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Democrats 2020

Sanders Crushes Trump by 18 Points Among Independent Voters in New National General Election Poll

A national Reuters/Ipsos poll released Monday found Sen. Bernie Sanders leading President Donald Trump by 18 percentage points among independent voters in a hypothetical general election match-up, a result Sanders supporters viewed as evidence that the Vermont senator has the best chance of defeating the president in November.

According to the new survey (pdf), Sanders has the support of 46% of registered independent voters while Trump polled at 28% support. The poll also showed former Vice President Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Michael Bloomberg, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) ahead of Trump among independents, but Sanders' lead was the largest.

They say that now. Let him actually get the nomination and watch the buyers remorse kick in while they’re watching the SP500 and their mutual funds drift downward.
Imagine what a President Bernie can do to the markets without even lifting a pen.
This is hilarious. The plebs voting for Bernie (or the orange shithead) don't have enough savings to care about the stock market, although a lot of them are dumb enough to believe that if the stock market is doing well, then the economy is too.
Sanders Crushes Trump by 18 Points Among Independent Voters in New National General Election Poll

A national Reuters/Ipsos poll released Monday found Sen. Bernie Sanders leading President Donald Trump by 18 percentage points among independent voters in a hypothetical general election match-up, a result Sanders supporters viewed as evidence that the Vermont senator has the best chance of defeating the president in November.

According to the new survey (pdf), Sanders has the support of 46% of registered independent voters while Trump polled at 28% support. The poll also showed former Vice President Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Michael Bloomberg, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) ahead of Trump among independents, but Sanders' lead was the largest.

They say that now. Let him actually get the nomination and watch the buyers remorse kick in while they’re watching the SP500 and their mutual funds drift downward.
Imagine what a President Bernie can do to the markets without even lifting a pen.

People have been saying that about Trump himself since he first took office. But what actually happened?
They say that now. Let him actually get the nomination and watch the buyers remorse kick in while they’re watching the SP500 and their mutual funds drift downward.
Imagine what a President Bernie can do to the markets without even lifting a pen.
This is hilarious. The plebs voting for Bernie (or the orange shithead) don't have enough savings to care about the stock market, although a lot of them are dumb enough to believe that if the stock market is doing well, then the economy is too.

I'm trying to point out that arguing against a president on the basis of how the economy will do is pointless, for two readons:

1. Anyone can say anything, and what they do say every time is that electing "the other guy" will surely lead to financial ruin.

2. Presidents, in reality, have little to no control over long term economic trends. Their greatest superpower is to spook the market for a few days by saying something dumb.
I'm trying to point out that arguing against a president on the basis of how the economy will do is pointless, for two readons:

1. Anyone can say anything, and what they do say every time is that electing "the other guy" will surely lead to financial ruin.

2. Presidents, in reality, have little to no control over long term economic trends. Their greatest superpower is to spook the market for a few days by saying something dumb.
Actually Trump has had a negative effect on the economy with the tariffs, and he has bullied the Fed as well.
They say that now. Let him actually get the nomination and watch the buyers remorse kick in while they’re watching the SP500 and their mutual funds drift downward.
Imagine what a President Bernie can do to the markets without even lifting a pen.

People have been saying that about Trump himself since he first took office. But what actually happened?

My thoughts are markets went up under Trump because corporate America knew Trump would let no government regulation stand in the way of profit and the corporate tax cut enabled many to buy back their own stock driving up its valuation.
I don’t think either of these scenarios would be likely under a Sanders administration. I don’t see Bernie singing You’ve Got a Friend to corporate America.
It's just deficit-fueled economic stimulus carried over from the Obama administration. The last federal budget passed was in 2016 under President Obama. Since then, Trump has been unable to do anything but get continuing resolutions. That was true when Republicans controlled both houses of Congress, and it is certainly true now, since Democrats are not going to agree to any of his proposals to cut social programs. Trump's tax giveaway to corporations did contribute to a little growth, but the main effect was to balloon the deficit and debt.
Susan Jacoby in "Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism" notes
Nonobservant Jews, motivated not by Judaism as a religion but by the secular Jewish tradition of social activism, made up the largest group among college-age whites who volunteered in the South during the dangerous summers between 1960 and 1965. Nigger was the only epithet hurled more frequently at marchers than kike and Jew-boy. Goodman and Schwerner espoused the secular humanism that motivated so many of the young Jewish volunteers.

... Schwerner was an atheist and a humanist who, his wife later told interviewers, believed in all men rather than in one God.

... Goodman was a product of the same secular Jewish tradition; like Schwerner, he declined to have a bar mitzvah.

... To me, a good Jew is someone who believes in the equality of human beings and reaches out to those in need. That’s what Andy believed—and that’s why he went to Mississippi. Not because God told him to do it but because he believed in human beings helping other human beings.”
Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman were New York secular Jews who went to Mississippi as civil-rights activists and who were murdered by Klansmen there in 1964.

I mention this because there is another New York secular Jew who did some civil-rights activism. Bernard "Bernie" Sanders. In 1963, when he was a student at the University of Chicago, he got involved in a protest against racial segregation, and he got arrested for that. There are even some pictures of him being dragged off by the cops.

The Story Behind Bernie Sanders’s 1963 Arrest | Chicago magazine | Felsenthal Files March 2016
Yes, another one bites the dust. Titled link: Andrew Yang Ends His 2020 Presidential Bid

Andrew Yang Ends His 2020 Presidential Campaign : NPR
"We have touched and approved millions of lives and moved this country we love so much in the right direction. And while there is great work left to be done, you know, I am the math guy and it is clear tonight from the numbers that we are not going to win this race," he told supporters on Tuesday night.

"I am not someone who wants to accept donations and support in a race that we will not win. And so tonight I am announcing I am suspending my campaign for president."
Indeed he is the math guy. :D I liked him, but he had only one issue, UBI, and he never got much support.
Here's an interesting observation. I've been following the Yang Gang (and supported Yang) for his whole run, and now that he's dropping out I'm seeing fascinating schism forming between his supporters. Half of them are now talking about Bernie, and another large contingent of them are shifting to (back to) Trump. He pulled these folks away from Trump and now they are going back to him.
Here's an interesting observation. I've been following the Yang Gang (and supported Yang) for his whole run, and now that he's dropping out I'm seeing fascinating schism forming between his supporters. Half of them are now talking about Bernie, and another large contingent of them are shifting to (back to) Trump. He pulled these folks away from Trump and now they are going back to him.

Don't worry, the Democrats are on it. They will tsk and wag their fingers at the defectors most reprovingly.
Here's an interesting observation. I've been following the Yang Gang (and supported Yang) for his whole run, and now that he's dropping out I'm seeing fascinating schism forming between his supporters. Half of them are now talking about Bernie, and another large contingent of them are shifting to (back to) Trump. He pulled these folks away from Trump and now they are going back to him.

Out of curiosity, where are you seeing this?
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