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Daunte Wright shot with Taser. And by "taser," I mean, "Gun."

He was black. Plain and simple. Therefore, he was a "violent felon" in the mind of TomC and the cop.
St. Duante was a violent felon because he robbed a woman at gunpoint.

Btw, #BLMers are rioting in Brooklyn Center again. Didn't they get what they wanted? Or are they rioting for the sake of rioting?
He was black. Plain and simple. Therefore, he was a "violent felon" in the mind of TomC and the cop.
St. Duante was a violent felon because he robbed a woman at gunpoint.

Right, Derec. True to racist form there, howlie.
Duante is a "violent felon" because he was charged. Charged while black, and you didn't see the alleged crime.
Derek Chauvin is NOT a violent felon, but rather innocent until proven guilty, because millions SAW him commit murder and he was charged while white.

Are These Rumors About Daunte Wright’s Criminal Record True?
He was black. Plain and simple. Therefore, he was a "violent felon" in the mind of TomC and the cop.
St. Duante was a violent felon because he robbed a woman at gunpoint.

Right, Derec. True to racist form there, howlie.
Duante is a "violent felon" because he was charged. Charged while black, and you didn't see the alleged crime.
Derek Chauvin is NOT a violent felon, but rather innocent until proven guilty, because millions SAW him commit murder and he was charged while white.

Are These Rumors About Daunte Wright’s Criminal Record True?

From your link:
What's True
Wright was charged with aggravated robbery for an incident that occurred in December 2019, court documents showed. Additionally, there was a warrant for Wright's arrest when Brooklyn Police said they pulled him over for expired license plate tabs on April 11, 2021, and one officer fatally shot him.
So, he was charged.
Right, Derec. True to racist form there, howlie.
Duante is a "violent felon" because he was charged. Charged while black, and you didn't see the alleged crime.
Derek Chauvin is NOT a violent felon, but rather innocent until proven guilty, because millions SAW him commit murder and he was charged while white.

Are These Rumors About Daunte Wright’s Criminal Record True?

From your link:
So, he was charged.

That's what I said. I even underlined it.

Duante is a "violent felon" because he was charged.

Why do you feel the need to repeat it?

Derek Chauvin was also charged. But somehow, being white, he is innocent until proven guilty despite millions of people having witnessed him murdering a person.
Elixir, Black and innocent is mutually exclusive to Derec. This has been established long ago.
Elixir, Black and innocent is mutually exclusive to Derec. This has been established long ago.

I'm not certain that's it. It might be more that white=innocent unless convicted, in which case the trial was unfair.
A black person can be innocent, if there is absolutely no record of their having had contact with police.
If they have ever had contact with police, their death, while regrettable, was deserved, or at least justifiable.

My last contact with police where I was "on the wrong side of the law" was interesting. I pulled a truly boneheaded move in my big F250 pickup right in front of the city post office, not making the u-turn I thought I had room for, backing up across both lanes of the street, stalling traffic including a cop who lit up his lights, and I finally got out of the street and pulled over. He got out and come over to the truck.
"What the HELL are you doing!"
"I'm sorry, officer, that was a really bad move on my part"
"License, registration?"
"Yeah, here..." (I had to reach into the glove compartment, but he didn't even go for the gun)
Comes back a few minutes later...
"So what the hell were you doing there?"
"Trying to back to where I could get close to the loading dock - I have to pick up a bunch of stuff for work..."
"Where do you work?"
"At ******* ********* - we actually supply your department with gloves and stuff ..."
"Oh! You know what we need? Some throw bags. Do you do river rescue supplies?"
"Sure! In fact we just got a bunch of that stuff for John ******* (the county Sheriff), and I'm sure we have some throw bags left over. How many do you need?"

About ten minutes later he had given me a warning, let me pull up next to the loading ramp (posted no parking) and get my stuff. He came by the shop later that day and picked up supplies, making us some $175.00 profit for our efforts. First time I ever did something illegal, got caught and made money out of the deal!

That's what it's like when you're white and polite. I am 100% certain that if had been in a big city and, had been black and had pulled a similar traffic move, the presumption would have been that I was a danger to the public safety and would have been swiftly and forcibly "neutralized". And would have "deserved" it by any right winger's judgment.
Elixir, Black and innocent is mutually exclusive to Derec. This has been established long ago.

I'm not certain that's it. It might be more that white=innocent unless convicted, in which case the trial was unfair.
A black person can be innocent, if there is absolutely no record of their having had contact with police.
If they have ever had contact with police, their death, while regrettable, was deserved, or at least justifiable.

My last contact with police where I was "on the wrong side of the law" was interesting. I pulled a truly boneheaded move in my big F250 pickup right in front of the city post office, not making the u-turn I thought I had room for, backing up across both lanes of the street, stalling traffic including a cop who lit up his lights, and I finally got out of the street and pulled over. He got out and come over to the truck.
"What the HELL are you doing!"
"I'm sorry, officer, that was a really bad move on my part"
"License, registration?"
"Yeah, here..." (I had to reach into the glove compartment, but he didn't even go for the gun)
Comes back a few minutes later...
"So what the hell were you doing there?"
"Trying to back to where I could get close to the loading dock - I have to pick up a bunch of stuff for work..."
"Where do you work?"
"At ******* ********* - we actually supply your department with gloves and stuff ..."
"Oh! You know what we need? Some throw bags. Do you do river rescue supplies?"
"Sure! In fact we just got a bunch of that stuff for John ******* (the county Sheriff), and I'm sure we have some throw bags left over. How many do you need?"

About ten minutes later he had given me a warning, let me pull up next to the loading ramp (posted no parking) and get my stuff. He came by the shop later that day and picked up supplies, making us some $175.00 profit for our efforts. First time I ever did something illegal, got caught and made money out of the deal!

That's what it's like when you're white and polite. I am 100% certain that if had been in a big city and, had been black and had pulled a similar traffic move, the presumption would have been that I was a danger to the public safety and would have been swiftly and forcibly "neutralized". And would have "deserved" it by any right winger's judgment.

Dunno about neutralized, but to a certainty, you definitely would have gotten a ticket, and your truck and your body searched for drugs. Those kinds of extended interactions lend themselves more toward a situation where someone's movements can be misinterpreted, or an unfortunate amygdaline response triggered.
Elixir, Black and innocent is mutually exclusive to Derec. This has been established long ago.

I'm not certain that's it. It might be more that white=innocent unless convicted, in which case the trial was unfair.
A black person can be innocent, if there is absolutely no record of their having had contact with police.
If they have ever had contact with police, their death, while regrettable, was deserved, or at least justifiable.

My last contact with police where I was "on the wrong side of the law" was interesting. I pulled a truly boneheaded move in my big F250 pickup right in front of the city post office, not making the u-turn I thought I had room for, backing up across both lanes of the street, stalling traffic including a cop who lit up his lights, and I finally got out of the street and pulled over. He got out and come over to the truck.
"What the HELL are you doing!"
"I'm sorry, officer, that was a really bad move on my part"
"License, registration?"
"Yeah, here..." (I had to reach into the glove compartment, but he didn't even go for the gun)
Comes back a few minutes later...
"So what the hell were you doing there?"
"Trying to back to where I could get close to the loading dock - I have to pick up a bunch of stuff for work..."
"Where do you work?"
"At ******* ********* - we actually supply your department with gloves and stuff ..."
"Oh! You know what we need? Some throw bags. Do you do river rescue supplies?"
"Sure! In fact we just got a bunch of that stuff for John ******* (the county Sheriff), and I'm sure we have some throw bags left over. How many do you need?"

About ten minutes later he had given me a warning, let me pull up next to the loading ramp (posted no parking) and get my stuff. He came by the shop later that day and picked up supplies, making us some $175.00 profit for our efforts. First time I ever did something illegal, got caught and made money out of the deal!

That's what it's like when you're white and polite. I am 100% certain that if had been in a big city and, had been black and had pulled a similar traffic move, the presumption would have been that I was a danger to the public safety and would have been swiftly and forcibly "neutralized". And would have "deserved" it by any right winger's judgment.

Also if you had been in a small city and black.....
Man, you caused a big commotion on the road to get pulled over? I got pulled over for rolling my window down.

Edit: And the officer had the nerve to try to educate me on Gun laws in the process when he found my firearm in the glove compartment. Talking bout I could be arrested for not telling him. I said, "that's news to me", meanwhile he's searching my vehicle illegally. My tag was expiring that same month but It was not yet my birthday & I also printed the appointment sheet just in case since it was two days after my birthday (covid-19 screwed up the DMV and they were backlogged by a month). After about 30ish minutes I was allowed to go to work (where I was heading in the AM). No ticket, gun still in the glove compartment but just late with the boss giving the impression of nonbelief. And this was a black cop with a white female trainee. :) She just asked me silly questions as he searched my vehicle. Dumb shit like, where you heading? have any priors? (in other words, have I been arrested before).

I've only had I think 3 interactions with the police last year in florida so that's an improvement from the everyday interaction in Long Island New York working the night shift stocking shelves at a supermarket under Guliani. I'm not fucking overexaggerating.

Pardon the edit.

Edit 2: All this and I have an absolutely clean record (minus that one time I got caught with weed in my shoe) but the NY judge waived it as the first offense and the amount was enough for one joint (I was 21 at that time now 46). But it sure did suck to spend the whole weekend in jail with two other nutjobs over what was less than a nickel bag of weed.
Man, you caused a big commotion on the road to get pulled over? I got pulled over for rolling my window down.

I bet you didn’t make any money on the deal either. ??????
The time before that I was going over 100mph on an interstate highway at around 2am, and got stopped by a state trooper. He let me off with a warning because he recognized my unusual last name. Turned out my brother was his wife’s doctor in a city about 100 miles from where he stopped me.

You need to get white, Gospel. It’s really cool.
I don't think most white people actually have any idea just how often non-white people are harassed by police. I certainly had no idea when I was growing up that there were such vastly different Americas all around me, despite being a phenotypically white kid in a mostly hispanic neighborhood where in theory I should have had plenty of opportunities to see this principle in action. But communities segregate by race and class alike, and rich white kids are purposefully insulated from witnessing the harder truths of social life.

A Miwok/Mexican friend of mine was arrested two years back while foraging Autumn goods on his own property; he was knee deep in water at the time, and asked the police if he could forego immediately setting down his load as they requested, as it would ruin the plants he was gathering for later use if he dropped them in the water. So they nabbed him for "resisting arrest", considered a violent crime in that county, in addition to their initial (also inaccurate) accusation that he was harvesting endangered plants. The charges were ultimately dropped, but the harvest was still lost and my friend hauled to the police station for no goddamned reason.

I think about that interaction sometimes when a racist tries to point out that a murdered kid has an arrest record and therefore "had it coming". It's a lot easier to accumulate a police record when you're stopped by people looking for any excuse to arrest you every damn month. Especially if you are a kid, as opposed to (like my friend) an adult with a law degree who exactly knew his rights were.
I don't think most white people actually have any idea just how often non-white people are harassed by police. I certainly had no idea when I was growing up that there were such vastly different Americas all around me, despite being a phenotypically white kid in a mostly hispanic neighborhood where in theory I should have had plenty of opportunities to see this principle in action. But communities segregate by race and class alike, and rich white kids are purposefully insulated from witnessing the harder truths of social life.

A Miwok/Mexican friend of mine was arrested two years back while foraging Autumn goods on his own property; he was knee deep in water at the time, and asked the police if he could forego immediately setting down his load as they requested, as it would ruin the plants he was gathering for later use if he dropped them in the water. So they nabbed him for "resisting arrest", considered a violent crime in that county, in addition to their initial (also inaccurate) accusation that he was harvesting endangered plants. The charges were ultimately dropped, but the harvest was still lost and my friend hauled to the police station for no goddamned reason.

I think about that interaction sometimes when a racist tries to point out that a murdered kid has an arrest record and therefore "had it coming". It's a lot easier to accumulate a police record when you're stopped by people looking for any excuse to arrest you every damn month. Especially if you are a kid, as opposed to (like my friend) an adult with a law degree who exactly knew his rights were.

So true. It makes me see red. And it's incredible to me that so many white people are so COMPLETELY oblivious to their own racism. When I see a poster post shit like
St. Duante was a violent felon because he robbed a woman at gunpoint.
... when he was already informed in this very thread that Duante had not been convicted of anything, and he was arguing that Chauvin is innocent until proven guilty (FOUND guilty) and can't get a fair trial ... I am gobsmacked.
But I truly believe that the poster still doesn't think he's one bit racist. Never gives it a bit of thought, I'm pretty sure.

Personally, I KNOW I'm racist. I have conditioned responses to black people, brown people, Asian people, Arab people, East Indian people, Indigenous people and yes, even white people - and ALL those responses are irrational. My only redeeming quality is some dim awareness of the conditioning that gave rise to all the prejudices I harbor and a willingness to suppress those responses when I recognize them. I have or have had friends that I adore in all of those categories of race and culture, but the conditioning still kicks in under certain circumstances.
If it means anything to the white people on this board, I think you all are ok. Some more than others of course. For example, Derec, seems capable of at least taking the time to read about black people's issues. Despite his reasons for doing so being to highlight flaws as proof to some white boogie man (in his mind white liberals) that black people are racist & racism towards blacks is a crutch used by black people to excuse our own behavior. I give him props because there are white people like him that don't even bother to do research; (though calling Derec's research "research" is a stretch) he's the better of his kind. He's also right on many fronts but his cause ruins his execution. So if Derec is bearable to me, the rest of you are pretty damn well off with me. Hope this compliment lands.
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I don't think most white people actually have any idea just how often non-white people are harassed by police. I certainly had no idea when I was growing up that there were such vastly different Americas all around me, despite being a phenotypically white kid in a mostly hispanic neighborhood where in theory I should have had plenty of opportunities to see this principle in action. But communities segregate by race and class alike, and rich white kids are purposefully insulated from witnessing the harder truths of social life.

A Miwok/Mexican friend of mine was arrested two years back while foraging Autumn goods on his own property; he was knee deep in water at the time, and asked the police if he could forego immediately setting down his load as they requested, as it would ruin the plants he was gathering for later use if he dropped them in the water. So they nabbed him for "resisting arrest", considered a violent crime in that county, in addition to their initial (also inaccurate) accusation that he was harvesting endangered plants. The charges were ultimately dropped, but the harvest was still lost and my friend hauled to the police station for no goddamned reason.

I think about that interaction sometimes when a racist tries to point out that a murdered kid has an arrest record and therefore "had it coming". It's a lot easier to accumulate a police record when you're stopped by people looking for any excuse to arrest you every damn month. Especially if you are a kid, as opposed to (like my friend) an adult with a law degree who exactly knew his rights were.

So true. It makes me see red. And it's incredible to me that so many white people are so COMPLETELY oblivious to their own racism. When I see a poster post shit like
St. Duante was a violent felon because he robbed a woman at gunpoint.
... when he was already informed in this very thread that Duante had not been convicted of anything, and he was arguing that Chauvin is innocent until proven guilty (FOUND guilty) and can't get a fair trial ... I am gobsmacked.
But I truly believe that the poster still doesn't think he's one bit racist. Never gives it a bit of thought, I'm pretty sure.

Personally, I KNOW I'm racist. I have conditioned responses to black people, brown people, Asian people, Arab people, East Indian people, Indigenous people and yes, even white people - and ALL those responses are irrational. My only redeeming quality is some dim awareness of the conditioning that gave rise to all the prejudices I harbor and a willingness to suppress those responses when I recognize them. I have or have had friends that I adore in all of those categories of race and culture, but the conditioning still kicks in under certain circumstances.

Yeah. It is for me to the point where I stopped browsing FSTDT because just exposing myself to that torrent of racist and bigoted slop was causing some kind of osmotic transfer, with invasive a farmed from the muck.

Since cutting myself off from it I get fewer invasives.

But the fact is, we are all exposed to it, albeit at lower levels, and it will rub off on damn near everyone... Including the people it disparages.

I will completely echo your sentiment that if I was completely unaware of it or convinced that my dislike for racism makes me immune to actually being racist, I would be far more racist-in-action than I am currently.

It's interesting, in fact, when you become aware of how racism can be subconsciously consumed, how often reactions to perceived racist acts (like reactions to being called out for loud music) are themselves tacitly automatically racist (in the assumption that playing loud music is racially innate and so that opposing it is racist).
If it means anything to the white people on this board, I think you all are ok. Some more than others of course. For example, Derec, seems capable of at least taking the time to read about black people's issues. Despite his reasons for doing so being to highlight flaws as proof to some white boogie man (in his mind white liberals) that black people are racist & racism towards blacks is a crutch used by black people to excuse our own behavior. I give him props because there are white people like him that don't even bother to do research; (though calling Derec's research "research" is a stretch) he's the better of his kind. He's also right on many fronts but his cause ruins his execution. So if Derec is bearable to me, the rest of you are pretty damn well off with me. Hope this compliment lands.

YOU aren’t my problem. Or, I’m pretty sure, Derec’s. It’s black people.
Likewise, I’m not your problem, and either is Derec. It’s white people.
Once someone becomes a human they’re not the problem. They’re not abstract “people” any more, they’re a human.
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I like that but Derec is still my problem (and folks who think like him) will always be my problem (and I'm not looking for the problem).
If it means anything to the white people on this board, I think you all are ok.

I'm confident that you are wrong.

Behave like Elixir and you'll probably be OK. Behave like Wright and you probably won't.

Nothing to do with race.

And I do not believe that you got pulled over for rolling down your window.
If it means anything to the white people on this board, I think you all are ok.

I'm confident that you are wrong.

Behave like Elixir and you'll probably be OK. Behave like Wright and you probably won't.

Nothing to do with race.

And I do not believe that you got pulled over for rolling down your window.

Whatever bro. You're a better experience than the police officers I used to deal with every night going to work on Long Island, whether you believe that or not. I don't give a flying fuck if you believe me or not.

Oh and Edit: Officer Clayton December 12th 2020 around 7:00am. You can try orange county Florida Sheriffs Office (407) 254-7000 they may have a record of it. But I doubt they'd have the same info I have about the reason for the stop and what occurred during the stop.

Edit: Never mind, I'm not sure if that's the right stop.
If it means anything to the white people on this board, I think you all are ok.

I'm confident that you are wrong.

Behave like Elixir and you'll probably be OK. Behave like Wright and you probably won't.

Nothing to do with race.

And I do not believe that you got pulled over for rolling down your window.

Whatever bro. You're a better experience than the police officers I used to deal with every night going to work on Long Island, whether you believe that or not. I don't give a flying fuck if you believe me or not.

It's not that you're black. It's because your anecdote isn't plausible. I'm confident that there was more to the story than you got pulled over for rolling down your window.

Just like I believe that there was more to the story than a 6y/o got arrested for picking a flower.
Behave like Elixir and you'll probably be OK. Behave like Wright and you probably won't.

Yeah. The main thing is behave like me - BE WHITE! Whatever comes after that is incidental and can be negotiated.
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