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Democrats 2020

The NRA is a great organization whose main goal is to teach gun safety, and wants the politicians and law enforcement to enforce the laws that are already on the books.
Hey now. I'm pretty full on pro-2Am, but the NRA is a pretty egregious fear-mongering lobbyist group. There are other organizations out there that are a lot more worthwhile than the NRA.
The NRA is a great organization whose main goal is to teach gun safety, and wants the politicians and law enforcement to enforce the laws that are already on the books.
Hey now. I'm pretty full on pro-2Am, but the NRA is a pretty egregious fear-mongering lobbyist group. There are other organizations out there that are a lot more worthwhile than the NRA.

Um angelo doesn't have a fucking clue who the NRA or what it does. What your quoting is directly from the article he posted. It's kinda his shtick. No real opinions just ctrl-c/ctrl-v. If angelo knew anything about the NRA it would be from this debacle.
The NRA is a great organization whose main goal is to teach gun safety, and wants the politicians and law enforcement to enforce the laws that are already on the books.
Hey now. I'm pretty full on pro-2Am, but the NRA is a pretty egregious fear-mongering lobbyist group. There are other organizations out there that are a lot more worthwhile than the NRA.

Um angelo doesn't have a fucking clue who the NRA or what it does. What your quoting is directly from the article he posted. It's kinda his shtick. No real opinions just ctrl-c/ctrl-v. If angelo knew anything about the NRA it would be from this debacle.

To add to that. Here's more of copy and paste that is completely ignored because of the Dracula effect. Even if just 10% of it is correct and the other 90% is just rightists garbage, according to the leftists sheeple here who place their leftists agenda way above what's pro America and it's citizens.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Joe Biden has been chasing women all his life. The lucky ones were able to run for it. The unlucky ones had to stand up on the stage while he kissed them, sniffed their hair, or groped them in front of their husbands and fathers. And they had to keep quiet so as not to ruin their chances in politics.

Shyness has never been one of Joe’s problems. He tracked down his current wife, a college senior, after he saw a modeling photo of her on a bus shelter. He became infamous for swimming nude in front of female secret service agents. But at 77, he has never needed women as much as he does now.

60% of the Democrat electorate is female. Many of them are black.

That’s why everyone who is anyone in politics is telling Biden to find a black woman. Or a woman. And back in the gloomy Bidenbunker in Wilmington where the crooked hack sits in his basement rec room, taping a confused podcast and rambling on CNN, there are entire binders full of women for Joe.

The media has been happy to play political dating service for the creepy guy in the basement.

"Joe Biden said he would pick a woman VP," the Boston Globe's op-ed section clamors. "Stacey Abrams should be that woman."

"Why Joe Biden should pick one of these two black women as his vice president," the Daily Beast belabors.
Um angelo doesn't have a fucking clue who the NRA or what it does. What your quoting is directly from the article he posted. It's kinda his shtick. No real opinions just ctrl-c/ctrl-v. If angelo knew anything about the NRA it would be from this debacle.

To add to that. Here's more of copy and paste that is completely ignored because of the Dracula effect. Even if just 10% of it is correct and the other 90% is just rightists garbage, according to the leftists sheeple here who place their leftists agenda way above what's pro America and it's citizens.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
Yeah... when a "think" tank calls itself the "Freedom Center", I immediately think of things like "The Ministry of Truth".

A: You can trust me.
B: Why?
A: I work at the Freedom Center.
B: Well, I can't possibly see any compensation there.

That’s why everyone who is anyone in politics is telling Biden to find a black woman. Or a woman. And back in the gloomy Bidenbunker in Wilmington where the crooked hack sits in his basement rec room, taping a confused podcast and rambling on CNN, there are entire binders full of women for Joe.
That was Romney.
Yeah... when a "think" tank calls itself the "Freedom Center", I immediately think of things like "The Ministry of Truth".

A: You can trust me.
B: Why?
A: I work at the Freedom Center.
B: Well, I can't possibly see any compensation there.

Mind you, being a Shillman Journalism Fellow seems like an apt title for being a partisan whore. Also, both the Freedom Center and Frontpagemag are owned by well known racist David Horowitz, so basically it's one big circle jerk for bigots. Write for one hate site, claim to be a fellow for another hate site and hope the average reader is too fucking stupid to connect the dots.
60% of the Democrat electorate is female.

Which is precisely why the Trump strategy is to try to paint Biden with Trump's despicable brush. Democrats are the only ones who care about mistreatment of women. Trump supporters are basically date rapists and closet date rapist-wannabe's at best.

Hence the deeply hypocritical "creepy Joe" meme as their only possible way to beat Biden, outside of cheating and colluding again with Russia, of course.
Yeah... when a "think" tank calls itself the "Freedom Center", I immediately think of things like "The Ministry of Truth".

A: You can trust me.
B: Why?
A: I work at the Freedom Center.
B: Well, I can't possibly see any compensation there.

That’s why everyone who is anyone in politics is telling Biden to find a black woman. Or a woman. And back in the gloomy Bidenbunker in Wilmington where the crooked hack sits in his basement rec room, taping a confused podcast and rambling on CNN, there are entire binders full of women for Joe.
That was Romney.

You would most certainly have another opinion if it was called CNN instead right?
A lesson on Lyndon Johnson for progressives by Neera Tanden
He was a vice president of a charismatic president adored by liberals. He had a long record in the Senate, with a history of savvy deal-making that was seen as an asset to a less experienced younger president, a newcomer to Washington. And as he ran for the presidency in his own right, he was distrusted by a left newly ascendant in their party. That distrust was born of a record on race that seemed anachronistic to a younger generation.

That description of Lyndon Johnson could easily be used for Joe Biden. And in that symmetry is a lesson for liberals. Because as president, Johnson would have the most effective progressive record on race and class of any Democratic president in the past 80 years. The foundational principles of modern liberalism — civil rights and greater economic equality — took further strides during Johnson’s presidency than any since the New Deal. But ironically enough, as he assumed power and ran on his own for the presidency, his presidency was feared by liberals.
Thus saying JFK ~ Barack Obama and LBJ ~ Joe Biden.
A lesson on Lyndon Johnson for progressives by Neera Tanden
He was a vice president of a charismatic president adored by liberals. He had a long record in the Senate, with a history of savvy deal-making that was seen as an asset to a less experienced younger president, a newcomer to Washington. And as he ran for the presidency in his own right, he was distrusted by a left newly ascendant in their party. That distrust was born of a record on race that seemed anachronistic to a younger generation.

That description of Lyndon Johnson could easily be used for Joe Biden. And in that symmetry is a lesson for liberals. Because as president, Johnson would have the most effective progressive record on race and class of any Democratic president in the past 80 years. The foundational principles of modern liberalism — civil rights and greater economic equality — took further strides during Johnson’s presidency than any since the New Deal. But ironically enough, as he assumed power and ran on his own for the presidency, his presidency was feared by liberals.
Thus saying JFK ~ Barack Obama and LBJ ~ Joe Biden.

LBJ also had the fortitude to not nominate for the forthcoming election back then, because of stuff up of the Vietnam war. He thought it would be better to let someone else handle something he realised he couldn't.
Here you all were thinking Obongo was the best ever President. A poll shows he was most probably the worst to inhabit the WH since WW2 .


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You have posted far too much for me to stay interested, BUT, in your opener you say the poll demonstrates that Obama was "probably" the worst. Then you cite a poll of "Americans", which I take to mean a fairly broad sample -- and the finding is THIRTY-THREE PERCENT picking Obama as worst. Now, that may be a plurality, but the fact is, 33% is the percent commonly assessed as out-and-out Trump loyalists. That's his base. Those are the MAGA hats behind him as he rants. So here's what you're saying: Trump supporters despise Obama. Sweet Fancy Moses, hold the presses. We know Trump don't read no books -- what's your guess about the main body of his bedrock supporters? A crowd that can't recognize a laughably obvious conman who's been lying to the country at least since his Birther phase (2011-2016, if I'm not mistaken) is easy pickins' for a fast-talking carny like Trump.
You have posted far too much for me to stay interested,

Technically, angelo posted four fifths of fuck all. He just copied a wall of text somewhere and considers that to be an argument. Not sure if it's plagiarism or copyright infringement, but it definitely shows an inability to think for oneself.
You have posted far too much for me to stay interested, BUT, in your opener you say the poll demonstrates that Obama was "probably" the worst. Then you cite a poll of "Americans", which I take to mean a fairly broad sample -- and the finding is THIRTY-THREE PERCENT picking Obama as worst. Now, that may be a plurality, but the fact is, 33% is the percent commonly assessed as out-and-out Trump loyalists. That's his base. Those are the MAGA hats behind him as he rants. So here's what you're saying: Trump supporters despise Obama. Sweet Fancy Moses, hold the presses. We know Trump don't read no books -- what's your guess about the main body of his bedrock supporters? A crowd that can't recognize a laughably obvious conman who's been lying to the country at least since his Birther phase (2011-2016, if I'm not mistaken) is easy pickins' for a fast-talking carny like Trump.

Angelo's point is (again) that there are a lot of really stupid people in the USA.
Despite his wall-o-bullshit, the truth is easily available:


"based on surveys of academic historians and political scientists or popular opinion. The rankings focus on presidential achievements, leadership qualities, failures and faults"

Obama is in the first or second quartile in every category.
Trump is in the fourth quartile in every category.

The last one to rank that badly was Harding.
You have posted far too much for me to stay interested,

Technically, angelo posted four fifths of fuck all. He just copied a wall of text somewhere and considers that to be an argument. Not sure if it's plagiarism or copyright infringement, but it definitely shows an inability to think for oneself.

He C&P'ed the entire quinnipiac page. I've removed it for copyright violation.
Here you all were thinking Obongo was the best ever President. A [2014 Quinnipiac] poll shows he was most probably the worst to inhabit the WH since WW2.


Donald Trump is the worst of the 13 presidents who have served since the end of World War II, 41 percent of American voters say... Looking at the best president since 1945, 28 percent say Ronald Reagan. Another 24 percent list Barack Obama, with 10 percent each for Bill Clinton and John Kennedy.

Here you all were thinking Obongo was the best ever President. A [2014 Quinnipiac] poll shows he was most probably the worst to inhabit the WH since WW2.


Donald Trump is the worst of the 13 presidents who have served since the end of World War II, 41 percent of American voters say... Looking at the best president since 1945, 28 percent say Ronald Reagan. Another 24 percent list Barack Obama, with 10 percent each for Bill Clinton and John Kennedy.


I am curious, angelo - and really hoping for an answer. Do you feel at all embarrassed for making this claim that is completely untrue? Or are you so unaware of the facts that you really thought it was true? And if that’s the case, are you embarrassed now about how wrong you were?

I mean, this is so unequivocally false, so firmly supported by data that SURELY you realize now that you really stepped in it.

I am genuinely curious - are you aware? Are you a little embarrassed? Or are you proud to continue to spout something that you now know is quite false?
You have posted far too much for me to stay interested, BUT, in your opener you say the poll demonstrates that Obama was "probably" the worst. Then you cite a poll of "Americans", which I take to mean a fairly broad sample -- and the finding is THIRTY-THREE PERCENT picking Obama as worst. Now, that may be a plurality, but the fact is, 33% is the percent commonly assessed as out-and-out Trump loyalists. That's his base. Those are the MAGA hats behind him as he rants. So here's what you're saying: Trump supporters despise Obama. Sweet Fancy Moses, hold the presses. We know Trump don't read no books -- what's your guess about the main body of his bedrock supporters? A crowd that can't recognize a laughably obvious conman who's been lying to the country at least since his Birther phase (2011-2016, if I'm not mistaken) is easy pickins' for a fast-talking carny like Trump.

Angelo's point is (again) that there are a lot of really stupid people in the USA.
Despite his wall-o-bullshit, the truth is easily available:


"based on surveys of academic historians and political scientists or popular opinion. The rankings focus on presidential achievements, leadership qualities, failures and faults"

Obama is in the first or second quartile in every category.
Trump is in the fourth quartile in every category.

The last one to rank that badly was Harding.

In that Gallop poll Obongo is hardly sighted as compared to Reagan. what was it, 19% to a measly 7%?
Elixir's link with the "wiki" tag:  Historical rankings of presidents of the United States

Trump is way down there, either the worst ever or close to the worst ever. In the Siena Expert Poll of 2018, Trump is one of the worst ever in everything about his administration with two exceptions: willingness to take risks (worse than average, but not very bad), and luck (good). It seems like the latter will have to be pushed down a lot.

How Trump would fit into a broader picture of history we can guess from political scientist Steven Skowronek's work. He proposes that there are four types of presidencies (type, the dominant party's status, the president's party)
  • Reconstruction: dominant party vulnerable, president in opposition party
  • Disjunction: dominant party vulnerable, president in dominant party
  • Preemption: dominant party resilient, president in opposition party
  • Articulation: dominant party resilient, president in dominant party
Recent eras:
  • FDR: Rec, Truman: Art, Eisenhower: Pre, JFK: Art, LBJ: Art, Nixon: Pre, Ford: Pre, Carter: Dis
  • Reagan: Rec, Bush I: Art, Clinton: Pre, Bush II: Art, Obama: Pre, Trump: ?
An era begins with a reconstructive president (Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, FDR, Reagan) and ends with a disjunctive president (JQ Adams, Buchanan, Hoover, Carter). Reconstructive presidents are typically remembered as very good presidents. They usually serve two terms and their successor is usually in their party, often their vice president. Disjunctive presidents are typically remembered as very bad presidents, with poor handling of crises in their presidency.

Though Trump supporters would prefer to believe that he is a reconstructive president, he looks more like a disjunctive president: a bad leader and one unable to cope with a big crisis.

Joe Biden will likely succeed him, but because of his age, I doubt that he would be very good at being a reconstructive president. But if he has a good vice president, than he (or she!) might do much of the work.
Joe Biden will likely succeed him

I dunno, a third of Americans are Trumptards. And say what you will about them, they are pretty motivated. I can't think of anyone enthusiastic about Biden.

This is starting to look like a rehash of the 2004 election. Kerry ran on a campaign that he wasn't Bush. Biden's biggest selling point is that he isn't Trump. The right worked overtime in swiftboating Kerry as a fake veteran despite Bush Jnr being the chickenhawk. In 2020, the right are trying to portray Biden as the creepy one despite Trump being the biggest sex offender to hold the office of President(and there is some serious competition for that title). The Democrats are running with the safest, most uninspiring candidate available and the Republicans are projecting the failings of their candidate onto their opponent. It's the exact same election. Hopefully, I'm wrong.
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