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Democrats 2020

MOTHERFUCKER! I just lost a huge post! Last time I quote a post with a fucking link in it.
Well you should put fucking links in NSFW hide tags anyway. :)

In any case, the vB system saves your work as you go. You should have seen the "restore auto-saved content" on the bottom of reply box. It does not always work, but has helped me many a time before.

Long story short, Iowa primary seems to be more about the media than the candidates, as the media was whining more about not being able to crown a winner.
Iowa doesn't award many delegates, so it's more about momentum and perception than delegates themselves. I do not think it matters that much who 'won' especially now that raw votes (first and final) are reported. It's much more about relative performance. Pete over-performed, Biden, Warren and Klobuchar under-performed, Bernie pretty much met expectations.

Primary system is ridiculous, lasts too long. Need shorter regional primary system that doesn't require rock star charisma candidates to maintain the funding needed to run a 18 month campaign!
Your system would make funding even more important. Retail politicking in Iowa and NH makes it possible for candidates to break out and become viable through pressing flesh and elbow grease. Having large media markets dominate would make it necessary to have almost universal name recognition and/or huge war chest from the get-go. It is no coincidence Mayor Mike McMoneybags chose to forego Iowa and NH and focus on Super Tuesday.

Iowa shouldn't be the know all primary. Nor should New Hampshire. This isn't sour grapes, this is just reality. "The Bounce" is bullshit. All Iowa should be doing is weeding the field of the completely unwanted,
That's what "three/four tickets out of Iowa" means. That Iowa winner became the Democratic nominee for almost all caucuses in the last 30 years (1992 being the sole exception, and that caucus was not contested) is not necessary to make it important. The function of Iowa and NH to separate wheat from chaff, without requiring a huge budget, is the real importance of these early contests.
Yang, Gabbard, Yang, Bennett, Yang, Steyer, Yang, Gabbard. This is the beginning, not the end.
Klobuchar definitely should be on this list. She is favorite daughter adjacent and could not manage better than 5th place. I can't see her doing better in any of the remaining three early contests.
Biden is on the bubble. Failing to finish 2nd in NH will effectively end his campaign. I suspect it will be Bernie and Pete fighting for lead, and Warren and Biden for 3rd place.
So Sanders likely wins New Hampshire. Question will be if Biden finishes second, Warren continues to fall, how Buttigieg and Klobuchar performs. Can Yang break 1%?
Yang is not a 1% candidate. In Iowa he had ~5% support. Yes, he got only ~1% of SDEs, but that's because of the 15% threshold on precinct level. That said, I agree that Yang is done. Too bad actually. He is an interesting candidate. Maybe he can be Bernie's Veep. ;)

Warren is in trouble with a deep finish in a neighboring state.
Yes, she needs a good finish in NH. Anything but 2nd or at least a very close 3rd and she is toast. At least Biden has SC and his national lead, and Warren leads nowhere.

I think we'll see the top five stick around to California (and a bunch of other states that day), then that'll be that and the top two or three remain... and Bloomberg.

California is part of Super Tuesday. 40% of delegates. You have three or four viable candidates compete there and the probability of a brokered convention increase.
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I don't recommend to anyone to go to angelo's Right-Wing Corporate Overlord website.

Lol! It's amazing how many of those Nazi-lover sites are infected with virii, trojans and other malware.
Angelo's devices are probably unable to access any facts by now - just pure filtered propaganda that he parrots.
I don't recommend to anyone to go to angelo's Right-Wing Corporate Overlord website.

Lol! It's amazing how many of those Nazi-lover sites are infected with virii, trojans and other malware.
Angelo's devices are probably unable to access any facts by now - just pure filtered propaganda that he parrots.
That is when his computer isn't being used to operate DoS attacks.

I clicked that link and got a bunch of pop-ups.

One of them was a Yahoo Finance corporation pop-up that when I tried to click the X moved up. Then, I tried again and it moved down. It kept moving.

I don't recommend to anyone to go to angelo's Right-Wing Corporate Overlord website.

FYI - You can copy and paste links into outline.com to avoid the popups and other rubbish; and yeah, I wouldn't recommend gellerreport as a news source for neither conservatives nor liberals.
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Exactly. Rashida Tlaib would make a better running mate if only for the optics of a Jewish president with a Palestinian running mate, and a gleaming double-bladed sword in the shape of a middle finger to Clinton and her fellow war criminal ghouls.

I could also see Nina Turner getting the pick. They are a fantastic team and she has proven very effective at delivering Bernie's platform to its intended audience.
Slightly more likely, as she is not outright toxic like Tlaib. But what would she bring to the Sanders ticket? Not political experience, as she held no statewide or federal office. She would not attract other voters as she has been a Sanders surrogate for years. Plus, with Sanders being 200 years old and having suffered a heart attack, it is important for him to pick a running mate whom voters trust can take over as president. I could see him picking a Western governor. Jay Inslee or Kate Brown for instance.

I clicked that link and got a bunch of pop-ups.

One of them was a Yahoo Finance corporation pop-up that when I tried to click the X moved up. Then, I tried again and it moved down. It kept moving.

I don't recommend to anyone to go to angelo's Right-Wing Corporate Overlord website.

Of course not. It has at least some shreds of the truth, not just anti Trump BS.
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I don't recommend to anyone to go to angelo's Right-Wing Corporate Overlord website.

Lol! It's amazing how many of those Nazi-lover sites are infected with virii, trojans and other malware.
Angelo's devices are probably unable to access any facts by now - just pure filtered propaganda that he parrots.

[removed derail attempt]
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I don't recommend to anyone to go to angelo's Right-Wing Corporate Overlord website.

Lol! It's amazing how many of those Nazi-lover sites are infected with virii, trojans and other malware.
Angelo's devices are probably unable to access any facts by now - just pure filtered propaganda that he parrots.


That's right. Propaganda like that. Right up there with Republican senators pursuing an inquiry whether Killary operated a secret pedophile ring disguised as a pizza shop.

Also, even the article you quote states it was only done because senators that blindly support Trump demanded it during the middle of an impeachment hearing, and that the speed it was carried out was unprecedented. So yes, painting partisan fuckery as though it is a legitimate investigation is the very definition of propaganda. Maybe someday you'll recognize it for what it is.
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So any inquiry into the Bidens family links to any Ukrainian energy company, and the fact Hunter Binden was employed even though he had no inkling at all of the industry, and purely given the job because creepy Joe was vice president of USA is invalid and should be ignored right?
So any inquiry into the Bidens family links to any Ukrainian energy company, and the fact Hunter Binden was employed even though he had no inkling at all of the industry, and purely given the job because creepy Joe was vice president of USA is invalid and should be ignored right?

Given that there was never any hint of improper behavior or influence on his father's behavior, yes. It wasn't a crime for Hunter Biden to rely on his father's name to get a job with Burisma, nor is there any appearance that Biden did anything to help Burisma. Ukrainian prosecutor Shokin had actually deep-sixed that investigation. Biden would have been helping Burisma by NOT having Shokin fired.

However, given your great concern over appearances of influence-peddling, you must be anxious to see investigations opened up against Donald Trump's children to figure out how they got their jobs. The results might surprise you, although I'm sure you have an open mind on the subject. There are laws against nepotism, but there are much juicier appearances of actual law-breaking, for example using their government positions as vehicles to promote their business dealings. Jared Kushner got a very questionable security clearance that went against internal recommendations. Where are all of the investigations into Trump's children? Or do you consider them as immune from investigation as the DoJ thinks Trump is? Actually, I think you know why Trump's children are immune from investigation and why Republicans are only calling for Hunter Biden to be investigated. And you approve of that double standard, don't you?
#PetesBillionaires - Twitter hashtag

Bernie Sanders: People for Bernie on Twitter: ""I don't have 40 billionaires, Pete, contributing to my campaign" @BernieSanders #DemDebate #PetesBillionaires https://t.co/PPe7f9YqyL" / Twitter

#PetesBillionaires Trends After Bernie Sanders Goes After Buttigieg Over Billionaire Backers Amid Battle for Early States
Speaking at the "Politics and Eggs" breakfast at Saint Anselm College on Friday morning, Sanders attacked the 38-year-old former mayor for allegedly cosying up to billionaire donors. "How do we feel when we have candidates in the Democratic Party right now—I'm reading some headlines from newspapers about Pete Buttigieg," the Vermont senator said, before describing his rival as a 2020 candidate that possesses the "most exclusive billionaire donors of any Democrat."

"Which side are you on?" Sanders asked. "We are in a moment where billionaires control not only our economy but our political life."

Tens of thousands of Sanders supporters took to Twitter to condemn Buttigieg's candidacy for taking money from big donors, as the Vermont senator's staffers promoted the hashtag. "#PetesBillionaires—retweet it," tweeted David Sirota, Sanders' speechwriter. As of Friday afternoon, #PetesBillionaires rose to the third-most trending topic on the social media platform in the United States. At the time of publication, the hashtag had garnered more than 40,000 tweets.
Seems like PB's wine-cave dinner was only the tip of the iceberg.
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