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Covid-19 miscellany

This is called moving the goalposts. I take this as a tacit admission that your comparison to flu was a specious one.

It’s about numbers. This has never been a pandemic of the young. The fear mongers need to fuck off.

I think that the fear mongers who need to FUCK off are the ones screaming about chips in the vaccines and the horror of masking and feeling victimized by the rest of us who don't want covidiots on a plane, or in a store, or at a venue, with smarter(less scared) people like the rest of us.

Fear is a good thing. Right wing Paranoia not so much.
Children wearing masks in school isn't fear mongering. It is risk mitigation. Children catch, spread, and increase the risk of mutating the virus. The last thing we want is Covid-19 going super-bug setting us back 18 or 24 months.

Had Americans all gotten vaccinated, we wouldn't have had our second worse death bump of the pandemic. People died for no good reason at all. And some are worried about "fearmongers".
Worth remembering when mentioning numbers that the US has 330M people.

More children in Chicago have been shot than died from COVID

More children have been the victims of gun violence in Chicago this year than have died from COVID-19 across the entire country, according to police and the Centers for Disease Control and Protection.
Why would any rational person think a comparison between an easily avoidable death from disease and not easily prevented shooting deaths is relevant?

I did notice the the story from crap US media - how utterly ironic.

Christ. We shouldn't have pointed out vaccine mandates were not a new thing. Now they'll make our 27th stste the 1st Leper Colony with a Disney park....
A friend of mine (a retired county health inspector, and fully vaxxed) was in Mississippi earlier this month. He entered one of the casinos on the Gulf Coast and decided to wear a mask. A few steps inside he was accosted by an angry man who started the conversation with, "I oughta bust you one, right in your face!" My friend knew where this was headed but said, "Why?" And the guy said, "Because of that goddamned mask you got on," and blah-blah-blah. My friend decided to speak a little truth to the guy, even though he was red-faced and clearly not ready to listen, and even though he was impossibly aggressive and ignorant. "I am fully vaxxed, so this is not to protect me. But I might have come in contact with covid or delta, and I might spread it without knowing. This is to protect you." The angry man got in another burst of abuse and tromped away in a fury.
This damn disease is going to be around for a long long time. (I'm speaking of Trumpism.)
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Christ. We shouldn't have pointed out vaccine mandates were not a new thing. Now they'll make our 27th stste the 1st Leper Colony with a Disney park....
I think this is a good idea. Time to get rid of the ridiculous "religious" exemption. Your religion doesn't say a fucking thing about vaccines!
That'd be a great idea! Yes, it would be "forcing" anti-vaxxers to get the jab, but at least it might get the job done, barring those who don't like cheese. And as we all know, anyone who doesn't like cheese is worthy of death anyway.

But seriously, while I do, in my heart of hearts, object to the use of force by a government on its own people* ---

or on anyone else barring military actions which are defensive and necessary, I think I can live with myself on this issue, just as I live with taking income tax from bottom level workers (tax 'em where they spend, not where they earn, as Frank Zappa was going to try to implement had he not been shut down by cancer and continued on his political ambitions), and with seat-belt laws (making it obligatory for passengers, children, or even pets, is okay) or silly laws against sodomy (consensual, naturally), or the use of drugs recreationally by adults, for that matter ---

I think in this case it would be acceptable, seeing as there are obviously a huge group of people who are not going to relent on this issue, no matter how many people get sick and die as a result. That they seem to NOT see that their own decisions are wiping out people of their OWN mindset much faster than pro-vaxxers, doesn't seem to phase them. In the case of my parents, when I brought this fact up recently, my father just shook his head and said, "But those so-called facts you're talking about are bullshit! They are counting anyone who dies nowadays as Covid victims! You could die in a car crash and they will say it was Covid! Covid Covid Covid! Bullshit! It's Bill Gates and Soros, pulling the strings, and all those librul assholes in congress!!!!1!", etc, blah blah, blah, spittle flying...

In the odd case someone thinks I'm a trumpety-trumpster fuckface clownstick in disguise, or a conservative, or right-winger pretending to be a "moderate" because I am being tricksy, or cowardly: I will give anyone my father's name - in PRIVATE - and you can find him on Facebook or Twitter to verify what I am saying. His name is the same as mine, and I believe some of you might remember it, except for the middle initial, which I use, but he doesn't. You can ask him about me, his doofus of a son who thinks he's a poet and who "has been living with his head up his ass his whole life..." If that doesn't convince you, we both have Facebook accounts in our real name. Mine is the one with the middle initial, "A". There are photos to confirm that he and I are not the same. I am only doing this because it seems there is an increasing tendency here to think that ANYONE of even a slightly right-leaning position, or ANYONE who questions someone about a view they put forth which is obviously from the left, or 'progressive' perspective, is a right wing conservative republican libertarian, only pretending not to be, for reasons.

*In case I didn't make it clear, I am not including taxation (except in the instance I pointed out above) or the fact that we are compelled to obey laws as "force" (barring instances I pointed out, which would technically be "force", but are cases I can live with, albeit not without having my ethical feathers ruffled a wee tad.

eating cheese??? !!!! a no no for vegans.

Meh! We can hayndle a few less gamblurs! Most um prolly drug addiks n hippies anyway!
Worth remembering when mentioning numbers that the US has 330M people.

More children in Chicago have been shot than died from COVID

More children have been the victims of gun violence in Chicago this year than have died from COVID-19 across the entire country, according to police and the Centers for Disease Control and Protection.
Why would any rational person think a comparison between an easily avoidable death from disease and not easily prevented shooting deaths is relevant?

I did notice the the story from crap US media - how utterly ironic.

"not easily prevented shooting deaths"???

The entire "First World" and a great number of middle income countries seem to manage alright...
Why would any rational person think a comparison between an easily avoidable death from disease and not easily prevented shooting deaths is relevant?

I did notice the the story from crap US media - how utterly ironic.

"not easily prevented shooting deaths"???

The entire "First World" and a great number of middle income countries seem to manage alright...

First world if the US counted out. Only the US has such a love affair with guns and so much gun violance. Crazy really.
We live in stupid times.

Steps to own libs for the day:
1. Stalk Asian girl with cat.
2. Take photo.
3. Photoshop mask on cat.
4. Post it on Internet.
5. Go to happy place.
This. It took nearly a year for a EUA for a Covid vaccine, a new player in the game isn't likely to get an EUA, they won't be able to market for probably 18+ months. That's a hell of a handicap.

Yes, because eating a vaccine works even better than a shot in the arm. The deep state just likes needles.

Nothing wrong with eating a vaccine, I've done it. It's just most vaccines can't survive that route.
I would imagine if eating the vaccine were as efficacious as getting an injection then that would be the preferred method of administering the vaccine.

Injection is used for things that won't survive the digestive tract, or things that need to act very fast. Most vaccines fall into the former category. A few don't, though--the one I had in mind was typhoid. It's not a usual US vaccine but it's a good idea for third world travel.
You’re aware the risk to children is extremely low? Less than the seasonal flu?

You're aware that the risk to non-infant children from the seasonal flu is also very low?

There's also the problem of kids bringing Covid home and killing their parents or grandparents.
I think that the fear mongers who need to FUCK off are the ones screaming about chips in the vaccines and the horror of masking and feeling victimized by the rest of us who don't want covidiots on a plane, or in a store, or at a venue, with smarter(less scared) people like the rest of us.

Tom, I’m assuming you’re vaccinated. Your risk of hospitalization or death from the rona is very close to zero. Live your life. Be free. Don’t worry about others who can do no harm to you.

1) The risk isn't very close to zero.

2) Hospitalization isn't the only bad outcome.
I would imagine if eating the vaccine were as efficacious as getting an injection then that would be the preferred method of administering the vaccine.

Injection is used for things that won't survive the digestive tract, or things that need to act very fast. Most vaccines fall into the former category. A few don't, though--the one I had in mind was typhoid. It's not a usual US vaccine but it's a good idea for third world travel.
I think 100% of vaccines are injected. Injection allows precise control over amount. Inhaling does not allow that.
Worth remembering when mentioning numbers that the US has 330M people.

More children in Chicago have been shot than died from COVID

More children have been the victims of gun violence in Chicago this year than have died from COVID-19 across the entire country, according to police and the Centers for Disease Control and Protection.
Why would any rational person think a comparison between an easily avoidable death from disease and not easily prevented shooting deaths is relevant?

I did notice the the story from crap US media - how utterly ironic.

Exactly. Covid deaths are easy to greatly reduce. It's not just the death toll, but what it takes to prevent it.
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