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Democrats 2020

I just unsubscribed from Warren's emails. She's not my first choice and I'm really tired of getting constantly begged for money from politicians. I gave to Stacey Abrams because I was a strong supporter but Stacey keeps asking me for money too. Give it a rest. I love Stacey but don't think she wants or is ready to run for president.

I have no idea who my first choice is right now. There is plenty of time to decide. I hope the field narrows quite a bit before the primary season. When you have too many candidates, you are likely to end up with the kookiest populist. That, imo, is how the Republicans ended up with Trump.

The need for money is a problem of the system these candidates are forced to contend with.

Every candidate is surrounded by a huge fund raising staff.

Give a little money to any of them.

You will get constant emails from that second forward.
Her actually taking the DNA test and publishing the results shows just how easily she is provoked by Trump. She's going to be falling all over herself to keep up with his taunts.

The memes practically write themselves.
People are tired of the Trump show.

For most the more you know him the less you like him.
Her actually taking the DNA test and publishing the results shows just how easily she is provoked by Trump. She's going to be falling all over herself to keep up with his taunts.

The memes practically write themselves.

Her DNA test was just a disaster. I'm not a Warren fan. To me, she is so negative. So angry. Dems have a right to be angry at Trump and the republicans. But anger isn't going to motivate moderates and former Dems to vote democratic. We need someone who is charismatic and inspiring. Some who is positive and can motivate. I'm liking Beto, Harris, or Gillibrand. We need to go younger. We don't need a boring policy wonk!
Her actually taking the DNA test and publishing the results shows just how easily she is provoked by Trump. She's going to be falling all over herself to keep up with his taunts.

The memes practically write themselves.

Her DNA test was just a disaster. I'm not a Warren fan. To me, she is so negative. So angry. Dems have a right to be angry at Trump and the republicans. But anger isn't going to motivate moderates and former Dems to vote democratic. We need someone who is charismatic and inspiring. Some who is positive and can motivate. I'm liking Beto, Harris, or Gillibrand. We need to go younger. We don't need a boring policy wonk!

I find Beto O'Rourke and Kirsten Gillibrand too lightweight for my liking, but I do see Harris as a more substantive candidate. I was very disappointed in Warren's DNA test tactic. I can understand why she did it, but it turned out to be something of a political disaster. I'm not quite sure what she expected. You can't humiliate someone with no sense of shame or responsibility. However, I still like Warren for her potential to get things done. She is a policy wonk, which I like. And maybe she has learned that it is futile to try to beat Trump at Twitter wars. So I haven't been turned off to her candidacy in the same way that I have with O'Rourke's and Gillibrand's. I just hope that she can learn not to get distracted by Trump's antics.
Her actually taking the DNA test and publishing the results shows just how easily she is provoked by Trump. She's going to be falling all over herself to keep up with his taunts.

The memes practically write themselves.

Her DNA test was just a disaster. I'm not a Warren fan. To me, she is so negative. So angry. Dems have a right to be angry at Trump and the republicans. But anger isn't going to motivate moderates and former Dems to vote democratic. We need someone who is charismatic and inspiring. Some who is positive and can motivate. I'm liking Beto, Harris, or Gillibrand. We need to go younger. We don't need a boring policy wonk!

I find Beto O'Rourke and Kirsten Gillibrand too lightweight for my liking, but I do see Harris as a more substantive candidate. I was very disappointed in Warren's DNA test tactic. I can understand why she did it, but it turned out to be something of a political disaster. I'm not quite sure what she expected. You can't humiliate someone with no sense of shame or responsibility. However, I still like Warren for her potential to get things done. She is a policy wonk, which I like. And maybe she has learned that it is futile to try to beat Trump at Twitter wars. So I haven't been turned off to her candidacy in the same way that I have with O'Rourke's and Gillibrand's. I just hope that she can learn not to get distracted by Trump's antics.

First off, I think that there is great danger in democrats believing that Trump can be easily beaten with any half reasonable candidate. I can't tell you how many times I've heard that Trump is so terrible that anyone can beat him. It just isn't true. The problem with Warren is that she only appeals to a very small segment of people in the US. She appeals to some people in the NE who hates banks. Moderates aren't going to vote for her. Many liberals won't be motivated by her. As an example, in her own senate race, she won by a 24 point margin. That sounds great! However, an average democratic person in the same year would have won by 36 points (see link below)! At the same time, Klobuchar and Brown outperformed the baseline by 13 and 12 points.


I think that the dems should concentrate on finding the best candidate who can win. Then maybe put Warren in a cabinet position. Warren can do a lot of good. But I think that her negative personality just turns off too many people...
I find Beto O'Rourke and Kirsten Gillibrand too lightweight for my liking, but I do see Harris as a more substantive candidate. I was very disappointed in Warren's DNA test tactic. I can understand why she did it, but it turned out to be something of a political disaster. I'm not quite sure what she expected. You can't humiliate someone with no sense of shame or responsibility. However, I still like Warren for her potential to get things done. She is a policy wonk, which I like. And maybe she has learned that it is futile to try to beat Trump at Twitter wars. So I haven't been turned off to her candidacy in the same way that I have with O'Rourke's and Gillibrand's. I just hope that she can learn not to get distracted by Trump's antics.

First off, I think that there is great danger in democrats believing that Trump can be easily beaten with any half reasonable candidate.
The mid terms say when the nation turns out, it votes Democrat.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard that Trump is so terrible that anyone can beat him. It just isn't true.
History tells us this quite clearly.
The problem with Warren is that she only appeals to a very small segment of people in the US. She appeals to some people in the NE who hates banks. Moderates aren't going to vote for her. Many liberals won't be motivated by her. As an example, in her own senate race, she won by a 24 point margin.
I don't even really know who she is... other than she is "Elizabeth Warren".
That sounds great! However, an average democratic person in the same year would have won by 36 points (see link below)! At the same time, Klobuchar and Brown outperformed the baseline by 13 and 12 points.


I think that the dems should concentrate on finding the best candidate who can win. Then maybe put Warren in a cabinet position. Warren can do a lot of good. But I think that her negative personality just turns off too many people...
It isn't Sanders or Biden or Warren. However, these wings can help to unite into a single final candidate.
I find Beto O'Rourke and Kirsten Gillibrand too lightweight for my liking, but I do see Harris as a more substantive candidate. I was very disappointed in Warren's DNA test tactic. I can understand why she did it, but it turned out to be something of a political disaster. I'm not quite sure what she expected. You can't humiliate someone with no sense of shame or responsibility. However, I still like Warren for her potential to get things done. She is a policy wonk, which I like. And maybe she has learned that it is futile to try to beat Trump at Twitter wars. So I haven't been turned off to her candidacy in the same way that I have with O'Rourke's and Gillibrand's. I just hope that she can learn not to get distracted by Trump's antics.

First off, I think that there is great danger in democrats believing that Trump can be easily beaten with any half reasonable candidate. I can't tell you how many times I've heard that Trump is so terrible that anyone can beat him. It just isn't true. The problem with Warren is that she only appeals to a very small segment of people in the US. She appeals to some people in the NE who hates banks. Moderates aren't going to vote for her. Many liberals won't be motivated by her. As an example, in her own senate race, she won by a 24 point margin. That sounds great! However, an average democratic person in the same year would have won by 36 points (see link below)! At the same time, Klobuchar and Brown outperformed the baseline by 13 and 12 points.


I think that the dems should concentrate on finding the best candidate who can win. Then maybe put Warren in a cabinet position. Warren can do a lot of good. But I think that her negative personality just turns off too many people...

At this point, I think that you are way overstating Trump's electability. He did not even win the popular vote in 2016, and he is now extremely well known to the public. His popularity tanked shortly after he took office, and it has stayed well below water since then. The midterm elections were largely a referendum on his presidency. He made sure of that. And the result was a truly historic blue wave that wiped out Republican control of the House. Democrats did not retake the Senate, but they had the worst odds of doing so since the ratification of the Constitution. In 2020, Republicans will be at a disadvantage to retain the senate, and those races will have an impact on the presidential race. Even Hillary Clinton could probably beat Trump. Note that I am not saying a Trump victory is impossible, just highly unlikely.

As for that CNN piece, I would actually like to see Klobuchar and Brown compete for the nomination. Both would likely have an easier time than Warren of winning the general election. However, neither would turn out the Democratic base as well as Warren would. They are too moderate. Klobuchar has a reputation for being too cautious and understated. Brown is too wedded to old style Democratic labor politics in an era when labor unions have lost much of their former election clout. Warren would probably be a better choice. If she managed to win the nomination, I suspect that she would be able to rise above the GOP-flavored buzz that currently shapes her image as some kind of fringe leftist looney. And Warren can give a good speech in public, not to mention having consumer protection as a popular issue to boost her electability. That said, I actually prefer Kamala Harris over Warren right now. I think that Harris is underrated as a presidential contender.
Some white guy with Kamala Harris as VP... i would hardly matter who the white guy is, as long as Trump was running.
Personally I give him only about a 35% chance of being on the Republican ticket.
Some white guy with Kamala Harris as VP... i would hardly matter who the white guy is, as long as Trump was running.
Personally I give him only about a 35% chance of being on the Republican ticket.

I incorrectly predicted he wouldn't make it last time around. So did many people. I am now skeptical about predictions about how he will certainly not win.
Some white guy with Kamala Harris as VP... i would hardly matter who the white guy is, as long as Trump was running.
Personally I give him only about a 35% chance of being on the Republican ticket.

Ah, an optimist!

His party still backs him on nearly everything he does; you think they won't back his bid for re-election? He is still doing everything the Party wants him to, while standing as an untarnished icon of white nationalism to his supporters. They don't really care about economics/foreign policy, etc; your average Trump voter has very little understanding of those things. Every time a Mexican child dies on the television, far right-wing support for his regime intensifies.
Some white guy with Kamala Harris as VP... i would hardly matter who the white guy is, as long as Trump was running.
Personally I give him only about a 35% chance of being on the Republican ticket.

I think that it's a mistake to bring identity politics into a preference for a candidate, but I don't think that a white guy would be all that helpful to Democrats from a visceral perspective. Much of the Democratic base is made up of racial and cultural minorities, who are more attracted to vote for candidates that seem to support issues that matter to them--e.g. police violence and immigration. Bernie Sanders, for example, did not appear to attract as many votes from minority voters as Hillary Clinton. She fairly consistently beat him in primaries but not caucuses. That was because minorities tended to see her as someone who had been reliable in supporting issues that affected them more directly. Sanders, who had had little experience in dealing with a minority constituency, was more challenged in motivating minority voters. The Democrats who showed up at caucuses, as opposed to the polling booth, tended to be more ideologically motivated young and suburban white voters.
Some white guy with Kamala Harris as VP... i would hardly matter who the white guy is, as long as Trump was running.
Personally I give him only about a 35% chance of being on the Republican ticket.

I think that it's a mistake to bring identity politics into a preference for a candidate, but I don't think that a white guy would be all that helpful to Democrats from a visceral perspective. Much of the Democratic base is made up of racial and cultural minorities, who are more attracted to vote for candidates that seem to support issues that matter to them--e.g. police violence and immigration. Bernie Sanders, for example, did not appear to attract as many votes from minority voters as Hillary Clinton. She fairly consistently beat him in primaries but not caucuses. That was because minorities tended to see her as someone who had been reliable in supporting issues that affected them more directly. Sanders, who had had little experience in dealing with a minority constituency, was more challenged in motivating minority voters. The Democrats who showed up at caucuses, as opposed to the polling booth, tended to be more ideologically motivated young and suburban white voters.

I should have stipulated "white guy with Harris' agenda". From what I've seen she quite spot on.
It's the Dead Cat principle. At least 30% of the population will vote for a dead cat if it is running under their party label.
Or yellow-dog-ism. After those Southern Democrats who called themselves yellow-dog Democrats because they'd vote for any yellow dog of a politician who happened to be a Democrat.
I find Beto O'Rourke and Kirsten Gillibrand too lightweight for my liking, but I do see Harris as a more substantive candidate. I was very disappointed in Warren's DNA test tactic. I can understand why she did it, but it turned out to be something of a political disaster. I'm not quite sure what she expected. You can't humiliate someone with no sense of shame or responsibility. However, I still like Warren for her potential to get things done. She is a policy wonk, which I like. And maybe she has learned that it is futile to try to beat Trump at Twitter wars. So I haven't been turned off to her candidacy in the same way that I have with O'Rourke's and Gillibrand's. I just hope that she can learn not to get distracted by Trump's antics.

First off, I think that there is great danger in democrats believing that Trump can be easily beaten with any half reasonable candidate. I can't tell you how many times I've heard that Trump is so terrible that anyone can beat him. It just isn't true. The problem with Warren is that she only appeals to a very small segment of people in the US. She appeals to some people in the NE who hates banks. Moderates aren't going to vote for her. Many liberals won't be motivated by her. As an example, in her own senate race, she won by a 24 point margin. That sounds great! However, an average democratic person in the same year would have won by 36 points (see link below)! At the same time, Klobuchar and Brown outperformed the baseline by 13 and 12 points.


I think that the dems should concentrate on finding the best candidate who can win. Then maybe put Warren in a cabinet position. Warren can do a lot of good. But I think that her negative personality just turns off too many people...

At this point, I think that you are way overstating Trump's electability. He did not even win the popular vote in 2016, and he is now extremely well known to the public. His popularity tanked shortly after he took office, and it has stayed well below water since then. The midterm elections were largely a referendum on his presidency. He made sure of that. And the result was a truly historic blue wave that wiped out Republican control of the House. Democrats did not retake the Senate, but they had the worst odds of doing so since the ratification of the Constitution. In 2020, Republicans will be at a disadvantage to retain the senate, and those races will have an impact on the presidential race. Even Hillary Clinton could probably beat Trump. Note that I am not saying a Trump victory is impossible, just highly unlikely.

As for that CNN piece, I would actually like to see Klobuchar and Brown compete for the nomination. Both would likely have an easier time than Warren of winning the general election. However, neither would turn out the Democratic base as well as Warren would. They are too moderate. Klobuchar has a reputation for being too cautious and understated. Brown is too wedded to old style Democratic labor politics in an era when labor unions have lost much of their former election clout. Warren would probably be a better choice. If she managed to win the nomination, I suspect that she would be able to rise above the GOP-flavored buzz that currently shapes her image as some kind of fringe leftist looney. And Warren can give a good speech in public, not to mention having consumer protection as a popular issue to boost her electability. That said, I actually prefer Kamala Harris over Warren right now. I think that Harris is underrated as a presidential contender.

I don't think that Warren is a "fringe leftist looney". But her time was in 2016. I just don't think that she has any new fresh ideas that can motivate people. She is obsessed with going after the big meanie bankers who caused the 2008 recession. Okay. Great. But about fixing the problems that confront people today?
I don't think that Warren is a "fringe leftist looney". But her time was in 2016. I just don't think that she has any new fresh ideas that can motivate people. She is obsessed with going after the big meanie bankers who caused the 2008 recession. Okay. Great. But about fixing the problems that confront people today?

Google is your friend.
Elizabeth Warren is a moderate centrist liberal, a former Republican who is committed to capitalism and supportive of basically anything Israel wants. She gets lumped in with Bernie as somehow being a leftist, but she isn't.
Elizabeth Warren is a moderate centrist liberal, a former Republican who is committed to capitalism and supportive of basically anything Israel wants. She gets lumped in with Bernie as somehow being a leftist, but she isn't.

That's because Bernie is not a "leftist" either.
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