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Democrats 2020

‘Stop Sanders’ Democrats Are Agonizing Over His Momentum - The New York Times - "Some members of the Democratic establishment, resentful over 2016 and worried about a divided 2020 primary, are beginning to ask how to thwart Senator Bernie Sanders."
How, some Democrats are beginning to ask, do they thwart a 70-something candidate from outside the party structure who is immune to intimidation or incentive and wields support from an unwavering base, without simply reinforcing his “the establishment is out to get me”’ message — the same grievance Mr. Trump used to great effect?
The article continued with discussing Democratic Party officials agonizing over what to do about him.

DCCC Chair Dodges Multiple Times on Whether Ocasio-Cortez Is Good For the Democrat Caucus - YouTube - Cheri Bustos praised AOC and her fundraising and financial support for Democratic candidates. I found that very funny, since it seemed just like Republicans falling over themselves to praise Trump.
‘Stop Sanders’ Democrats Are Agonizing Over His Momentum - The New York Times - "Some members of the Democratic establishment, resentful over 2016 and worried about a divided 2020 primary, are beginning to ask how to thwart Senator Bernie Sanders."
I am beginning to think there will be three viable candidates going into Super Tuesday - Bernie, Buttigieg and Bloomberg. Perhaps Biden will hang on, if he gets South Carolina. The two or three moderates will split the moderate vote while Bernie will have his lane free as I do not see how Warren survives without finishing at least 2nd in NH.
So the only hope to stop Bernie will be at the convention. He may have plurality, but Biden/Bloomberg/Buttigieg delegates will not vote for him but for the strongest of those three.
The Democrats shift to the far left will suffer the consequences come November. For example, This rabid anti semetic socialist will turn even dyed in the wool Dem supporters towards the waiting arms of a centrist party in comparison, GOP!


If America’s leading Jewish organizations exposed Bernie Sanders for the anti-Semite that he is, he would not get away with making such a dishonest statement. Actually it is being a self-hating Jew that influences your politics very profoundly, Bernie! That is why you flew to London to campaign for the neo-Nazi Jeremy Corbyn. That is why are you running the most openly anti-Semitic presidential campaign in history? That is why you have stacked your campaign with anti-Semites who accuse Jewish Americans of controlling the United States Congress, and who support the BDS Movement, and who compare Israelis to dogs. No Jewish American should support any of the Democrat Party’s presidential candidates, and most especially the virulent anti-Semite Bernie Sanders. #Jexod
Someone call am ambulance. I'm dying! :hysterical:

Yes Joe, what you and your generation have done to America and the world that has culminated in the election of Donald Fucking Trump matters.
This is your resume. You and every goddamn politician who have been in power for decades.
Let Pete and the AOC types argue about legislation for awhile. I’ll bet nothing but good will come of it.
Well, I did my civic duty! Mail-in ballots rock.

It was a short ballot, at least by California standards. The presidential primary of course, with all the familiar characters. My congressional district (Bernie surrogate Ro Khanna running for re-election with little serious oposition from the look of it) and state assembly district were also up for grabs. The latter is more contentious as the popular incumbent is stepping down, leaving a gap that seven mostly-young-and-progressive Democrats are anxious to fill.
#PetesBillionaires - Twitter hashtag

Bernie Sanders: People for Bernie on Twitter: ""I don't have 40 billionaires, Pete, contributing to my campaign" @BernieSanders #DemDebate #PetesBillionaires https://t.co/PPe7f9YqyL" / Twitter

#PetesBillionaires Trends After Bernie Sanders Goes After Buttigieg Over Billionaire Backers Amid Battle for Early States
Speaking at the "Politics and Eggs" breakfast at Saint Anselm College on Friday morning, Sanders attacked the 38-year-old former mayor for allegedly cosying up to billionaire donors. "How do we feel when we have candidates in the Democratic Party right now—I'm reading some headlines from newspapers about Pete Buttigieg," the Vermont senator said, before describing his rival as a 2020 candidate that possesses the "most exclusive billionaire donors of any Democrat."

"Which side are you on?" Sanders asked. "We are in a moment where billionaires control not only our economy but our political life."

Tens of thousands of Sanders supporters took to Twitter to condemn Buttigieg's candidacy for taking money from big donors, as the Vermont senator's staffers promoted the hashtag. "#PetesBillionaires—retweet it," tweeted David Sirota, Sanders' speechwriter. As of Friday afternoon, #PetesBillionaires rose to the third-most trending topic on the social media platform in the United States. At the time of publication, the hashtag had garnered more than 40,000 tweets.
Seems like PB's wine-cave dinner was only the tip of the iceberg.
It sounds like Dems might be more interested in a second Trump term. Billionaires for Buttigieg. Yes, the money will want to support a right leaning moderate. This isn’t something we should be surprised with.

Social Media seems likely to frenzy the Dems into a Civil War.
I also just mailed in my Texas Democratic primary ballot. It took me several days. The $#&!! Democratic party doesn't have a site that helps much. I spent quite some time looking at various progressive political sites looking for progressive candidates to vote for. My ballot had a jillion judges to consider, I had to settle often for a few sites that gave me clues as to who were well qualified for the offices they were running for. Interesting were those running to straighten out poorly run court rooms that they, ass attorneys had dealt with.

There are few really good progressive Texas progressive sites that help with any of this. I suspect a lot of my fellow Texans will wander into the voting booths utterly unprepared to make informed choices for any of these candidates. I did find a site, run by one Charles Kuffner, "Off the Kuff" that was helpful, and Houston's LGBT Caucus was also helpful for finding out who was progressive (with caveats).

It has been my contention that a young Texan, wandering into a voting booth is going to be utterly lost with no good sites to help guide them through this voting process. And they will do it once and and not show up again. Helping keep the young voters from being politically active. Our local Democratic party is almost useless in this regard.

I had a paper ballot in my hand to at least guide me through my research. Without that, one will be essentially lost on election day. Our Texas GOP government is doing away with straight ballot voting to drive out as many voters as possible, or at least confuse as many as show up to vote as possible. The GOP is far better at helping their partisans know who to vote for.

The way we are doing politics in Texas sucks.
It was a short ballot, at least by California standards. The presidential primary of course, with all the familiar characters. My congressional district (Bernie surrogate Ro Khanna running for re-election with little serious oposition from the look of it) and state assembly district were also up for grabs. The latter is more contentious as the popular incumbent is stepping down, leaving a gap that seven mostly-young-and-progressive Democrats are anxious to fill.

You are lucky. In Georgia we have separate presidential (March 24th) and other (statewide offices, US House, US Senate - May 19th) primaries.

May we ask whom you picked in the presidential primary?
It was a short ballot, at least by California standards. The presidential primary of course, with all the familiar characters. My congressional district (Bernie surrogate Ro Khanna running for re-election with little serious oposition from the look of it) and state assembly district were also up for grabs. The latter is more contentious as the popular incumbent is stepping down, leaving a gap that seven mostly-young-and-progressive Democrats are anxious to fill.

You are lucky. In Georgia we have separate presidential (March 24th) and other (statewide offices, US House, US Senate - May 19th) primaries.

May we ask whom you picked in the presidential primary?

Yes, but you won't like the answer :D

It's the second time I've gone for Bernie Sanders in a primary race. I was a tougher sell this time around, mostly because I'm worried he hasn't got eight years left to give us. And of course there are a lot of policies that I disagree with him on, but that's everyone, really. If there were a candidate who agreed with me on everything, no one else would approve of them. :o Klobuchar was my backup choice, but at the end of the day I trust Bernie more than the rest to stick to his guns and not get overwhelmed by Washington and the lure of "how it's done on the hill" that seems to turn so many of our presidents into clones on critical policies.
I also just mailed in my Texas Democratic primary ballot. It took me several days. The $#&!! Democratic party doesn't have a site that helps much. I spent quite some time looking at various progressive political sites looking for progressive candidates to vote for. My ballot had a jillion judges to consider, I had to settle often for a few sites that gave me clues as to who were well qualified for the offices they were running for. Interesting were those running to straighten out poorly run court rooms that they, ass attorneys had dealt with.

There are few really good progressive Texas progressive sites that help with any of this. I suspect a lot of my fellow Texans will wander into the voting booths utterly unprepared to make informed choices for any of these candidates. I did find a site, run by one Charles Kuffner, "Off the Kuff" that was helpful, and Houston's LGBT Caucus was also helpful for finding out who was progressive (with caveats).

It has been my contention that a young Texan, wandering into a voting booth is going to be utterly lost with no good sites to help guide them through this voting process. And they will do it once and and not show up again. Helping keep the young voters from being politically active. Our local Democratic party is almost useless in this regard.

I had a paper ballot in my hand to at least guide me through my research. Without that, one will be essentially lost on election day. Our Texas GOP government is doing away with straight ballot voting to drive out as many voters as possible, or at least confuse as many as show up to vote as possible. The GOP is far better at helping their partisans know who to vote for.

The way we are doing politics in Texas sucks.

It can be difficult to get good information. We often struggle with a raft of ballot initiatives that are not just confusing, but sometimes outright deceitful. I hate measures where it's not clear whether a "yes" or "no" vote is the one that results in a policy change....

And sometimes, a scrap between too many primary candidates for a role. I always want to at least read someone's campaign page and a few critical articles, but that can be quite an undertaking in crowded races.
Here ladies and gentlemen is your alternative to the trump, and a fine motley of clowns they are..................https://gellerreport.com/2020/02/the-democrats-or-trump-whos-crazy.html/

The impeachment hoax has failed. Next up: Trump is crazy, too crazy to be President. Nancy Pelosi signaled this she said Wednesday that “he looked to me like he was a little sedated” during the State of the Union address. Leftist media hack Eric Boehlert, formerly of Media Matters. Salon, and Rolling Stone, tweeted Thursday: “in light of insane speech today, it’s absolutely astonishing that over last 3 years DC press has refused to address Trump’s mental health as legit news story it’s the third rail of American journalism.” Sure it is, Eric. The press has always given Trump the benefit of the doubt in every way, hasn’t it? Just who’s crazy here? Besides Eric Boehlert, we could start with the Democratic presidential candidates.

Joe Biden is always good for laughs, but there isn’t really any joke: he’s serious. Last August, he was asked by a college student in Iowa how many genders there were. “There are at least three,” he answered, and when she asked him to explain, he shot back: “Don’t play games with me, kid.
Oh, Pete

WATCH: After Pete has repeatedly accused Bernie Sanders campaign, the most diverse coalition of voters, of being “dark money funded” he Freudian slips calling it “black money”
Joe Biden is always good for laughs, but there isn’t really any joke: he’s serious. Last August, he was asked by a college student in Iowa how many genders there were. “There are at least three,” he answered, and when she asked him to explain, he shot back: “Don’t play games with me, kid.
Das, Die and Der. But "Joe" hasn't used them since he was smuggled to America in a U-boat in 1942.
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