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Democrats 2020

Tim Ryan ends presidential campaign - CNNPolitics
Rep. Tim Ryan dropped out of the 2020 presidential race on Thursday, ending a campaign that failed to gain any traction in a large field of better-financed and better-known Democrats.

In a video sent to his supporters, Ryan also announced that he will instead run for reelection to the House of Representatives.
If you'd never heard of him, don't feel surprised. His candidacy never went anywhere.

Building an "American majority" funded by a minority of rich Americans who dictate your policy positions, yes.
I agree.
I'm constantly depressed by the fact that both Kamala's and Pete's parents were literally Marxist scholars, and their offspring turned out to be the definition of bourgeois (or in Kamala's case, what Marx would call a "class traitor").
Any evidence of their parents being something like Marxist scholars? I'm not saying that they weren't, only that I'd like to see the evidence.
Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Talk Politics and 2020 with The Intercept’s Ryan Grim - YouTube
AOC says that it's not enough to win, one has to govern well. Like not betraying the working class. She's also been discussing some more primary challenges, like Jessica Cisneros (she recently went ahead with that).

BS described expanding Medicare for All to include glasses and hearing aids - assistance for our eyes and ears.

BS says that he won't repeat Obama's mistake of shutting down his activist organization Organizing for America. He plans to be the "Organizer-in-Chief". A bit like Andrew Jackson, someone who got called "King Mob" by his detractors. Some months earlier, AOC stated that she suspects that Obama's failure was in part of the failure of the progressive movement to back him up, and this shutdown fits right in.

BS also says that he will appoint an attorney general who will take on the business consolidation that we've had.

AOC Says Endorsing Bernie Sanders Was ‘Moment Of Clarity’ | NBC News Now - YouTube

AOC says that it'll be necessary to build a mass movement to make the changes that she and others want - Medicare for All, tuition-free public colleges, etc. She endorsed BS because she wants to be part of such a movement. Her interviewer asked about her praise for Elizabeth Warren and her proposals some months back. She said that it wasn't BS vs EW, that both are on the same team.

BS thinks that it's necessary to have a "political revolution" to get stuff like Medicare for All.

AOC described how two weeks before her primary election, she polled at 35% behind. But that poll was of people judged likely to vote, and her strategy was to recruit additional voters. It succeeded.

Sanders endorsement is "most authentic decision to let people know how I feel," AOC says - YouTube

Because BS has survived in Congress without compromising his values, and because he has fought for people like her long before she was in public office - long before she was born, I must add.

Could AOC be Bernie Sanders' running mate? "I think I'm too young for that," she says - YouTube

AOC called endorsing him a "gut check", and said that neither could do it alone. AOC says she did it because BS supports working people, treats housing, healthcare, education as rights, an end to "endless wars", a "revolution of working people at the ballot box". As to why a young woman of color (though an off-white one) might endorse an old white man, AOC said that we need to reach across categories. She was also impressed with how BS campaigned in atypical places like the South Bronx.

AOC talked about Elizabeth Warren as a fellow progressive, along with her and BS. Her history with BS was the deciding factor, it seems. I have a picture of her saying "Elizabeth, I'm sorry if you feel snubbed, but I have a relationship with Bernie that goes back a long time. You're a great candidate, so you're my second choice." Both AOC and BS agreed that they'd be supporting whichever Democratic candidate gets nominated - even Joe Biden - because that candidate will be a heck of a lot better than Donald Trump. BS proposes to do the AOC strategy of seeking out the votes of people who have not voted much if at all.

As to AOC being BS's running mate, she said "I think I'm too young for that" and laughed. BS then credits AOC with the Green New Deal initiative. As to serving in a BS administration, AOC was rather pleasantly diffident. She likes to ask herself "Where can I do the most good?" AOC mentioned that she expanded the electorate 68% over the last midterm primary in her district. That was in the primary where she defeated Joe Crowley.
Bernie Sanders: I Won’t Cease Grassroots Pressure on Washington Like Obama
The debate over the fate of Obama for America, Obama’s campaign arm, goes back to 2008, when Obama adjudicated an internal dispute within his operation by mothballing the organization and folding it under the auspices of the Democratic National Committee, which itself was forbidden from pressuring Democrats to push Obama’s agenda. Some in his orbit argued that Obama’s insider approach to the presidency needed to be complemented by robust outside pressure from grassroots organizers. But Obama believed that he and his team, led by chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, would be able to work more effectively with moderates and Republicans if grassroots activists weren’t pressuring them from the outside. That turned out not to be the case.
That was a disastrous blunder. Just like imputing good faith to Republican obstructionists and wanting to work with them.

BS and AOC both back Marie Newman's challenge to Dan Lipinski, and AOC backs Jessica Cisneros's challenge to Henry Cuellar, but BS didn't say anything about endorsing a challenge to Richard Neal, 30-year incumbent and head of the Ways and Means Committee. RN opposes Medicare for All, and his committee would handle M4A. He is being challenged by a certain Alex Morse, former mayor of Holyoke, MA. If Alex Morse wins, then there'll be two Alexes in the House. :D

Ocasio-Cortez on Why She Backed Sanders Over Warren

How Bernie Sanders' Campaign Is Proving Resilient : NPR
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Endorses Bernie Sanders : NPR

'I am back': Sanders tops Warren with massive New York City rally - POLITICO
It was a triumphant moment for Sanders, coming after his hospitalization triggered questions about his candidacy. The crowd apparently eclipsed the more than 20,000 people that Warren's team said attended her September rally a few miles away in Washington Square Park, as well as the estimated 20,000-plus at Kamala Harris' campaign kickoff in January.

Against the backdrop of the Queensbridge Houses, the largest public housing development in the nation, Sanders railed against President Donald Trump, income inequality, racial disparities, the political status quo and the economic elite.

“A few miles away from here, people on Wall Street make unbelievable amounts of money and live in incredible and ostentatious luxury,” he said, “while right here, across the street from us, people are struggling day after day just to survive.”

Bernie Sanders launches first ad touting AOC endorsement - POLITICO
"Take a look around you and find someone you don't know — maybe somebody who doesn't look kind of like you. Are you willing to fight for that person as much as you're willing to fight for yourself?” Sanders said. “If you and millions of others are prepared to do that, not only will we win this election, but together we will transform this country."

The spot ends with Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez clasping hands.

The phrase “I'm willing to fight for someone I don’t know” has gone viral, with progressive activists, Sanders fans, and even some Hollywood stars such as Don Cheadle and Piper Perabo tweeting the message of solidarity.

At the event, Sanders also said, "Are you willing to fight for young people drowning in student debt even if you are not? Are you willing to fight to ensure that every American has health care as a human right even if you have good health care? Are you willing to fight for frightened immigrant neighbors even if you are native-born?"
Good way of being inclusive. I like that.
Opinion | The Enduring Power of Anticapitalism in American Politics - The New York Times by Jamelle Bouie - "From Debs to Sanders to Ocasio-Cortez, an ideal persists"
Bernie Sanders is a longtime admirer of Eugene Debs, the labor organizer and political radical who pioneered a distinctly American socialism in the first decades of the 20th century. Before Sanders, Debs was the most successful socialist candidate in American history, winning hundreds of thousands of votes in the final four of his five campaigns for president. He won 6 percent of the national popular vote in 1912, the equivalent, in 2016 numbers, of more than eight million votes.

Debs was best known for his thundering attacks on industrial capitalism. A tireless campaigner, he crisscrossed the country denouncing the inhumane conditions of factory labor and berating the capitalist class for its destructive obsession with profit. “In the wage system you and your children, and your children’s children, if capitalism shall prevail until they are born, are condemned to slavery and there is no possible hope unless by throwing over the capitalists and voting for socialism,” Debs declared in a speech delivered at an Independence Day celebration in Chicago in 1901.

But Debs didn’t just condemn his class enemies. He also called on his audiences to imagine a better world — to realize the democratic and egalitarian promise of the American Revolution through collective action. “We live in the most favored land beneath the unbending sky,” he said in a speech in 1900. “We have all the raw materials and the most marvelous machinery, millions of eager inhabitants seeking employment. Nothing is so easily produced as wealth, and no man should suffer for the need of it.” Debs’s appeal, noted the historian Nick Salvatore in his 1982 biography, “Eugene V. Debs: Citizen and Socialist,” was “frequently described by contemporaries as evangelical, and transcended at that moment factional disagreements and led each in the audience to glimpse a different social order.”
Bernie Sanders is his present-day successor, and he has been in activism and then politics for nearly all of his adult life. AOC has burst on the scene only recently, and it remains to be seen how much staying power she will have. But she looks like she could be very good and long-lasting.
Opinion | The Enduring Power of Anticapitalism in American Politics - The New York Times by Jamelle Bouie - "From Debs to Sanders to Ocasio-Cortez, an ideal persists"
Bernie Sanders is a longtime admirer of Eugene Debs, the labor organizer and political radical who pioneered a distinctly American socialism in the first decades of the 20th century. Before Sanders, Debs was the most successful socialist candidate in American history, winning hundreds of thousands of votes in the final four of his five campaigns for president. He won 6 percent of the national popular vote in 1912, the equivalent, in 2016 numbers, of more than eight million votes.

Debs was best known for his thundering attacks on industrial capitalism. A tireless campaigner, he crisscrossed the country denouncing the inhumane conditions of factory labor and berating the capitalist class for its destructive obsession with profit. “In the wage system you and your children, and your children’s children, if capitalism shall prevail until they are born, are condemned to slavery and there is no possible hope unless by throwing over the capitalists and voting for socialism,” Debs declared in a speech delivered at an Independence Day celebration in Chicago in 1901.

But Debs didn’t just condemn his class enemies. He also called on his audiences to imagine a better world — to realize the democratic and egalitarian promise of the American Revolution through collective action. “We live in the most favored land beneath the unbending sky,” he said in a speech in 1900. “We have all the raw materials and the most marvelous machinery, millions of eager inhabitants seeking employment. Nothing is so easily produced as wealth, and no man should suffer for the need of it.” Debs’s appeal, noted the historian Nick Salvatore in his 1982 biography, “Eugene V. Debs: Citizen and Socialist,” was “frequently described by contemporaries as evangelical, and transcended at that moment factional disagreements and led each in the audience to glimpse a different social order.”
Bernie Sanders is his present-day successor, and he has been in activism and then politics for nearly all of his adult life. AOC has burst on the scene only recently, and it remains to be seen how much staying power she will have. But she looks like she could be very good and long-lasting.

Don't quote me on this, but I've seen some polling saying just 13% of her constituents would vote for her again.

I doubt Hillary will run again, even though some of her friends have urged to her to do so. If she did run again, she would never become the nominee, so your claims are nonsense. I didn't read your link. I've already read that there are some people who want Hillary to run again.
I doubt Hillary will run again, even though some of her friends have urged to her to do so. If she did run again, she would never become the nominee, so your claims are nonsense. I didn't read your link. I've already read that there are some people who want Hillary to run again.

Angelo's propounding on US politics is almost as silly as his bloviating pronouncements on climate. It's one thing for a rural southern American to be captive to Sinclair and FOX, and therefore be pig ignorant of the US political system (and climate science), but I thought Au had a greater set of information sources.
Guess I was as wrong about that as angelo is about everything he proclaims about US politics...
I doubt Hillary will run again, even though some of her friends have urged to her to do so. If she did run again, she would never become the nominee, so your claims are nonsense. I didn't read your link. I've already read that there are some people who want Hillary to run again.

Angelo's propounding on US politics is almost as silly as his bloviating pronouncements on climate. It's one thing for a rural southern American to be captive to Sinclair and FOX, and therefore be pig ignorant of the US political system (and climate science), but I thought Au had a greater set of information sources.
Guess I was as wrong about that as angelo is about everything he proclaims about US politics...

I suspect Angelo solely gets his "news" from SKY, which is Rupert Murdoch's Australian version of FOX news. So much so, they share the same contributors.
Tim Ryan ends presidential campaign - CNNPolitics

If you'd never heard of him, don't feel surprised. His candidacy never went anywhere.

I agree.
I'm constantly depressed by the fact that both Kamala's and Pete's parents were literally Marxist scholars, and their offspring turned out to be the definition of bourgeois (or in Kamala's case, what Marx would call a "class traitor").
Any evidence of their parents being something like Marxist scholars? I'm not saying that they weren't, only that I'd like to see the evidence.

Sure, here's an article about Donald Harris, who is more post-Keynsian currently but was a radical during the Vietnam era.

And Joseph A. Buttigieg was a renowned translator of the works of Antonio Gramsci, the most notable Italian Marxist.
Bernie Sanders lands prized Iowa endorsement

Stacey Walker, one of the good ones

Walker, 31, became the first black member of Linn County’s Board of Supervisors when he was elected in 2016. Linn, whose seat is Cedar Rapids, is the second-most populated county in the state.

Walker’s nod comes on the heels of Sanders winning the endorsements of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar. Sanders’ aides hope Walker and the members of the so-called “Squad” will demonstrate that a “multigenerational, multiracial working-class movement” is behind him.

Walker is expected to officially announce his endorsement at a rally with Sanders in Iowa City on Friday. According to excerpts from his prepared speech, he will argue that Sanders is the best candidate because he has a bold vision, diverse base and longtime progressive record.
Bernie Sanders lands prized Iowa endorsement

Stacey Walker, one of the good ones

Walker, 31, became the first black member of Linn County’s Board of Supervisors when he was elected in 2016. Linn, whose seat is Cedar Rapids, is the second-most populated county in the state.

Walker’s nod comes on the heels of Sanders winning the endorsements of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar. Sanders’ aides hope Walker and the members of the so-called “Squad” will demonstrate that a “multigenerational, multiracial working-class movement” is behind him.

Walker is expected to officially announce his endorsement at a rally with Sanders in Iowa City on Friday. According to excerpts from his prepared speech, he will argue that Sanders is the best candidate because he has a bold vision, diverse base and longtime progressive record.

I very much agree that Sanders does a great job representing the progressives. I'd prefer a candidate who can represent a broader base that can beat Trump. I'm not looking for a McCgovern, I want an Obama type of candidate who can appeal to a broad base.
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Bernie Sanders lands prized Iowa endorsement

Stacey Walker, one of the good ones

Walker, 31, became the first black member of Linn County’s Board of Supervisors when he was elected in 2016. Linn, whose seat is Cedar Rapids, is the second-most populated county in the state.

Walker’s nod comes on the heels of Sanders winning the endorsements of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar. Sanders’ aides hope Walker and the members of the so-called “Squad” will demonstrate that a “multigenerational, multiracial working-class movement” is behind him.

Walker is expected to officially announce his endorsement at a rally with Sanders in Iowa City on Friday. According to excerpts from his prepared speech, he will argue that Sanders is the best candidate because he has a bold vision, diverse base and longtime progressive record.

I very much agree that Sanders does a great job representing the progressives. I'd prefer a candidate who can represent a broader base that can beat Trump. I'm not looking for a McCgovern, I want an Obama who can appeal to a broad base.

Nah, you just don't want your taxes to go up.
I very much agree that Sanders does a great job representing the progressives. I'd prefer a candidate who can represent a broader base that can beat Trump. I'm not looking for a McCgovern, I want an Obama who can appeal to a broad base.

Nah, you just don't want your taxes to go up.
You do realize that despite what Trump thinks, the Presidency isn't​ a monarchy and just because Sanders has something he wants to do, doesn't mean it'll happen without Congress?
Wall St. reporter: Tulsi mulls 3rd party run at executive's meeting.

I know it burns certain people that Hillary is proven right consistently, but usually it takes months for this to happen—not one week.

After all the rage tweeting Tulsi did against Hillary for daring to suggest she is being “groomed” for a third-party run, it appears that’s exactly what is going on. Tulsi was likely just mad that she got called out on it.

To be fair, other progressive activists, like the president for the Center for American Progress, have been predicting this for quite some time.

Tulsi was not present in DC to vote on election integrity bills, (of course), but was in New York City attending a private gathering with Wall Street executives. The executives, absolutely terrified of a Warren presidency, are gunning for a spoiler. And it appears they have one:
I doubt Hillary will run again, even though some of her friends have urged to her to do so. If she did run again, she would never become the nominee, so your claims are nonsense. I didn't read your link. I've already read that there are some people who want Hillary to run again.

Angelo's propounding on US politics is almost as silly as his bloviating pronouncements on climate. It's one thing for a rural southern American to be captive to Sinclair and FOX, and therefore be pig ignorant of the US political system (and climate science), but I thought Au had a greater set of information sources.
Guess I was as wrong about that as angelo is about everything he proclaims about US politics...

I suspect Angelo solely gets his "news" from SKY, which is Rupert Murdoch's Australian version of FOX news. So much so, they share the same contributors.

That would explain a lot. Rupert is one of the most destructive people on the planet. Of course, if it wasn't him, someone else would fill the void between the ears of the willfully ignorant.
Nature abhors a vacuum...
Wall St. reporter: Tulsi mulls 3rd party run at executive's meeting.

I know it burns certain people that Hillary is proven right consistently, but usually it takes months for this to happen—not one week.

After all the rage tweeting Tulsi did against Hillary for daring to suggest she is being “groomed” for a third-party run, it appears that’s exactly what is going on. Tulsi was likely just mad that she got called out on it.

To be fair, other progressive activists, like the president for the Center for American Progress, have been predicting this for quite some time.

Tulsi was not present in DC to vote on election integrity bills, (of course), but was in New York City attending a private gathering with Wall Street executives. The executives, absolutely terrified of a Warren presidency, are gunning for a spoiler. And it appears they have one:

That would explain why she appeared on Hannity the other night. Trump/Gabbard will be tough for any democratic challenger to beat.
I very much agree that Sanders does a great job representing the progressives. I'd prefer a candidate who can represent a broader base that can beat Trump. I'm not looking for a McCgovern, I want an Obama who can appeal to a broad base.

Nah, you just don't want your taxes to go up.
You do realize that despite what Trump thinks, the Presidency isn't​ a monarchy and just because Sanders has something he wants to do, doesn't mean it'll happen without Congress?
That's a non sequitur. The professional/managerial/ownerhship class doesn't have to assume Bernie will push his agenda through on the first day in order to regard him as a threat to their dominance of society and politics.
You do realize that despite what Trump thinks, the Presidency isn't​ a monarchy and just because Sanders has something he wants to do, doesn't mean it'll happen without Congress?
That's a non sequitur. The professional/managerial/ownerhship class doesn't have to assume Bernie will push his agenda through on the first day in order to regard him as a threat to their dominance of society and politics.

Yea, again the dems can't win without the "professional/managerial/ownership" voters. The white non-college working class voters mostly vote republican. They are motivated by their religion and guns.
I very much agree that Sanders does a great job representing the progressives. I'd prefer a candidate who can represent a broader base that can beat Trump. I'm not looking for a McCgovern, I want an Obama who can appeal to a broad base.

Nah, you just don't want your taxes to go up.
You do realize that despite what Trump thinks, the Presidency isn't​ a monarchy and just because Sanders has something he wants to do, doesn't mean it'll happen without Congress?

But if you put bread, a jar of Peanut butter & Jelly in a room full of kids you increase the odds of a P&J sandwich being made.
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