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Democrats 2020

Hey, Tom Steyer was not just any billionaire, he was the 108th billionaire of California.
Was he?

But I have to concede you're so right about the significance of being NYC mayor, just ask President Rudy and President de Blasio.

Hey, it's never a guarantee, but it is a relevant elective office experience. And to my knowledge, we've never had a president that was a Senator from Delaware either. Or from Vermont for that matter. Or Minnesota. But you do not hold it against Biden, Bernie and Klobuchar. Why single out NYC?

And deBlasio is a terrible mayor no matter from what city he hails.
Friday is last day to file for the NH primary, so whoever wants to run better get in there. Bloomberg says he's not filing in NH and may focus on Super Tuesday. Good luck with that, very smart, not deluded Republican guy running for Dem nom.

Other late entries being discussed are Sherrod Brown, Eric Holder and Deval Patrick. Patrick seems most likely of them, and he could makes things interesting.

But he needs to hurry. Two (southern) states already passed the filing deadline for the general. Definitely have to make it by 12/2 for IL.

State and federal candidate filing deadlines for 2020 - Ballotpedia
Hey, Tom Steyer was not just any billionaire, he was the 108th billionaire of California.
Was he?

But I have to concede you're so right about the significance of being NYC mayor, just ask President Rudy and President de Blasio.

Hey, it's never a guarantee, but it is a relevant elective office experience. And to my knowledge, we've never had a president that was a Senator from Delaware either. Or from Vermont for that matter. Or Minnesota. But you do not hold it against Biden, Bernie and Klobuchar. Why single out NYC?

And deBlasio is a terrible mayor no matter from what city he hails.

You missed my point and angelo's point. I didn't single out NYC mayorship as a negative. I replied to angelo singling out being the 108th mayor as a "game changer" for winning. It's a decent qualification, but it's not any kind of a game changing factor, whether 108th or otherwise.
You missed my point and angelo's point. I didn't single out NYC mayorship as a negative. I replied to angelo singling it out as a "game changer." It's a decent qualification, but it's not any kind of a game changing factor.

I took his point to be the combination - decent elected office qualification AND a bona fide billionaire. Whether that combo proves a game changer or not, it is something new, so we shall see. I think he would have been more of a game changer if he was 10 years younger and entered the race at a normal time.
Bloomberg served as the 108th Mayor of New York City, holding office for three consecutive terms, beginning his first in 2001. Is the reason why it could work for him.

Oh, since he was the 108th mayor of NYC, well then... that's completely irrelevant.

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Apart from hair sniffing Biden, Bloomberg seems the most moderate of a a bunch of leftists wannabees! Can one imagine the chaos in the Western World that would ensure should a Sanders and Corbyn be successful!

NEW ORLEANS — Former Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts told senior Democrats Wednesday that he will enter the presidential race, according to two party officials, reversing his decision last year to forgo a run and adding yet more volatility to an unusually fluid Democratic primary.

Mr. Patrick will enter the race Thursday morning and head to New Hampshire’s State House to file paperwork to be a candidate on the primary ballot there, according to a Democrat familiar with his plans. Mr. Patrick was calling a list of party leaders Wednesday to inform them of his decision and is planning to begin his campaign with a video and new website.

After appearing in New Hampshire, Mr. Patrick will head to California, which is voting in early March, and then go on to three early nominating states: Nevada, Iowa and South Carolina.
Bloomberg served as the 108th Mayor of New York City, holding office for three consecutive terms, beginning his first in 2001. Is the reason why it could work for him.

Oh, since he was the 108th mayor of NYC, well then... that's completely irrelevant.

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Apart from hair sniffing Biden, Bloomberg seems the most moderate of a a bunch of leftists wannabees! Can one imagine the chaos in the Western World that would ensure should a Sanders and Corbyn be successful!

I can imagine the chaos in some boardrooms if Sanders or Warren is elected. Long overdue.
I am still amazed that the first openly gay guy running for the Presidency is named booty judge. Is almost as cool as Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

Are you still going to play the "I'm not a conservative" game.

I think you are more of a conservative than I am. Weren't you for Hillary instead of Bernie? I'm liberal even for a Canadian. I've never voted for the conservatives and even voted Green a couple of times.

Nope, voted for Bernie in the primary, voted for Hillary in the election.

You can say whatever you want about how you voted, no one can disprove that because there's no proof that can be offered. I've formed my opinion based on your posting history. Your constant attacks on what you call the "regressive left", your use of right-wing dog whistles (regressive left being one of them), and your paucity of criticism of the right. Even your "choice" of Andrew Yang is, I believe, a troll on us. The guy has the least chance of any of the candidates to ever get near the white house so he's safe for you to choose and sound progressive. In other words, I believe you to be a troll.

NEW ORLEANS — Former Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts told senior Democrats Wednesday that he will enter the presidential race, according to two party officials, reversing his decision last year to forgo a run and adding yet more volatility to an unusually fluid Democratic primary.

Mr. Patrick will enter the race Thursday morning and head to New Hampshire’s State House to file paperwork to be a candidate on the primary ballot there, according to a Democrat familiar with his plans. Mr. Patrick was calling a list of party leaders Wednesday to inform them of his decision and is planning to begin his campaign with a video and new website.

After appearing in New Hampshire, Mr. Patrick will head to California, which is voting in early March, and then go on to three early nominating states: Nevada, Iowa and South Carolina.

Bring it on. Hillary should run as well. Split that centrist vote twelve times till Tuesday.

NEW ORLEANS — Former Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts told senior Democrats Wednesday that he will enter the presidential race, according to two party officials, reversing his decision last year to forgo a run and adding yet more volatility to an unusually fluid Democratic primary.

Mr. Patrick will enter the race Thursday morning and head to New Hampshire’s State House to file paperwork to be a candidate on the primary ballot there, according to a Democrat familiar with his plans. Mr. Patrick was calling a list of party leaders Wednesday to inform them of his decision and is planning to begin his campaign with a video and new website.

After appearing in New Hampshire, Mr. Patrick will head to California, which is voting in early March, and then go on to three early nominating states: Nevada, Iowa and South Carolina.

Bring it on. Hillary should run as well. Split that centrist vote twelve times till Tuesday.

I doubt that anyone who enters this late is going to get much attention or votes, but none of us really know how this will turn out.
AOC appears to accuse Bloomberg of trying to 'purchase our political system' | Fox News
"There are folks that are trying to completely purchase our political system, running as Republicans and now tossing in their hats as Democrats in the field as well," she said.

"But what we're here to say is that in a democracy, it shouldn't matter how much money you have. What should matter is whether you vote, whether you caucus, whether you turn out. It's the numbers. It's the people. it's the movement."
A very populist sentiment.

This is actually funny when you think about it. Bloomberg is a "Republican now running as a Democrat". If he wins the nomination he'll be running against Trump, a Democrat who ran as a Republican.

Maybe after each one gets the nomination, they'll switch back to their parties of origin.
I wasn't referencing your crush.

I know, but it's very funny how in a related way, the fact that Bloomberg literally funded Republican campaigns his whole life is not as important to Democrats as Bernie not wanting to split the vote against Trump in the general.
Apart from hair sniffing Biden, Bloomberg seems the most moderate of a a bunch of leftists wannabees! Can one imagine the chaos in the Western World that would ensure should a Sanders and Corbyn be successful!

Nobody who matters cares about your fantasies. They're not running for the nomination of the Angelo party.
Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick Is Running for President Because...Reasons He talks about building a “more inclusive American dream for the next generation.” Much like Pete Buttigieg and Cory Booker.
Patrick, much like former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s old rich ass, appears to see an opening for a centrist candidate: someone who doesn’t scare off the wealthy, or the politically moderate white folks who, somehow, are undecided despite currently having a documented racist for president. Seems like a sensible group of people to appeal to!

As a recent managing director at Bain Capital, an investment firm founded by Mitt Romney, Patrick will certainly have friends on Wall Street—unlike Democrat frontrunners Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.
Do we really need another big-money oligarch running for president?
As a 2018 HuffPost article documents, Patrick—Massachusetts’ first black governor—has a long and substantial relationship with Republican Party “megadonor” Roland Arnall, who helmed the mortgage company Ameriquest. Arnall’s operation would become “the world’s largest subprime lender during the housing bubble,” writes the HuffPost, explicitly targeting black and brown families and causing thousands of homeowners to default on their mortgages.
So he was on the wrong side of that issue.
Aawww, poor Derec. You sound like a housewife jealous of the much more successful neighbor wife.

Not "jealous", but baffles Sanders wants to give her a White House position when she is not even qualified for the position she lucked into now.

It makes political sense if not practical sense. She's gained quite a following and has supported him since before she did. Makes sense that he'd put her over now.

What, to the position of barkeep in the White house?
Aawww, poor Derec. You sound like a housewife jealous of the much more successful neighbor wife.

Not "jealous", but baffles Sanders wants to give her a White House position when she is not even qualified for the position she lucked into now.

She lacks the qualification of agreeing with your alt-rightism? And therefore lacks the qualifications necessary to serve in a hypothetical Sanders administration????
I guess we all know why you are not instead whining about actual existential threats like Jared and Ivanka's qualifications to advise and steer US foreign policy...
(AOC as having some important position in Bernie Sanders's administration...)
Maybe she will be a bartender at the White House bar. About the only position she would be fully qualified for.
Not "jealous", but baffles Sanders wants to give her a White House position when she is not even qualified for the position she lucked into now.
What, to the position of barkeep in the White house?
Right-wingers seem to enjoy snickering about how terrible AOC's working-class heritage is.

Sen. Sanders and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Unveil Green New Deal for Public Housing Act / Twitter - I watched that and I confess that it makes me uneasy about BS as president. He seemed passive most of the time, while AOC seemed to react to the activists' speeches roughly as much as the others that were gathered there.

This makes me concerned about his stamina, whether he has enough to be a good president.
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