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Covid-19 miscellany

Meanwhile in California, it has been mandated to start mass vaccination of school children. This should drive the plague rats of America into a foamy lipped frenzy.

And the left wing authoritarians into orgasm. There is no reason to vaccinate kids.

And I'll repeat for you too. My god you really have no understanding of all this do you?

Do remind us of the COVID fatality rate for children.
My god you really have no understanding of all this do you?

The difference here is freedom. I favor it; you apparently do not. There will always be pathogens and other creepy crawlies out there. It seems to have been forgotten that this was the world before March 2020. We have vaccines that work pretty well for the new gain-of-function arrival. Should some decide not to get it, that’s their choice. The persistent fear mongering is out of proportion to reality.

Freedom to get others sick or killed? Once again, you must think that drunk driving laws are a violation of your freedom to put others at risk or having to stop at a red light violates your freedom to drive though an intersection and possibly get someone killed. I do not believe that you are interested in understanding the consequences to others of not getting vaccinated.
Meanwhile in California, it has been mandated to start mass vaccination of school children. This should drive the plague rats of America into a foamy lipped frenzy.

And the left wing authoritarians into orgasm. There is no reason to vaccinate kids.

And I'll repeat for you too. My god you really have no understanding of all this do you?

Someone that uses the term "plague rats" is not sincere, just ignorant or hysterical.
My god you really have no understanding of all this do you?

The difference here is freedom. I favor it; you apparently do not. There will always be pathogens and other creepy crawlies out there. It seems to have been forgotten that this was the world before March 2020. We have vaccines that work pretty well for the new gain-of-function arrival. Should some decide not to get it, that’s their choice. The persistent fear mongering is out of proportion to reality.

Freedom to get others sick or killed? Once again, you must think that drunk driving laws are a violation of your freedom to put others at risk or having to stop at a red light violates your freedom to drive though an intersection and possibly get someone killed. I do not believe that you are interested in understanding the consequences to others of not getting vaccinated.

That’s the analogy you’re going with? You really shouldn’t accuses others of misunderstanding.
And I'll repeat for you too. My god you really have no understanding of all this do you?

Do remind us of the COVID fatality rate for children.

If you understood the situation, or were honest about the situation, you'd know that death is not the only possible outcome. Do recall that sick kids can make others sick and there is such a thing known as long Covid in kids. For Christ sake. Learn something or admit that you think it's OK to endanger others for no good reason.
Meanwhile in California, it has been mandated to start mass vaccination of school children.

Man, that takes me back. Standing in a huge line in the high school gym while we were in 4th grade (because grades 1-6 did not have any gyms, just asphalt playgrounds), for vaccinations. Seeing my dad, a hospital pharmacist, reading the operator's manual for the new-fangled, futuristic jet injector across the way, trying to make it work. The nurse tgst shot me called it something out of James Bond. I told her more like Star Trek.

And 9 years later, it was so normal, two 2nd-class hospital corpsmen at Enlisted Submarine School were playing quick-draw gunslinger as they jet-vaccinated the newest class of sub volunteers. Giving my roommate a 4-inch scar for life when one slipped...

I'm not wild about needles, but they beat hell out 9f the alternative....
Freedom to get others sick or killed? Once again, you must think that drunk driving laws are a violation of your freedom to put others at risk or having to stop at a red light violates your freedom to drive though an intersection and possibly get someone killed. I do not believe that you are interested in understanding the consequences to others of not getting vaccinated.

That’s the analogy you’re going with? You really shouldn’t accuses others of misunderstanding.

Perhaps you should explain why you think that "freedom" includes behaviors that amount to knowingly endangering others.
Clown World.

Review Analysis: Stanford students are more likely to wear masks on bicycles than helmets

That works out to a masking rate of 41% and helmet-wearing rate of 17%. So, Stanford students are about twice as likely to wear a mask on a bicycle as a helmet. To be certain, there’s a margin of error here -- I can only count so many cyclists at a time, and I’m sure I missed some. But the point stands that at one of America’s leading research universities, students wear masks on bicycles at a higher rate than they wear helmets.

Masking has become an important way to signal that you are “conscious” about COVID-19, though I’d submit that wearing a mask on a bicycle is actually a pretty clear signal of ignorance, not consciousness. If our government handed out dunce caps with “follow the science” embroidered on them, a double-digit percentage of the population would start wearing them (maybe even on bicycles) and look askance at people who don’t.
The guy with the vax hesitant daughter's boyfriend.

Does the boyfriend have health insurance?

If not, why not put $10,000 in notarized escrow to pay bills for his very unlikely severe vaccine side effects?

If no side effects you would be only out the notary fee.
Seems pertinent with the incessant fear mongering.

The COVID-19 Hospitalization Metric in the Pre- and Post-vaccination Eras as a Measure of Pandemic Severity: A Retrospective, Nationwide Cohort Study

Results: Among 47,742 admissions in 38,508 unique patients with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2, N=28,731 met the criteria for moderate-to-severe COVID-19. The proportion with moderate-to-severe disease prior to widespread vaccine availability was 64.0% (95% CI, 63.1-64.9%) versus 52.0% in the later period (95% CI, 50.9-53.2%), p-value for non-constant effect, <0.001. Disease severity in the vaccine era among hospitalized patients was lower among both unvaccinated (55.0%, 95% CI, 53.7-56.4%) and vaccinated patients (42.6%, 95% CI, 40.6-44.8%).

Conclusions and Relevance: The proportion of hospitalizations that are due to severe COVID-19 has changed with vaccine availability, thus, increasing proportions of mild and asymptomatic cases are included in hospitalization reporting metrics. The addition of simple measures of disease severity to the case definition of a SARS-CoV-2 hospitalization is a straightforward and objective change that should improve the value of the metric for tracking SARS-CoV-2 disease burden.
My god you really have no understanding of all this do you?

The difference here is freedom. I favor it; you apparently do not. There will always be pathogens and other creepy crawlies out there. It seems to have been forgotten that this was the world before March 2020. We have vaccines that work pretty well for the new gain-of-function arrival. Should some decide not to get it, that’s their choice. The persistent fear mongering is out of proportion to reality.
Freedom... yeah, fuck that and the pathetic attempt to make this seem like it ain't hurting anyone.

Initially the reduction in freedom was to save lives and our health care system. Plenty sacrificed more than others, especially those living in cities.

Now the anti-vaxxers are fucking America and its economy over because they think their individual freedom overrides our individual freedom. Fuck them and their petty understanding of the concept of freedom. Their "freedom" is continuing to push the pandemic into an endemic health care problem, they are the reason for people still not having jobs, they are the reason why indoor events are still a bit of a risk even to the vaccinated.
My god you really have no understanding of all this do you?

The difference here is freedom. I favor it; you apparently do not. There will always be pathogens and other creepy crawlies out there. It seems to have been forgotten that this was the world before March 2020. We have vaccines that work pretty well for the new gain-of-function arrival. Should some decide not to get it, that’s their choice. The persistent fear mongering is out of proportion to reality.
Freedom... yeah, fuck that and the pathetic attempt to make this seem like it ain't hurting anyone.

Initially the reduction in freedom was to save lives and our health care system. Plenty sacrificed more than others, especially those living in cities.

Now the anti-vaxxers are fucking America and its economy over because they think their individual freedom overrides our individual freedom. Fuck them and their petty understanding of the concept of freedom. Their "freedom" is continuing to push the pandemic into an endemic health care problem, they are the reason for people still not having jobs, they are the reason why indoor events are still a bit of a risk even to the vaccinated.

Ah, the only ones fucking over the economy are idiot politicians. See Sweden, Denmark, and now Norway. Also see the free state of Florida.
I'm pro-vaccine but cynicism is always necessary.

And I'll repeat for you too. My god you really have no understanding of all this do you?

Do remind us of the COVID fatality rate for children.

From: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7031e1.htm

VAERS received and processed 9,246 reports of adverse events for adolescents aged 12–17 years who received Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine during December 14, 2020–July 16, 2021
CDC reviewed 14 reports of death after vaccination. Among the decedents, four were aged 12–15 years and 10 were aged 16–17 years. All death reports were reviewed by CDC physicians; impressions regarding cause of death were pulmonary embolism (two), suicide (two), intracranial hemorrhage (two), heart failure (one), hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and disseminated Mycobacterium chelonae infection (one), and unknown or pending further records (six).

From: https://www.insider.com/children-are-not-supposed-die-children-us-died-covid-19-2021-7
"One thing just I want to note with the children is: I think we fall into this flawed thinking of saying that only 400 of these 600,000 deaths from COVID-19 have been in children. Children are not supposed to die, so 400 is a huge amount," said the director of the CDC.

So, let's see. 400 children deaths of covid. At most 12 deaths (not counting suicides) after vaccination. Looks like vaccinating children would be safer than letting them get covid. And that's just deaths, not to mention other potential effects.
Jimmy Higgins said:
Risk is monitored via multiple aspects:

1) side effect
2) rate of side effect
3) how many people exposed to the risk

Generally, the worse the side effect, the lower the rate of that side effect. But when 3 increases, that lowers thresholds greatly.
Yes, but the new vaccine would be doing just the same. Where would the danger come from? The only difference is that a slightly difference spike protein would be used to do, well, the same thing. The risk is never zero, but it's low enough.
Exactly... just like the Boeing 737-Max. The changes weren't that significant. What is the danger? That is the question that has led to lots of suffering. Remember Flint, MI? The water was too corrosive. But was it safe to drink, except that wasn't the only issue. What is the danger?
Well, I'm not an expert on the 737-max, but afaik, there was a significant change in the way the plane was programmed to react. In the case of the vaccines, it's an mRNA vaccine with the spike protein of a virus that no longer exists among the public, vs, the spike protein of a virus that does. The latter would create better immunity. And what you are not taking into consideration is that as long as you keep using a less effective vaccine, more people get sick, including some who get seriously sick and die.

In other words, when asking about the danger, one ought to consider also the danger of not updating the vaccine.
Freedom... yeah, fuck that and the pathetic attempt to make this seem like it ain't hurting anyone.

Initially the reduction in freedom was to save lives and our health care system. Plenty sacrificed more than others, especially those living in cities.

Now the anti-vaxxers are fucking America and its economy over because they think their individual freedom overrides our individual freedom. Fuck them and their petty understanding of the concept of freedom. Their "freedom" is continuing to push the pandemic into an endemic health care problem, they are the reason for people still not having jobs, they are the reason why indoor events are still a bit of a risk even to the vaccinated.

Ah, the only ones fucking over the economy are idiot politicians. See Sweden, Denmark, and now Norway. Also see the free state of Florida.

Uh Florida has the highest DEATH RATE these days and the economy SUCKS. Do not use Florida as a shining example.
Freedom... yeah, fuck that and the pathetic attempt to make this seem like it ain't hurting anyone.

Initially the reduction in freedom was to save lives and our health care system. Plenty sacrificed more than others, especially those living in cities.

Now the anti-vaxxers are fucking America and its economy over because they think their individual freedom overrides our individual freedom. Fuck them and their petty understanding of the concept of freedom. Their "freedom" is continuing to push the pandemic into an endemic health care problem, they are the reason for people still not having jobs, they are the reason why indoor events are still a bit of a risk even to the vaccinated.

Ah, the only ones fucking over the economy are idiot politicians. See Sweden, Denmark, and now Norway. Also see the free state of Florida.

Uh Florida has the highest DEATH RATE these days and the economy SUCKS. Do not use Florida as a shining example.

Isn't he using Florida as an example of an idiot politician fucking over the economy? That doesn't seem in conflict with your comment.
I'm pro-vaccine but cynicism is always necessary.


Caution? Sure. Out of professional interest and general curiosity, I read as much as I could about the vaccines. I wasn't concerned that they would not be safe but rather I was concerned about how much protection they would confer. And yes, I was concerned about exactly who was making and distributing the vaccines and where they were being manufactured. I'm pretty certain I would have taken anything that the CDC and my state Dept. of Health recommended, though.

Cynicism? At some point, cynicism just looks a lot more like cowardice.
And I'll repeat for you too. My god you really have no understanding of all this do you?

Do remind us of the COVID fatality rate for children.


Coronavirus cases among children are rising at a time when the highly infectious delta variant is advancing across the United States at a rapid clip.

New state-level data analyzed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children's Hospital Association shows that children accounted for roughly 15% of all newly reported COVID-19 casesacross the nation for the week ending on Aug. 5.

While serious illnesses and death rates for children are lower than for older adults, a child getting ill because some moron plague rat refuses to get vaccinated or wear a mask is intolerable. You right winger freedumb does not outweigh the freedom of children to have a much better chance of avoiding a stay in a hospital because of plague rat stupidity. It is beginning to look that nationwide, everybody has had their fill of militant plague rat nonsense and is cracking down hard on that. Good!

One child sick with covid because of some cretinous MAGA plague rat's militant stupidity is one child sick too many.
I found a lot of pages on ivermectin overdoses in dogs - Ivermectin Is Toxic To Dogs | Pet Poison Helpline - Canine Ivermectin Toxicity - heartworm medication overdose in dogs - Parasitic Drug (Ivermectin) Poisoning in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost - Ivermectin Toxicity in Dogs - Trumann Animal Clinic - Parasite Drug (Ivermectin) Poisoning in Dogs | PetMD - Ivermectin Overdose in Dogs | Greenbrier Emergency Vet - Ivermectin Toxicity in Dogs

That can be a big issue for dogs, since they vary widely in body weight, from chihuahuas at 1.5 - 3 kg to St. Bernards at 60 - 90 kg.

Where Breitbart’s False Claim That Democrats Want Republicans To Stay Unvaccinated Came From | FiveThirtyEight
While the Brietbart column’s argument may seem unhinged, Nolte is in fact tapping into a number of right-wing tropes. Conspiratorial thinking has become a habit on the right — think the Big Lie or QAnon — so proposing a conspiracy to explain Republicans’ low vaccination rates may not be anathema for many of Nolte’s readers. Similarly, allegations of Democrats or leftists running false flag operations — where the responsible party for an event makes it look like another party is in fact behind the act — are common among the far-right.
Like saying that the Capitol attackers were members of Antifa who gave the appearance of being Trump supporters. This alleged fakery is a common kind of conspiracy theory in the far right, the "false flag" theory.

There is a similar kind of theory, but in the opposite direction. It states that Trump promoting vaccination is a way of getting his haters not to get vaccinated, on the ground that they believe that everything he supports is bad.
“As far as him promoting it, my thought is [he is using] reverse psychology for the sheep with [Trump Derangement Syndrome] [who] will automatically just do the opposite of what he says,” one Telegram user wrote in a QAnon chat group. “What if Trump is promoting the vaccine to get the ‘Never’ Trumpers to rethink their decision,” wrote another in the same chat. “Anything he promotes they will do the reverse. He must know that those of us that are aware of the real and apparent dangers will NOT get it, even with his endorsement.”
Will this bit of reverse psychology work?
Of course, if Nolte’s column convinces some vaccine-resisters to get the shot, one might argue that the end justifies the means. But so far the response to the column on the right hasn’t been positive. On Breitbart’s Facebook post sharing the column, many commenters rejected the argument, noting that their personal motivations for not getting vaccinated had nothing to do with what Democrats said, and pointing out that some unvaccinated Americans are on the left. “This is a stupid take. You have clearly bought into the democrat talking point that it’s only republicans not getting vaccinated when the reality is that people across the board are not getting vaccinated,” one Facebook user commented. Similar sentiments were shared on Telegram and the pro-Trump message board patriots.win. “Me not getting the Vax has absolutely nothing to do with what the left is saying!” one user wrote in a QAnon Telegram group. Another user in the same group noted: “But didn’t Trump get his vax? It isn’t about Trump, it’s about our personal health.”
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