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Democrats 2020

I actually see Buttigieg as possible a young Bill Clinton of sorts.

I do wonder if Buttigieg has always been the moderate candidate in mind of the powers that be. I still am not certain who the right VP candidate would be. Warren is the only thing that comes to mind immediately, other than Cory Booker.
Warren has never been afraid to confront President Donald Trump head-on, refusing to be intimidated by the bully-in-chief no matter what playground insults he hurls at her.

But she took aim at Pence instead on Sunday in New Hampshire when an audience member asked her who her vice president will be.

“Who is going to be your Mike Pence?” the audience member asked. “Who is going to look at you with adoring eyes?”

A quick Warren had a sharp quip in response.

“I already have a dog,” she said.


So... about Pete... has America progressed so far for it not to be made an issue by Trump, or can we expect a raft of "Can a Gay Man win the Presidency?" headlines as we did with Obama regarding his race?

I can see two ways Trump could go on Pete. Either go after his sexuality and court the religious and homophobe vote, or go after a generic attack and mesh that with his appearance and call him a rat. I wonder which Trump will do. Maybe both.
I actually see Buttigieg as possible a young Bill Clinton of sorts.

I do wonder if Buttigieg has always been the moderate candidate in mind of the powers that be. I still am not certain who the right VP candidate would be. Warren is the only thing that comes to mind immediately, other than Cory Booker.

EIther of them would round Pete out nicely. He needs somebody who both has experience in Washington and is considerably more progressive than Pete himself. And the minority / woman identity thing won't hurt either.
Warren has never been afraid to confront President Donald Trump head-on, refusing to be intimidated by the bully-in-chief no matter what playground insults he hurls at her.

But she took aim at Pence instead on Sunday in New Hampshire when an audience member asked her who her vice president will be.

“Who is going to be your Mike Pence?” the audience member asked. “Who is going to look at you with adoring eyes?”

A quick Warren had a sharp quip in response.

“I already have a dog,” she said.



What a horrible insult to her dog. You are supposed to love your dog. How can you support a woman who doesn't love her dog and compares them to Mike Pence????
Warren has never been afraid to confront President Donald Trump head-on, refusing to be intimidated by the bully-in-chief no matter what playground insults he hurls at her.

But she took aim at Pence instead on Sunday in New Hampshire when an audience member asked her who her vice president will be.

“Who is going to be your Mike Pence?” the audience member asked. “Who is going to look at you with adoring eyes?”

A quick Warren had a sharp quip in response.

“I already have a dog,” she said.



What a horrible insult to her dog. You are supposed to love your dog. How can you support a woman who doesn't love her dog and compares them to Mike Pence????

Read it again. Your joke doesn't work.
True, but it should for Pete since he consistently polls at 0 percent with POC
[citation needed]

And even if true, and persists throughout the primary season, given the crowded field that may be enough to get him a plurality of delegates. And if not a plurality, then a hefty share of delegates, enough to say be nominated over Sanders (if Sanders should get plurality). In case of a brokered convention, the nomination will most likely go to the highest finisher in delegates who is not named "Bernie Sanders".
It's okay because he said a Native American said it in a John Wayne movie, but he was quoting his brother who alluded to that??
Prediction: Rocky De La Fuente will come up from behind and sweep the rolls. It's time this country was run more like a dubious business!
Bernie Sanders Politely Asks Supporters Not to Harass His Opponents

During the 2016 elections, many Hillary Clinton supporters felt harassed by supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Sanders is trying to get in front of that before the 2020 race heats up by sending an email urging his fans to “engage respectfully” with his Democratic opponents.

“As we engage with our opponents in the Democratic primary, we will forcefully present our views and defend ourselves against misrepresentations,” Sanders wrote. “But, let us do our very best to engage respectfully with our Democratic opponents―talking about the issues we are fighting for, not about personalities or past grievances. I want to be clear that I condemn bullying and harassment of any kind and in any space.”

Sanders emphasized that he plans to take the opposite tact to President Donald Trump, who revels in name-calling and specious attacks. “The president we are running against is a pathological liar, a racist, a xenophobe, a sexist, a bully and a religious bigot. His goal is to win political points by dividing up the American people. That is why we need to do exactly the opposite―brings our people together. Men and women, black and white, Latino, Native American, Asian American, gay and straight, young and old, native-born and immigrant,” Sanders said in the email.
Sanders Crushes Trump by 18 Points Among Independent Voters in New National General Election Poll

A national Reuters/Ipsos poll released Monday found Sen. Bernie Sanders leading President Donald Trump by 18 percentage points among independent voters in a hypothetical general election match-up, a result Sanders supporters viewed as evidence that the Vermont senator has the best chance of defeating the president in November.

According to the new survey (pdf), Sanders has the support of 46% of registered independent voters while Trump polled at 28% support. The poll also showed former Vice President Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Michael Bloomberg, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) ahead of Trump among independents, but Sanders' lead was the largest.
Sanders Crushes Trump by 18 Points Among Independent Voters in New National General Election Poll

A national Reuters/Ipsos poll released Monday found Sen. Bernie Sanders leading President Donald Trump by 18 percentage points among independent voters in a hypothetical general election match-up, a result Sanders supporters viewed as evidence that the Vermont senator has the best chance of defeating the president in November.

According to the new survey (pdf), Sanders has the support of 46% of registered independent voters while Trump polled at 28% support. The poll also showed former Vice President Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Michael Bloomberg, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) ahead of Trump among independents, but Sanders' lead was the largest.

They say that now. Let him actually get the nomination and watch the buyers remorse kick in while they’re watching the SP500 and their mutual funds drift downward.
Imagine what a President Bernie can do to the markets without even lifting a pen.
Sanders Crushes Trump by 18 Points Among Independent Voters in New National General Election Poll

A national Reuters/Ipsos poll released Monday found Sen. Bernie Sanders leading President Donald Trump by 18 percentage points among independent voters in a hypothetical general election match-up, a result Sanders supporters viewed as evidence that the Vermont senator has the best chance of defeating the president in November.

According to the new survey (pdf), Sanders has the support of 46% of registered independent voters while Trump polled at 28% support. The poll also showed former Vice President Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Michael Bloomberg, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) ahead of Trump among independents, but Sanders' lead was the largest.

They say that now. Let him actually get the nomination and watch the buyers remorse kick in while they’re watching the SP500 and their mutual funds drift downward.
Imagine what a President Bernie can do to the markets without even lifting a pen.

Normalize them and close the casino?
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