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Democrats 2020

Elizabeth Warren endorses Joe Biden for president - Vox
“Joe Biden has spent nearly his entire life in public service. He knows that a government run with integrity, competence, and heart will save lives and save livelihoods,” she said. “And we can’t afford to let Donald Trump continue to endanger the lives and livelihoods of ever American. And that’s why I’m proud to endorse Joe Biden as president of the United States.”
Elizabeth Warren on Twitter: "In this moment of crisis, it’s more important than ever that the next president restores Americans’ faith in good, effective government—and I’ve seen Joe Biden help our nation rebuild. Today, I’m proud to endorse [MENTION=2]Jo[/MENTION]eBiden as President of the United States. https://t.co/VrfBtJvFee" / Twitter

Obama, endorsing Biden, says Obama policies aren’t good enough now.
And then, the day after the last remaining competitor drops out and endorses the presumptive nominee, Obama himself comes out with the answer: Hell, I certainly wouldn’t run on the Obama platform.

He added that now is not the time to simply “tinker around the edges with tax credits or underfunded programs.” While it’s important to “protect the gains we made with the Affordable Care Act,” he said, “it’s also time to go further. We should make plans affordable for everyone, provide everyone with a public option, expand Medicare, and finish the job so that health care isn’t just a right, but a reality for everybody.”

Obama did not scrimp on the praise of Bernie Sanders in the endorsement. He described Sanders as “an American original” who has “devoted his life to giving voice to working people’s hopes, dreams, and frustrations.”

“We both know that nothing is more powerful than millions of voices calling for change,” Obama said. “And the ideas he’s championed, the energy and enthusiasm he inspired, especially in young people, will be critical in moving America in a direction of progress and hope. Because for the second time in 12 years, we’ll have the incredible task of rebuilding our economy. And to meet the moment, the Democratic Party will have to be bold.”

Because one thing everybody has learned by now is that the Republicans occupying the White House and running the U.S. Senate are not interested in progress. They’re interested in power.
First JB and now BO is having a lovefest with BS. What's going on here?

POLITICO on Twitter: "Today, @AOC pushed for Joe Biden to shift leftward on four key policy issues in order earn the trust of his party's progressive wing — federal treatment of Puerto Rico, immigration, health care and climate change [url]https://t.co/c7tGOUBhtc https://t.co/6ajhfXKH27" / Twitter[/url]
The remarks from the freshman lawmaker, while largely critical of Biden’s platform, seemed ultimately aimed at bridging intraparty divides through securing certain ideological concessions from the former vice president.
Playbook Interview with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) - POLITICO
Nice interview.
AOC isn't joining the Biden lovefest very quickly.
CSPAN on Twitter: ".@RepAOC @AOC says to @JakeSherman & @apalmerdc on @ JoeBiden: "I would love to see the vice president clarify and deepen his policy stances on certain issues, but aside from that, I think it's incredibly important that we support the Democratic nominee in November." https://t.co/z8AzE3m077" / Twitter

Also in that interview,
“I don’t think that the vice president has a climate change policy that is sufficient right now,” she said, “and I’d like to see us really work on that.”

But Wednesday, the congresswoman revealed that her staff was now “having conversations with Biden’s team” in an effort “to figure out what some of these policy conversations will [be] looking like” as the race for the White House moves forward.

Although Ocasio-Cortez said she was heartened by Biden’s pledge to name a female running mate and his openness to a woman of color being on the Democratic ticket, she argued that “what’s really important is not only just that woman’s identity, in terms of gender and cultural terms, but ... who that woman is and [what] her stance is.”

“There is a wide spectrum, politically, of women of color. There’s some that are very conservative, in terms of Democratic context, and there’s some that are more progressive,” she said.

Just as Obama selected Biden as his running mate in 2008 partly because “Biden was more conservative than Obama at that time,” Ocasio-Cortez said, it would be “encouraging if Biden also picked someone who was a little bit more progressive, that he knows may push him.”
Having a nonwhite woman may be interpreted as ticket balancing, something that Presidential nominees have done for a long time - select a Vice President from a different region.

CaseStudyQB on Twitter: "ABC - 4/15/2020 - #TheView - @aoc answering the question "Do you think its time to have a conversation with Joe?"
1/2 https://t.co/MOUfSFdEB8" / Twitter

CaseStudyQB on Twitter: "ABC - 4/15/2020 - #TheView - @aoc answering the question "Do you think its time to have a conversation with Joe?" 2/2 https://t.co/jLKjZ3Mecq" / Twitter

She correctly recognizes that the main Presidential election will be a choice between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and that JB is clearly the lesser of the two major evils for her community - immigration, the coronavirus response, etc. She evidently

She also doesn't like shaming people into voting - she prefers having something worth voting for.

CaseStudyQB on Twitter: "ABC - 4/15/2020 - #TheView - @aoc answering the question "Who would you like to see has Joe Biden's VP?" https://t.co/yHsfvxOM5f" / Twitter
A woman, especially a nonwhite woman, would be good, but she wants a progressive one, as a "counterbalance" to JB himself.

Is it appropriate to kiss one's granddaughter full on the lips? By the living lord RA, one could have some incestuous thoughts about those images!

Apparently you did.

I did what? For a start I'm not a pedo, neither would i ever contemplate such a thing as more than peck on the cheek let alone a full kiss on the mouth like Creepy is doing in those images! By the way. Tara Reade isn't going away anytime soon either.
NowThis on Twitter: "Sen. @BernieSanders joined @IamCardiB for a frank conversation about why he endorsed Joe Biden and how the country can heal during COVID-19 https://t.co/P3XDBCqSph" / Twitter - nice little bit.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Bernie Sanders Campaign Suspension and Joe Biden Support | The View - YouTube
AOC was asked about voting third party, and she responded that it will be either Trump or Biden who will get elected President, meaning that a third-party candidate has no chance to win. She didn't get into the question of whether third-party candidates would be spoilers.

Republicans who don’t like Trump have no excuses: Endorse Biden - The Washington Post by Max Boot
“When somebody is the president of the United States,” President Trump said on Monday, “the authority is total.”

It is hard to imagine a better one-sentence encapsulation of why he must be defeated. Trump’s failures have made us the world capital of the coronavirus, with more than three times as many deaths in New York City (pop. 8.3 million) as in all of Germany (pop. 83 million). Having dodged responsibility for fighting the coronavirus (“I don’t take responsibility at all”), Trump now claims dictatorial powers to determine when social distancing ends. If he wins another term, he is likely to put not only a lot of Americans but also American democracy itself into the ICU.
MB thinks that it would be hard to choose between Trump and BS, but JB is a much easier choice for him.
Trump would like to depict the election as border security vs. open borders, capitalism vs. socialism, prosperity vs. economic ruin. But that will be hard to do now that the economy is already ruined and the Democratic nominee is no socialist. Biden’s pending nomination brings the real choice into stark relief: competence vs. incompetence, facts vs. conspiracy theories, moderation vs. extremism, inclusion vs. division, empathy vs. narcissism.

... We need to hear from the great and the good of what remains of the pre-Trump GOP
The whole "Biden kisses his granddaughter on the lips, oh creepy" thing doesn't make much sense to me. All my grandparents always kissed me on the lips. So do my aunts, and my mom, and my dad, and my sister. I'm guessing it's regional culture?

I think you're right. I have been trying to remember if my grandfather ever kissed us on the lips, but he's been dead for over 50 years so I really don't remember. But, I agree with you. At least in times past, it wasn't considered weird or creepy for grandfathers and dads to kiss their grandchildren on the lips. Modern society has gotten really weird about what is considered affection and what is considered sexual.

But, of course, it's hypocritical when Trump supporters keep making an issue of Biden kissing his grandkids on the mouth or hugging women, while Trump not only kisses his daughter on the mouth, while fantasizing about dating her, but he also openly states that he can grab women by their pussies. It's pretty obvious that Trump thinks it's okay for him to sexually assault women, and Trump supporters seem to think that's perfectly okay for their cult leader to sexually assault and demean women.

I have never understood how any woman can support this horrible, sexist, dangerous man.

Is it appropriate to kiss one's granddaughter full on the lips? By the living lord RA, one could have some incestuous thoughts about those images!

Apparently you did.

I did what? For a start I'm not a pedo, neither would i ever contemplate such a thing as more than peck on the cheek let alone a full kiss on the mouth like Creepy is doing in those images! By the way. Tara Reade isn't going away anytime soon either.

You're the one that first brought up "incestuous thoughts". Obviously you thought of it. You would make Freud proud.

I'm not a pedo

That has yet to be proven.
First JB and now BO is having a lovefest with BS. What's going on here?
Trying to keep Bernie's supporters engaged, and win them over. There's some concern that a portion of Bernie's supporters are so rabidly "Bernie or Bust" that they won't vote for Biden come November.
There's a million of these out there.

All clearly fake. Unlike Trump supporters, none of us are brain dead morons. What isn't fake:


It's never going to go away angelo. Trump will, but his words and actions won't.

You are peddling fake news to support a grossly incompetent amoral sociopath that wouldn't use you as a cum rag.

Good choice! :slowclap:
So even in Trump's own commercials, they have the sense to not let the man open his mouth and reveal what an idiot he is. Interesting.
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