swear off Tylenol, Tums to get religious vaccine exemption
Hospital CEO aims to educate staff on the full scope of what they're claiming.

A hospital system in Arkansas is making it a bit more difficult for staff to receive a religious exemption from its COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The hospital is now requiring staff to also swear off extremely common medicines, such as Tylenol, Tums, and even Preparation H, to get the exemption.

The move was prompted when Conway Regional Health System noted an unusual uptick in vaccine exemption requests that cited the use of fetal cell lines in the development and testing of the vaccines.

"This was significantly disproportionate to what we've seen with the influenza vaccine," Matt Troup, president and CEO of Conway Regional Health System, told Becker's Hospital Review in an interview Wednesday.

"Thus," Troup went on, "we provided a religious attestation form for those individuals requesting a religious exemption," he said. The form includes a list of 30 commonly used medicines that "fall into the same category as the COVID-19 vaccine in their use of fetal cell lines," Conway Regional said.

The list includes Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, aspirin, Tums, Lipitor, Senokot, Motrin, ibuprofen, Maalox, Ex-Lax, Benadryl, Sudafed, albuterol, Preparation H, MMR vaccine, Claritin, Zoloft, Prilosec OTC, and azithromycin.

Conway Regional notes that the list includes commonly used and available drugs but that it is not an all-inclusive list of such medicines.

Believers in treating COVID-19 with ivermectin have reportedly branched out in terms of their recommended treatments for the virus, which now include inhaling food-grade hydrogen peroxide.
"Obviously, keep taking the ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, the ivermectin groups say," writes Collins. "But also gargle iodine. Buy a nebulizer and inhale food-grade hydrogen peroxide. Anything but the vaccine."

Naturally, hydrogen peroxide can be poisonous if ingested in large enough quantities.
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